Divya's Terrace Garden

Divya's Terrace Garden

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden i


Adenium, commonly known as desert rose or impala lily, holds significance for several reasons:

1. Ornamental Plant: Adenium is prized for its striking, colorful flowers and unique swollen stem, making it a popular ornamental plant in gardens and as a potted plant for decoration.

2. Cultural Significance: In some cultures, adenium is associated with symbolism and used in rituals or as a symbol of love and beauty.

3. Traditional Medicine: Some parts of the adenium plant have been used in traditional medicine for various purposes, although its medicinal uses should be approached with caution due to potential toxicity.

4. Biodiversity: Adeniums contribute to the biodiversity of arid regions, providing food and shelter for wildlife.

5. Conservation: Several adenium species are endangered or threatened in the wild due to habitat destruction, making their conservation important for preserving biodiversity.

6. Hybridization: Adenium enthusiasts have developed many hybrid varieties, adding to the plant's significance in horticulture and gardening.

7. Economic Value: Adeniums are cultivated for the trade in flowers, seeds, and plants, contributing to the economy in regions where they are grown.

8. Unique Growth Habits: Adenium's caudex (swollen stem) and its ability to thrive in arid conditions make it a unique and intriguing plant for collectors and enthusiasts.

Overall, adeniums hold cultural, ecological, and economic significance in various parts of the world.

Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 01/11/2023

The Corkscrew Vine, also known as Ganesha Flower Vine or Vigna Caracalla, is a unique and ornamental plant with several symbolic significances:

1. **Spirituality**: In Hinduism, the Ganesha Flower Vine is associated with Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom and new beginnings. It's sometimes referred to as the "Ganesha Flower Vine" because of its unique, coiled flowers that resemble the elephant god's trunk. The vine may be grown as a symbol of spiritual devotion and reverence to Lord Ganesha.

2. **Symbol of Transformation**: The corkscrew-like, spiral-shaped flowers of this vine are often seen as a representation of transformation and change. This can be a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, where things unfold in unexpected and intricate ways.

3. **Aesthetic Beauty**: Beyond its symbolic significance, the Corkscrew Vine is admired for its unusual and beautiful flowers. It's often grown for its aesthetic appeal in gardens and can be seen as a symbol of the appreciation of natural beauty.

4. **Botanical Interest**: For horticulturists and botany enthusiasts, the Corkscrew Vine is of botanical significance due to its distinctive floral structure and growth pattern. It serves as a fascinating subject for studying plant morphology.

5. **Fragrance**: The vine produces fragrant flowers, adding an olfactory dimension to its appeal. The scent can be soothing and evoke positive emotions, making it a symbol of sensory delight.

Overall, the significance of the Corkscrew Vine or Ganesha Flower Vine varies from cultural and personal perspectives, and it can carry different meanings for different individuals.


Orange sweet potatoes are significant for several reasons:

1. Nutrient-Rich: They are a good source of essential nutrients like beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A), vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. These nutrients play a crucial role in maintaining overall health.

2. Vitamin A: Orange sweet potatoes are particularly rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for good vision, a healthy immune system, and skin health.

3. Antioxidants: They contain various antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. This can contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

4. Dietary Fiber: Sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber, promoting digestive health and helping to regulate blood sugar levels.

5. Low Glycemic Index: Despite their natural sweetness, orange sweet potatoes have a relatively low glycemic index, which means they have a milder impact on blood sugar compared to other starchy foods.

6. Versatile Ingredient: Sweet potatoes can be prepared in various ways, from roasting and mashing to making fries, pies, and soups, making them a versatile and delicious ingredient.

7. Food Security: In some regions, orange sweet potatoes have been promoted as a staple crop to address vitamin A deficiency, a significant public health issue. Their nutritional value can help combat malnutrition.

8. Agricultural Resilience: Sweet potatoes are hardy and can grow in a variety of environmental conditions, which can contribute to food security and sustainable agriculture.

Overall, orange sweet potatoes are not only a delicious and versatile food but also an important source of nutrition and a potential solution to addressing nutritional challenges in some parts of the world.

Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 30/10/2023

Rivina humilis, commonly known as "pigeonberry" or "baby peppers," is a small, herbaceous plant. While it may not be as well-known as some other plants, it has significance in various ways:

1. **Ornamental Use:** Rivina humilis is cultivated as an ornamental plant for its attractive red berries and small pink or white flowers. It adds color and charm to gardens and landscapes.

2. **Wildlife Attraction:** The red berries of this plant serve as a food source for various wildlife, including birds. It can contribute to biodiversity and support local ecosystems.

3. **Traditional Medicine:** In some traditional medicinal practices, parts of Rivina humilis are used for their potential healing properties. This includes using the plant in herbal remedies for certain ailments.

4. **Cultural Significance:** In some cultures, this plant may hold cultural or symbolic significance, often tied to its appearance or traditional uses.

5. **Ecological Role:** It plays a role in its native ecosystems by interacting with local fauna and contributing to the overall biodiversity of the area.

While Rivina humilis may not have the same widespread significance as some other plants, it plays a part in ecosystems, traditional practices, and ornamental horticulture.

Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 29/10/2023

Love these non edible red fruits - Rivina Humilis (Pagadaala Tulasi)


Quick tour of Divya's Terrace Garden


Experiment. Kept the Chow Chow in zip lock cover with moisture some 10 days ago. Now we can see the life growing 🙏


Bowl of Blooms from my terrace garden

Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 28/10/2023
Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 28/10/2023

Light Peach Shade Sleeping Hibiscus


Barleria, a genus of flowering plants, often grown for their colorful and attractive blooms, can carry various symbolic meanings based on their colors:

1. **Purple Barleria**: Purple flowers are associated with dignity, pride, and success. They can symbolize accomplishment and admiration.

2. **Pink Barleria**: Pink represents love, gratitude, and happiness. Pink Barlerias can be given to express affection and appreciation.

3. **Yellow Barleria**: Yellow is typically associated with friendship and joy. Yellow Barlerias may symbolize happiness, new beginnings, and the bonds of friendship.

4. **White Barleria**: White is a symbol of purity, innocence, and spirituality. White Barlerias may be used to convey a sense of reverence and respect.

5. **Red Barleria**: Red is often linked to strong emotions like love and passion. Red Barlerias can express deep affection and desire.

6. **Orange Barleria**: Orange is a color of energy and enthusiasm. Orange Barlerias may signify excitement, vitality, and a sense of adventure.

It's important to note that flower symbolism can vary across different cultures and may have personal interpretations as well. The significance of Barlerias' colors can be influenced by individual preferences and cultural contexts.


On the divinely festival 'Dussehra'.... Maa Durga's blessing in the form of this beautiful blossom. 😍 🙏 Just clicked


Flowers, in their delicate beauty, can symbolize spirituality in various ways. Their high level of spirituality can be seen in:

1. **Symbolism**: Many cultures and religions use flowers as symbols of spiritual concepts. For example, the lotus flower is revered in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing purity and spiritual enlightenment.

2. **Connection to Nature**: Flowers connect us to the natural world, which is often a source of spiritual inspiration. Their growth and transformation from bud to bloom can be seen as a reflection of spiritual growth and renewal.

3. **Simplicity and Elegance**: The simplicity and elegance of flowers can be a reminder of the beauty of simplicity in spiritual practices and the quest for a peaceful and uncluttered mind.

4. **Aromatherapy**: The scents of certain flowers are used in aromatherapy to create a calming and meditative atmosphere, helping individuals to connect with their inner selves and achieve a state of heightened spirituality.

5. **Offerings and Rituals**: In many spiritual traditions, flowers are used in offerings and rituals. This practice deepens the spiritual connection and signifies a desire for growth and enlightenment.

6. **Universal Beauty**: The universal appreciation of flower beauty can be seen as a spiritual commonality among people of different cultures and beliefs, reminding us of our shared humanity and interconnectedness.

Incorporating flowers into spiritual practices or simply taking time to appreciate their beauty can be a meaningful way to nurture one's spirituality.


Jammi Aakulu

The "Shami Patra," also known as "Shami Leaves" or "Jammi Leaves," are leaves from the Prosopis cineraria tree, commonly referred to as the Indian Mesquite tree. These leaves hold religious and cultural significance in Hindu rituals, especially during the festival of Vijayadashami (Dussehra). Here are some key details about Shami Patra:

1. **Botanical Origin**: The Shami Patra comes from the Prosopis cineraria tree, which is native to India. It is a hardy, drought-resistant tree belonging to the Fabaceae family.

2. **Religious Significance**: Shami Patra is associated with the legend of the Pandava prince Arjuna, who is said to have hidden his weapons in a Shami tree during their years of exile. It is believed that Arjuna retrieved his weapons from the same tree on Vijayadashami to fulfill his promise to Lord Shiva. As a result, the Shami tree and its leaves have become symbols of victory, righteousness, and the triumph of good over evil.

3. **Vijayadashami**: On Vijayadashami, people exchange Shami Patra leaves as a symbol of goodwill and victory. It is also common to include Shami leaves in the Ayudha Puja, where tools, instruments, and weapons are worshipped.

4. **Worship**: During Vijayadashami, people worship the Shami Patra as a way to seek blessings for success, courage, and the removal of obstacles. It is offered as part of rituals and prayers.

5. **Medicinal Uses**: In addition to its religious significance, the Prosopis cineraria tree has various medicinal properties. The leaves are used in traditional Indian medicine for their potential health benefits.

6. **Ecological Importance**: The Prosopis cineraria tree plays a vital ecological role in arid and semi-arid regions of India by preventing soil erosion and providing shelter and food for wildlife.

The Shami Patra is a symbol of resilience, victory, and righteousness in Hindu culture. Its association with the story of Arjuna and the Pandavas makes it an essential element of Vijayadashami celebrations, marking the triumph of good over evil.


Rivina Humilis (Pagadaala Tulasi)

Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 22/10/2023

From a friend's house garden


The Green Rose - This mutated rose has sepals instead of petals. Known as the ‘Green Rose,’ the verdant flower is a mutated version, or a naturally occurring sport, of a regular looking pink rose called ‘Old Blush’ (a derivative of a species called Rosa chinensis).

When a normal flower forms, a series of genetic switches causes the plant to first produce sepals (the green flaps that enclose a developing bud), followed by petals, stamens (the male reproductive part), and finally pistils and carpels (the female reproductive organs).

In the case of the green rose, however, “it is apparently getting ‘stuck’ at the sepal-making step”. In effect, those sepals form the “petals” of the green rose. And because it doesn’t go on to produce sexual parts, the green rose is sterile. (The rose can be cultivated by grafting or cutting off pieces of stems and re-planting them to produce new clones.)

Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 08/10/2023

My name is Nut... Peanut(s) 🥜

First time from Divya's Terrace Garden

Photos from Divya's Terrace Garden's post 02/10/2023

Day bloomer - Epiphyllum Oxypetalum


Double petal Alamanda. First bloom.


2 Moons ♥️


Epiphyllum Hookeri. Morning surprise today from Divya's Terrace Garden

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Water lilly bloomed at my home
