Alexandra Zahn

Alexandra Zahn

Psychotherapist Intern | LGBTQ Affirming


So true! Open, candid, and honest communication can hurt sometimes, but it's so crucial to healthy attachments.

Holmes- Rahe Stress Inventory 20/08/2021

Stress management is an integral part of all of our lives in this modern rat-race society. Research has demonstrated a clear link between stress, especially poorly managed stress, and poor physical health - it's not just in your head!

The Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory is by no means perfect, but it can be a useful tool for better gauging the pressure we are under. We can't always remove the stressors in our lives, but by understanding them, we can work to manage it more effectively.

Holmes- Rahe Stress Inventory The Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory Score your life stress inventory using the instructions below. Take the Assessment What Does Your Score Mean? 150 points or less | a relatively low amount of life change and a low susceptibility to stress-induced health


This is such an important distinction! The best of intentions don't always translate into helpful action. We can't stop feelings from happening; what we can control is how we interpret them.

“The conformist is filled with the need for approval. He can never get enough. He runs from one person to another seeking compliments and endorsements for his behavior and actions. As a child, he turned to parents and teachers; when he started to work, to his boss and fellow workers; in marriage, he turned to his mate. He must always have someone around to pat him on the head and tell him he is doing a good job. This bolsters up his poor self-esteem.”- ROBERT ANTHONY