Meagan Vigil

Meagan Vigil

Is that you? If so, head to 🌞

Meagan is a balance and fulfillment coach for women in their twenties who deeply desire to create a beautiful, fulfilling life for themselves and are looking for the perfect place to start.


A note to 5/20/2020 Meagan, on 5/20/2022 ——

It’s been two years today since we started this thing now and I have to say, Year Two was… something?☠️ My word. Don’t worry though, I’ll get to the blessings in a minute🤍 I just have to acknowledge that the only word I could find to describe this year on many days was ‘brutal’. Hardship is…interesting. You don’t know it’s coming (duh) but then it does and it’s like holy s**t, okay, here we go… andddd it takes over. And you’re just, in it. So yeah — there was health, both mental and physical, stuff that was incredibly challenging this year and pretty much brought things to a halt. With that said, it truly was the most important year of your life, hands down. And we received gifts and homecomings that we never thought we would. A coming home to your body, a deeper communion with yourself, an awakened spirituality and faith, a sinking into Rock Bottom and in turn, being reborn.

It’s worth it. You heal. Saying ‘yes’ to leaning in will never, ever burn you. You will be softened and your heart will open again, because you choose that. Putting up walls and isolating doesn’t protect you in the way you think it might. Trust your instincts, trust your gut. You’re a fierce advocate for yourself. And it’s beautiful.

Biz wise, considering this is about two years in business (🙃), we had many “failures” this year I think. Which *is* something you always said you wanted to be able to see, because it means you’re trying. So, it’s clear we are out here trying.❤️‍🔥 you and me, we still got a long way to go on the strategy and system side of things, not going to lie.😂 But boy, do we have heart. We are having beautiful, deep, meaningful conversations with women you absolutely adore. Your clients are amazing. You’re talking about things that light you up… and that’s magical.

Whether you make $200 or $2M the birds still sing in the morning. And blue skies still make your heart soar. And little toddler giggles float through the air on the playground. And that’s what it’s all about.

This is living… being awake enough to see these. And you’re wide awake. I’m so proud of you. Of us. Keep going.🕊

Love you,
Today Meag 🤍

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 16/05/2022


My biggest giveaway to date ($3k+ value!) to celebrate my two-year biz birthday this week and to celebrate YOU all for being such beautiful, intentional souls.

It’s an absolute pleasure to be in this online space with you 🥹 and I want to gift one of you a 3-month coaching experience!

⚡️HOW TO ENTER (easy peasy!) ⚡️

🌸 Link in bio > ENTER first name and email
🌸 SHARE your favorite post of mine in stories and tag me
🌸 LIKE + SAVE this post

Bonus entry if you want — tag friends in the comments!

Winner will be announced this Friday 5/20 🪩

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 09/05/2022

What ARE the benefits of group coaching? Breaking it down, clear and simple here for you 🌝

I adore group space… and it’s such a wonderful fit for both new loves to coaching and loves that have experienced coaching before.

Swipe through!👉🏼

We begin next week… Join us in openspace. and bring the clarity, the hopes, the change to life in color.🕊🪐🫧👑🌷💡

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 03/05/2022

Swipe to read what’s available to you… and notice how it all feels.🫧🪐💡🕊 openspace. kicks off two weeks from TODAY, 5/17/22 —— will you join us? x

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 28/04/2022

Just hopped off a beautiful evening 1:1 call and had to share this tidbit with you on Rest…🕊

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 25/04/2022

When I think about Wide Open Space, I think about Possibility.

Having different, more vast, more nourishing, more expansive options than when I was younger.

Having less fear than when I was younger.

Feeling more self-trust than when I was younger.

Believing I can have the things I thought where just pipe dreams when I was younger…

For me, being held by coaches and therapists has meant a GREAT deal of all of those things. If I tried to measure how much I’ve grown in these spaces, I couldn’t.

You see, that’s what openspace does…

It gives you room to shed what you don’t want anymore. What you AREN’T anymore. What you thought your life was destined to be…

and you sink into the freedom of actually LIVING, in color, who you’ve always wanted to be.

Because when you step into Wide Open Space, that’s all that surrounds you. Possibility. That’s the magic of it.

Early Bird for my new coaching experience openspace. opens up tomorrow to my email list only… link in bio if you want access to the EB discount, bonuses and limited spots x



Early Bird (which means $ off, super fun mystery bonuses + more) will be happening ONLY over on my email list. Tomorrow through Saturday.

Next week, I’ll start sharing on here all about openspace. and the life-changing experience it will be…🍋🌷🦄

But if you want to hear about things FIRST and if you want access (there are some specific opportunities within openspace. that have very limited spots available) to the goodies I mentioned above … get on my email list 🪐 link in bio, then click the first tab —— openspace.

To Finding Our New Way,
Meag x

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 21/04/2022

She has a name…🌝

If you’ve been following along with my stories for the last week, you know I’ve been in the depths of an intense creative download and visioning experience that started during a sleepless night.🌚 well, she is ready to peek out and say hello.


Details to come —— but wanted to begin to share the ENERGY. The name, the feeling, the possibility of it all… openspace.🌎


There is something in the air
A biggg whoosh of change
Clarity landing
Life returning
Us, becoming.

And —— with growth comes death
And death is hard.
With growth comes DISSONANCE
w/ old identities…

New Life,
Rebirth is all around,
but… “how I do this, like this, now?”

What we need in the throes of change
Is Open Space.
The wide-openness of possibility
The safety to explore
The gentleness of a sacred place to be curious… to play.

And to see long-held visions, dreams and desires come to life.
In color.

Something new is on its way….. link in bio —> click ‘mystery offer’ x


Saturday afternoon grocery thoughts… was just picking up some asparagus 🐛 and now we are here.☠️ some food for thought for all you highly sensitive, high achieving creatives out there…🤍🦄🌸

photo via logannbryan on tumblr (writing tumblr just takes me back 10 years lol)


We look for evidence of the things we believe. So, want to believe new things? Look for the evidence that those things are true.🌷


April has entered the chat and hello, things are spicy already.😌🌶

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 30/03/2022

I rebel against the idea that things have to be difficult to be good.

I rebel against the idea that "strategy" is the way to success.

I rebel against societal pressure that says I have to have to have it all together to be influential.

I rebel against the story that my answers lie outside of me.

I rebel against the idea that Rest exists solely as a means to an end (productivity)

I rebel against the fear of being forgotten.

Want to embrace more Sacred Rebellion too? I'm not one to bow to 'norms' or the status quo. I do life and business my way ⏤ I want the same for you.

Click the link in my bio for 1:1 Private Mentorship details.

It doesn't have to be boring. It can be wildly, successfully, wholly you.🦋❤️‍🔥🍯


Just got off an energy coaching call with and this is what hopped into my journal directly after. Yes and amen. That is all.🍾😭🪄


I always had a lot of shame around being “boring”…

Which I now clearly see is a story (and massive lie) BUT I always thought the people that were going to be successful were

the outspoken ones
the opinionated ones
the steady and certain ones
the neurotypical ones
the high energy ones
the fast paced ones
the cerebral ones
the goofy ones
the decisive ones

…. and I didn’t quite fit in that group 🙃

Long lesson and lived revelation short (🤪), the thing you’re labeling as bad and trying not to be might just be your magic sauce.

Being “boring” (…aka introspective, “the queen of calm” as I’ve been referred to, quiet, low energy, neurodivergent, multipassionate, indecisive, dreamer, pensive, etc.) is mine.🧚‍♀️🦋🍯🕊🪄 And I tried so hard to be different — that’s sad! Don’t try to be different than you are.

And —— let’s talk business for two seconds. By being myself I have heard many, MANY times from clients and people on the internet and friends and colleagues and more that because they’ve watched me own who I am, they have felt the permission to do the same. I love that. Personally, I want my presence to be a permission slip. That is one of the greatest gifts I could give my community — to be free, myself.

What’s your longheld story you’re ready to let go of and instead, see what’s underneath? And love and embrace and LIVE?

Comment below if you feel comfortable — and if not, I recommend taking a sec if this resonates and identifying that story on your own 💌


…lean in.🕊✈️🧚‍♀️🪄🎯🦄

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 24/02/2022

She’s here.🌞

If you’ve seen your desires for gentleness, flow and success with EASE reflected back to you via my posts over the last few days, there’s even more I’d love to share with you that I truly believe has the power to set you up for flourishing on your own creative journey…

You're invited to my free masterclass, Gentle Business.

During this masterclass, you will learn…

—— My powerful process for connecting to the heart of your business and the purpose behind all the ideas swirling in your head

—— How to bring into your field of vision what’s REALLY standing in your way… and the first step to take in clearing the path

—— Why you put off the starting or pivoting of your business, side hustle or passion project — and what you can do instead

—— The ART of cultivating trust before you have results to back up your business

—— and other musings in between 🕊🧚‍♀️

Will I see you there?

Link in bio to save your seat 🎟

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 23/02/2022

The 3 simple teachings that took me & my creative business from swirling daydream to actual existence (and thriving)…

There’s a whole lotta JUICE is in the carousel. Take a second to swipe through and read, if you’re curious 💭🦋

These things changed my life forever.

+ swipe alllll the way to the end for an invitation.💌

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 22/02/2022

Here’s the deal: in the midst of significant inner TENSION in the beginning phases where my business (and dream) was just an idea, there were some key, PIVOTAL moments.

…where I transformed in front of my own eyes from a serial iPhone note jotter to a woman who does things, creates things, trusts herself and reaps the benefits.❤️‍🔥

Swipe for a look into my journey and save this carousel for later if it hits home.📍

More in stories + my GB highlight on this topic! x

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 22/02/2022

Here’s the deal: in the midst of my own inner TENSION in those beginning stages where my business (and dream) was just an idea, there were some key, PIVOTAL moments.

…that transformed me from a serial iPhone note jotter to a woman who does things, creates things, trusts herself + reaps the benefits.💫

Swipe through to read, save this post for later if it hits home.📍

More in stories and in my GB highlight on this topic!

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 21/02/2022

POV: You see all these people on IG talking about creating fulfilling businesses and lives … 💭

But are they really making money?
And how much?
I want to create something too - but is it a pipe dream?

To the woman wondering if her countless creative dreams could ever amount to anything other than a hobby, this is for you. And the answer is a big fat Y-E-S.

Swipe through to read my experience and I’ll be sharing more in my stories today on this topic too. x

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 15/02/2022

For you…💌 swipe + save for when you need x


If you feel like you are on a never-ending quest to find your PURPOSE ——

If the road feels so windy you’re getting nauseous and you’re flat out TIRED of trying to find the destination, can I ask you something?

… what if you didn’t have one singular purpose?

Would that change the way you feel? Would you feel less ‘lost’?

I personally *love* the idea that we don’t have a singular purpose. There’s nothing to ‘find’. And — the ‘find your purpose in order to live your best life’ narrative is filled with a lot of false promises, IMO.

I think purpose is fluid. It changes all the time … ebbing and flowing with our beautiful lives. There is nothing out there you could go stumble across that would ‘complete’ you. That would give you the “final” AHA moment that would stick with you forever and ever.

As with many things, maybe there’s no ‘arrival’. And maybe THAT’S THE POINT.🦋

What if we zoned in on the purpose we feel pulled to, called to, swirling within us — in this season? And we also feel grounded in the freedom that it doesn’t have to stay that way forever?

THAT is more fun,

You don’t have to find your forever, wrapped-with-a-bow purpose, friend. Be here. x



trust . ☁️


Your perfectionism is keeping you from experiencing + creating the excellence you want to see in your life.

There, I said it.🤷🏼‍♀️

It’s keeping you from more:
_____ (fill in the blank, whatever magical goodness you want more of)

You might be thinking, “but Meagan I’ve *always* been a perfectionist, it’s literally who I am. I can’t help it”

Do you believe people can change?

I do! Here are 2 tips if you want to start to grow out of your perfectionism, embrace more messiness + gain more excellence, fun, joy, love, etc.. All the juicy goodness of being a human.

1. Keep yourself in check. If you’re teaching someone a new skill, don’t you *expect* them to have a learning curve? Yeah. Is there a way you can touch base w/ yourself regularly to see how you’re feeling about your relationship to perfectionism? And remind yourself that you’re learning how to care more about other things than perfection?

2. Don’t look for or try to create a 4-step cut and dry path. I know you; stop it.😜 embrace the messiness of embracing the messiness. That’s it. That’s the ‘way’. The path to breaking up with perfectionism is in the willingness to feel discomfort and continue anyway.

More goodness, more excellence, more life. Less (striving for) perfection. 🦋


She wanted to live on the grid too.🕊

Posted this in my stories this morning after a real reawakening last night into today to the MAGIC of turning passion into a profitable online business.

Isn’t it fun? Literally the most fun miracle. Bringing my creative musings + purpose into my business everyday is a dream.

If you’ve had an idea, an inkling, a desire to build a creative business, big or small, let’s bring it to beautiful life. Like, by the end of Q1. DM me if you want to finally get the idea out of your head and into the world. Can you imagine how free and alive you’d feel? So FUN.💘❤️‍🔥🧚‍♀️ let’s chat x

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 19/01/2022

Let’s talk about resistance, avoidance, procrastination…

I hear this (+have felt this) a lot: “I want to do this thing, and yet I find myself doing… well, anything but. And now I’ve made it an even BIGGER deal in my head and I’m overwhelmed.”

…sound familiar?

Satisfaction from the things we deeply want to do lies right on the other side of resistance.

Here’s what I’ve been doing lately when I find myself really resisting something I’ve planned for myself to do, wanted to do etc… I do one (or more) of the following:

Make some primal noise
Jump up and down
Walk around the house a couple times, very grumpy
Say out loud something like ‘UGH i do *not* want to do this right now’

… and then I start.

Expressing the frustration or whatever negative emotion really helps to deflate it. Bring it to the light. That way, it’s not simmering under the surface anymore and you’re not trying to pretend you don’t feel it while simultaneously being frustrated that you feel it… you know?🤔

So, go ahead. Have a tantrum. Let it out. Grunt, growl, jump scream into a pillow — feel the resistance, call it out, let it exist — then go do the thing. Maybe you’ll still feel a little resistance, maybe you won’t. Either way, making resistance your INDICATOR or your signal to move forward is incredibly helpful.

If you’ve ——

planned for it
wanted to do it
said you were going to do it
you feel resistance

Means it’s probably something that would benefit you and you’re right on track. So *you know* on the other side of resistance, there lies the gold.🕊


I used to think I didn’t possess the inherent willpower to do things I deeply wanted to do. I thought some people ‘had it’ and others didn’t.

I was one that didn’t.

And it was really frustrating. Because there were so many things I thought I deeply wanted.. and I did. But for some reason, I kept self sabotaging.

But now, things are different. When I’m feeling like I’m lacking willpower + the strength to do or stop something, I know exactly how to cultivate it.

I know how to do the inner work.🕊

Don’t try to work on your ability to ‘buckle down’ and get things done. Invest in the work that will guide you into deeper worthiness. Deeper love. And watch the willpower arrive.

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 12/01/2022

If I’ve learned one thing, it’s this. This is the secret to longevity in our beloved, heart-centered creative businesses.❤️‍🔥

Photos from Meagan Vigil's post 05/01/2022

You're in the process of changing. That is why you feel unsettled.

Find peace in the tension you feel, in between 'not anymore' and 'not yet ⏤ it's assurance that things are shifting.


Videos (show all)

… what could the possibilities be?In the final episode of this celebratory 🍂triple episode week🍂 we are talking about fe...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00