Sacred Rebel Wellness

Sacred Rebel Wellness

Regenerative health, detoxification, & more to improve balance, flow & self empowerment


Healing is more fun with friends! Solitaire might be a fun game but it's not ideal in playing the game of life. It's scientifically proven that cells seek other cells. We are made of trillions of cells and two fluids. At our core we need community. Our tissues and organs are made of groups of cells. We need community, big or small, to help keep us accountable and uplift us as we ride this wave of life. I love the homeschooling and health communities I'm a part of and I feel blessed to have my core people in my life. My job as a Holistic & Regenerative practitioner is to be a part of a client's supportive community. You don't have to be alone in your health journey.


Depletion can knock us on our butts, but we have real food and nutrition to lift us back up. Gut health is so important, as our gut is our second brain. Nourishing our bodies with the right nutrition makes all the difference.


Changes have a ripple effect. When you make a shift, the space around you shifts. You're different and those around you can feel it. It will attract some but repel others. Take a breath, it may be painful but take that deep knowing that all is in your favor, you are protected and loved. I'd love to hear how the positive changes you've made have impacted your world.

Photos from Sacred Rebel Wellness's post 27/02/2024

This is by far my go to smoothie for the past year and my kids love it too. We start our day with fruit and later a smoothie as it's gentle on our system coming out of fasting mode "break-fast". A cup of cherries, a banana and two soaked dates with the water along with Regeneratively grown, organic Dark Berry superfoods. YUM!


I feel like sometimes we can overcomplicate food and it can seem like a burden to make a meal or snack. SO many decisions!
Sometimes less is more with a crazy busy schedule. Toss together a few on hand items in the fridge and add some celtic salt & pepper and boom! You have something tasty, fresh and satisfying. If you're feeling extra special squeeze some lemon or lime on it!
This is sprouts on lettuce with cucumber, tomato and avocado. So crunchy and filling!


How do we find balance in our nutrition when every celebration or gathering in life seems to include "junk" food? I am not perfect and I certainly do not expect you to be. Right now in this season of my life, what works for my family is the 80/20 rule. We eat fairly clean 80% of the time and 20% have the freedom to taste all the things. Yes, I eat cake, although I'd prefer a cookie 😂. Just like changing the oil in my car, sometimes I want to detox to allow my body to have a reset and clean house. Bottom line, it's best to find balance in your season of life and give yourself the gift of detoxification when you're ready. I'm here to support when you are!


If you had told me a year ago that I would be happily drinking green juices with wheatgrass, chlorella & spirulina when I got home from working out at the gym, I wouldn't have believed it. I've always been open to new foods, but this is next level nutrition for me. I may not be perfect, but my goodness my daily energy and emotions have improved so much with superfoods. I worked out and played basketball with my kids afterwards. What?! Who is this person?! I love it!!! I know I wouldn't be here without these incredible superfoods. My goal is to get everyone to feel like a better version of themselves, and it starts with better nutrition, one sip at a time!


Y'all, it's only 54 days till Spring.....anyone else feeling sluggish and having some muffin top action with their jeans? Last year I started a cleanse in January and it felt great to be able to feel energized and comfortable in my spring clothes once the weather changed. I'm passionate about assisting people in feeling comfortable in their own skin. How can I help you with your health goals for this season you're in? Reach out and let's get you where you want to be, one step at a time.


Our lives are rich in stories and full of chapters. The years, months and days are your story. It's okay to start anew big or small and leave old habits behind. Adding nourishment to your day can look like swapping a cup of acidic, dehydrating coffee out for some supportive herbal tea. It could be enjoying a bowl of raspberries before eating anything else in the morning. Each day is an opportunity to reflect, sprinkle in some goodness and start a new page. What chapter are you going to start in this season of your life?


Day 3+ of my Liver/Gallbladder flush everything has gone as anticipated except waking up to the shocking news that my dad passed away. Day 2 I did the toughest part of the cleanse by drinking lemon juice mixed with olive oil. Large amounts of oil spasms the gallbladder and forces everything out so that's how you flush any stones. Around midnight my fever broke that was brought on by detoxing with apple juicing and the real flushing began so I was in and out of the restroom the rest of the night. I didn't see any stones but I did see parasites. The amount of old memories that popped up during the few days cleanse was interesting but not surprising because we store anger in the Liver. So I feel like this was an emotional cleansing for me more than a stone release. The pain in my neck and shoulder is gone so that was my ultimate goal. I've been a bit of a zombie the last few days, making funeral arrangements and "all the things" and last night was the first night I slept since the cleanse so I was able to wake and write this coherently. I truly feel like God was pushing me to do the cleanse to prepare my body emotionally for my father's passing. If you feel any type of nudge to make a change, or in my case my body was yelling at me, you should definitely listen. I'm here to assist you with those changes and help you heal yourself holistically; mind, body and soul.


Day two of my Gallbladder/Liver flush has brought on a moderate healing crisis that I anticipated and planned to be home for a few days.
What's a healing crisis?
Well, during my detoxification training I learned that by not eating anything but fresh fruit juice, I've not burdened my body to do much work. I chew the juice in my mouth for maximum digestion because the pitalin in my saliva does a lot of digestive functions before it even makes it to my duodenum. My liver and adrenals get a rest because they are not activated by fruit and I'm done digesting the juice within 30 minutes or so. This gives my body time to do other things like cleaning. So a healing crisis is when we get "sick" symptoms. I currently have body ache and a fever. I know the fever is killing off unhealthy cells during my cleaning process. Tonight I'll be taking the olive oil and lemon juice and the gallstones will come out anytime tonight until day 4. Tomorrow I can reintroduce whole fruit or cooked veggies. Sometimes taking care of ourselves is uncomfortable and takes planning but hey we choose our hard. It's hard to pay and take time for Dr visits and drugs or it's hard to take your power back and eat real food and take time to detox. Many of you have reached out for more details, I will send it out when I'm fever free :)


Breakfast, lunch and dinner this weekend as I clean my Liver and Gallbladder.
How do you know you need support for your Liver? Our body gives us clues! You may have brown patches on your hands, forehead or shoulder. You may have a vertical wrinkle in between your eyebrows or water bags under your eyes or oily skin on your forehead. Emotionally you may feel blocked in your ability to express yourself or you may struggle to find joy in your life and have outbursts of anger. I've had consistent pain in my right shoulder so that is why I'm doing a cleanse.
The liver is responsible for so many important things for our body including acting as a filter for our blood. Gallstones in the liver contribute to blocking important digestive functions so I'm cleaning them out this weekend! For more health info follow me on Instagram as I tend to post more there!

Home 25/11/2023

It's Small Business Saturday! While you're out shopping for all those lovely people in your life, remember the gift of health is the best gift of all! Sacred Rebel Wellness is here to meet you where you're at and support you in your health goals! Book now and support a small business, my family and I appreciate you!

Home Sacred Rebel Wellness Regenerative Health & Holistic Services to support you in your healing journey Connect with us Every journey starts with a single step What we’re about Detoxification Repair and regeneration of the body starts with nutrition. Services include full health consultations and nut...


A perfect example of how our gut health impacts our mental health. A body in balance has harmony with the bacteria, fungus and parasites that are supposed to reside within our body and assist us with the breakdown of unwanted materials. An out of balance body often has an imbalance in bacteria, fungus and parasites that can impact our gut and mental health in detrimental ways. Because we cannot always control the environmental imbalances like this poor grasshopper, we absolutely can control our inner terrain and make sure our thoughts and feelings are actually our own, and not an imbalance in the gut mis-signaling our brain. Being mindful of what we put in and on our bodies, especially our children, can do amazing things for our well being!

A parasitic mushroom growing out of a grasshopper. There are several species of parasitic fungi that are known to grow out of insects, including grasshoppers. One such fungus is Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which infects and kills ants and other insects, including grasshoppers.

When an insect becomes infected with Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, the fungus grows inside the insect's body and eventually takes over its behavior. The fungus manipulates the insect's behavior, causing it to climb to a high point, where it eventually dies. After the insect dies, the fungus continues to grow and produce spores, which can then infect other insects.

As the fungus grows, it can produce long, slender stalks that protrude from the body of the insect. These stalks can contain the reproductive structures of the fungus, including spore-producing capsules that can release thousands of spores into the surrounding environment.


Day 42 of fruit, herbs and superfoods! I have been immersed in all things Detox and loving it! When eating the highest frequency foods that were perfectly designed for our Alkaline bodies, we start feeling and existing at a higher frequency. A lot of shifts happening for me personally as I navigate through emotional attachments to food, set fire to preconceived notions about how our bodies work, and releasing old habits. It's a very powerful experience and I look forward to walking beside and supporting anyone who wants a better existence in this lifetime. There's no better time than NOW to start making changes big or small to what you surround yourself with and fill your body and mind with. If my husband and I can do this, so can you!


Day 1 of my detox! It's exciting to be here, this has been a work in progress for me as I like to ease into things. I did a self test day yesterday of only raw fruits and vegetables so I felt confident this morning continuing and adding in the superfoods and herb blends. It's like the greatest self care act I've ever done for myself and I'm a Leo 🤣 so you know this is a big deal!


Self Care Saturday!


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Berries and Melons are our BEST FRIENDS. Did you know they're our body's cleaners? They are Alkaline forming foods and digest quickly. My go to food in the morning is a bowl of melon. It is sweet, juicy and doesn't weigh me down. Melons like to be eaten alone, they digest faster than other foods and you don't want to combine them with something that will force them to ferment while it waits for the rest to finish digesting. Fermentation of food sugars raise blood alcohol levels. So make a whole meal of fruits, the simpler you eat, the better it is for your tummy!


I had a come to Jesus moment. I've never used those words before, but now I understand what it means. Last week I experienced a situation that I wasn't comfortable with, one that forces you to look at who you are and what your values are. I got backed into a corner but was able to stop, breathe, and ask myself some deep questions. My mind scrambled as to what the right thing to do was and my knee jerk reaction in a panic was to ask someone else's opinion when so many thoughts are bouncing through my mind and I need grounding. I thought of my friend Elle, who is literally one of the kindest souls I've encountered in my life, she really is rooted in her faith and walking in her truth. I thought what would she do? Well she would do what Jesus would do. So I asked myself, what would Jesus do? This was the first time I've ever done that. Let me tell you that OH MY GOODNESS how that question really cut through the bu****it!!! My answer was so clear!!! It was simple, I was SO GRATEFUL to have this uncomfortable experience that led me to this simple question, what would Jesus do? I'm sharing this because I feel like the world could use more of these moments, where we are mindfully led to our own truth. To be proud of who we are and our actions and knowing our decisions are rooted in kindness and faith. It feels really freaking good and I hope you are able to walk in your truth this week as you battle things big and small and know you have your spiritual guides and friends to assist you at a moments notice. You are not alone and you got this!

photo by Ryan Byrne


Some mornings require Cacao. Like a good little Dr. Morse student I transitioned a while ago to eating fruit first thing in the morning. When you wake, you have been fasting all night, so the gentle choice for your body is to enjoy fresh organic fruit in the morning. But some mornings, require Cacao.


A sweet woman came into the shop this weekend with a beautiful Quartz cluster that her Grandfather gave her Grandmother in the 1800s and was later passed down to her. She wasn't sure of it's purpose or value and wanted info on it. After finding out it was worth about $100 and how healing and powerful Quartz can be, she said that made sense because she felt like it has really helped her heal from the recent loss of her husband. I teared up and thought how amazing that her Grandfather was able to reach out and wrap his arms around her and assist her healing through this gift he dug up out of the earth years ago while traveling by horse and wagon. I was touched knowing this story. Intentions and stones are so powerful and can heal on so many levels. My personal favorite feel good stone is Carnelian, it absolutely lights me up! What is your favorite crystal?


Energy has been on my mind lately as I've been lacking physical energy due to sickness in our house. Caring for others when they're feeling their worst can be exhausting but we're able to give that energy because there is love involved. But what about the energy exchange you have with friends, in the workplace or even strangers? I had an unpleasant exchange with a stranger at a grocery store while shopping with my kids. The anger and disrespectful behavior that shot out of this person was shocking. After I picked my jaw up off the floor I was immediately saddened by this interaction and while standing in the aisle of the store I said to my kids let's say a prayer for that person, because to get to that point of behavior they must have a lot of pain going on in their life. Let's send good energy that their situation will get better and then we continued on enjoying our shopping trip gathering ingredients for baking cookies. Later as we cleaned up after dinner, it struck me how far I've come in managing my energy. In the past that interaction would have riddled me with anger and I would have cried at the store or once I got home. It would have left me exhausted and I would spend time replaying the scene, thinking of snarky comebacks I could've said. But after years of personal work and this past summer I focused on mindfulness, I've been able to stay centered, in the now and approach things with gratitude. Now am I perfect? Heck no! But I stood there washing dishes and said a prayer of gratitude for my life, then sent out another prayer for that stranger, that they will reach a point where they feel safe, find their balance and have love for themselves and others. I hope in this season of your life you're able to find time to work on the things you feel need to be addressed and find small moments of joy in seeing how far you've come. I'm here to help you work on clearing out things that no longer serve you energetically and emotionally. If you need someone to walk beside you, just reach out!


Our first Spiritual Connections meetup was everything I hoped for! It was an honor to foster a sacred and safe space for some beautiful souls last night ❤️


"I am interested in this stuff but just don't have anyone to talk with about it" is the most frequent comment I hear from people after a Reiki session, so I decided to start a group so they have a place to talk about it. Join, share, grow with us!

💫Looking for community to talk with about intuitive, wellness and spiritual topics? Join us at the Holistic Collective where will facilitate a safe space for community and connection. Let's come together and share our discoveries, new skills, insights and challenges on our spiritual and wellness journeys.


Hi I am Erica and I am a Sacred Rebel and so are you! Let's rise up together to become our highest selves. I can assist you with Reiki and Energetic Kinesiology to create balance, relaxation and goal setting. I look forward to assisting you on your journey to better health and wellness!

Videos (show all)

Healing is more fun with friends! Solitaire might be a fun game but it's not ideal in playing the game of life. It's sci...
Depletion can knock us on our butts, but we have real food and nutrition to lift us back up. Gut health is so important,...
Changes have a ripple effect. When you make a shift, the space around you shifts. You're different and those around you ...
How do we find balance in our nutrition when every celebration or gathering in life seems to include "junk" food? I am n...
Who wants better sleep?! Did you know that morning exercise can help you get to sleep at night? Studies have shown that ...
Morning shot of organic herbs as part of my cleanse protocol. Don't forget fresh fruit first in the morning 😘  #detox #h...
Self Care Saturday!#phplive2023 #organicsuperfoods #healthiswealth #ultimatelifestyletransformation