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Praise In Public, Criticize In Private. - Vince Lombardi


Money isn't everything... If you're dealing with someone who is constantly hostile, hateful, or rude, it's okay to fire that customer! Increased happiness & decrease stress is worth the financial loss every single time! - M. Curtis McCoy


Sure. Finding love is cool, but have you ever found yourself? - M. Curtis McCoy


Are you actively pursuing happiness or just chasing money? - M. Curtis McCoy

$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi 14/11/2023

$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi

$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No by Alex Hormozi This book by Alex Hormozi is a must-read if you're looking to create offers that attract customers and maximize business profitability.


If given a choice, I'd pick consistent daily growth over getting lucky with one viral post. Stop looking for the easy way out! - M. Curtis McCoy


Don't Miss Your Opportunity Because Of Your Negativity. - M. Curtis McCoy

Niche Mastery - 20 Strategies for Personal Branding 13/11/2023

Niche Mastery – 20 Strategies for Personal Branding

Niche Mastery - 20 Strategies for Personal Branding Is there a skill or knowledge area where you excel? Build your personal brand by combining your talents in a way no one else does!


If You Want To Be Miserable, Be Miserable Somewhere Else Because I Don't Want To Hear Your Negativity Anyway. - Jeff Wobig


When you go to the world's remedies for pain, you pile on top of yourself shame. - Pastor Dan Hooper


Can You Wait For What You Want? Or, Do You Determine Your Course Of Action Based On What Feels Good Right Now? - M. Curtis McCoy


Let’s get to know each other better! 😎 What is something you wish you were better at?


Your words affect you physically, spiritually & emotionally. Choose them wisely. - M. Curtis McCoy


Put Your Dreams In Concrete And Draw Your Goals In The Sand. - Connie V. Wyatt


Building a strong personal brand gives you the ability to reach any audience you'd like to connect with! - M. Curtis McCoy


You can't change someone unless they want to change themselves. Stop shedding tears over people who are happy being broken. - M. Curtis McCoy


“Good friends don’t just support you in your values. They challenge you to dive deeper into them.” - Pastor Will Britt


What will you do today to make someone smile? - M. Curtis McCoy


The Only Time You Hit Your Knees Is To Pray. Even If You Get Knocked To Your Knees, Get Right Back Up. - Jeff Wobig


Read a book. Go to the gym. Take an online class. 30 minutes per day can change your life by this time next year. - M. Curtis McCoy


Your resume only tells me where you've been. Are you willing to do what it takes to get to where you want to be? - M. Curtis McCoy


I don't want to hear you complain about the problem if you don't have a solution. - M. Curtis McCoy


We Are Each Accountable For What We Do With The Time And Abilities We Are Given. - M. Curtis McCoy


Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth— a stranger, not your own lips. - Proverbs 27:2


Becoming an "overnight success" typically takes many years of work that others never see. What are you doing now to be successful in the future? - M. Curtis McCoy


Keep saying I can't. I'll keep proving you wrong! - If you haven't listened to the song "Say I won't" by MercyMe, I hope you'll take a minute & listen. It's incredible! - MercyMe


You've got to push the limits in order to find them. - M. Curtis McCoy


You're going to die! Are you making the most of the time you have left? - M. Curtis McCoy


It’s Not All About Business. It’s Not All About Money. Life Is Better Than That, And It Can End In A Split Second. - Jeff Wobig


Learn How To Be Truly Successful! Create A Life That’s Not Only Financially Prosperous But Also Balanced And Enjoyable. - M. Curtis McCoy


We All Get Tough Breaks In Life. Don't Take Ownership Of Misfortune You Didn't Create! - M. Curtis McCoy


"Become An Excellent Conversationalist" by M. Curtis McCoy - M. Curtis McCoy


I Could Tell My 18-year-old Self How To Live Life, That Would Be, “Live Life To The Fullest. Enjoy Every Day Because It’s Fun! Be A Good Person." - Jeff Wobig


Don't Claim Your Trophy Before You Earn It, Or Else You'll Stop Working For It. - Jeff Wobig


The Challenge For Many People Is Not Finding Their Goal But Deciding To Pursue It. - M. Curtis McCoy


Focus on mastery, not overload. - M. Curtis McCoy

Barbara J. Hansen - Listen to The Cry of the Child: The Deafening Silence of Sexual Abuse 03/11/2023

Barbara J. Hansen – Listen to The Cry of the Child: The Deafening Silence of Sexual Abuse

Barbara J. Hansen - Listen to The Cry of the Child: The Deafening Silence of Sexual Abuse Barbara J. Hansen, known by friends as Bobbie Joy Hansen, is a testament to resilience, forgiveness, and healing.


People who think money doesn't bring happiness haven't given enough away yet! - M. Curtis McCoy


I May Not Have All The Answers, But If There’s A Problem, You Can Bet I'll Find A Solution! - M. Curtis McCoy