

From today and for the rest of life, I will experience ease.
Life will not be unnecessarily difficult for me. Kind people will come my way, I'd get all I need and want.
Disappointments shall not cross my path 🙏🏽


How to cure HIV? The black seeds, Nigella sativa have the answers.

Remember the words “This black seed is a cure for every disease except death”? How to cure HIV? Well, with black seeds.

Today, when we are investing so much money in discovering a cure for HIV, to say that it can be cured by some seeds, sounds foolish. At least.

I mean, we heard of many cancers that were naturally cured, even spontaneously, but never about HIV disappearing from the body. On the other hand, we cannot hear them all. Yet, things happen, and due to Internet, we are beginning to find out more and more.

In August 2013, the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicine published Nigella sativa concoction induced sustained seroreversion in HIV patient, by Onifade AA, Jewell AP, Adedeji WA, from the Immunology unit, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

The article describes an HIV patient who experienced a complete recovery after undergoing treatment with a black seed extract, for a six months period. No detectable HIV virus or antibodies against HIV in his blood serum, both during and long after the therapy ended. This never happens with the conventional therapy HAART (highly active anti-retroviral therapy).

The patient presented to the herbal therapist with history of chronic fever, diarrhea, weight loss and multiple papular pruritic lesions of 3 months duration. Examination revealed moderate weight loss, and the laboratory tests of ELISA (Genscreen) and western blot (new blot 1 & 2) confirmed sero-positivity to HIV infection with pre-treatment viral (HIV-RNA) load and CD4 count of 27,000 copies/ml and CD4 count of 250 cells/ mm(3) respectively.

The treatment applied was Nigella sativa concoction 10 mls twice daily for 6 months. He was contacted daily to monitor side-effects and drug efficacy. Fever, diarrhoea and multiple pruritic lesions disappeared on 5th, 7th and 20th day. The CD4 count decreased to 160 cells/ mm3 despite significant reduction in viral load (≤1000 copies/ml) on 30th day. Repeated EIA and Western blot tests on 187th day on Nigella sativa therapy was sero-negative. The post therapy CD4 count was 650 cells/ mm(3) with undetectable viral (HIV-RNA) load.

Two years later, all the other HIV tests remained sero-negative, aviraemia and normal CD4 count. Without the black seeds therapy. The guy was really inspired not to go to a conventional hospital.

Other studies ?

• A study made in 2009 suggesting that even after using such a powerful therapy like HAART, Nigella Sativa extract helps the body by restoring the insulin production, which is deteriorated by the HAART. Therapeutic effects of Nigella sativa on chronic HAART-induced hyperinsulinemia in rats, by Chandra S, Murthy SN, Mondal D, Agrawal KC, published in Apr 2009. Our findings demonstrated that chronic HAART may increase serum insulin levels by dysregulating both insulin production by beta cells and insulin action at the periphery. These deleterious effects may be prevented by dietary supplementation with BSO.

• HIV-1 protease inhibitor induced oxidative stress in pancreatic beta-cells: protection with thymoquinone.

• HIV-1 protease inhibitor induced oxidative stress suppresses glucose stimulated insulin release: protection with thymoquinone (TQ). Long-term exposure to HAART is associated with a metabolic syndrome manifesting cardiovascular dysfunction, lipodystrophy, and insulin resistance syndrome (IRS). Both TQ and black seed oil exposure increased glucose stimulated insulin secretion and ameliorated the suppressive effect of nelfinavir. TQ may be used as a potential therapeutic agent to normalize the dysregulated insulin production observed in HAART treated patients.

What’s wrong with conventional therapy?
· First, adverse side effects of the drug outstrip those associated with the HIV infection itself. Especially when the infection was treated ‘early,’ as the infection was discovered through routine blood tests, but the patient doesn’t present the specific symptoms and feels healthy.

· Drug therapy can produce selective pressure on the HIV virus to mutate and gain resistance. A stronger devastating virus will then be born, while all the already taken drugs have done severe and even irreversible damage to the patient’s immune system.

YET, the death of the patient is NEVER associated with the therapy, but with the disease.

Call or WhatsApp me for your own black seed products on 08027795365.


Black seed oil is more preferable for HIV cure try it today and give testimony


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BLACK SEED 03/02/2022
Join our WhatsApp group for more benefits on your health .

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Hiv/Aids is real
black seed oil
Can cure it 100%


Most girls don't understand this because of the complicated lessons in school, plus we don't listen to our bodies too.
Some definitions:
- menstrual period : This is the time when blood flows into your private part.

- menstrual cycle : The days it takes to have another period of blood flow in the month.
If the last time you saw your period was June 11 and it resumed on July 10, then you have a 30-day menstrual cycle. (Counted from October 11 to December 10) Note: It is wrong to believe that her 28 day cycle is an illness, women have different menstrual cycles ranging from 21 to 35 days.

- ovulation period: It's time to get pregnant without stress. This is 2 weeks after your period or 2 weeks before the next period

Here is a simple way to calculate your ovulation period
1-) from the first days you see blood from your period.
2-) choose a calendar and count 15 days including the first day of the bloodstain.
3-) mark the fifteenth day with a pen.
4-) mark 3 days before the 15th day and mark 3 days after the 15th day.
5-) you will notice that you have 7 days marked.
6-) it's 7 days represent your ovulation period and your fertile days also known as the dangerous period.
If you have s*x during these days, you have a 98% chance of getting pregnant.

Do this every month diligently.
Every other day; this is the security period.
You can have carefree s*x in case you don't need a child just yet.
For example:
1-) you noticed the task on November 11, 2018.
2.) 15 days after the first day of the bloodstain will also be November 25 (2 weeks after) from the 11th day.
3.) The 15th day is November 25, 2018.
4.) 3 days before the 15th is 22 23 24
5.) 3 days after November 25 is 26 27 28
6.) November 22-28 (7 days) is your ovulation period. This is your fertile window.

Remember that the 3 days is a reminder that the semen stays in the female body for about 3 days

Any s*xual contact during the period of ovulation leads to the formation of a being with ears, eyes etc ... If you want a little girl have s*xual in*******se between the three days before ovulation (22-24th) 2018 a boy have s*x on the day of ovulation (15th day) and 3 days after the 15th day.

Major signs indicating the start of your ovulation
You don't need a doctor, relax. After two weeks you may feel the following:
1-) headache
2-) rise in body temperature
3-) vertigo (feeling tired and drowsy)
4-) breast tenderness / size increases like when you have your period.
5-) increase in the number of s*xual in*******se.
6-) cramps or pain on one side of the pelvis.
7-) swelling of the abdomen
8-) increased sense of smell, taste or vision (you eat more)
9-) the va**nal mucus becomes slippery (if you notice it put it between your fingers ...
it stretches like a thick catarrh or snail mucus ... colorless like the white of an egg.

NB: the instance here is for ladies with a 30 day cycle. If yours is 28, days is 14 days and not 15 days.


Natural and very effective memory aid
For children from 0 to 17 years old

Ingredients :
- MORINGA bark
- Pure natural honey

Production :
Take a quantity of bark of this plant, dry in the room and not under the sun to avoid the destruction of its active ingredients
Put them in the very clean bottle and now add a good pure honey on top, to leave for a week before use
After a week, start giving this to your children

Use :
A tablespoon every morning and night at bedtime

The child will be very gifted growing up and super wise, intelligent. His memory will be like that of a genius even at school
May blessings be

NB: The products are available
For all your health concerns contact me

BLACK SEED 24/10/2021

Kindly join us on WhatsApp group chat today

BLACK SEED WhatsApp Group Invite


- The benefits of seeds or oil nigella

Using black seed in your care is a remedy for all ailments except death.
The black seed consists of active elements that taste good and produce a miraculous effect. It contains phosphate, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrate, essences which form most of its power. It also has a power to facilitate the elimination of urine; it contains anti-acid enzymes, sedatives but also elements that stimulate the development of intelligence
1-Headache: Applying black seed oil as a dressing eliminates headaches not accompanied by fever.

2- otitis and hearing problems: it is advisable to put a few drops of well-filtered black seed oil in the ear.

3- Eye ailments: Apply black seed oil around the eye area and mix a few drops of this oil with any hot drink or even with carrot juice and consume the mixture.

4- Asthma: Boil black seed oil and breathe deeply in the v***r released morning and evening

5- Hypertension: Add a few drops to any hot drink and consume.

6- Bloating and expulsion of gases: black seed eliminates bloating, clears blocked ducts and dissolves gases. Put three drops of black seed oil in a cup of coffee or tea and consume.

7- Back pain and joint pain (rheumatism): Lightly heat black seed oil and vigorously massage the painful area. Also consume a spoon of black seed oil three times a day.

8- Treatment of herpes: Apply black seed oil on the sick part daily. It is advisable to repeat the operation several times a day.

9- Development of intelligence and improvement of memory: Put a spoonful of black seed oil in a mint tea sweetened with natural honey. Consume hot.

10- Treatment of states of general fatigue: Take daily and on an empty stomach a glass of orange juice mixed with an average spoon of black seed oil for ten days.

11- Treatment of sprains and bruises: Boil a handful of black cumin seeds, immerse the affected limb in the water of the porridge for a quarter of hours, gently articulating the limb. Then massage the limb with black seed oil. Do not bandage, shake or wear anything before sleeping.

12- Treatment of warts: massage with black seed oil for two weeks, applying a spoonful of black seed oil three times a day.

13- Treatment of depigmentation of the skin and crusts: Pounded and mixed these seeds with vinegar then spread on the parts affected by depigmentation or crusts or dandruff, the black seed eradicates the disease.

14- Treatment of eczema: Apply lukewarm black seed oil to the irritated parts.


- Uterine cancer silently kills

Uterine cancer silently kills: 3 signs to check Women with early stage cervical cancer usually have no symptoms, until it turns into a devastating cancer. Symptoms don't start to appear until the cancer grows and becomes severe. However, here are a few signs to watch out for. The Pap test is extremely important in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer, and other cancers of the reproductive system such as ovarian cancer. This test locates abnormal cells in the cervix which are then treated if necessary. In addition to tests and analyzes, it is important to detect the first symptoms for effective treatment: 1. Irregular bleeding The most common symptom of cervical cancer is irregular va**nal bleeding that many women tend to ignore. Irregular bleeding appears between menstrual periods or after s*x, as light blood spots or va**nal discharge. Period bleeding may also become more concentrated and last longer than usual. In postmenopausal women who are no longer menstruating, va**nal bleeding is the main symptom of cervical cancer and problems with the reproductive system. There are several types of va**nal discharge that can be an early sign of cervical cancer. Some secretions can be an alarming symptom: - Pale - Watery, light - Brown stains - Unwanted odors - Blood spots 2. Pelvic pain Having pelvic pain, especially during s*x, can be a symptom of cervical cancer. This pain could also signal abnormal changes in the cervix. Remember that cervical cancer can spread to the pelvis. Squeeze 1 lemon with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and drink. Drink lemon water every morning to cure 11 health problems Here are 10 things couples should do at least once WHAT TO ALWAYS DO Mix lemon, garlic and ginger and you will remember me for the rest of your life These signs of cervical cancer are often overlooked by the majority of women. If you experience any of the following symptoms, consider seeing your doctor immediately: - Back pain or pelvic pa

BLACK SEED 28/03/2021

Yesterday teachings was very educative.
Incase you missed it. You can still join us tonight. On how to use BSO to cure hiv virus.

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Join us today and Learn more about how we cure hiv virus black seed group chat.
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Black seed oil is packed with antioxidants
Kalonji oil is said to reverse hair damage and help regrow hair
Kalonji oil may also fight eczema and psoriasis when topically applied
Not a lot of people are very familiar with black seeds, or kalonji. The unique-looking seeds have a distinctive flavour, which adds a delicious aroma to any food that they are added to. Black seeds are used in a number of Indian preparations, including curries, dals and even savoury snacks like samosas, kachoris etc. They are also added to some Indian flat-breads like kulchas and parathas to add flavour and taste to these breads. Black seeds are incredibly healthful as well and it is used and consumed for medicinal purposes as well. These flavourful black seeds are packed with antioxidants, and hence, have a number of beauty benefits as well.

Black seed oil (or nigella sativa oil) can be applied topically on your facial skin and hair and can also be consumed to fight a number of ailments. The oil is known to have cholesterol-fighting abilities and it may also help in regulating blood sugar and inducing weight loss. But it is very popular among Indians for combating a number of beauty problems as well. Here are some beauty benefits of using black seed oil that you must know about.


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Remedy to chronic kidney disease.
Renal failure is a pathology that requires regular medical monitoring to slow its progression, but also multi-daily dialysis at the advanced stage. During the different phases of the disease, natural treatments can be of great help, especially herbal medicine.
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of kidney failure. Low in salt and high in carbohydrates is recommended for kidney failure.
Include radishes in your diet and make sure you drink a quart of radish juice twice a day. Avoid fried and sour foods and consume two apples a day for best results.
Asian Ginseng
Asian Ginseng also known as 'Panax Ginseng' is one of the best natural herb and has been used for centuries to treat kidney failure. Asian ginseng containing the adoptegenic properties helps protect your body's organs helping them to function properly. Saponin, is an ingredient present in this plant, which help protect your kidneys from cell damage.
Dandelion is an awesome natural herb, it helps treat kidney failure. It contains minerals, proteins, vitamins and has diuretic properties, thus helping to promote kidney health and treat your kidney failure.
Corn silk
eliminate toxins in the kidney.
Drinking corn silk tea can be an effective way to detoxify the body and if you are suffering from urinary tract infections.
This particular herbal tea is able to reduce pain and eliminate toxins in the kidneys and bladder. Not only can it help relieve and help the body get rid of UTIs, because it is a mild diuretic, it helps keep the body clean.
Apple cider vinegar and chronic kidney disease.
Apple cider vinegar is able to remove toxins from the kidneys and bladder. It is also used to help treat chronic kidney disease.
Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium, the high potassium level is a risk for those with chronic kidney disease and patients with heart failure.
Therefore, it is not recommended for patients with chronic kidney disease with high potassium level, it is important to avoid apple cider vinegar.
But for those who have a low level of potassium in their blood, they can drink more apple cider vinegar.
Baking soda and chronic kidney disease.
Baking soda is used for those who have significant blood acidity as a result of chronic kidney disease, baking soda can help turn this situation around.
Other natural solutions for chronic kidney disease.
Onion juice
Apple cider vinegar
Olive oil
Methods of preparation and use:
-> An onion juice with 3 tablespoons of honey, take this recipe and lie down for an hour, this recipe is used to purify and revitalize the urine process.
-> Boil the water, then add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and parsley, this recipe helps if there is kidney complication and it reactivates the urine.
-> A large cup of boiling water with honey and pollen in cases with anemia and to improve the immune system, especially in the case of diabetes.
Olive oil is important in acute kidney failure.
Some parts of plants help fight chronic kidney disease such as locust bean gum and cherry stems in the form of a decoction (50 g per liter of water). The latter indeed have depurative and diuretic principles, useful in the treatment of renal failure. However, it is essential to seek the advice of a doctor before using medicinal plants, some of which may prove to be toxic for the kidneys.
Useful plants for diseases of the kidneys:
Juniper, Ammi, Gum Arabic, Parsley, Nigella Sativa, Honey, Roselle, Lemon, Thyme, Neem, Absinthe, but always used these plants with caution with a doctor's advice.
Precautions for use:
Misuse will cause them many side effects. Therefore, it is necessary for patients with “chronic kidney disease” to consult their physician in advance before taking any natural remedy for the treatment of chronic kidney disease.
Call or WhatsApp me for more info. +2348027795365.


- Black seeds oil to treat type 1 and 2 diabetes

Black cumin seed oil offers many medicinal properties thanks to its antibacterial, analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, painkiller, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-hypertensive, purifying, anti-radical, nourishing, regenerating, healing, emollient and toning properties, fountain!
Its active compounds are crystalline nigellone and thymoquinone, which are believed to be the main responsible for the powerful medicinal properties of black cumin oil, as well as myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, proteins and vitamins B1, B2,B3, calcium, folate, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorus.
Many health experts say it is a true panacea, capable of helping to cure everything from allergies to high blood pressure. Many say that black cumin oil is a remedy for everything but death, which sums up its health benefits quite well!
To treat type 1 and 2 diabetes
According to an article in the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, black cumin oil is thought to cause progressive partial regeneration of pancreatic beta cells, increase serum insulin levels and decrease blood sugar levels. Research in mice suggests that pharaoh oil can prevent the development of type 1 diabetes and increase the insulin sensitivity of liver cells, which helps prevent type 2 diabetes.
You can start by taking 1/2 to 1 teaspoon at lunch and dinner before the meal or mixed
with the seasoning oil.

Call or WhatsApp this number to get yours now. +2348027795365


From the age of 40 and above is a victim of prostate deases.
What Is the Prostate?
The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system, which includes the p***s, prostate, seminal vesicles, and testicles. The prostate is located just below the bladder and in front of the re**um. It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder). It produces fluid that makes up a part of semen.
Symptoms of Prostate Problems

Frequent urge to urinate.

Need to get up many times during the night to urinate.

Blood in urine or semen.

Pain or burning urination.

Painful ej*******on.

Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips, pelvic or re**al area, or upper thighs.

Dribbling of urine

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HIV /AIDS is real and its curable
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1. Always wash your va**na after s*x to avoid odor
2. Drink plenty of water every day to flush bacteria and infections from your body.
3. Always massage your breast before bed or let your man suck it to avoid cancer.
4. Do not wash your va**na with some kind of soap. Clean water is enough
5.if you are the type who likes to give to her man, try brushing your teeth / mouth as much as possible in the morning and evening and have a cup of lemon 🍋 lukewarm water every morning after brushing to avoid mouth 👄 odor / oral infection
6. Always shave your armpits and pelvic hair
7. as a woman eat lots of fruit.
8. Use good tampons during your period and change them when they are full.
9. Take your bath at least twice a day, especially when you have your period.
10. Say NO to ge***al mutilation
11. Always change your panties and bra at least once every three months
Do have a wonderful day.



Nigella, by its scientific name Nigella Sativa, also called black seed or black cumin, is a spice with many health benefits, and we talk a lot about its effects on cancer. One thing is certain, it is that Nigel is used since the dawn of time for its virtues for the health. It is one of those centuries-old remedies forgotten and regaining popularity, especially following several scientific research, but also thanks to Muslims. There are many testimonials from people who have treated their cancer with black seed as an alternative treatment. Even Western research is moving in this direction, because many studies (see next paragraph) have shown the effectiveness of this black seed against many cancers such as cancer: pancreas, colon, prostate, breast , lung, pancreas, and even brain cancers. Chemotherapy, which involves destroying all cells, healthy or unhealthy, has many serious side effects, the main one remaining the possibility of having a second cancer, often recurrences are very aggressive and can occur from reseeding the tumor. Nigel, it only attacks unhealthy cells, cancer cells, without touching healthy cells, on the contrary: the black seed can rebuild and strengthen the immune system and the good cells. Of course, there is no cure for cancer without the healthy lifestyle that goes with it, a diet without: sugar, processed foods, white flours, refined products, pesticides, etc. We must ban all these foods that feed the tumors. But again, this is not the subject of the article. How does Nigella's seed act? Because yes, it is not only alternative medicine that is interested in the Nigella Nigella sativa species. In 2016, there are 462 studies that have been published on the effectiveness of the seed of Nigel, especially against cancerous tumors. It is now known that seeds of Nigel inhibit the activity of cancer cells and, in some cases, can even kill cancer cells. The action of the spice at the molecular level at the origin of its anti-cancer role is not yet well understood. However, one of the active ingredients of the black seed could be at the origin of the anti-tumoral effects of the spice: thymoquinone. It has beneficial effects on many inflammatory diseases, including cardiovascular, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, and many others including the one that interests us here, cancers: liver, skin, skin pancreas, cervix, breast, bones, stomach, blood, prostate, colon, lung, brain and lymphoma. Indeed, studies have shown that thymoquinone is an antioxidant and boosts the defense system of the body. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and cytotoxic properties that are selective for human cells, that is, it kills human cancer cells without harming normal cells. Treatment Look for ½ teaspoon of Nigella Sativa seed powder (black seed), mix this powder with the same amount of honey, then consume this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes with breakfast and consume also the evening. You can put these seeds in a blender, blender or mills to have the powder. You can also simply mix the seeds with honey and chew until swallowed. Treatment for 1 month


enefits of oil nigella

The seed of black cumin or black seed helps metabolism, digestion, and lowers the level of sugar in the blood. It is useful in the treatment of diabetes. For the digestive pathologies, the seeds of black cumin stimulate the bile and regulate the internal disorders, improve the digestion, and have as a virtue to fight towards and parasites of the intestinal tract.

1-The headache: The application of Nigella oil in dressing eliminates headaches unaccompanied by fever
2- otitis and hearing disorders: it is advisable to put a few drops of oil nigella well filtered in the ear.
3- Eyelids: Apply black nigella oil around the eye and mix a few drops of this oil with any hot drink or carrot juice and consume the mixture .
4- Asthma: Boil oil Nigel and breathe deeply the steam released morning and evening
5- Hypertension: Add a few drops to any hot drink and consume.
6- Bloating and expulsion of gases: the seed Nigel eliminates bloating, clears the blocked ducts and dissolves gases. Put three drops of oil nigella in a cup of coffee or tea and consume.
7- Backache and joints (rheumatism): Warm up slightly oil Nigel and massage vigorously the painful place. Also eat a spoon of oil Nigel three times a day.
8- The treatment of herpes: Apply oil Nigel on the sick part daily. It is advisable to repeat the operation several times a day.
9- Development of intelligence and improvement of memory: Put a spoonful of nigella oil in a tea of ​​mint sweetened with natural honey. Consume hot.
10- Treatment of General Fatigue Conditions: Take daily and fasting a glass of orange juice mixed with a medium spoon oil Nigel for ten days.


*A. Two things to check as often as you can*

(1) Your blood pressure

(2) Your blood sugar

*B. Four things to reduce to the minimum on your foods:*

(1) Salt

(2) sugar

(3) dairy products

(4) starchy products

*C. Four things to increase in your foods’*

(1) Greens/vegetables

(2) beans

(3) fruits

(4) nuts

*D. Three things you need to forget:*

(1) Your age

(2) your past

(3) your grievances

*E. Four things you must have, no matter how weak or how strong you are:*

(1) Friends who truly love you

(2) caring family

(3) positive thoughts

(4) a warm home.

*F. Five things you need to do to stay healthy:*

(1) fasting

(2) smiling / laughing

(3) trek / exercise

(4) reduce your weight.

*G. Six things you don't have to do:*

(1) Don't wait till you are hungry to eat

(2) don't wait till you are thirsty to drink

(3) don't wait till you are sleepy to sleep

(4) don't wait till you feel tired to rest

(5) don't wait till you get sick to go for medical check-ups otherwise you will only regret later in life

(6) always take black seed oil to make you look younger.
(7) don’t wait till you have problem before you pray to your God.
(8) call 📲 or WhatsApp this number 08027795365. For BSO.

the power of black seed oil.

Black seed is a rich source of minerals such as selenium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B-6, copper, calcium, zinc, niacin, lutein, carotenes, potassium, vitamin C, zeaxanthin, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin E, riboflavin and manganese.

Studies reveal that black cumin contains anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-microbial, antihypertensive, anti-cancer, anti-oxidizing, anti-flatulent, anti-nociceptive, anti-histaminic, anti-ulcer, antidiabetic, anthelmintic, acrid, emmenagogue, thermogenic, anodyne, deodorizing, digestive, carminative and analgesic properties

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Taking injection 💉 💉 💉 and drugs is not the solution to situations, Try black seed oil today its natural, no side effect...
When ancient Egyptian kings, European queens, religious prophets and modern scientist come together on an issue, it’s pr...

