Woke Up, Singapore

Woke Up, Singapore

Your Alternative News Source For Facts


越描越黑 - No matter how much Pritam Singh clarifies, the public won't be fooled.


Pritam is finally making a “stand” on this issue. We aren't three-year-olds. Why do you need to bang the armrest so loudly when you need to go to the bathroom? Who are you trying to fool?


Didn't Leong Mun Wai 梁文辉 always like to grab the limelight in Parliament? But when it comes to thorny issues like Section 377A, his balls shrink... disappointing...


Didn't Dr Mahathir say it's the people's wish that he return as Prime Minister?


The words "in good faith" have many meanings, and they are dangerous to apply to one context to another.


He confuses the people when he cannot convince them.
Is it possible to have more Pioneer Generation now than we did 8 years ago? Is it even logical?


Botak Terry Xu thinks he can outsmart the law by running to Taiwan. But he forgot their old friend Alex Tan, who had once run to Australia to run his STR...

The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) and the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (F**A) will continue to apply in response to TOC's comeback & Taiwan relocation, said IMDA.


Prabu Ramachandran addresses Real Issues in Singapore's logic... No POFMA, so must be true ...

POFMA Correction Notice - Singapore


JCube remember to check the flag again hor 🤪


Hear it from Leong Mun Wai 梁文辉 himself, Prabu Ramachandran addresses Real Issues in Singapore. He ownself says ONLY 5 VALID PETITIONS.


Tean Lim, the leader in Prabu Ramachandran's Heart...


Caption Please 🙊🙈🙉


Caption Please


"Healing the divide" founder is very bad at healing but excellent at dividing and now she wants $100,000. LOL


11504 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore today... COVID-19 also join in the Launch~

Up to 50 new Covid-19 mobile vaccination sites will be set up islandwide to make it easier for seniors to get their jabs.

The sites are primarily for seniors to walk in for their shots, but are open to others to take their jabs, whether it is their first, second or booster jabs.

The centres are open from 9am to 11.30am and 1pm to 5pm from Monday to Friday, with the last registration timing at 5pm. They will offer the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.


Falsehoods from Up, Singapore !

has turned from fighting against FTs stealing Singaporeans' jobs to being a staunch defender of foreign talent activating in our migrant community.

Referring to the Bangladeshi's post on the Westlite Tukang incident in October last year, MOM said that there were no soldiers or armoured vehicles around the dormitory.

“Because of the situation at that time in the dormitory, police personnel were on standby nearby as a precautionary measure. They never surrounded the dormitory or engaged workers there.”

Media reports at the time carried pictures of police armoured vehicles outside the dorm. TODAY has asked MOM for further clarifications on its statement.

Mr Zakir's Facebook post, which was written in a poetry form and can still be viewed online, listed migrant workers' grievances during the Covid-19 pandemic.

‘We need to de-stress’: Migrant workers welcome eased dormitory curbs but hope community visits can be expanded
The post was undersigned as “Workers from Westlite Jalan Tukang”, but MOM pointed out that Mr Zakir himself did not reside there.

“Mr Zakir’s false statements could have incited migrant workers at Westlite Tukang and elsewhere, inflamed their emotions and possibly caused incidents of public disorder,” the ministry said.

“Fortunately, the real residents of Westlite Tukang saw that MOM, the employer and the dorm operation were serious about addressing their problems and calmed down.”

The ministry also said that the authorities had “taken considerable pains” to safeguard the well-being of migrant workers during the pandemic.

It added that the ability of a foreigner to work in Singapore is not an entitlement.

POFMA Correction Notice - Singapore time to do your work...


When you come to Singapore to work, you work. If you want to engage in political activism, do it in your own country.


Wow, so Pink Dot SG is also about fighting against death penalty for drug traffickers?

According to Jolovan, drug traffickers are being oppressed by the law. And being LBGT is q***r. And somehow, there is a connection between being LGBT and drug trafficking.

What a disservice he is doing to .

Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore Singapore Police Force


All the old man servants must be wet liao reading his news...


Think about it!

Iris Koh refused to undergo surgery recommended by SGH to remove her thyroid glands.

Iris Koh requested to seek a second opinion. (But, there are also alternatives in Singapore, why Malaysia?)

Singaporean seeking medical treatment in Malaysia is extremely expensive as there is no subsidy and you will be charged foreign prices; at least in Singapore, you can still enjoy government subsidies and pay with your CPF.


Of money and ego.

The story of Soh is that of a self-serving athlete who insists on having his own way and then takes the moral high ground to grandstand to his supporters when things do not go his way.


Very misleading meh? Can someone please enlighten limpeh, how is this misleading ah?



$20,000 ordered by the court is inflated to $42,000.


Aiyoh! What's the problem? No fresh chicken, still got frozen chicken what. Don't like frozen chicken, eat fish or seahum lor.


The Opposition has much to say on any issue that is potentially divisive such as immigration and foreign workers, or cost of living. But when it comes to the security and harmony of Singapore, they are completely silent. Is it because being completely silent allows them to straddle all sides?

When then is their interest and priority?


It's not about history which land belongs to who bodoh.

It's a fact that Singapore is now an independent sovereign state. The Singapore Act 1966 passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom admitted Singapore as a sovereign state into the Commonwealth of Nations with retroactive effect from 9 August 1965, being the date on which Singapore became a sovereign state within the Commonwealth.

That is why respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is so important to Singapore.


Every of our "friendly" neighbours wants to claim a stake in Singapore, like that how? If based on Indonesia preacher Abdul Somad Batubara's logic, can we also claim Indonesia to be part of Singapore then? We can't because it does not make any sense. Dude.


If the death penalty cannot deter drugs, what will happen without it? Think about it.


No to foreigners but yes to her husband...


Looks like crypto founders are in favour of regulations.

"The main promise of crypto was unbound freedom from the government, laws, legislation or any arbitrarily defined rules (though, as we know, the greater the freedom, the greater the responsibility required)."


Did some self-proclaimed cryptocurrency "expert" mention that there is no chance of gain or loss with StableCoins as there is no chance of volatility.

Well, he is so wrong. It's not only volatile, it just crashed.

Stick with CPF. No investment will give you a guaranteed return except for CPF.


Nothing is a guarantee in cryptocurrency. Bitcoin (BTC) has also lost all support levels and is now within a free-fall zone. Stay safe and stay healthy.


Lim Tean, a lawyer with Carson Law Chambers, was arrested in relation to an alleged criminal breach of trust offence in 2020.

The criminal breach of trust charge related that the incident happened in November 2019 when he was entrusted with a sum of S$30,000, which was awarded to a former client as a settlement in a motor injury civil suit.

He allegedly misappropriated the money and also harassed his former employee while she was working at his law firm.

Lim Tean has been found to act as an advocate or solicitor without a valid practising certificate on 66 occasions between Apr 1 and Jun 9 last year.

Police investigations are ongoing.


Of course it's nice to be a sugar baby and have sugar daddies but hor don't forget to pay your sugar tax hor... and contribute to your CPF and plan for your retirement hor...


Hey, Singaporeans. What say you? NS for women also?


It's wrong to lie in order to oppose the GST hike.


Things are getting very ugly inside New Naratif. Whatever happened to the rights of their fired staff? The founders do not practice the transparency they preach?
