Sacred Thresholds - Shayne Berry - Heart Mentorship + Hypnotherapy

Sacred Thresholds - Shayne Berry - Heart Mentorship + Hypnotherapy

I am safe space. You are sacred space. Together we are transformative space.

Photos from Sacred Thresholds - Shayne Berry - Heart Mentorship + Hypnotherapy's post 05/07/2023

Pacific Northwest friends! Go harvest this herbal sunlight for the winter months! It’s SO easy to make St. John’s Wort oil. It brings the energy of the sun into the dreary winter months. This is the week to do it before it dries out. It’s an herb that’s known for personal power, mental upliftment, protection, circulation, and healing scrapes, rashes, etc. I slather it on in the winter, and across my heart space/solar plexus when I’m needing some protective energy. Info and instructions from my fave herbalist below. Go get it! It grown near roads, lots on Sauvie Island🌞🌱🌞🌱🌞🌱🌞🌱

Photos from Sacred Thresholds - Shayne Berry - Heart Mentorship + Hypnotherapy's post 30/06/2023

Holy wow. I finally figured out how to log into my artist dashboard on Spotify and am so shocked and thrilled that these songs have been streamed 15,000 times! And the most played song on Insight Timer has reviews that make me cry! I also realized that I could read the names of the playlists the songs had been added to. Names like: Healing, Growth, Sister Circle, Reminders of Truth, The Only Way Out Is Through. 🥹 This project was a rebellion of creation through a year of deep grief, and I wanted to scatter the seeds that were my own medicine in case they could help others. I have done zero promotion, trusting the songs to find their way. ❤️❤️❤️

And I’m so excited that this fall, two of my fave musicians are going to join me in the next stage of the dream: a ceremonial community concert. Life is wild, this info was so fun to find today. 🙏


Mentoring is such a different dynamic than parenting! 🥰

I absolutely adore the teens I get to mentor and am discovering how much easier it is to just be with their process when I’m not a parent attached to an outcome. Current teens went through the weirdest time in our history, at the most intense stage of their development, and I feel really honored to get to help them navigate emotions, choices, perspectives and this wild time of being alive. I feel honored to just provide empathic tuned in space, it’s a hot commodity!

I love that I can let it be different with each sweet human, sometimes it’s intuitive collage, sometimes it’s a brainstorming session about a school problem, sometimes it’s navigating romance, sometimes it’s therapeutic trips to the humane society where we talk on the way, and then pet cats. I love that I get to flow with what supports them, in an intuitive and emergent way. Last week I was playing an emotional regulation board game with a tween, and for her winning reward, she wanted to get tea from the adorable traditional tea house below my studio. The client before that was all about communicating needs and feelings to family in a way that they more can easily hear. Feelings vocabulary being one of my favorite tools in the box. Many of the teens share things with me, that they don’t want to burden their parents with, lightening the load for everyone.

To the Facebook friend, (Katie Sutherland) that referred a friend, I‘m so grateful, it’s grown by word of mouth from there and I meet with multiple teens every week. And I truly look forward to every session. 🙏🌻💓👏🏻

If you have tweens/teens in your life, I have some afternoon weekly spots open. I do virtual visits too!

Photos from Intentional Dating + Relating's post 13/05/2023

GREIF BONFIRE / May 16th 6:30pm / Bring your little griefs, and your big ones, add them to the community fire.

We will have a wonderful healing cellist, to help our bodies feel and release emotion, as we write our sorrow and bring it to the fire.

We’ll sing as a group, to support each person as they offer their writing to the fire.

We’ll end with a grounding meditation and community interaction/sharing (if desired, not required of you)

This is a free event, and has space for 25 people. Near NE Glisan and 117th.

Please message me to rsvp, and please send to anyone you know that could use a welcoming space to interact with grief.


I don’t think most of us realize the choice we have in most moments to be “at cause” or “at effect”.

Being at effect to the stimulus in our lives and relationships keeps us in a victim role: “they made me upset”, “they are being a jerk”, “they are being hurtful”, “they aren’t being what I need”, “that group of people is against me”, “the world is a place to protect myself from or fight against”. “They are so clueless”. “I can’t believe they can act that way!”. “Wtf is wrong with them, they see it all wrong.”

The energy here is more: The world is a place I need to fight against.

Being at cause sounds like: “This isn’t working for me.” “I’m not comfortable with how that person responds to me, so I’m choosing not to interact.” “I’m angry about this social issue, I’m going to get involved to help others.” “I feel less open, free, seen and joyful in that environment, I’m not going to go there again.” “I enjoy walking through the world close to other people who are walking the path of the heart.” “I am in deep discomfort today, I’m going to tend to myself by doing x,y,z.” “The way they act, speak, believe, is not something I want to be around.”

The energy here is more: I get to choose to notice my response, and choose from there. No one is right or wrong, good or bad.

Many of us grew up in homes, where we were given more opportunity to react than respond. As adults, we get to choose in each moment, to slow down and notice where we are.

Being at effect, leads to more of the same. Being at cause, leads to more of the same. It’s both a noticing of our ingrained personality and patterns, and a chance for life-altering re-wiring. 💓


Medicine Songs for transformational times over on Insight Timer. On Spotify as Song Apothecary. 🌙. Or on the website


Find all of my creative services, medicine music and session bookings at


The majority of my clients right now are people going through the sacred threshold of a breakup, and I love this work.

I love helping them untangle the truth of who they are, from the pain of the parts of themselves they feel like they lost.

I love helping to educate them about psychobiological attachment and how a rupture affects our nervous system and biological sensation of safety.

I love tapping them into the grace of Nature as the new well to be filled from, in unexpected ways.

I love creating custom ceremonies for cutting cords and becoming clear and sovereign.

I love using hypnotherapuetic journey work to access the subconscious places one might be connecting this hurt to old hurts, and helping to disconnect the weight of that chain.

I love leading clients through a sacred hypnosis journey to see past blind spots and receive clarity, closure and healing from their higher self, their helping guides or from the Universal energy, I call Spirit.

I love creating the transformational container where feelings are witnessed, and accepted, AND we can walk the road together, noticing what’s true, and unlocking them from what isn’t.

My core life wound was a breakup at 19. And I have been working with and passionately learning tools since, to alchemize the pain into self understanding and life knowledge. The tools, practices and knowledge I learned to navigate that pain, and the way Spirit stepped in, informed who I am as a human, a mother, a lover, a griever and a practitioner.

I love being able to hold and shine the light for others. Over the last year of working with clients one on one, I’m brought to tears thinking of where they started, and where they are now.

I love this work, of treating breakups, as a sacred threshold, to be held in, and to learn from, and I love walking people through it. Please reach out if you would like to work together, or know someone who could benefit.


Most behaviors we see in others that we label as toxic, can be traced back to trauma and nervous system dysregulation.

That does not mean we choose to be around those behaviors.

Notice how it feels in your system to face your energy back towards yourself and claim what you want, need and will not tolerate.

We don’t need to make the other person the bad guy, to walk away. We just need to face our power toward owning what we need to live the life we want.

shayne berry 25/04/2022

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherpy works to guide our focus- where our focus is, our power lies. With Hypnotherapy we can access parts of our subconcious mind to bring shifts to our everyday lives: Shifts in our belief systems, habits, energetic connections, self-narratives, life paths and relational patterns.

My practice is rooted in the belief that each of us is already Whole and Holy. We are each part of the Divine, and we are all walking the soul/human journey of polishing the stone to find the gold within.

I see Hypnotherapy as a bridge between our human/animal self and our wider, divine Self. A Hypnotherapuetic Journey is a Sacred Space where one can receive guidance, support, direction, release, and reclaim parts of one’s self.

The specific Journey Work that I guide is informed by my 15 years of in-person study with Shamans, Somatic Nervous System Practitioners, and Non-Violent Communication Master Teachers, as well as my Hypnotherapy Training. This work focuses in the present moment, and does not require you to access past experiences.

It is both an emergent experience, where each journey is different, as well as a safe alchemical container led by you, the Divine and myself.

Recent Client Feedback: 🙏

“It was as simple as gently pinching my thumb and ring finger together and softly saying to myself “peach pit”. That phrase makes no sense to anyone… but it is magic to me. It’s an association trick that Shayne helped seed in to my psyche. Anytime my nerves or an overactive scared thought come in I press my fingers together and my brain is reminded that I’m safe and I’m understood. Shayne’s supportive, motherly voice has walked me through hypnotic meditations that have helped me not only heal from childhood abandonment but illuminated my present life in a way that makes the old emotions and memories feels new, exciting, warm, inspiring- like restoring cold, torn artwork to what it was meant to be. She provides me with ‘Shayne medicine’. That might mean hypnotic journeys, just her listening compassionately to me, her insightful reflections and perspectives, and her translations of what to say in challenging conversations to honor myself and create the relationships I want. She often has a new amazing book suggestion for me, or online resource. She knows what I need, gives me instructions and provides the follow up for further support so that I know what to expect in our next session. It’s like going to the gym with the help of a trainer. I’m sure to grow and expand further and further towards the life and the love and connection I’ve always deserved, but couldn’t figure out how to get.”

shayne berry Welcome. I look forward to connecting with you.


Here's the thing: you are 100% worthy of unconditional celebration, infinite love, being known, and deep reverence for who you are and where you are, right *now*.

Not when you get more fit, tackle your core wounds to the ground, "figure out" what you're doing wrong or what you want, make it through this transition, reach a certain status, or number in your bank account. Not when you manifest the list. Not when you get "there". NOW. I know, I know! Our culture doesn't teach us this.
*That we are continuously worthy journeyers.*

But today when you walk outside and the light from a floating bonfire in the sky travels 93 million miles to land on your skin, you won't even question if you're worthy of that magic. We don't have programs in our inner systems to cause us to question that...
The reality is, that each of us is carrying around outrageous gifts to offer others just by being us. Unique gifts that have formed not in spite of our darkness, our shadows, our challenges, but *because* of them. It's that whole ecosystem within us that gives rise to our own truth and our own light.

So you are not only worthy of unconditional belonging, being known, loved and celebrated for where you are right now, you are also worthy of letting that whole messy fireball of your unique ecosystem shine so brightly that its glow can land on someone else's skin. So it can illuminate for them their own version, their own innate worthiness and we can all walk tall together, releasing the blocks to receiving the real love-truth-reverence, that we are so very worthy of.


I am truly loving my “job” these days.

Meeting one on one with people to provide intuitive nervous system regulation, and hear what’s heavy or alive in their heart. To provide Navigation and Translation of the human experiences of:
Authentic Dating, Self-Understanding, Relationship Communication, Break-ups, Loss, Death, Grief, Chronic Illness.

As well as guiding small groups in online healing hypnosis journeys.

I always wondered what the universe was setting me up to do, with the intensity of my personal paths in these realms. As I practiced staying tuned in, learning and watching, I came to honor both the higher/spirit self, and the animal/body self as equally holy. Both with incredible information to share.

As soon as I walked through my personal fires, and sifted through the ashes for the gold, I instantly wanted to turn around, and help others walk through, to experience their own wholeness, peace, self awareness and expansion, available under these specific pressures.
I love being the bridge, holding the lantern, as I walk with people down their own paths straight to the truth of who they are, and what they need.

I call my work: The Path of Sacred Thresholds, and see my role in community as that of the historical village witch/mother/medicine woman. Where you walk into her hut, sit on the floor by the fire and speak your heart to someone who wants to know you. Feeling and sharing our feelings fully is a superpower, and a skill that needs much more space held for it than our society allows.

From there, I offer translation of your body/mind/heart experience through my lenses of empathic listening, compassionate communication skills, relationship psychology, the neurobiology of human attachment, authentic relating training, shamanism, journey-work, hypnotherapy, intuition, and my primary internal core gift: Unconditional Love.

I offer take home remedies in the form of mantra, book/resource suggestions, personal guided hypno-therapeutic journeys, ceremony, and specific personal examples of how you can speak your truth to others in ways that align with your deep needs.