Happy Crabby ADHD Lady

Happy Crabby ADHD Lady

Owner of My ADHD binder and here to help you be more happy, more crabby, and more (good parts) ADHD.


Credit to the creator, listed at the bottom.


I was in the bathroom and a scrap of TP was laying on the floor. I was there anyway so I moved it from the floor to the trash can. Little micro clean ups like this was something I had to learn to cope with. Doing that does not mean I have to now clean the whole bathroom or get upset that someone would leave that there or even empty the trash if it is a bit full. I’m going to wash my hair now without the guilt or pressure that because I picked up that tiny scrap of TP I have to keep going.


Today I did my best to flow. My bun was lopsided and messy when I got up. I looked at myself and said that’s cute and left the house.
I’m proud of myself.


Brain: Alright, time to go to bed.
*starts to inspect patch of dry skin*
Brain: Why are you doing that? Lay down.
*scratch scratch*
Brain: That is not good for you for one, two, lay down.
*looks at foot*
Brain: LAY DOWN... Where did I leave the toe nail clippers?
*goes to look*


If my willpower is my rider and my subconscious is the horse I'm on, ADHD is why I traded my riding crop for a tambourine.


ADHD makes it difficult in general to get tings done, even harder to get the not fun functional tasks done and almost impossible to process that we are doing a task we feel we are expected to do but it really does nothing to help us. Here is an example: You need to wash your dirty dishes before they mold and attract bugs but you may want to sort out the coffee mugs that are hard to wash and display them for non use / donate them. You may feel you should let them dry and put them away but if you function just fine using them straight out of the drying rack than move that to your should list and tackle it last!


ADHD is refusing to empty a not "full" trashcan but the fuller it gets the more it just becomes a complex game of trash Tetris.


I love hermit crabs! I was a speaker at Crab Con and I work with LHCOS on content creation. That is why I made this hermit crab printable planner so your friends can be in your ADHD Binder too.


Had a random urge to fix this:
It's like rain on your wedding day (when you planned your wedding the least rainy time of year.)
It's a free ride when you've already paid (for another because you thought the first would be too expensive.)
It's the good advice that you just didn't take (because it was presented as bad.)
And who would've thought? It figures
A traffic jam when (you took the way with less traffic because) you're already late
A "No Smoking" sign on your cigarette break (that you waited to take somewhere where it was allowed)
It's like ten thousand spoons (at a knife store who is out of knives) when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife (who you know from a friend, had in the past swore to everyone she would never Mary anyone who is your type.)


Habits are hard for us with ADHD to build and even harder for us to keep up with. Often times we hyperfocus on bettering ourselves only to over do it and fall back into old ways when the tasks start to feel normal. I made this page to help you make one small change a month and track how you keep up with it as you start new ones. That way you are not drinking extra water one month but letting that fade as you empty your email inbox every day next month. Enjoy your year of growth and consider making your first habit looking at your new tracker every day!


Gym memberships might just be the least ADHD friendly thing in the world.


I own one of these and I have never used it. I am also not sure where it is.


Me off to finish my summer projects before it gets to cold out.


This is a complete summery of me avoiding work, pulling it off last minute and then harping on a small mistake making everything worse. 👍


I found the pen I've been looking for, it was holding a place in some papers! Sheesh.


Tomorrow's drop is another worksheet. This one is on holdups. What is a holdup? A holdup is something that puts the breaks on a task that needs to get done. We often just glaze over holdups. Maybe your frustrated you don't brush your teeth but you hate your toothpaste and never thought to just replace it? You forget to cook something because you put it on the top shelf, and so on. Help yourself see hidden holdups with this easy worksheet.


Bonus drop! The blank 365 day page I have always wanted but was never able to find. Track whatever you want, start whenever you want.


I just posted a non work week version of the planner page everyone asks me about.


Hack: Impulse buy on Kickstarter so the boost from waiting on the thing lasts months with email updates.


It is really "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."


Let’s see. Any kind of fine dust anywhere on my skin, clutter in general, socks without shoes, earwax, that one owl city song. Sorry owl city, you seem cool otherwise.


New Dopamine Hits Log coming tomorrow! Not everything that makes us happy is created equal. Track the value, productivity, time of a task and more and compare them to others!


Hi, I'm new to selling planner pages but not making them or using them!