Tyler Hackbart

Tyler Hackbart

Chiropractor, Entrepreneur, Online Business Owner, Fitness Enthusiast, Husband, Father of 4


It’s Time To WAKE UP!


New Shorts Video Up!

Healthcare should follow a pattern- Least Invasive to most invasive.

Chiropractic is one of the LEAST invasive healthcare options AND the MOST powerful when it comes to helping your nervous system stay balanced and coordinated.

It’s a critical piece of our health regimen!

Check Out Patrick and the relief he found through Chiropractic for Ringing in the ears!



The work never stops!
(even when the content does)

It either works for you or it works on you. So do the work!

KneePain, Leg Pain (Injury) Helped - Dr. Tyler Gonstead Chiropractor 14/01/2023

🚨 New Video Uploaded 🚨

Sweet Little Ellie had a playground Injury 🛝

She fell and twisted up her knee and now she has pain while walking.

Knee issues are common but the causes of knee pain can vary.

We work with all kinds of spinal and extremity injuries. Getting the joint back in good alignment is CRITICAL to the healing process!

These are the types of “little injuries” that lead to chronic joint dysfunction later in life!

Kids are tough and they put their bodies through a lot of physical stress throughout their childhood.

Chiropractic care is important for kids and helping them maintain a healthy spine and nerve system through life!

KneePain, Leg Pain (Injury) Helped - Dr. Tyler Gonstead Chiropractor

KneePain, Leg Pain (Injury) Helped - Dr. Tyler Gonstead Chiropractor NOW - EXPERIENCE THE GONSTEAD DIFFERENCESocial:https://tylerjhackbart.com/https://www.instagram.com/tylerhackbart/https:/...


Check out my new YouTube Short Video!

This young gal came to us with ear infections, sinus congestion, and she was grinding her teeth.

These adjustments gave her SWEET RELIEF!


If you're not growing in knowledge or skill, you are going backwards... THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND.

Personal development then is CRITICAL to continued growth and working on your dreams!

Think about what you want out of life...

If you aren't doing anything right now to move closer to that goal, then you will never reach it.

Think about where you will be 5 years from now...
..The time is going to pass any ways... so you might as well work on you and chase a goal!

If not, then 5 years will pass by and things will be the same as they are now.


In 5 years, if you're developing yourself and working toward something bigger and better for yourself, you'd be surprised where you could end up!

Life could be different if you just start where you are and take action steps in the right direction.

What is one thing you would like to be different in 5 years???

Weekly Ear Infections Helped by Dr. Tyler Chiropractic 27/12/2022

🚨New Video Uploaded🚨
Check out my YouTube Channel for more videos like this one:

I'll be uploading more stories like this to share with the YouTube community. The world needs to know the life changing power of Gonstead Chiropractic!

We want to grow healthy families and help them avoid antibiotics, and chronic health issues. It's time to teach families how to change the culture in their families health!

Weekly Ear Infections Helped by Dr. Tyler Chiropractic NOW - EXPERIENCE THE GONSTEAD [email protected]https://tylerjhackbart.com/https://www.instagram.com/ty...

Torn Rotator Cuff Helped- Dr. Tyler Hackbart Chiropractor #gonsteadchiropractic 20/12/2022


Torn Rotator Cuff Helped- Dr. Tyler Hackbart Chiropractor #gonsteadchiropractic This is not treatment to repair a torn rotator cuff. Dr. Tyler’s only goal is to restore proper alignment of the shoulder in order to reduce pain, facilitate...


The message of "fear not" is referenced hundreds of times throughout the bible...

It's almost like God knew one of the things we would struggle with the most.

When things don't go our way, we fear we are not doing what we're supposed to be doing...

When times are uncertain, we fear we won't make it through...

When we're uncomfortable, we fear things will get worse...

We are a people bent on fear and anxiety.

Speaking from experience here 🙋‍♂️.

This is a message I need on a weekly basis and the message is not a suggestion, God commands us to Fear Not.

He also commands us to TRUST!

It is the antidote to Fear!

This is where we can be healed from anxiety!


There is something really beautiful about the season of Winter.

A time to slow down and reflect on the things that you want to kill off so you can make room to plant new seeds.

Seeds of growth, intention and goal setting.

This is a time of year for you to become reborn.

A season to start NEW, give it a FRESH go and be excited about what you can create in the next 90 days.

Spring will be here before you know it.

I have been so blessed in 2022 with my growth.

I have surrounded myself around people who are always winning but more importantly these are people who also believe that I can WIN!

This was absolutely my biggest year of growth personally, spirituality, physically, mentally and financially.

Who you choose to connect yourself with is a VERY IMPERATIVE strategy for your dream life!

Moving into 2023 myself along with many other heart centered leaders and free thinkers are on a mission to help people who are just like YOU

People who want to break FREE!

People who want to have more fulfillment.

People who want to be a part of something so much bigger than themselves.

People who are ready to create the change in their lineage.

People who are ready to have some fun creating a legacy.

All while using the very powerful vehicle which is that of the internet.

I am grateful, and feel blessed, and for this I want to give back to those who are ready to take some intentional action towards their "rebirth".

I have a free resource that will allow for you to dive into seeing what your success path can look like.

I only had 10 and now only have a few left.

If you wish (serious humans only)

Drop me that 👑 in the comments and I shall slide into the DM's and bless you as much as I have been blessed!

Cheers to 2023!! This is YOUR year my friend..

Welcome to the LEGENDS CLUB!


When you get older training becomes more important but the reasons are different… the goals, the recovery, the nutrition.
For years I thought I could “out-train” my nutrition BUT slowly over time… my health suffered, my relationships started to suffer, and I had NO energy! I felt like a shell of a human! My gut had been an issue for a couple of years and so I know I had to start there to regain my health but I also needed to get rid of everything that I was taking that was destroying my gut (whey protein, pre-workouts, intra-workout sups, and junk food). So I started looking into different companies that had clean, tested, and proven products to find the best ways to heal my gut and get my nutrition right…
That’s when I found Arbonne!
I started taking their gut glow products thinking let’s give this a couple of months and see what happens.
Long story, I know… but 3 months later I feel the best I’ve felt in 10 years! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I’ve got more energy than I know what to do with, I don’t need pre workout supplements to get motivated to workout, it’s helped my mood, my sleep, my workout recovery, and so much more!!!🔥
No more proteins that destroy my gut, mood, and energy! I feel like I found the fountain of youth 😆 comment below if you’d like to know more about arbonne and how it can get you feeling like your old self again!


Often as we grow and develop, our culture goes to battle with our true nature...

We feel pulled in different directions by our family, friends, pop culture, etc...

Rather than follow our true path, we try to become the person that we think others want us to be...

One day we wake up in a crisis, realizing that we betrayed our inner child, the starry eyed, dreamer that still lives inside of us, shoved into the corner and ignored for years on end...

What if you could reconnect with that child? What if you could reignite the hope, joy and passion that child felt?

It doesn’t take much, just do one thing today that isn’t for anyone else’s approval, do one thing to make that child smile...

Take some time to remember what that child dreamt of becoming, how that child wanted to change the world and believe, if only for a moment, that it’s possible...

The truth is that this world needs that child to remember who they are and become who they were born to be more than we need another copy/paste version of what we think the world wants...

Are you ready to explore a different path and challenge yourself?

I have an opportunity for 3 action takers who are ready to challenge themselves, learn and have some fun...

Let me know below what your motivation is for checking out online business!


Years ago I heard from a mentor that if I wanted to succeed, I needed to fail faster...

I felt panicked when I heard that, the fear of failure had such a grip on me... Failure meant so many things to me, it meant I wasn’t good enough, that I would never succeed, that others would judge me...

The truth is that failure is an integral part of the success journey; you can’t succeed without failing...

Failure gives us the feedback we need to try again with experience...

Imagine trying to learn to play a musical instrument without ever playing a wrong note, you would never start learning...

What if fear is just a reminder that we need to focus, pay close attention and proceed with caution?

What if we redefine failures as the stepping stones to success?

What dream would you pursue if you could confront your fear and embrace failure as part of the journey?

I would like to invite you on a journey to begin to explore what could be possible for you...

I have been given permission to gift this incredible opportunity to 10 people who are ready to take action and challenge themselves to grow...

There are only 5 spots left
..if you're feeling nervousness deep in your chest, that's a sign you are ready for this challenge!

This is a free opportunity to take that next step that could change your life.


As Stephen Covey says, “All things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation.”

It’s true isn't it? Everything you have in your life was once something that you imagined having...

And yet, how often do we doubt our own imagination?
Whatever you want to have in your life must first start with a clear vision of it...

By refining and focusing on that vision, you align yourself with the path to create it...

What if you spent more time imagining the things you truly want and aligning your actions with that vision?

What can you imagine creating that the world needs now more than ever?

I would like to invite you to join me for a FREE training that will help you begin to re-imagine what could be possible for your life...

I only have 10 spots available so I need people who are ready to commit and take action...

Drop "more info" below for more details.


So often we defeat ourselves before we even get started...
We think that we have to be good at something from the beginning and that everyone is watching, judging, waiting for us to fail...
The truth is that every expert started as a novice...
They went through the same fear and doubt that we all feel...
They struggled and made mistakes just like everyone else...
The difference is that they didn’t give up and learned to embrace the struggle...
What could you become great at if you weren’t afraid to start and try something new?
I want to share with you a chance to start on something that could change everything for you...
I have been given permission to share this opportunity with 10 people who are ready to take action...
This is free training to help you level up your life physically, personally and professionally...
Drop “More Info” below if you want to know more.


Does your job affect your personal health and wellness? Do you find you’re too exhausted at the end of the day to get your workout in, or go for that run you promised yourself? Are extra work hours more of a priority than your health?

What if I told you I can give you an opportunity to re-prioritize your health, AND still make a living. Would you take it? Actually having the TIME to take care of yourself and wake up feeling good, and full of energy. Sounds too good to be true right?

No, I don’t have a secret pill or gadget that all of a sudden will shoot hundred dollar bills out at you and give you a 6 pack all at the same time. However, what I do have to offer you is the opportunity to build YOUR life. The one you daydream about- where you get to truly be the BEST version of yourself. A healthy, happy you!

I took this opportunity 5 months ago thinking ‘ Yeah ok sure I’ll give it a go.’ Secretly, thinking it was probably the same as every other ad you see on the internet, that promises you the “Your dream life, just click here”.


ENTRE’s Success Path has truly changed my life. Now I get to work on myself and truly create a healthy balanced life. My Physical and Personal well being are finally just as much a priority as my professional life. I have time every single day to pour into all 3 boxes and I have never felt so much balance, energy, and excitement about creating MY version of MY life.

I have been given his amazing opportunity to share in my success with 10 friends. Even if you are skeptical, why not give it a try? There is absolutely no catch here, just be one of the first 10 people to message me and I will send you the registration! The course will take you a few hours, and you can work at your own pace!

Interested? Drop a YES below!


Are you looking for more fulfillment in all areas of your life? What if I told you, you can create a tangible business while also working on your personal and physical wellness!

I’m looking for 10 friends that want to better themselves, professionally, physically, and personally!

Imagine being surrounded by a whole group of like-minded people all cheering you on as you create a life you are so excited to wake up to. Holding you accountable to your personal, physical, and professional goals. Sounds too good to be true right?

Five months ago (pictured), I decided to take the leap and invest in ENTRE’s Success Path Masterclass Course, and I can’t believe where it took me! Not only just in business, but in my overall well being.

I have gained tangible strategies to prioritize my time so I can work on building my business around my life without sacrificing my family time.

I’ve also learned the importance of energy optimization and management to help me become the best version of myself in my physical well being.

I actually have TIME to work on myself and to be supported, engaged, and being held accountable to my goals has changed my life.

Still reading?
Still thinking it sounds too good to be true?

I thought so too, but you guys- this is for real and I’m so excited I have been given this amazing opportunity to invite 10 friends to come join me on this journey!

There’s no catch! You just need to message me before these 10 golden tickets are gone, the course will take a few hours to go through, and you can do it on your own time!

Drop SUCCESS PATH in the comments below and I’ll send you the registration details!


What you do in the next 90 days will shape you for the rest of 2023.

If you are anything like me, a single income family working long hours trying to keep up with inflation having no time for anything else and want to change.

An online business can help but not the way it's taught out there.

Truth is you have to build that business around what you love and YOUR brand.

No one teaches this, instead they give you cookie cutter stuff that fits everyone in one mold.

Everyone has something to offer, but you may not know it yet.

I have access to a FREE masterclass that can show you exactly how to build your brand, audience, digital assets, email list and show you what kind of products you should be promoting to best serve that audience.

Comment "MORE INFO" below if you want to make 2023 different and amazing!

P.S. I have about 10 of these Masterclasses I can give out (this is not fake scarcity) So only looking for people who will follow through.

Once 10 are gone... if you click the link, it will redirect you to "Offer is expired".


It has been exactly that for me during my time parenting our 4 children with my wife.

So many rewarding moments you get with your kids and yet just as many challenging ones. It has grown me as a person more than anything else in life!

I'll be the first to admit I am far from perfect... but my prayer is they find security, and satisfaction in knowing they have a heavenly father that loves them with a perfect love I could never offer.

I'm thankful for God's grace. My goal is to pass that grace on to my kids.


Want to know how we are raising four children using a natural lifestyle and how you can do the same? 👧👦👦👶

My wife and I are hosting WEEKLY live trainings where we will dive into our 7 pillars of healthy living!

Some of the key elements we'll cover include:

1. Why a natural lifestyle is KEY to raising a healthy family.

2. How balance in your routine leads to more FREEDOM IN LIFE.

3. Where to find natural health options (They should be easier to find).

4. Our role as a parent in MODELING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE for our kids.

.. If this is true, we should focus on modeling in faith, in lifestyle, and in health!

Come join us on Sunday night @ 9pm and see what Kairos Culture is all about!
..It's free to join 🤫

Click Here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kairoscultureonline

See you on the inside!


Learning to live a natural lifestyle can be overwhelming. We've learned A LOT over the years as we've raised our kids with natural healthcare!

I grew up in that lifestyle and now we are raising our kids the same way.

You can't change it all at once...
.. you have to grow into it.

That's how you make this lifestyle sustainable.

It's not a fad, it's not always easy, but IT IS WORTH IT!

Seeing your kids get sick less... WORTH IT!
Having more energy... WORTH IT!
Having less pain... WORTH IT!
Feeling young again...
Bonding as a family over your health...
Instilling lifelong healthy habits in your kids...
Not becoming a statistic... WORTH IT, WORTH IT, WORTH IT!

We know there's a better way to approach our health than what the mainstream tells us because we've experienced it, and lived it.

And you can do it too.

You just have to have an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Kairos Culture is all about growing healthy habits in life ⤵️


Wondering how to raise a family the natural way?

My wife and I believe that raising a family by natural means is the best way to grow healthy children.

We've grown so much over the past 8 years as we've started this journey raising 4 healthy children solely using natural healing methods.

We're sharing our experiences and what's worked best for us in our Facebook group designed to help busy parents navigate a natural lifestyle for their family.

It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what alternatives to use when your kid gets sick and you don't want to use antibiotics and Tylenol, but we know that using natural alternatives can make a huge difference in their health because we've seen it happen!

In this group we share our 7 Pillars of Healthy Living!

If you are wanting more ways you can help your family adopt a natural lifestyle this group is for you!

Click the link below to join the group, it's free to join!

As an added BONUS when you join the group we'll send you our Top Ten His & Hers Holiday Gift Guide for 2022.

This is a FREE resource and it's great if you're needing some fun ideas for gifts this holiday season!


-The Hackbarts


No matter the circumstances, there’s ALWAYS something to be thankful for.

Let’s not overlook the meaning of today.

Today… we focus on gratitude.

We are thankful we get to visit family this week, we don’t see them often so we love being able to spend time with them!

What are you grateful for?


Every decision we make is a part of the story of our health or disease.

Every decision has a consequence whether positive or negative so how are you navigating the decisions you're making with diet, exercise, household cleaning products, beauty products, activity levels, and natural healthcare?

If you're like I was, for years I just chose my products if they said "natural" on the box, chose my fitness activity on how i felt in my 20's, based my cleaning products on what was cheapest etc...
..It wasn't until I started having health problems that I started thinking about each aspect of my health and relationships individually.

Now that I have four kids staying healthy is CRITICAL!

But on top of that I want to be able to teach them healthy habits as they grow so that when they leave our house, a healthy lifestyle is second nature to them.

I want them to start their adult journey on the right foot without wondering…

- What to eat?
- How to exercise properly?
- How to find products they can use that won’t destroy their health over time?
- How to manage a busy schedule?
- How to prioritize people over things?
- How to exercise faith in a world without it?
- How to find your purpose in life?

… and so much more!

That’s why I created the Kairos Culture Facebook Group.

My wife and I are passionate about natural living because it has transformed our lives!

We want to help parents navigate a natural lifestyle and learn how to find balance in life.

It transformed our lives!

It can do the same for your family.

Click the link below to joint our FREE Facebook community!


Health is wealth!

You could save up for retirement and sacrifice to make sure you have a great nest egg built up for those later years BUT if you don't invest in your health now...
..You'll probably end up spending a lot of that savings on your health later in the form of medical care. Nobody wants to do that!

Investing a little money here and there in your health now can ensure that you will have health AND wealth later in life.

You're going to have to spend money on your health at some point in your life. I always suggest to people that they spend it in a way that allows them to live life to the fullest. That means...

Investing in health looks like this - buying organic as much as possible, good quality supplements, gym membership, specific / regular chiropractic care, natural cleaning products.

If health is wealth, it should change the way you invest in it!

Our FB group helps parents learn practical ways to start investing in their families health so they can build true wealth.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kairoscultureonline


I needed a good laugh today! 😂 🥽😂


Videos (show all)

Every thought is a see you’re sowing into your future. Train your body…Train your mind harder 🔥 #motivation #selfdevelop...
It’s Time To WAKE UP! #Selfdevelopment #Motivation #God
Giving Healing Adjustments All Day Today! #chiropracticadjustment
YOU HAVE 1 LIFE!!! Here’s How To Make The Most Of It! 💪🏼 #health #transformation #motivation