Somnambulist Red

Somnambulist Red

Somnambulist Red creates cinematic soundscapes for the outer reaches of your cortex.


Apologies for the lack of posts lately.
I'm in the frustrating position of waiting on others to finish the new recordings (and awaiting word still on the vinyl edition of Drowned in phosphorescence)...
I hope to have concrete dates for both soon.
Thanks for checking in and be sure to visit our Bandcamp ​page for current/past recordings.
I will be uploading a couple new songs there on Saturday (the first ahead of the forthcoming album, Hauntological love songs from the radiant abyss).


Word has it a test press is on it's way for the vinyl release of 'Drowned in phosphorescence.' Super chuffed. A release date should be forthcoming...


TONEwood Music

Its strange (but great) being mentioned alongside all of these influential heavy hitters (especially John Carpenter, Goblin, Fabio Frizzi, Zombi, etc.)! good article (though i don't know the album title that is next to S. Red but I'm sure it was intended to be Drowned in phosphorescence).

Now this article has been some time in the making. I wanted to examine the influence and appeal of the soundtracks to horror films, resulting in this lengthy piece which includes short interviews with Ustumallagam from Denial Of God and 30 Silver Coins as well as Magnus Sellergren from Call Me Greenhorn and Videogram.

Also included in the article are Somnambulist Red, Slasher Dave, Nightsatan, Zombi as well as mentions of Director John Carpenter, Fabio Frizzi, Claudio Simonetti, Goblin - Claudio Simonetti's, Tangerine Dream - Band and more!


Drowned in Phosphorescence, by Somnambulist Red

Its April 1st and its official: "Drowned in phosphorescence" is out! Listen to the tracks and/or purchase now! This was the last (and best) release of the trio of Darrin Dearing (bass/fx), Jeffrey Mhaghnuis (drums/percussion) and Sean Townsend (guitars, vox, keys, fx). Artwork by the uber-talented Gregg Coffey!

4 track album


It seems appropriate that I'll get to share the long-awaited digital release of "Drowned in phosphorescence" (nearly 3 years) with one of my current favorite singer/songwriters, Chelsea Wolfe. Its even more appropriate that her release, "Hypnos/Flame" 7", is dealing in the same thematic territory (dreams/nightmares)---especially given the fact that my dreams of late have been very strange and resonant well into the following day/s...
Anyway, it happens tomorrow (no joke).


Cathedrals of the spectral viscera, Vol. III, by Somnambulist Red

I'll be uploading new mastered tracks from "Hauntological love songs..." really soon. Meanwhile, enjoy some similarly minimal ambient recordings from a few years back:

7 track album


Drowned in phosphorescence, by Somnambulist Red

I'm simply chuffed to announce that "Drowned in phosphorescence" will finally be available in digital format on April 1st through Wraith Productions. The vinyl release will follow that (release date coming soon).
Meanwhile, I've been toiling away on the mix/mastering final touches for "Hauntological songs from the radiant abyss." I expect it to be completely finished within a month. The release for that will likely be later in the year, however, I'll post a couple finished tracks soon...

4 track album


Somnambulist Red's cover photo


Cathedrals of the spectral viscera, Vol. II, by Somnambulist Red

All Somnambulist Red albums available for free listening at bandcamp. I'll be uploading some finished songs from the new album, "Hauntological love songs from the radiant abyss" soon!

7 track album


Its been another few months of recording (and a couple of shows)...nearly finished with the first disc of the aural triptych, Waveforms. I'm enthused about the results so far. Additionally, the latest communication from Wraith Productions is the long-awaited release of Drowned in Phosphorescence will soon be available in digital format and vinyl!
Also, for those of you in the Pacific NW, Somnambulist Red is performing a special Hallow's Eve set on Orcas this Wednesday the 28th with Onodrim, Fraidy Cat and more! Starts 7:30ish at The Lower Tavern.


Somnambulist Red is now 46 songs into the current recording sessions. The plan is still to divide them into a thematic trilogy (under the overarching title 'Waveforms') when the rest of the pieces are recorded/mixed/mastered. Previews of some new tracks will be posted soon---which we're chuffed to share with you. Although sweeping statements are unnecessary, it can be said truthfully that this is shaping up to be the most haunting collection of songs we've yet done...


Somnambulist Red - Sean Townsend

As promised, some brand new material...this is a raw, unmastered version of a track entitled "Abyssal Waveform I" (not "Sean Townsend" despite what the vid says). More to come soon.
This was shot/edited/uploaded by my friend---and talented (underwater) photographer---Christian Hawes right here on Orcas Island. Enjoy.


SOMNAMBULIST RED – “Birth Throes, Shadows and Serpentine Curves” « METALHEAD

And this (my first Italian review!): (Wraith Productions) Perdonate la divagazione, ma a volte c’è veramente da doversi inventare ogni cosa per poter rendere conto ai lettori di una pubblicazione. Piomba in redazione questo pezzo di oltre tre minuti, accompagnano da note stampa che recitano: “Birth Throes, Shadows and Serpentine Curves…


Birth Throes, Shadows and Serpentine Curves

20 songs recorded so far (many more in process). I'll be sharing some of these soon. In the meanwhile...enjoy this single:

Birth Throes, Shadows and Serpentine Curves Somnambulist Red ℗ 2014 Wraith Productions Released on: 2014-05-13 Music Publisher: # # # # # # # # Auto-generated by ...