Mother of Crows Astrology

Mother of Crows Astrology

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Astrology, astrological information and or astrological readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC does not constitute, does not replace, nor should it be interpreted as: legal, financial, psychiatric, medical, or any other type of professional advice on any subject matter. Astrological information, interpretations, and readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC are for entertainment purposes only.

Pluto in Relationship Astrology PT II :The Nature of Aspects 06/12/2023

Pluto in Relationship Astrology PT II :The Nature of Aspects

The Nature of Pluto

In traditional astrology, Pluto is a malefic planet by nature, malefic meaning "capable of destruction or harm" according to the Oxford Dictionary. The energy of Pluto can be incredibly transformational and provide the energy to support beneficial changes and transitions. BUT, it may still be an absolutely soul crushing, heart breaking, or a very challenging experience. An example of transformation could be easily compared with the metamorphosis of a butterfly. The caterpillar spins its cocoon and then literally turns to goo. Is turning into a web of goo the most appealing part of the process? Not really, but in order for the beautiful butterfly to emerge, it must first become this.

When working with Astrology, it can be helpful to understand that even the most positive aspects can come with their own set of challenges. If Pluto is forming a trine aspect in synastry, the planet which is making the aspect is no less Pluto and it will still project itself as Plutonian energy. When I experienced Pluto trines by transit, the effects of Pluto were absolutely still very intense and very noticeably Plutonic in nature. The trine aspect may have made the conditions for the crisis and transformation more easily, but nonetheless their effects were still challenging to deal with despite being in what is considered a "beneficial" aspect.

Pluto's Energy in Synastry or Composite Charts

Pluto contacts can generate magnetic energy in synastry or composite charts. However when we think about a magnet, we can recognize that it has two sides, as well as two different effects. On one side of the magnet, when put next to another magnet, they can attract one another until they are pulled close enough to cling together. However when we flip a magnet to the opposite side and put it next to another, they repel one another, pushing each other further away. Plutonic energy in connections can create this similar effect. I feel this can be more noticeable when the luminaries and inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) are making aspects to Pluto in synastry or Composite charts.

Pluto utilizing his magnetizing energy can have this very powerful ability to draw out deeply hidden or buried emotions and unconscious behaviors within people. This can lead to a very raw, intimate, and passionate relationship when this energy is expressed at its best. The connection can lay the two bare, creating a feeling of complete ecstasy, and being profoundly bonded together. Vulnerability, honesty, and loyalty can be lovingly woven into the connection and can tightly bind the two together.

When we flip the magnet, or rather the energy of Pluto, this can create a much different dynamic. Pluto can also have the ability to conjure up the worst in each other, creating a repulsion effect. There can be manipulation, power games, deceit and pain. Pluto can be an overpowering energy, and this can create a sense of imbalance within a connection. The worst characteristics of Pluto in connections could be stemming from a sense of powerlessness, fear, and an inability to face the truth.

Aspects to Pluto

Oftentimes, I think the trine and sextile aspects which are considered to be "harmonious" can paint this incomplete picture unless the nature of planets are considered. The trine created by aspect with Pluto to another planet could behave as somewhat maliciously compliant, offering Pluto the exact straight path needed to shakeup a crisis. When analyzing synastry, composite, natal or any other chart, perhaps we can take this into account, that Pluto in any aspect could indicate that the connection has the capacity for destruction and transformation.

With square or opposition aspects to Pluto in relationship astrology, this could be a connection where a lot of tension may exist. When dealing with Pluto, there could be potentially catastrophic outcomes in the worst case scenarios. The likelihood or capacity for conflict could be seen as more likely between a planet in square or opposition with Pluto. Pluto in a harsh aspect could indicate the potential for an explosive or violent energy. The harsh aspects could suggest there is an energy of friction between two people that rubs each other the wrong way.

However, it has also been my experience that these more challenging aspects at times created a lot of initiative and growth as well. Square aspects can be known for bringing about action. With square aspects to Pluto in synastry or composites, this could indicate that the energy generated between two, or as a result of the connection, is creating the friction for individuals to act on transforming. An opposition aspect can generate a relational energy that requires balance. For relationships to find balance, compromise is often necessary and it could be through an aspect of opposition that we see the other side of a matter. These sort of characteristics of the square and opposition aspects are not what I would always consider inherently negative, but also a dualistic energy, coming with negatives and positives.

Interpretations are based on my knowledge, opinions and experiences through astrology only. Astrology, astrological information and or astrological readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC does not constitute, does not replace, nor should it be interpreted as: legal, financial, psychiatric, medical, or any other type of professional advice on any subject matter. Please consult with the appropriate licensed professional.

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Pluto in Relationship Astrology PT II :The Nature of Aspects The Nature of Pluto In traditional astrology, Pluto is a malefic planet by nature, meaning "capable of destruction or harm" according to the Oxford Dictionary. The energy of Pluto can be incredibly transformational and provide the energy to support beneficial changes and transitions. BUT, it may sti...


I'm not here to convince anyone what to believe. I just wanted to share some of my beliefs. There aren't really any regulations for Astrologers, however it doesn't mean we don't hold ourselves to certain standards. 🐦‍⬛🖤🪐

The Eighth House in Astrology 04/12/2023

The Eighth House in Astrology

In astrology, the eighth house is a succedent, water house that holds the area of a chart where there is depth of intimacy, sharing & exchanging of resources, and regeneration. Being the natural residence of Pluto and carrying a Scorpio- like energy, the eighth house can be filled with intense and dark undertones. The eighth house is where we may keep a box locked full of shadows and secrets. We can feel like this area can be a dark ocean of painful memories and emotions. This house is where we can merge with others, show our wounds, accept healing, and combine resources.

It is through this house we may experience a transference of sexual energies. Ta**ra, sexual tastes, and carnal desires are likely to be found within this house. Not only can we experience intimacy and sexual bonding through this house, but we can also obtain sources of assets that are outside of our own. Subconscious and psychological inheritances can reside here as well. The eighth house can offer the solace we seek to spin our cocoons, and await rebirth. This house can be the container of haunting experiences and how we can be changed forever as a result. Transmutation is the name of the game here and since energy cannot be destroyed, it must be transformed.

If prominent or potent within a natal chart, the native can experience cyclical periods of crisis and metamorphosis. Transits to the eighth house can bring on a temporary period of a similar nature, creating a fertile environment for events to occur that bring forth necessary changes. In synastry, eighth house overlays can create an intense attraction and fascination. The planet and house person can feel magnetized to one another. There can be a strong desire to probe and dissect every aspect of one another. The planet person can be the initiator of house person's evolution. Other’s planets here can potentially indicate how their resources may be shared. In composite charts, when the eighth house is highlighted, the relationship itself can be the source of change for both involved. Joint resources can also be an important topic within the connection.

Interpretations are based on my knowledge, opinions and experiences through astrology only. Astrology, astrological information and or astrological readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC does not constitute, does not replace, nor should it be interpreted as: legal, financial, psychiatric, medical, or any other type of professional advice on any subject matter. Please consult with the appropriate licensed professional.

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The Eighth House in Astrology These interpretations are only intended to give a general awareness and aren’t necessarily concrete definitions of how the eighth house will function. In astrology, the eighth house is a succedent, water house that holds the area of a chart where there is depth of intimacy, sharing & exchanging of...


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Important Celestial Movements:

12-1 Mercury ingress Capricorn

12-4 Venus ingress Scorpio

12-6 Neptune stations direct 24 degrees Pisces

12-12 New Moon in Sagittarius 20 degrees 6:31 PM ET

12-13 Mercury stations retrograde 08 degrees Capricorn 2:08 AM ET

12-21 Sun in Capricorn

12-23 Mercury ingress Sagittarius

12-26 Full Moon in Cancer 04 degrees 7:33 PM ET

12-29 Venus ingress Sagittarius

12-30 Jupiter stations direct 05 degrees Ta**us

The month of December features a Mercury retrograde period which can give us more time and freedom to reflect on the year and all that has transpired. As we enter into the winter solstice, we can feel more called to retreat and go inward. The Jupiterian energy this month can be heightened which can allow for a more cheerful outlook and a beneficial period filled with opportunities to see life with a stronger sense of gratitude.

On the 2nd, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, harmony and relationships will move into the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a sign that is ruled by Pluto. This sign is protective, secretive, and deep. Venus in Scorpio can bring about an intensity and can create a possessiveness over lovers and money. Throughout her journey in Scorpio, Venus will initially make a beneficial connection to Saturn in Pisces and Mercury in Capricorn, which can be a grounding influence in partnerships and finances. She will then move on to connect with both Jupiter and Uranus in Ta**us in opposition. Oppositions are considered to be relational, which implies that we may be challenged by others or required to find harmony and balance between ourselves and another. This transit overall can be a transformative time for Venus and Venus related issues.

On the 6th of this month, Neptune will station direct in Pisces after a retrograde period. Neptune in astrology represents spiritual unanimity, creativity, illusions and glamor. With Neptune moving forward, we can begin to feel a deeper sense of creative expression and more universal understanding of our connectedness. The downside of Neptune can mean we are more easily deceived or not seeing things as they are. However, in a more positive light, we can also feel more in tune with our intuition and artistic gifts.

On the 12th, there will be a New Moon in Sagittarius. New Moons can provide an opportunity to begin a new cycle with a fresh slate. These cycles are prime time for planting seeds and planning ahead. This New Moon will occur in the sign of Sagittarius, the freedom loving and optimistic centaur. This lunar cycle will feature Jupiter in a trine aspect to Mercury which is important because the ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter. A trine aspect is a free flowing energy that can have a positive and relaxing influence. With that said, this lunation can open us up to higher perspectives and curiosity of all the wonder and opportunities that surround us.

The following day on the 13th, Mercury will officially station retrograde and begin his reflective journey through Capricorn and Sagittarius. Mercury is the planet that rules over communication, travel, contracts, intellect, and the mental process. Mercury retrogrades are an opportunity to review, revise, and redo. As always, Mercury retrogrades are a common transit and the best way to handle the fear of retrograde periods is to spend a little extra time with preparations and to try to remain flexible. Ensuring you backup important documents, give ample time for traveling, and making sure to get gift receipts can all be useful. Throughout this cycle, Mercury will station retrograde in the sign of Capricorn and move its way back into Sagittarius before stationing direct again. We have already entered what is called the “shadow period” of the retrograde, which simply means Mercury has started his journey through degrees that he will cover again. During the shadow period prior to Mercury stationing direct, we can begin to see the themes or energy of the upcoming retrograde cycle. This retrograde period will occur between 08 degrees of Capricorn to 22 degrees of Sagittarius. If you have planets or angles around these degree points, you may feel this cycle’s energies more prominently.

On the 21st, the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn which signifies the beginning of the winter solstice. Happy birthday Capricorn! Capricorn is a Saturn ruled sign, giving it a more cold, stern, and serious nature. However, Capricorn is represented by the sea goat, which symbolizes a dual existence in both an emotional and physical dominions. The energy of this transit can give life to our desires to achieve and materialize. Perhaps with Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn in Pisces, we can be learning to bring our emotional longings into the physical plane.

On the 26th, we will have the last Full Moon of this year in the sign of Cancer. The Moon is at home in her natural ruling sign, which can provide a heightened sense of emotional well being and comfort within our domestic dwellings. This lunation will positively aspect both Jupiter in Ta**us and Saturn in Pisces which can allow for moderate expansion and more easily balancing emotional needs.

On the 29th, Venus will enter into the sign of Sagittarius. During this transit, tastes and desires can shift towards a wanderlust and a thirst for knowledge. Venus expresses herself with less inhibitions in this sign and this can amplify the growth within relationships. The following day Jupiter will move direct. The planet of abundance and hope awakens with renewed positivity just before the beginning of a new year.

Happy Holidays everyone! Stay safe and I’ll see you on the other side next year! :)

Mother of Crows Astrology

Interpretations are based on my knowledge, opinions and experiences through astrology only.

Astrology, astrological information and or astrological readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC does not constitute, does not replace, nor should it be interpreted as: legal, financial, psychiatric, medical, or any other type of professional advice on any subject matter. Please consult with the appropriate licensed professional.

Photos from Mother of Crows Astrology 's post 16/11/2023

😂 They would drop me off so fast


Mother of Crows Astrology

Photos from Mother of Crows Astrology 's post 08/11/2023

Mother of Crows Astrology

Photos from Mother of Crows Astrology 's post 03/11/2023

Happy Friday 🖤 😂

Mother of Crows Astrology 🐦‍⬛


Important Celestial Movements this month:

11-4 Saturn goes Direct in Pisces

11-8 Venus moves into Libra

11-10 Mercury moves into Sagittarius

11-13 New Moon in Scorpio 20 degrees 4:27 AM ET

11-22 Sun moves into Sagittarius

11-24 Mars moves into Sagittarius

11-27 Full Moon in Gemini 04 degrees 4:16 AM ET

Saturn, the planet of building, structure, and limitations moving direct can make the possibility of manifesting physical results more feasible. After a period of pause and reconsideration about building plans, the structures we have been tending to can begin to take form. This can be reassuring to our doubts and fears about making dreams tangible. Saturn will go direct at 0 degrees of Pisces, offering a fresh perspective of reality in this area of life.

Venus, the love and relationship planet is happy and comfortable expressing herself in the sign of Libra. As a result, smoother negotiations and harmony can be more likely in one to one relationships, or contractual partnerships. This can be an ideal time for revitalizing long standing partnerships, or liberation from stagnant ones.

Mercury, the planet of communication moving into the sign of Sagittarius can expand our horizons and open up our minds to brand new possibilities and opportunities. The downside to this transit may be overshooting the mark, or overlooking details.

The New Moon in Scorpio features a conjunction to Mars and an opposition to Uranus. Chaotic transformations, sudden shifts or breakthroughs in this area of life can come through rather quickly during this cycle. Creatives, keep your notepads ready for any innovative or inspirational ideas that may come to mind at this time.

The Sun, the life giving planet moving into Sagittarius can call our attention to knowledge, expansion and need for adventure. This fun loving sign and transit can revitalize us through higher understanding from a vantage point. Happy birthday Saggies!

Mars, the planet of motivation and action shifting into Sagittarius can ignite the drive to learn, travel and share stories. This transit can inspire excitement around acquiring insights, new experiences, and passionate journeys of seeking wisdom.

The month closes out with a Full Moon in Gemini which features the Sun and Moon in a tense mutable T-square aspect to Saturn in Pisces and once again also highlights Mars. The potential benefits of this t-square energy can come from cutting out any bu****it and making responsible shifts towards a higher trajectory of growth. Looking to Virgo in your chart can help to alleviate tension. Daily routines, relationships to coworkers, and health can all be focal points that require stable ground to build on.

Have a great month everyone!

Mother of Crows Astrology

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Interpretations are based on my knowledge, opinions and experiences through astrology only. Astrology, astrological information and or astrological readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC does not constitute, does not replace, nor should it be interpreted as: legal, financial, psychiatric, medical, or any other type of professional advice on any subject matter. Please consult with the appropriate licensed professional.


Important Celestial Shifts This Month:

10/4 Mercury ingresses into Libra

10/8 Venus ingresses into Virgo

10/10 Pluto stations direct at 27 degrees of Capricorn

10/12 Mars ingresses into Scorpio

10/14 Solar Eclipse in Libra 21 degrees 1:55 PM ET

10/22 Mercury ingresses into Scorpio

10/23 Sun ingresses into Scorpio

Lunar Eclipse in Ta**us 05 degrees 4:23 PM ET

October Outlook

As the spooky season rolls in, Eclipses are also upon us, and they can come with opportunities to make dynamic life transitions. This month we may begin to see the effects of the changes made throughout the Venus retrograde that occurred in Leo, as well as the Mercury retrograde that occurred in Virgo. Both Venus and Mercury will emerge into new signs after an introspective journey, changed in some ways.

Pluto will awaken to go station direct just before the kick off of the eclipse season. Mars, Mercury and the Sun will shift into the sign of Scorpio which can provide the opportunity to regenerate and transform. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which has powerful drive and passion that can be the fuel necessary to transmute old habits or patterns. Intense feelings of passion and obsession can give rise to awareness of the truth of our deepest desires.

Eclipses are essentially more powerful lunations that still operate as New and Full Moon energies, but pack a bigger punch. These cycles can have life altering effects as they carry a much more potent energy. The results can often unfold over the coming months and sometimes longer. Both eclipses will occur in signs ruled by the planet Venus, the planet which represents love, harmony, aesthetic, values, and partnerships. I feel these eclipses can allow for tying up any loose ends surrounding the most recent Venus retrograde in order to forge ahead.

The first Eclipse will be a Solar Eclipse (New Moon) in the sign of Libra which can urge us to make the final push to acknowledge what has been swept under the rug to release it and begin a new cycle in partnerships. Assessments of the past can be made in order to allow the energies to be swept away. This Eclipse will highlight Fixed Star Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo and said to be one of the most beneficial and bountiful.

The second Eclipse will be a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) in Ta**us. This lunation can be a major completion to a larger cycle surrounding themes of what is important and of value. We may often spend time worrying about minuscule things that occupy and expend excessive amounts of energy better utilized elsewhere. Moving out of fear and into love can be a dynamic shift that may allow for a more grateful and abundant outlook.

Have a great month everyone!

& Happy Birthday Scorpios!

Interpretations are based on my knowledge, opinions and experiences through astrology only. Astrology, astrological information and or astrological readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC does not constitute, does not replace, nor should it be interpreted as: legal, financial, psychiatric, medical, or any other type of professional advice on any subject matter. Please consult with the appropriate licensed professional.

Mother of Crows Astrology

Pluto in Relationship Astrology 26/09/2023

Awareness of synastry and composite charts can allow for clarity around strengths and weaknesses in relationships but astrology does not define your relationships or provide absolute certainty. Having an aspect does not guarantee anything as human beings and charts are complex. These interpretations are only intended to give a general awareness and aren’t necessarily concrete definitions of how Pluto will function or operate. These are general themes.

The Pluto/Hades Archetype and Mythology

Pluto is a planet in astrology that is known to rule over power, transformation, destruction, the unseen, and the unconscious. Pluto is the Roman counterpart to the Greek God Hades and is infamous for having life altering effects. Pluto in astrology can more negatively represent manipulation, obsession and power games. Pluto is an energy that exists and operates below the surface. Hence why it represents the "Underworld". However, positive manifestations are also possible through transformation, taking back personal power, and transmuting pain.

Hades is known for being the God of the Underworld as well as being the husband of the Goddess Persephone. Hades was said to have opened up the ground while Persephone was picking flowers, and abducted her, taking her to the underworld to be his wife. At some point Hades gave Persephone pomegranate seeds to eat. The Greeks believed if you ate the food of your abductor, you would return to them. Some say that she willingly ate the seeds, others claim Hades tricked her into doing so because he feared she would not come back to him if she left. Eating these seeds then bound Persephone to remain in the Underworld for one third, and in some accounts one half of the year.

Relationship & Comparison Astrology

Synastry is used in astrology to compare charts and to better understand the energy between them. Composite charts are used in astrology to create a chart that represents the energy of the relationship itself. Synastry can indicate how people feel about one another while the Composite chart can give more information about the relationship dynamics. Aspects in both charts can tell more of how planets are operating and coexisting. It's important to analyze individual charts beforehand and consider how an individual's Pluto operates. It can also be useful to analyze the individuals charts interactions with the Composite chart.

Pluto in Relationship Astrology

If you are in or have experienced a Pluto themed relationship, you may have felt how the connection penetrated your defenses and created intense feelings. There can be a rawness of intimacy shared in these connections. Pluto's energy in relationship charts can create deeply bonded connections. When someone's Pluto connects with a personal planet or angle, we can feel as if they are casting shadows or reflecting our own back at us which can feel like we are being pushed to dig up old wounds. I have often found Pluto to work as a mirror in connections, and if you are not facing yourself, the connection can show what you are repressing in some way or another.

Pluto can provide the opportunity for profound life changing effects. It's important to be mindful of the impact you can have on one another and the relationship itself can have on both of you. These connections can be catalysts for powerful changes, healing, and evolution. However they also have the capacity for damage and destruction.

Aspects and Overlays in Synastry

When someone's Pluto falls into a specific house in our charts, also known as an overlay, his energy becomes known in this particular area of our lives, just as a transit would. This can mean that this person can have the ability to transform this part of us or our lives. Similarly, when someone's Pluto makes an aspect to one of our personal planets or angles, a connection is formed between the planets or points and can give information as to the type of infusion of energy that is occurring.

Having hard aspects such as the conjunction, square, or opposition between charts is something to certainly be mindful of, but I don't feel that they always deserve to be immediately sworn off. Square aspects can create tension and frustration, but they can also give the right amount of friction required in relationships to promote growth and change. Oppositions can have a teeter totter effect but can also have a balancing effect on the energies between planets. In any case, we always have a choice in how we respond and aspects do not define relationships.

Trines and sextiles can provide an easier flowing energy that can make for a smoother transition through the shifts and changes that Pluto desires. The more harmonious aspects can also have their downsides as they can make for a lazier energy and may be overlooked or not have enough impetus to take advantage of the possibilities.

Composite Charts

When Pluto is prominent in a Composite chart, this can suggest that the relationship itself can be life changing in some way. Consideration of the planets, points, and aspects involved can give a better indication of who and what may be altered. The relationship can take on Plutonic themes, carrying an air of intensity, passion and desire to transform through the connection. Whether or not the relationship survives, we can feel completely altered as a result of it.


Being a couple in mythology, I find that it can also be useful to add asteroid Persephone #399 to further assess the archetypes and themes that may be present. I often interpret Pluto as the trigger point for transformation and Persephone as the journey through the changes Pluto has called one to make. As a pair, the duo were the King and Queen of the Underworld. However, Persephone herself was not only the Queen of the Underworld, but also the Goddess of Spring.

Pluto Keywords

Transformation, metamorphosis, change, crisis, rebirth, evolution, hidden desires, unconscious drives, sexuality, passion, transmutation.

Interpretations are based on my knowledge, opinions and experiences through astrology only.

Astrology, astrological information and or astrological readings provided by Mother Of Crows Astrology LLC does not constitute, does not replace, nor should it be interpreted as: legal, financial, psychiatric, medical, or any other type of professional advice on any subject matter. Please consult with the appropriate licensed professional.

For more information on Pluto I recommend these Books:

"Healing Pluto Problems" By Donna Cunningham

"The Book of Pluto" By Steven Forrest

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Pluto in Relationship Astrology Plutonic connections in astrology and the archetypes of Hades/Persephone in relationship dynamics.

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