

30 Day Weight Loss Personalized weight loss program. Doctor supervised. Real Food. 30 Nightly Zoom Coaching calls with the doctor. Private Facebook Support group.


Rex is having a perfectly wonderful Lazy Sunday! I just love to see when our animals are cozy and sleeping. I probably have 1000’s of pics of them… Today he’s lounging in my “Polka Dot Pink Prayer Chair!” Ah… it’s the little things that instantly put a smile on my face and bring my heart so much joy!

What are y’all doing this Sunday? Share a pic with us!


Have you tried a million weight loss diets? Programs? Read a million books? Clicked on a zillion ads? Read 10,000 testimonials of success...

Only to feel like nothing every works like what "they say" for YOU?

We hear it ALL. THE. TIME.

But guess what? It's not your fault.
Yep. That's what I said. It's not your fault.
Let's wipe that guilt and regret away like the power of a clean eraser on a messy chalkboard!

It's a new school year. It's a new season.

And it's a NEW chance for you to find HOPE in YOU.

Yes! Hope! That's why we named our weight loss program HOPE30. It wasn't by accident. It was ON PURPOSE.

Our Hopesters are losing weight. LOTS of weight. Like the average each round is 14.9 POUNDS of fat. Not water. Fat.

So wipe that guilt away. Clean that frustration outa your mind. And let us be your teacher. Your motivator. Your cheerleader. Your friend.

Join us LIVE tonight and let us tell you why all those programs were WRONG for YOU... They failed YOU. Not the other way around.

Bring your questions. The deadline is TONIGHT @ midnight! Don't miss your chance to register and join us!!! You won't regret it!


Do you? Do you remember that smell?

Chalk. The erasers.

The smell of the wafting of chalk dust as you dutifully clapped two erasers together as official "Eraser Cleaner" for your Classroom Job Assignment.

I loved getting to actually "wash" the blackboards... There was NOTHING better than that beautiful, GIANT, glistening clean blackboard. Nothing. I loved that job.

I remember it took two people (this was 1st grade mind you) to go to the school Janitors "closet" and fill the rusty ol' bucket. The bucket was almost as big as we were... Well, it felt like it was.

We would walk slowly down the carpeted hallway, all the while praying that the sloshing water would not "slosh" all the way out before we reached our classroom door.

We felt super important as we walked in, grabbed a sponge and got to work!

Erasing all the days letters, numbers, cursive lines... date, weather... all of it... (even the names of the "naughty" kids) It was amazing! We got to WIPE IT ALL AWAY...

A clean slate. Literally.

Each day, a fresh new start.

Don't you wish life was like that...
A fresh start every day.
A clean slate.
A chance to wash all our mistakes, our bad habits, our errors, our regrets... away.

Well. There is. Any day can be a Day 1. Any day.

That's why I LOVE September. I do. I LOVE "Back to School" time!

We don't have to be going back to a classroom to experience the JOY... The forgiveness... the relief... of a "clean slate."
We can LIVE it right now!

We can put Summer behind us and get "back to business." Back to Basics. Back to Health.

Join us. Join us in our Nightly, Educational, Motivational, Hope filled VIRTUAL Classroom! Hope30 can be your "Clean Slate!"

Forget the weight loss programs that "didn't work" for you in the past...
Forget the overload of yummy treats you enjoyed with friends and family this Summer...
Forget the guilt from "thinking" about doing something about your weight and your health, but letting that ol' procrastination win...

None of that matters when you get the Clean Slate... the Fresh Start of a September.
Join us. Visit HopeThirty.com now and sign up. The deadline is tonight and our 1st Zoom is Sunday. Let us be your teacher. Your Cheerleader. Your Partner. Your Friend. Don't try to do it alone... Join our community. You won't regret it. And in 30 days...

You just may be around 14 pounds of fat lighter... Now THAT is a Clean Slate.


Are y'all getting outside and enjoying the late Summer/Early Fall weather in your "neck of the woods?" I'm hearing that it's still a bit steamy across the states. But here in Richmond, the weather has been GLORIOUS!

I had so much fun outside, on the sidelines for BreAnn's daughter/my niece Clara's little cheerleading Pep Rally! She of course ROCKED it! But I'm a bit biased. tee hee

It was just so relaxing to get some fresh air and watch the kids race around and just, well, be kids. Roll around on the grass. Play a crazy version of "Leap Frog" and throw the ball around.

Can you remember running like that? Like running until your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest... Your cheeks were on fire... and YOU LOVED IT! I know I did...

Share some pics of your days and weekends? What are you doing this weekend? What are you going to do that brings you joy? Show us! Let us cheer you on!

And if you don't have anything planned... that's okay! An early evening walk is always a fav of ours too!

Hope you all have the BEST weekend! We'll make sure to share some more pics of what we are up to! When we don't "see" you each night, we MISS you!!!

(Just a reminder that the deadline for the next round of Hope30 is tonight @ midnight! We'd love to have you with us!)


Tonight we're talking about EXERCISE!

Everyone thinks that more, intense exercise is the ANSWER to weight loss.

Maybe Yes. Maybe No.
You'll have to come watch LIVE to find out!

Can you actually OUTRUN a bad diet?
The answer may surprise you!

We're goin' LIVE @ 9:02 pm EST! Join us!
The deadline for the next round of Hope30 is TOMORROW night @ midnight! Bring your questions tonight and we will stay until they are all answered!

Have an AWESOME day and we'll "see" you soon!
Visit HopeThirty.com for more info and to register.


Sometimes you just need to SEE it. See an example. See a physical representation of something to REALLY help the concept SINK IN.

Tonight, that's JUST what we are going to do! We are going to SHOW you what fat looks like, what it does to you, and how you can BURN IT UP! Ha!

Join us LIVE tonight @ 9:02 pm EST! You don't want to miss tonight's LIVE demonstration... You'll be talking about it for weeks! And make sure to share this with a friend!

Can't wait to "see" you tonight! Have an AWESOME day!
PS Deadline for the next round of Hope30 is Friday @ midnight.


When you have the right "FUEL" your body can do what it was made to do... and do it well! Often times we eat foods that tell us that they are "healthy," but in reality, they are actually "Putting the BRAKES" on our weight loss!

Join us tonight LIVE @ 8:02 pm EST! We are going to share the REAL answer to the RIGHT FUEL for our bodies... for weight loss. for energy, for health, and for LIFE!

The next round of Hope30 begins on Sunday! Bring your questions tonight and we will stay until they are all answered! We want to help "Get Your Engine Running".... faster, smoother, and towards the finish line of your weight loss goals!

Hope to "see" you at 8:02 pm EST! Have an AWESOME day!


Join Dr. Jim and Nicole LIVE tonight! Find out how YOU can lose the weight with our CUSTOMIZED and PERSONALIZED approach! The average from our last group was 14.9 pounds of fat.... GONE! Bring your questions tonight and we can't wait to answer them! Have an AWESOME day! (Deadline to register for the next round is THIS Friday at midnight)


Saturdays and Farmers Markets.

Summer and Hope30.

Perfect combinations for a Hopester!

NOW is the PERFECT time to begin a Hope30 Journey.

Throw cooking on the grill and you've got the perfect TRIFECTA for ultimate weight loss!

I know, right???

Real food. REAL food.

It's super easy during the Summer. And the results will amaze you. AH- maze you.

Join us. For the next 30 days. We have all the recipes, support, science, cheerleading, dance music and community that you need!

Yep. I did say "Cheerleading and Music!" Ha!

We have FUN while we are transforming our health... the weight loss is the BONUS!

Okay. I'm getting excited for tomorrow's Zoom at 8:00 pm EST! We HOPE you'll join us!


ANY day can be a "Day 1."

Join us.

It's never too late to begin working on "YOU."

Give the gift of weight loss, energy, happiness and pain free living to yourself! Those that love you will be so excited that they will get to love you longer...

Hope30 can help you get to that goal and live the life you've always dreamt of... we are very serious about that.

NEVER give up on "getting better."

We say that to ourselves every day.
We set New Goals.
We dream New Dreams.

Makes life exciting and filled with HOPE.
It's not just a name... it's our goal to give every person that joins us "hope" for their future. We pray you're the next one.


Deadline Extended!
Hi all! I just checked my email and so many reached out to ask if they could still register!

The answer is YES! YES! YES! Join us!

Kelly and I were up late getting people started and we want you to know that we still have spots for the next round.

So go remind your friends. Grab a neighbor. Call your sister.

Let's finish out the Summer together! Ready to enter the Fall and Holiday Season feeling amazing and ready to enjoy the food and fellowship that it brings! (without guilt!)

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions at all. But don't hesitate now. We need to get you all set up before our first Zoom Orientation tomorrow night @ 8:00 pm EST

We HOPE we "see" you there!
Have an AWESOME Saturday!


Y'all! There's still time!
There's still room!
We are saving a "seat" just for you! (Virtual Seat that is...)

Don't hesitate. Click the link. Read the stories.
The Hopesters before you would tell you to "Go for it!"

They were a bit nervous too... But Hope30 is different.

Not a diet. Not a bar. Not a shake.

It's Real Food. Real support (Daily). Real Science.
Real results.

Our first Zoom is Sunday. Join us!
We are ready and waiting to help you begin your journey!

Reach out if you have any questions. We are here to help!


Have we told you that you can eat anywhere when you are on your Hope30 journey?


Yep. Home. Away. Vacay. The beach. The Mountains. A wedding. A reunion.

This was my meal last night enjoying the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico along the Florida Coastline.

A perfect meal, with perfect friends.

Don't be afraid to join us this Summer. The fresh food in all the Fresh Markets, Fruit Stands and farms are everywhere!

Grills are fired up and ready to go!

Join us. 30 Days. Average 10 - 20 pounds. Real Food. AMAZING Community Support.

Deadline is TONIGHT at midnight! Tell a friend! Do it with a buddy! You will have so much fun!

Please reach out if you have any questions or need anything at all! YOU CAN have fun, lose weight, get healthier, and enjoy life!


Sometimes you have to take a “glance” at your past… to remind yourself at how far you have come.

You can’t wallow there… only a glance.

But you can remind yourself of a few things…

1. You need to remember what life “felt” like back then… compared to now…

2. You need to remind yourself of how far you have come and how much you have achieved…

3. You need to remind yourself that you truly CAN DO ANYTHING… as long as you make a decision… and focus on a goal.

This is where I came from.

And really, looking at this picture today and the emotions that are flooding in, has nothing to do with how I “looked.” This image just floods my mind with how I “felt.”

And those feelings were so much more than just when I looked in the mirror… because I promise you, I had been looking at that image in the mirror for a long time and it did not make me happy…

But I look back at that image and immediately the feelings of extreme joint pain, constant reflux, fatigue, lethargy, exhaustion… all of it… are right here. You name it, I experienced it…

Making the decision to focus on my health… to find my personal solution… was the BEST thing I have EVER done in my life.

Most of you only know me as the “new 2.0 version” of me… the 60 pound lighter me… the non-diabetic me…

The me that wants to live the days I have remaining feeling the very best I can…

The me that wants to help YOU experience the transformation that I did… filled with Hope and ready to LIVE my very best life!

Join us. 30 days is all it takes to kickstart your journey and fill your heart with the Hope that your goals can be achieved and that your BEST days can be ahead!

Today is the deadline. Don’t wait. From my “much healthier heart” to yours, I know you can do it. Let us help you.

Yours in Health and Hope,
Dr. Jim

Visit www.HopeThirty.com for more info and to register


It was a Sunday afternoon and we had just left the lake after a delicious, GIANT brunch that Jim’s mother had prepared for us. All our favorites… Waffles, syrup, bacon, muffins, hashbrowns… all of it. We enjoyed every bite, filled our bellies, packed the car and headed home to Richmond.

Hunter was a toddler… so he was taking his nap peacefully in the back seat.

I was chatting away watching the road, but not the driver.

I asked Jim a question and didn’t receive an answer after a bit of what felt like an extended pause. I looked over and he was nodding out… in and out… in and out.

I asked him if he wanted me to pull over and drive, but he said that he was fine.

Not too long later, during another conversation, the car started veering off the two lane road onto the gravel on the side… I screamed, he je**ed and “woke” up.

We immediately pulled over and I took the wheel.

Jim was devastated. He often talks about that morning and how he almost killed his family… How food and blood sugar and years of bad choices led to a moment that could have taken a very deadly turn.

We did not go straight home that day. Jim wanted to go directly to CVS and get a blood sugar monitor. He knew this had to stop and he had to find a solution.

After turning into a Human Pin Cushion, Jim determined that he had indeed become a Type 2 Diabetic.

He also decided that his health had to become his number one priority…

Not only to save his own life… but to save his families as well.

That was also when, what is now called Hope30, was “born.”

Hunter is now 16. Jim is 60 pounds lighter and he is no longer a Type 2 Diabetic. His bloodwork is perfect.

Jim made a lifechanging decision that day. A decision to make a change. To say “NO MORE.” He committed to getting his life back. His health back. And by taking care of himself, he could better care for his family.

I’m so grateful that he did. His life… and ours, could look so differently today if he hadn’t.

If you’re still reading this… I share this story with you because I know that deciding to join a “Weight Loss Program” is not an easy decision. But I want you to know that we have turned our “Mess” into our “Mission.” We want to help you get your health AND your life back…

Tomorrow is the deadline for the next round of Hope30. We pray you’ll consider joining us for the next 30 days. We’re fairly certain it will change you life forever.

It certainly did for us.

Please reach out if you need anything at all or have any questions at all.

Yours in Health & Hope,
Nicole (& Dr. Jim and Hunter)
www.hopethirty.com for more info and to register.


Have you visited Hope30kitchen.com? Go check out the awesome meals we enjoy as Hopesters! There’s still time to sign up for our next 30 day round beginning this Sunday! It’s time to choose YOU!!! Hopethirty.com


LiVE drawing!!! Kicking off our Summer Sizzlin’ Sale! The official Hope30 Hopely is 50% off!!!


Today is our first Ladies Lunch with Nicole, BreAnn and Amy! We are enjoying Turkey Sub in a Bowl! Find the recipe at www.Hope30Kitchen.com. We are registering NOW for the next round of Hope30! Join us! Register at www.HopeThirty.com


The journey to start a family can be filled with ups, downs, insides and outs... We are passionate about this topic as we had our own roller coaster of a fertility journey...

If you, or a couple you love, is planning to start a family... has been dreaming of a family... or wants to do everything possible to prepare their bodies, then please share this link with them.

Tonight, at 9:00 pm EST is our first Zoom for this round of "Prep for Pregnancy." There is still time to join us. Forward or click the link below to learn more and to register. I am here ready and waiting to get you into the group...

Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions at all. We are here to help you begin this journey. -Nicole



It's back! We are SO excited to announce that our next round of the Hope30 Prep for Pregnancy Program is back and registering NOW!

If you are a Hopester, you know our story. You know that we have taken our "mess" and made it our MISSION!

We want to help get couples Prepare their bodies for the JOY of pregnancy and the miracle of the birth of their healthy child.

Prep For Pregnancy puts all the information that is floating around the internet and puts it in ONE place... Let us hold your hands and guide you. We learned so much through our 14 year journey of trying to have a family. We want to share that with you...

Make sure to visit the link below and hear our story... it may be similar to yours...

The deadline is next Friday @ midnight and Zoom #1 is Sunday July 21st! We can't wait to "see" you!


Where is your Hopely today?!?😍


Often patients have a Chronic Virus that goes "hidden" until uncovered by Metabolomic Testing. These Viruses can cause havoc until discovered and treated.
Join us tonight LIVE at 9:00 pm EST on YouTube and Facebook. to learn more!


We know that you may still have questions about Hope30. So tonight, at 9:00 pm EST, we are going to read some of the "Most Asked Questions" and give you our answers. We want you to know as much as you can before you decide to join us for this next round.

We know that choosing a weight loss program is very serious and we do not take that lightly We want to set your heart at ease and get you excited for the journey of Health Transformation ahead!

So join us tonight! Bring your toughest questions! Bring a friend too! We are ready and excited to hear them! We Hope to "see" you tonight!


Never. Ever. Quit.

And never be afraid to start.

Don’t let the FEAR OF FAILURE keep you from your dream life.

We are here. We can help get you there. We want to… Every day for 30 Days… We will be RIGHT by your side.

What other Weight Loss Program can say that? Daily support. Daily contact. Daily love. Daily cheering.

Don’t quit. Let’s start.

Registration for the next round ends tomorrow. Let the next 30 Days change your life forever.


Hope30 is based on 5 Key Elements that TOTALLY set it above the other options on the market. If you don't have these three KEY elements, you are missing out and wasting valuable time. Join Dr. Jim & Nicole LIVE tonight at 9:02 pm EST and they will share those 5 Key Elements with you!

Registration is happening NOW and you are almost running out of time to join us for the next round of Hope30. The deadline is Friday! Visit www.HopeThirty.com for more info and to register.

You can do this!!!! We will be with you every step of the way!


Dr. Jim & Nicole are LIVE and sharing Inspirational Stories and Transformations. See the ACTUAL results of 30 Days of Hope30 living LIVE @ 8:00 pm EST

Photos from Hope30's post 11/06/2024

Tammy said she wanted to share her story directly with you… We thought it was a great idea too...

“When I started Hope 30 in October of 2023 I was suffering with so many aches and pains, piriformis syndrome in my right leg, high blood pressure, rising cholesterol, acid reflux and generally my body just could not move. In 7 months I have lost 50lbs and over 47"! My blood pressure normalized within 10 days, the aches, pains and acid reflux were gone soon after and I can move again! Losing the weight was great, but the real win is HOW GOOD I FEEL!I have friends on different programs who had great success losing weight so I knew it was still possible at my age. But those programs weren't for me. I knew I had to figure out how to regain my health through eating real food. I wanted to prove to myself that I didn't have to take a medication or buy a company's pre-packaged food to lose the weight. I heard about Hope30 from a friend and we signed up together!

I am so thankful for the Hope 30 program! The support along with the education, science and nightly Zoom calls kept me focused every day. Thank you Dr. Jim, Nicole and whole Hope 30 team! I now have the knowledge I needed to lose the weight and keep it off. Hope30 For Life!”

We are so grateful for Tammy and know that she is an incredible inspiration to all around her… and especially to us. Don’t give up on yourself…Tammy knew she could lose the weight and get her health back, she just had to find the right program to follow. We’re just so glad she chose Hope30… she’s an amazing BLESSING to us! and now, a Hopester for Life!

PS: Join us LIVE on FB and YouTube @ 8:00 pm EST for more Hopester Highlights and to ask questions!


Hope30 test results "Before" and "After"... The results are amazing!


Hello Hopesters!
Hope you are having the BEST weekend!

Just a quick post to let you know there is still time (always time) to register for our Ambassador Referral Program. If you registered this past week, you will be getting an email within the half hour giving you your custom link and inviting you to an Orientation This Evening @ 8:00 pm EST.

Here is the link to register as an Ambassador if you would like to in time for our Zoom tonight.

Please reach out if you have any questions at all! Have a great day!


Dr. Jim & Nicole, creators of the Hope30 Weight Loss Program that is sweeping across the U.S. and Canada, go LIVE to Launch this year's "Summer Slim Down!"

Hope30 is like NO other weight loss program, or metabolic reset program, that you have ever seen. Where else can you join a LIVE Zoom call every single night and have DIRECT access to a Functional Medicine doctor who can help you, coach you, and adapt the program to YOU...every step of the way. We don't know of one.

Also, Hopesters learn how to eat REAL food... not bars, shakes, pills, cardboard food... Real Food. From Grocery Stores and Restaurants.

The next round is registering NOW. Don't miss your chance to join us. You could be down 10, 15 or 20 pounds in 30 days! There is no need to wait. We will help you and be with you every step of the way!

Visit www.HopeThirty.com for more info and to register. Once you click the button to join us, we will take it from there! We can't wait to be on this journey with you! Don't wait.

If you still have questions and concerns, we are here to help. Email us at [email protected].

Videos (show all)

How Many Diets Have You Tried? Find out LIVE tonight why they didn't work for you!
Why isn't your exercise working for weight loss? Watch LIVE for ways to IMPROVE your results!
Let's Get Visual! and Let's Chat about FAT! TONIGHT - LIVE @ 9:02 pm EST
How is your Engine Running? Do you have the Right "FUEL" for Weight Loss?
Lose 14.9 pounds with a personalized and customized approach! This MONTH!
Hope30kitchen Chili loading….
LIVE Ladies Lunch with Hope30!
Could a Chronic Virus Drive Your Autoimmune Condition?
Hope30 Open Mic Night! You've Got Questions? We've Got Answers!
The Top 5 Keys to a Fast, Fun & Sustainable Weight Loss Program
Hopester Highlights LIVE! Hear Tammy's Story...
Can a "Broken Metabolism" Be fixed? Hope30 Test Results Revealed