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Photos from fernando.faciole's post 12/04/2024

🇬🇧 Three flamingos recently rescued from a resort in Bávaro, Dominican Republic. The animals are wrapped in pantyhoses for immobilization and wait for the rest of the flamingos to be captured so that they can all be taken to the zoo. The operation took place voluntarily with the resort chain, which cooperated with the Ministry of the Environment and proposed a new form of tourism.
🇧🇷 Três flamingos recentemente resgatados de um resort em Bávaro, República Dominicana. Os animais são embrulhados em um meia-calça para imobilização e esperam que o resto dos flamingos seja capturado para que todos possam ser levados ao zoológico. A operação ocorreu voluntariamente com o resorts, que cooperou com o Ministério do Meio Ambiente e propôs uma nova forma de turismo.


‘Selfie’ Flamingos story published by
🇬🇧 Three flamingos held in captivity at a resort in the Bávaro region. The animals are released inside the hotel and can move “freely” through the facilities, especially around the pool area, where they receive food from tourists and are the subject of selfies. Most tourists see this situation from the wrong perspective and are not aware of what is behind it. Many animals are obtained from nature and have their feathers cut to prevent them from flying. This specific resort, in late 2023, came to collaborate with the Rescate Rosado project and forwarded the three flamingos for rehabilitation in the national zoo.
🇧🇷 Três flamingos mantidos em cativeiro em um resort na região de Bávaro. Os animais são soltos dentro do hotel e podem se mover “livremente” pelas instalações, especialmente ao redor da área da piscina, onde recebem comida de turistas e são objeto de selfies. A maioria dos turistas vê essa situação da perspectiva errada e não está ciente do que está por trás dela. Muitos animais têm suas p***s cortadas para impedi-los de voar. Este resort específico, no final de 2023, veio colaborar com o projeto Rescate Rosado e encaminhou os três flamingos para reabilitação no zoológico nacional.

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 05/04/2024

🇬🇧 ‘Selfie’ Flamingos story published by
When the art of photography merges with the art of street graffiti to address conservation. Mural against flamingo poaching in Montecristi during sunset. A local woman walks with a pink coat draped over her shoulders in one of the cities with the highest number of poachers in the entire Dominican Republic, yet it is also emerging as a symbol of the battle against this trade. Mural painted by artists .art , and Frank Peña.
🇧🇷 Veja a historia completa publicada por . Link na bio
Quando a arte da fotografia se funde com a arte do grafite de rua para abordar a conservação. Mural contra a caça furtiva de flamingos em Montecristi durante o pôr do sol. Uma mulher local caminha com um casaco rosa sobre os ombros em uma das cidades com o maior número de caçadores furtivos em toda a República Dominicana, mas também está emergindo como um símbolo da batalha contra esse comércio. Mural pintado pela artista Kilia Llano.

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 04/03/2024

🇬🇧 My first image ever published by National Geographic Magazine (on the left), in the March 2024 issue!
For sure, it’s one of my biggest dreams since my childhood. I’m incredibly grateful for the publication, but mostly for the opportunity to share such an important project about flamingo conservation in the Dominican Republic. The story explores how these animals are trapped in nature and taken to resorts to live as mere decorations and objects of selfies. The picture shows a flamingo with cut feathers so it doesn’t fly from hotels.
Special thanks to for inviting me to document the Rescate Rosado project and for dedicating his life to these animals, along with .accionecologica .
Thanks to the team for choosing this image to be part of the beautiful issue and for trusting the story. Congratulations to for the powerful cover story on Hyenas in Maasai Mara.
🇧🇷 Minha primeira imagem publicada pela revista da National Geographic (esquerda), na edição de março de 2024!
Com certeza, esse sempre foi um dos maiores sonhos desde a minha infância. Sou incrivelmente grato pela publicação, mas principalmente pela oportunidade de compartilhar um projeto tão importante sobre a conservação de flamingos na República Dominicana. A história explora como esses animais são presos na natureza e levados para resorts para viver como meras decorações e objetos de selfies. A imagem mostra um flamingo com p***s cortadas para que não possa voar dos hotéis.
Agradecimentos especiais a por me convidar para documentar o projeto Rescate Rosado e por dedicar sua vida a esses animais, junto com .accionecologica
Obrigado à equipe por escolher esta imagem para fazer parte da bela edição e por confiar na história. Parabéns a pela poderosa história de capa sobre Hyenas em Maasai Mara.


🇬🇧 A quick reminder that we don’t always need to travel too far to practice and take some great pictures. This photo was taken 5 minutes away from home, on a small fragment of the Atlantic Forest right in the middle of São Paulo. Two hours walk to use my new macro lens and get into these tiny creatures' world. Love the leaf’s shape. 🐜 🍃
🇧🇷 Para lembrar que nem sempre precisamos viajar muito longe para praticar e tirar boas fotos. Esta formiga foi fotografada a 5 minutos de casa, em um pequeno fragmento da Floresta Atlântica bem no meio de São Paulo. Duas horas de caminhada para usar minha nova lente macro e entrar no mundo dessas pequenas criaturas.


🇬🇧 As I said a couple of posts ago, when visiting the Amazon this month I had some shocking sights. The illegal wildlife trade in Brazil and Latin America is still a massive problem for our ecosystems. I met two guys, originally from another region of Brazil, selling several items made of jaguars, giant armadillos, monkeys, ocelots, margays, sharks, snakes, and more.
Although a few indigenous people are still allowed to wear wild animals as part of their culture, selling these items is strictly forbidden in Brazil. I spoke to the sellers pretending I was interested and they uselessly tried to make me believe that they were authorized to do so. Please do not cooperate with the illegal trade and never buy items made of wild animals.
🇧🇷 Como eu disse há alguns posts, ao visitar a Amazônia este mês, vi cenas chocantes. O comércio ilegal de animais selvagens no Brasil e na América Latina ainda é um grande problema para nossos ecossistemas. Conheci dois homens, originalmente de outra região do Brasil, vendendo vários itens feitos de onças, tatus canastra, macacos, jaguatiricas, gatos maracajá, tubarões, cobras e muito mais.
Embora alguns povos indígenas ainda possam usar animais selvagens como parte de sua cultura, a venda desses itens é estritamente proibida no Brasil. Conversei com os vendedores pretendo estar interessado e eles tentaram inutilmente me fazer acreditar que estavam autorizados a fazê-lo. Por favor, não coopere com o comércio ilegal e nunca compre itens feitos de animais selvagens.

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 31/12/2022

🇬🇧 2022 - A brief retrospective of such a special and intense year in my career as a conservation photographer. I started 2022 with the opportunity to join as the conservation photographer (1,2) for almost 2 months in Kenya, documenting several projects, mainly related to birds of prey, big cats, and conflicts between humans and wildlife. While working on this expedition, my first article was published on back home, referring to the fires in Juquery State Park in 2021. In early June, I traveled from Kenya to Uganda in search of one of the greatest adventures of my life, the encounter with wild gorillas in the country's impenetrable forests (3,4,5). A few weeks later I received an email welcoming me to the (iLCP), making me the third Brazilian to become part of this community with some of the most renowned nature photographers in the world. Since then, I have been involved with several projects that are still ongoing in Brazil (6). In August I had my photo story “Historical rescue of caimans in Pantanal” nominated as a finalist for the Panda award. So I started preparing to attend the festival in October in Bristol. On 10/13 I received my birthday present in advance and the most awaited news, I was elected Panda Awards’ winner in the photo history category (7,8). A week of immersion in the world of natural history productions. Meetings with , editors, and the opportunity to network and connect with amazing people who have the same purpose as mine. From there, I went on an expedition to Iceland in search of the rare wildlife of this very special island (9). I then returned to Brazil in early November and two weeks later I embarked on a new journey with journalist in search of stories about threatened environmentalists in Latin America. Two weeks exploring Colombia and getting to know the history of these leaders up close (10). I am now ending this incredible year with more meetings and the certainty that 2023 will be as special as 2022 was. I thank everyone who followed my work here and I wish you a great new year.
🇧🇷 Nos comentários!

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 08/11/2022

🇬🇧 Article about the Mugie Conservancy in Kenya, written by
for Swara Magazine. My
picture was featured on the second page
(rangers) while the pictures on the left side were taken by .pics and
“An abundance of wildlife is, in many ways, thanks to the pioneering commitment of the Laikipia community. Using science-based management practices to support the protection of wildlife, alongside community programmes that simultaneous educate and inspire future generations.” - Alisa Karstad
🇧🇷 Artigo sobre a Mugie Conservancy no
Quênia, escrito por para a Revista Swara. Minha foto foi destaque na segunda página (rangers) enquanto as fotos do lado esquerdo foram tiradas por .pics e
“A abundância de vida selvagem é, em muitos aspectos, graças ao compromisso pioneiro da comunidade de Laikipia. Usando práticas de gestão baseadas na ciência para apoiar a proteção da vida selvagem, ao lado de programas da comunidade que simultaneamente educam e inspiram gerações futuras.” - Alisa Karstad


🇬🇧Article about the Mugie
Conservancy in Kenya, written by Alisa Karstad (Bowen)] for Swara Magazine. My
picture was featured on the second page
(rangers) while the pictures on the left side were
taken by Nick Penny] (top) and (bottom).
🇧🇷 Artigo sobre a Mugie Conservancy no
Quênia, escrito por Alisa Karstad (Bowen)] para a
Revista Swara. Minha foto foi destaque na
segunda página (rangers) enquanto as fotos do
lado esquerdo foram tiradas por Nick Penny] e

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 04/11/2022

🇬🇧 Despite being wild animals, reindeer are not native to Iceland. They were brought from Norway in the 18th century to be domesticated, but they have been feral from the beginning.
📸 In the past, I would be very disappointed to have a great wildlife encounter without being able to get close enough for a portrait shot, but then I realized that framing the animals in their environment can be way more powerful. They shouldn’t always be dissociated from the landscape, especially if we want to talk about conservation. Now, when I see wildlife from afar, I always do my best to create these new perspectives.
📸 300mm ; f/9.0 ; 1/800s
🇧🇷 Apesar de serem animais selvagens, as renas não são nativas da Islândia. Elas foram trazidas da Noruega no século XVIII para serem domesticados, mas foram selvagens desde o início.
No passado, eu ficaria muito desapontado em ter um ótimo encontro com a vida selvagem sem poder chegar perto o suficiente para uma foto de retrato, mas então percebi que enquadrar os animais em seu ambiente pode ser muito mais impactante. Eles nem sempre devem ser dissociados da paisagem, especialmente se quisermos falar sobre conservação. Agora, quando vejo a vida selvagem de longe, sempre faço o meu melhor para criar essas novas perspectivas.


🇬🇧 Finding wildlife in Iceland can be very tricky! I went on an expedition around the island for 10 days and spent most of the time looking for wild animals. This harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) was spotted at Hindsvík in the late afternoon. A very curious animal that got close to the beach several times to see what was happening onshore. These animals are considered as Least Concerning according to the IUCN Red list and are found in coastal waters of the northern Atlantic, Pacific Oceans, Baltic and North Seas. 🦭
🇧🇷 Encontrar a vida selvagem na Islândia pode ser uma tarefa não muito simples! Estive em uma expedição ao redor da ilha por 10 dias e passei a maior parte do tempo procurando os animais selvagens. Esta foca-comum (Phoca vitulina) foi avistada em Hindsvík no final da tarde. Um animal muito curioso que se aproximou da praia várias vezes para ver o que estava acontecendo em terra. Esses animais são considerados Pouco Preocupantes de acordo com a lista vermelha da IUCN e são encontrados nas águas costeiras do norte do Atlântico, Oceano Pacífico, Báltico e Mar do Norte. 🦭

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 29/10/2022

🇬🇧 A few more pictures of the Wildscreen Festival & Panda Awards before I resume updating my feed. The most special week in my career as a conservation photographer. Thanks again to for preparing an amazing event and for setting up so many important meetings.
Thanks for the beautiful shots 📸
🇧🇷 Mais algumas fotos do Wildscreen Festival & Panda Awards antes de retomar a atualização do meu feed. A semana mais especial da minha carreira como fotógrafo de conservação. Obrigado novamente a por preparar um evento incrível e por organizar tantas reuniões importantes.

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 30/08/2022

🇬🇧 São Paulo may not be best place on earth for someone, like me, that needs to be close to nature, but sometimes this city awards us with beautiful sights! These pictures were taken right from the building I live and I love them. Today I woke up with this amazing rainbow and not long ago I was visited by this Toco toucan (𝘙𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘰). I love to see how nature may thrive even in one of the most industrialized cities in the world! 🍃 🌈
🇧🇷 São Paulo pode não ser o melhor lugar do mundo para alguém que, como eu, precisa estar perto da natureza, mas às vezes esta cidade nos presenteia com belas cenas! Essas fotos foram tiradas direto do prédio onde moro e eu adoro elas. Hoje acordei com esse incrível arco-íris bem na minha frente e há pouco tempo fui visitado por esse tucano-toco (𝘙𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘰). Adoro ver como a natureza pode prosperar mesmo em uma das cidades mais industrializadas do mundo! 🍃 🌈

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 13/08/2022

🇬🇧 Sharing my Photo Story “Historical Rescue of Caimans in Pantanal“ that was just nominated for a Panda Award! For the full story please check my website (bio)
“As a result of a drought never seen in the last 50 years, the largest floodplain in the world has turned into a desert. Along the MT-060 highway, Transpantaneira, there were few streams that still had a minimum amount of water for the survival of the species. During the 2021 drought, one stream caught the eye of experts. Under the 3rd bridge of the highway, there was a body of water that before, even during the drought, housed hundreds of healthy caimans (Caiman yacare). This time, these animals appeared huddled together, dehydrated and malnourished”.
I) Stream overcrowded with caimans. The analysis of the local water, carried out by the NGO Ecotrópica, confirmed that the conditions are totally incompatible with life. The analysis is essential to support the choice of moving the animals.

II) Pantanal Caiman (Caiman yacare) probably killed by drought. In the background, volunteers from GRAD and IBAMA federal agents are planning actions to relocate these animals.

III) Cannibalism, a biological behavior of these animals, intensified drastically over the days, this being the only food for those who still survived in the stream.

IV) The animals receive vitamin supplementation and also serum for hydration. After this step, the caimans are gently placed inside an equipped van to maintain the animals' well-being. Volunteer veterinarians constantly wet animals with back pumps.

V) The alligators are taken to the riverbank where their bandages are cut and the animals released. Moment defined as the most rewarding of the entire operation. Animals are relocated to regions with large bodies of water and plenty of food.

VI) Knowing the new home. Newly released animal on the banks of the Clarinho river, one of the few remaining paradises along the Transpantaneira highway. More than 65 lives were saved in this operation.

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 11/08/2022

🇬🇧 I am extremely stoked to have my photo-documentary “Historical Rescue of Caimans in Pantanal” nominated for a Panda Award 2022 in the Photo Story category! This award is part of the Wildscreen Festival and is considered to be the “Green Oscar”. One of the most relevant awards in the natural world storytelling. I will be sharing the final round with and . Doug was a mentor for me during the last few years, so it’s awesome to have my work right beside his! The ceremony is on 13th October in Bristol, England, and it will be an honor to represent Brazil and the community.
🇧🇷 Estou extremamente feliz por ter meu fotodocumentário “Resgate Histórico de Jacarés no Pantanal” nomeado para um Panda awards 2022 na categoria Fotodocumentário! Este prêmio faz parte do Wildscreen Festival e é considerado o "Oscar Verde". Um dos prêmios mais relevantes na narrativa do mundo natural. Vou disputar a rodada final com e . Doug foi um mentor para mim nos últimos anos, então é incrível ter meu trabalho ao lado do dele! A cerimônia é no dia 13 de outubro em Bristol, Inglaterra. Será uma honra representar o Brasil e a comunidade

Photos from fernando.faciole's post 10/08/2022

🇬🇧🦁 World Lion Day! I’ve always been amazed by these big cats, and this year I had the chance to document lion conservation projects in Kenya. A work developed in partnership with , and
These pics tell a bit of the lion collaring process. The methodology is widely used to monitor these animals and understand their ecological patterns such as distribution and how it relates to local communities. Lion X Humans' conflicts are one of the main causes of their deaths. In most cases, the sub-adult males are chosen to be collared as they wander for a long period after leaving their prides!
🇧🇷🦁 Dia Mundial do Leão! Eu sempre admirei esses grandes felinos, e este ano tive a chance de documentar projetos de conservação de leões no Quênia. Um trabalho desenvolvido em parceria com , e
Essas fotos contam um pouco do processo de rastreio de leões. A metodologia é amplamente utilizada para monitorar esses animais e entender seus padrões ecológicos, como distribuição e como ela se relaciona com as comunidades locais. Os conflitos entre leões e humanos são uma das principais causas de suas mortes. Na maioria dos casos, os machos subadultos são escolhidos para serem rastreados pois vagam por um longo período depois de deixar seus grupos!


🇬🇧 Another perspective of these gentle giants! Herd of elephants (𝘓𝘰𝘹𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢 𝘢𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘢) foraging at the Mara Triangle, Kenya. These animals are listed as Endangered according to the IUCN Red List. ⚠️
As soon as we approached the herd in a balloon, the mature elephants conducted the small ones to the center, apparently trying to protect them. It’s always stunning to see how careful they are with infants, especially moms! 🐘
🇧🇷 Outra perspectiva desses gigantes gentis! Manada de elefantes (𝘓𝘰𝘹𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢 𝘢𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘢) se alimentando no Triângulo de Mara, Quênia. Esses animais estão listados como Ameaçados de Extinção de acordo com a Lista Vermelha da IUCN. ⚠️
Assim que nos aproximamos da manada em um balão, os elefantes adultos conduziram os pequenos para o centro, aparentemente tentando protegê-los. É sempre impressionante ver como eles são cuidadosos com os bebês, especialmente as mães! 🐘
Photo taken with
