Our life Ketan rajpoot
This page of mine is for personal writing video and a message an motivational
Our life Ketan rajpoot This page of mine is for personal writing video and a message an motivational
हमारी अभिलाषा / our desire Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
सफर जिंदगी का / journey of life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
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उलझने प्रतीक है नकारात्मकता की / entanglement is a symbol of negativity Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
स्वदेशी की मिट्टी से भविष्य बनाओ / make future from indigenous soil Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
प्रवास व्यक्ति को बेघर बना देता है / migration makes a person homeless Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
आलोचना किसी व्यक्ति को सुधारने का सबसे अच्छा अवसर है / Criticism is the best opportunity to improve a person Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
सड़क / road Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
हमारे अच्छे कर्म / our good deeds Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
अनुभव जीवन का सबसे बड़ा ज्ञान है / Experience is the greatest wisdom of life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति हमेशा अपने आचरण से जीवित रहता है / A wise man always lives by his conduct Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
हमारी इच्छाएं हमारे व्यक्तित्व पर निर्भर करती है / Our desires depend on our personality Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
मन का संतोष स्वर्ग प्राप्ति से बढ़कर है / Contentment of mind is more than attainment of heaven Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
परवरिश एक अच्छा जीवन देने का एक पहलू है / Upbringing is one aspect of giving a good life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
गुमनामी वह अंधेरा है जो धीरे-धीरे अस्तित्व को खत्म कर देता है / Oblivion is the darkness that slowly erodes existence Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
अनाथ होने का मतलब जिसका कोई संरक्षक नहीं होता है / Meaning of being an orphan who has no guardian Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
प्रयास ही जीवन है / effort is life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
मन की शक्ति और ऊर्जा वास्तव में जीवन का सार है / The power and energy of the mind is really the essence of life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
जीवन न भविष्य में है और न अतीत में जीवन केवल वर्तमान में है / Life is neither in the future nor in the past Life is only in the present Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
आप जीवन को कैसे देखते हैं? / How do you see life? Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
जीवन में लक्ष्य कैसे निर्धारित करें / how to set goals in life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
मानव जीवन अलग-अलग युगों में भिन्न होता है / Human life varies in different eras Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
जीवन में महामारी का प्रभाव / impact of pandemic in life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
जीवन को आसानी से जीने के लिए बेहतर / Better to live life easily Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
जीवन का सबसे मूल्यवान विचार क्या है?/ What is the most valuable think of life? Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
प्रारंभिक मानव की आजीविका / early human livelihood Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
हम कैसे कह सकते हैं कि पृथ्वी पर जीवन संभव है? / How can we say that life is possible on earth? Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
जीवन के बारे में कुछ बुनियादी ज्ञान / Some basic knowledge about life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words
खुशनुमा सुबह खुशहाल जिन्दगी / happy morning happy life Our life based culture, civilization, everyday life, nature, etc. In my own words