SIBO Health Coach

SIBO Health Coach

šŸ„‘ I help women heal from SIBO & feel like themselves again.
šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø 1:1 Coaching, Book a FREE callšŸ‘‡


Iā€™ve been pouring my heart into my coaching business for the past few months...

Building new connectionsā€¦

Having conversations with followers...

Creating valuable content...

Long days filled with coaching calls...

And Iā€™ve loved every bit of it!!

But here's the thingā€”Iā€™ve been performing at my peak, consistently stretching my limits, and it's time for a breather.

The most important lesson Iā€™ve come to understand is that, as hard as it is, taking a break is exactly what we need in order to best show up for others.

A time to rejuvenate & reflect on whatā€™s truly important...

Sometimes, the most healing act is simply taking a moment to rest!

So, for the rest of the week, I am off to the retreat.

Coaches need coaching too, and I am ready for a much-needed tune-up.

I canā€™t wait to learn from .peri, , and team of coaches in this journey.

And I am SO excited for you to meet the transformed Caitlin šŸ’›


Walking along the Seattle waterfront today, I couldn't help but reflect on the journeys of resilience and hope that so many individuals facing SIBO bravely undertake every day.

SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) often brings with it an array of fears that can loom large in one's life...

I deeply understand those fearsā€”fears of symptoms that disrupt daily life, fears of restrictive diets that alter our relationship with food, and fears of the unseen impact on our overall health.

Each step I take resonates with the stories of dozens of remarkable souls I've had the privilege to walk alongside.

Yet, amidst these fears, I've witnessed incredible strength! You, my dear community, are living, breathing testaments to the possibility of full recovery from SIBO.

The fear of symptoms haunting our days and nights, the anxiety about how this might reshape our social connections or careersā€”it's real. But remember, these fears don't define us.

We're defined by our resilience, our determination to find solutions, and our unwavering spirit to push forward, even on the toughest days.

So, to all those facing the uncertainties and fears that come with gut issues like SIBO, know this: You are not alone. Your fears are valid, but they need not define your journey.

Today, I walk with gratitude for the countless warriors who've turned their fears into stepping stones toward recovery and healing!

Let's keep moving forward, step by step, towards a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

Together, we're proof that hope prevails and that a life beyond SIBO's shadows is indeed possible!

Photos from SIBO Health Coach's post 01/12/2023

ā€œWhy do I burp ALL the time?ā€ A question I get asked more than you might think!

Burping might seem like a simple bodily function, but for many dealing with SIBO, it can be a constant companion, indicating underlying issues worth exploringā€¦

A common root cause often lurking behind this is the exploration of stomach acid levels. Yes, that little-known hero in our digestive tract!

Low levels of stomach acid might just be the culprit triggering those incessant burps!

In my work with numerous individuals navigating the complexities of SIBO, I've seen this pattern emerge time and againā€¦

The relationship between stomach acid and burping might not be immediately obvious, but it's a puzzle piece worth examining in the journey towards better gut health!

Why? Because maintaining optimal stomach acid levels is crucial for proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall gut health.

When these levels dip, it can lead to improper breakdown of food, creating an environment that fosters bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines ā€“ a key player in SIBO.

So, if burping has become a frequent visitor in your daily routine alongside your SIBO journey, it might be worth exploring the state of your stomach acid levels!

Remember, each person's journey with SIBO is unique, and finding the right solution requires patience, understanding, and often a bit of detective work!

With the right guidance that addresses the complete picture of health history, supportive nutrition, and lifestyle changes, you can unlock the door to better gut health and a happier, more comfortable life!

If this is you, letā€™s get in touch!

Message me or comment ā€œHEALā€ below for more info šŸ‘‡


SIBO sucks! There, I said it.

And you know what might even suck more than SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) itself? The double-whammy of feeling awful AND not having a clue why. šŸ˜­

"Why did this happen?"
"What on earth is my body doing??"
"How can I prevent relapses once I treat my SIBO?"
"When can I eat my favorite foods again?"
"How do I go back to normal?"

If you're nodding along, you're not alone. My clients often wrestle with these questions daily.

So, you turn to the web...
Facebook groups

But it ends up leaving you more bewildered than before. šŸ¤”

Enter: Your SIBO Root Cause Guide!

Creating this guide had two big goals:
1. To help you grasp what's going on inside your body (and maybe offer a little kindness to your hard-working bod)
2. To provide a roadmap for your healing journey

Drop me a message with ROOT for my guide, and I'll reach out to you! Let's get to the root cause of your SIBO together.

DM me or comment ā€˜ROOTā€™ below for the guide! šŸ“š

- Caitlin | SIBO Health Coach


In the high-intensity world of tech, dealing with SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) symptoms can be a daunting, seemingly impossible challenge.

Before our coaching sessions, Alyson faced relentless bloating, discomfort, and brain fog that disrupted her work routine...

It pained me to see her taking days off, struggling with the toll it took on both her physical and mental well-being.

Her hesitation toward social gatherings, avoiding important team lunches or after-work events, and lackluster daily physical state had a noticeable impact on her professional performance.

Our collaborative work brought about a transformative change, and Alyson's meticulous dedication to the process was remarkable!

Witnessing her experience a substantial reduction in gas, burping, bloating, and pain was immensely gratifying.

This progress allowed her to refocus her energy on her tech career without the limitations that once held her back.

She reengaged with colleagues, attended social events confidently, and regained her stride professionally.

Alyson's determination and commitment were the cornerstones of her success. It's been an honor to guide her toward a healthier lifestyle that aligns with her demanding career.

Her improved health has paved the way for a more promising trajectory, not only in her professional endeavors but also in her overall well-being.

Alyson's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the impact of personalized SIBO gut health coaching in navigating the challenges of a high-pressure industry.

Are you going through something similar? Iā€™d love to connect with you to see how I can best support you towards getting back into health and balance.

DM me or comment ā€˜HEALā€™ and Iā€™ll reach out to you!

- Caitlin | SIBO & Gut Health Coach


Can you relate to any of these common SIBO food challenges??

Facing SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) can bring a whirlwind of food challenges that many of us can relate to.

From decoding triggers to navigating overwhelming food labels, the journey is filled with uncertainties. These are a few that I see most often with my clients:

1. Confusion over food triggers
2. Anxiety when eating out
3. Feeling let down by a body that seems broken
4. Overwhelmed by complex food labels
5. Repeatedly explaining your dietary needs
6. Skipping meals to dodge symptoms

Know this: You're not alone in this journey! It's okay to feel the weight of these challenges, but it's also possible to find relief.

With the right strategy, becoming symptom-free is absolutely within reach!

If any of these resonate with you or if you're facing other food-related struggles, drop a message or comment 'HEAL' below.

Let's connect and explore ways to navigate these challenges together. Your journey towards wellness is worth every step.

DM me or comment ā€˜HEALā€™ and Iā€™ll reach out to you! šŸ’›


This weekend was all about that trail running life and activating the mind-body connection!

Ventured out for a 12-mile run through the stunning trails of Squak Mountain in the Issaquah foothills. The golden leaves were falling around us, making it an absolutely picturesque scene.

What made it even better? Running alongside my husband Erik and our coltriever, Odin!

Seriously, this pup is a trail-running champ! He was zooming down the trails, keeping pace effortlessly.

Post-run reward was well-deserved: indulged in a hearty Chipotle bowl and coupled it with a tall flat white from Starbucks.

The crisp PNW air and the breathtaking views made it an unforgettable day on the trails!

A reminder that itā€™s so essential to prioritize our health while helping others. It can often be a challenge, but remembering to take care of ourselves along the way is key.

Here's to more adventures and mindful self-care like this! šŸ’š

Photos from SIBO Health Coach's post 24/11/2023

Have you ever considered a 100% natural approach to healing your gut from SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)?

Embarking on a journey towards healing your gut from SIBO naturally involves a roadmap designed around a holistic approach that seeks to restore balance and vitality to your digestive system!

Phase 1: Root Cause - Holistic Assessment to Find Root Cause
Understanding the intricate web of factors contributing to SIBO begins with a comprehensive and holistic assessment. Delving deep to unearth the root cause is key to tailoring a personalized plan!

Phase 2: Remove - Individual Plan to Remove Triggers & Optimize Nutrition
Crafting an individualized plan involves identifying and eliminating triggers while optimizing nutrition. By removing the elements that exacerbate SIBO and adopting nourishing nutrition that supports you, we pave the way for healing!

Phase 3: Replace - Personal Plan of Healing Supplements to Eliminate SIBO
The right, targeted supplements often play a role in the journey to eliminate SIBO. A personalized plan, curated to address deficiencies and aid in eradicating SIBO, forms the cornerstone of this phase!

Phase 4: Repair - Getting Setup for Long-Term Success!
Healing your gut extends beyond eradicating SIBO; it involves restoring and repairing. Focusing on healing the gut lining and de-stressing your biome sets the stage for long-term success and lasting wellness!

This holistic approach aims not just to alleviate symptoms but to transform your gut health, providing the groundwork for a resilient and thriving digestive system!

If you're ready to embark on this transformative journey, embracing the 4-steps to heal your gut from SIBO naturally, I'm here to guide and support you every step of the way.

DM me with the word 'HEAL' to learn more about how you can heal too! šŸ’š


Did you know that spending time in nature isn't just refreshing for the soul, but it can work wonders for your physical well-being too?

Research shows that connecting with nature helps decrease stress levels, offering a much-needed reset for our overworked minds.

The calming effect of green spaces, the rustle of leaves, or the sound of flowing water can soothe our nerves, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

But here's something incredible: Nature's impact goes beyond stress relief...

Did you know it can actually benefit our gut health and digestion? Yup, that's right!

Spending time outdoors helps regulate our nervous system, and that's where the magic happensā€”through the vagus nerve, linking our gut and brain in what's called the gut-brain axis.

This connection between our brain and gut plays a crucial role in our overall health. When we're relaxed and less stressed, our vagus nerve functions better, aiding digestion and improving our gut health.

So, that leisurely walk in the park or a hike in the mountains? They're not just refreshing experiencesā€”they're like a loving massage for our nervous system!

Next time you're feeling overwhelmed or need a break, consider stepping outside and immersing yourself in nature's embrace.

Your mind, body, and gut will thank you for it! šŸ’š

- Caitlin | SIBO Health Coach

Photos from SIBO Health Coach's post 17/11/2023

Let me make ONE thing clearā€¦

Just because bloating is common does not mean it is normal.

Important note: Itā€™s normal for your stomach to be more full, expanded, after eating. Being full after eating is completely different than being bloated. Being full does NOT = bloating.

& sure you might not be as ā€œflatā€ as you wake up in the morning by the end of the day either but you shouldnā€™t be BLOATED.

& yes, there are instances where bloating can be more ā€œexpectedā€ & nothing to stress about such as eating foods youā€™re not used to, eating a huge plate of raw veggies, on your periodā€¦

But your bloating shouldnā€™t be happening on a daily basis, be painful + uncomfortableā€¦

So the question isā€¦

Can you say 'yes that sounds like meā€ to any of the 6 signs listed in my post above?

If so, thatā€™s totally okay.

Please donā€™t stress about it because you can & will 100% overcome it!

P.S...the good news for you? Iā€™m here to help you every step of the way!

Itā€™s all waiting for you.

DM me ā€œREADYā€ for more on how you can get started! šŸ’›

- Caitlin


Are dietary restrictions challenging during the holidays? Absolutely!

Is it tough for your loved ones to cook for you, causing frustration on both ends? I completely understand!

Holidays pose significant challenges for SIBO warriors. Navigating through travel, events, and grand holiday feasts can be uncertain, potentially leading to bloating or an immediate flare-up!

Let's simplify this by sharing a comprehensive guide with recipes and food lists. This way, your family can confidently prepare meals that suit your dietary needs!

āž”ļø Comment ā€œGUIDEā€ below, and I'll send you my free comprehensive SIBO-friendly recipe guide šŸ“ and a customized printable grocery/food list! This resource will assist your family in understanding what you CAN and CANNOT eat.

Having a readily available list of permissible foods streamlines cooking and preparation immensely!

šŸ‘‰ Comment ā€œGUIDEā€ below to receive my FREE SIBO-friendly recipe guide šŸ“ with a tailored grocery list of permissible items!

āœ… Share the grocery list now to garner their support!
āœ… Focus on adding more food rather than restricting everything!
āœ… My guide also includes meal planning template!

āž”ļø Comment ā€œGUIDEā€ below, and I'll DM you my free SIBO-friendly recipe guide šŸ“ and grocery list! I'm excited for you to utilize this and conquer any potential bloating during the festive season! šŸ’›

- Caitlin


What I wish someone had helped me understand when I believed my stomach issues were from being stressed out or not getting enough fiberā€¦

Understanding the intricacies of SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) has been quite the journey, and I want to share what I wish Iā€™d known earlier about the different types:

1ļøāƒ£ Hydrogen Dominant SIBO: This type often leads to diarrhea, cramping, and bloating as bacteria ferment carbohydrates, producing hydrogen. This gas can also feed archaea, which often worsens the condition...

2ļøāƒ£ Methane Dominant SIBO (IMO): Methane-dominant SIBO can bring on constipation, brain fog, nausea, and even weight gain. Methane slows down intestinal transit, causing discomfort. Archaea, a byproduct of hydrogen, contributes to methane production.

3ļøāƒ£ Hydrogen Sulfide Dominant SIBO: This type comes with belching, foul-smelling flatulence, nausea, and varied bowel movements. It's associated with food sensitivities, including histamines and sulfur. Hydrogen sulfide gas is produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria, which feed on hydrogen.

If these symptoms resonate with you, don't ignore them! It's crucial to get tested to receive the right approach to healing.

A simple lactulose breath test (which you can order and take at-home) can provide valuable insights into WHAT type of SIBO youā€™re dealing withā€¦and, as it was with my case, it could show you have MORE than 1 type!

What unlocked healing for me was getting to the root cause of why my SIBO kept coming backā€¦and understanding which types I was dealing with was the FIRST step towards long-term results!

Have questions on these types? Thinking you may be dealing with more than 1 type of SIBO?

Reach out to me by messaging me or commenting "Change" below, and we can see if the steps I took to heal can work for you too! šŸ’›

- Caitlin


My husband Erik and I have always adored our spontaneous weekend getaways, exploring exciting and lively places like Las Vegas!

It's incredible how life has changed since I no longer have to worry about every single bite of food or sip of a beverage I take, thanks to overcoming SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and living a SIBO-free life for the past 7 years!

I empathize deeply with those still battling the bloating, anxiety, stomach pain, and chronic fatigue from SIBO ā€“ I know how real the struggle is, my friends!

I vividly remember past work trips to Las Vegas, attending conferences yet feeling trapped in my own body...

Bloated and miserable, I often found solace in the confines of my hotel room, missing out on the vibrant city beyond and socializing with my friends. It was horrible...

Flashforward to now, I never thought Iā€™d be able to go out to restaurants here, and explore the city without fear of the menu, or what outfit to wear that would hide my bloating!

To everyone battling their own journey, know that there's light at the end of the tunnel.

Empathy and understanding guide us, reminding us of the strength within.

Here's to freedom, endless adventures, and embracing life's beautiful transformations. šŸ’›

- Caitlin



Thank you so much to everyone who reached out about the program!

The program is full, and Iā€™m so excited to get started!

If you couldn't make it this round and want to know when the next program opens up, DM me or comment ā€œWaitlistā€ to get on the waitlist for the next one! šŸ’›

- Caitlin | SIBO Health Coach


My SIBO Warrior Ladies! Last Call! šŸ‘‡

I am looking for 2 more women who want to get rid of their bloating, stomach pain, gas/belching, irregular bowel movements, and chronic fatigue so that they can feel like themselves again!

I am closing enrollment for my program to help women heal from SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) TOMORROW!

If you are struggling with bloating, food anxiety, stomach pain, and fatigue from SIBO, this program is for YOU!

After completing my program, you will:

ā˜€ļø No longer have symptoms impact your daily life!
āš”ļø Have your energy back and feel like yourself again!
šŸ„‘ Be able to enjoy the foods you love!
šŸŽ‰ Go out in social settings with confidence!

Weā€™ll get to the ROOT CAUSE of your digestive issuesā€¦

Create a plan to get you back to feeling confident in your body...

And Iā€™ll be there to support you the whole time with monthly 1:1 sessions, weekly check-ins, chat support, and more!

I will guide you through what it takes to heal your gut so that you can feel confident in your body!

For this limited launch, I am doing first-come, first-serve at Beta pricing. Once the spots are gone, theyā€™re gone!

So, if youā€™re thinking about it, or on the fence, be sure to reach out to me ASAP.

Together, we will:

1. Discover the ROOT CAUSE of why you are dealing with gut imbalances, bloating, food intolerances, fatigue, brain fog, and/or gas and burping

2. Create a plan to REMOVE the bad bacterial overgrowth and toxins in your body

3. Create a plan to REBUILD in order to support motility, improve digestion, and strengthen your gut-brain connection

4. Build a healing lifestyle that leads to sustainable results and strengthens your gut for LONG-TERM success!

I know you want to reach your full healing potential and feel like yourself again, and your journey starts now!

Message me or comment ā€œREADYā€ below for more details! šŸ’›

- Caitlin


Symptoms of SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) are very similar to IBS but you have up to an 85% chance that your "IBS" is really SIBO...

Signs that your IBS may be SIBO:

- Bloating after 2+ hours of eating a meal or gets worse as the day goes on
- Changes in your bowel habits such as not pooping every day (and feeling fully evacuated) to excessive pooping and diarrhea
- Gas (either excessive farting or belching)
- Foul-smelling poops - especially if it smells like rotten eggs
- Bad breath
- Acid reflux, Heartburn or H.Pylori
- Chronic fatigue
- Eating a very limiting amount of food/food fear & anxiety

Risk factors for developing SIBO:

- H.Pylori stomach infection and/or low stomach acid
- Long-term use of acid-suppressing medications (PPIs) and antacids
- Food poisoning
- Abdominal adhesions (endometriosis has a high prevalence)
- Overuse of antibiotics and NSAIDS (ie: Advil or other anti-inflammatories)
- Excessive or regular alcohol consumption
- Parasite exposure
- Gallbladder removal

Are you nodding your head along with me going yes, yes, yes - that sounds like me?!?

Treating SIBO is not just about getting rid of the bacteria with heavy-duty antibiotics like Rifaximin/Xifaxan - this is where doctors get it WRONG and why the bad bacteria comes back over 65% of the timeā€¦

It's important to get the coaching and guidance you need on how to prevent it from coming back, how to develop a healthy lifestyle and eating habits, and how to support your intestinal microbiome!

Iā€™ve put together a private 1-on-1 coaching program to help you heal from SIBO for good! And say goodbye to the bloating, pain, irregular bowel movements, anxiety, and chronic fatigue...

And I have 2 more spots open for women wanting to feel like themselves again, get their energy back, and enjoy the foods they love with the people they love!

If you are interested in learning more about how I guarantee my clients long-term healing from SIBO, DM me or comment ā€œREADYā€ and Iā€™ll share more details šŸ’›

- Caitlin

Photos from SIBO Health Coach's post 07/11/2023

šŸ‘‰ Follow for tips to heal your bloating, fatigue, and stomach pain from SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)...

I dealt with constant bloating, fatigue, and unbearable stomach pain due to SIBO for 4 years. It felt like a never-ending battle, but guess what? I've been SIBO-free for the past 7 years!

I couldnā€™t be happier about the wonderful, full-life I am living now, especially without the constant dread and debilitating anxiety over food and socializing that my gut issues caused me for so longā€¦

But here's the real story: I made some significant mistakes in my SIBO healing journey that I believe many of us can relate to...

Mistake #1: I fell for the "magic pill" myth. Taking antibiotics might provide temporary relief, but it doesn't bid farewell to SIBO for good. Those symptoms have a sneaky way of creeping back after a few months. Lesson learned: quick fixes don't equal lasting solutions.

Mistake #2: I hopped on a fragmented healing train. I tried supplements, changed my diet, and made lifestyle tweaks, thinking one of them would do the trick. Newsflash: SIBO doesnā€™t work that way. It demands a complete 3-step process, not just bits and pieces, for real results.

Mistake #3: I ignored the root causes. Healing from SIBO meant delving deeper into my body. It wasn't until I confronted my low stomach acid and chronic stress that true healing began. Neglecting these underlying causes only prolonged my journey to wellness.

But hey, here's the exciting part: I want to help you break free from the chains of SIBO too! I've been where you are, and I promise there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

šŸ‘‰ Follow for more tips on how to heal your gut for good and say goodbye to the bloating, stomach pain, and fatigue caused by SIBO!

- Caitlin | SIBO Health Coach


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Looking for 2 more women who want to get rid of their bloating, stomach pain, smelly gas, constipation, food anxiety, and brain fog/fatigue so that they can feel like themselves again! šŸ‘‡

Iā€™m launching a new private 1-on-1 coaching program so that women can heal their gut from SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and get their energy back!

After completing my program, you willā€¦

ā˜€ļø No longer have gut issues impact your daily life!
āš”ļø Feel energized and feel like yourself again!
šŸ„‘ Be able to enjoy the foods you love!
šŸŽ‰ Go out in social settings without fear of the menu!

Weā€™ll get to the ROOT of your digestive issuesā€¦

Create a plan to get you movingā€¦

And Iā€™ll be there to support you the whole time!

I will guide you through what it takes to heal your gut so that you can feel confident in your body!

For this limited launch, I am doing first-come, first-serve at Beta pricing. Once the 2 remaining spots are gone, theyā€™re gone!

So, if youā€™re thinking about it, or on the fence, be sure to reach out to me ASAP.

I know you want to reach your full healing potential, your journey starts now!

Ready for the adventure? Message me or comment ā€œREADYā€ below and I will send you the details! šŸ’›

- Caitlin | SIBO Health Coach

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