Shauna Flash Yoga

Shauna Flash Yoga

🧘‍♀️ Yoga Teacher 🧘‍♀️ Yoga Teacher Trainer 🧘‍♀️ Mom to three amazing souls. 🧘‍♀️


Chaturanga the forgotten pose.

Well, it’s the picture of me above. Most of us skip holding this position when we go from down dog to any belly position.

Take a moment to pause in this pose to build strength and balance. .


This kid will be driving in a couple of months!

It’s an odd feeling knowing that my youngest child is so close to independence.

This is a reminder to all the mommas out there don’t blink!.❤️


Full circle and back to the beginning. ❤️

For the second time in 4 years I’ve had the great pleasure and privilege to spend Thursdays in community with other yoga 🧘 teachers to fully embrace the teachings of yoga that go far beyond poses on a mat.

It’s like reading a good book for the second time. All the nuggets and pearls of wisdom that come back to me and uncovering things I missed out on the first time, or maybe with just a new perspective.

Today has been a reminder to practice what I preach and slow down, take every moment in and feel all the feels today.

If you have the opportunity to do something you loved for a second time I highly encourage that you do and notice how coming full circle is such a beautiful thing .


Yoga props are not for the week. They are for the willing. The reason we use them is because they make postures more accessible for our induvial bodies because all bodies are different. I’ve been teaching for a long time and there are postures I will probably always use props for because it allows me to get into them in a way that feels good within my body with no pain. The only way to do yoga wrong is if it hurts.


Bring on the sunshine! I don’t care if it’s going to snow on Tuesday. I’m living in the moment. ☀️


Saturday lunch dates at the best! Finding a hip local spot with a mural for a selfie is even better. Check out Sweet Hazel & Co


Root Down and Rise Up

I’ve been drawing inward the last few weeks to foster better mental and physical health.

Much like this pose it takes strength, breath and openness.

When I’m feeling depleted I choose tall strong postures and take up as much space as I need.

How do you root down to rise up?

These 3 exercises found to be the best for treating depression 17/02/2024

Good Morning America did a special of the effects of exercise.

They noted that yoga had the most impact and benefits for those suffering with depression.

If you’ve been putting off going to yoga here is your sign.

Witchy Yoga Girl

These 3 exercises found to be the best for treating depression A new study adds to emerging evidence that exercise is a treatment option for depression.


Building a supportive community of women is not just empowering, it's a game-changer.

Together, let’s create a space where every voice is heard, every dream is encouraged, and every woman can thrive.

Let's lift each other up rather than compare success and embrace imperfection. .


Speaking from the heart…

For those of you that read my posts thank you!

I try my best to offer some wisdom, advice or ideas that I think will help because it’s in my nature and my desire to be of service and help to others.

The whole purpose of me becoming a yoga teacher was to share the gift of yoga with others because of how much it helped me.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers but I do know that carrot sticks and dressing with some other leftovers from dinner the night before because you don’t have time to make something else is still lunch.

I’m a mom, a wife, have a full time job and I’m running a yoga business. When I feel like I’m running on empty I go back to my mindfulness techniques.

I hope that you come to one of my classes or events AND if you never do I hope you use the freebies that I offer from time to time and find them useful because they are form my heart.

Here is the link to register for the FREE 5 Day Mindfulness Challenge (ahem… freebie…)

Shauna Flash Yoga Shauna Flash Yoga Email Forms


20 minute yoga session in the kitchen before work. No fancy gear or stretchy pants required. Thanks to hubby for capturing Vinny joining me.


“The art of balance lies in knowing when to hold on and when to let go. Find the equilibrium between holding onto your dreams and surrendering to the flow of life.


Rest is the foundation of success. It is in our moments of quiet that our strength is renewed.



Office Yoga 🧘‍♀️ on a Tuesday.


Sunday hike with my favorite 14 year old.

Higher Conscious, Holistic & Accredited Diploma Courses | Liberated Living 20/08/2023

Holistic Healing Certifications are available through the elite company Libera8ed Living.

If you’ve been dreaming about a career change in healing arts or are going through a life transition and want to learn more about holistic healing then this is for you.

I’ve been asked to speak at a FREE summit on September 14th at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. to introduce my Yoga 🧘‍♀️ Teacher Training program.

You will be able to get a taste of what is offered and enjoy a dose of mindfulness to feel relaxed as you begin your evening.

Registeration is quick and easy. Click on the link below.

See you at The Summit!

Higher Conscious, Holistic & Accredited Diploma Courses | Liberated Living Liberated Living Teaches Advanced Recoding Techniques to Overcome Subconscious Programming, Self-Sabotage, and Genetic Patterns | Signal the Correct Gene Codes Utilizing "Genetic Recoding" for Participants and Professionals. Discover Powerful Perceptual Reframes & Empowering Narratives with Advanced...

Videos (show all)

Come make yoga art with me and enjoy a relaxing yoga practice.If you’re looking for ways to unwind and connect with othe...
If you’ve been thinking about joining my Yoga 🧘‍♀️ Teacher Trainkng program and you live in Utah then this is for you.I’...
This is a sample of the sequencing we’ll be going over on day 1 of Yoga Teacher Training.If you want to deepen your prac...
Yoga here, there, and everywhere. My home studio. #yoga #athomeyoga
I have the privilege of being on @katiekaygraham  podcasts. Body Breaking Free. Have a listen. ❤️ #northstaryoga @jade.b...