Success GYM
Success GYM is an arm of Ways Of Wisdom (WOW) International.
Success Gym is a Christian forum that believes in the power of shared knowledge, training and relevant programs that will empower a change in attitude towards life, family, career, business, etc.of individuals of every discipline, race or culture.
When they tell you, you aren't going to make it...Do not believe in them.
Just keep your focus and maintain your pursuit because in time, you will arrive at your dream destination.
By the way, how did you even get to be soooo small in your own dream? Who sold that to you?
No more! Because, right this very will wake up, sit-up, and prepare yourself the manifesto for a new level and then you will go out there and give it ALL it takes.
It doesn't matter how many times you have failed, it doesn't matter how many times life knocks you down...Listen up! It is time...
It's time to...Get Up, Dust Off, Reload, Recalibrate, Re-engage and Go all out on the attack!
Don't sit with that dream...No!
You must have as a basic principle, the determination to go after your dream EVERYDAY.
The question is...are you currently occupying the number 1 spot in your field? If the answer is "No" you have work to do...and if the answer if "Yes" you even have more work to do.
Say No to complacency!
Stop seeking for people's opinion, approval and validation of your own dreams; it's an absolute waste of time.
You need to believe in that dream yourself because only what you believe has the chance of becoming possible...
And when your work ethic reflects your belief, then you will be unstoppable.
When people around you are perpetual "thousandnaire" making your first million could make you feel like the greatest.
But that is a mediocre approach to living and sooner or later, complacency will catch up with you.
A success minded person must first of all be determined to continuously break his/her own records. It's you against your full potential not you against your neighbour's mediocre accomplishments.
No more mediocrity.
The best investment into your future, career, business, relationship, family, you.
You are the most important capital you need. When things work, it's because you are consciously applying yourself; when things don't work, it's because you applied less of yourself.
It doesn't matter how much support you are the most critical ingredient to things working in your world.
When God was using prophets, he had only Israel; but when he decided to invest himself by dying, he gained the world.
Invest yourself maximally to your pursuit.
"If thou DOEST WELL, will you not be accepted" Gen. 4:7
We are in the days where the pursuit of excellence is called "perfectionism". Average now looks like the new threshold for our aspirations.
These are the days...religious people will put prayers first before a robust work ethic...and when they don't achieve their goals...they claim it's either the enemy or "maybe it's not God's will".
Some people cannot turn up early for any event 4 consecutive times..No, it's a big ask.
There is "DOING" and there is "DOING WELL".
He that DOETH WELL will always lead he that just DOETH.
How much are you paying for it? How much are you sacrificing for it? How much initiative are you taking just to achieve it? How much are you giving up and sacrificing to get this dream?
If it is worth anything, then it is secured; if it is secured, then not everyone have access. If it is not costing you something, you ain't ready yet.
How much is it worth? How much are you willing to pay for it?
A Beetle sacrifice cannot afford you a Bentley dream.
Until there is a shift in your self-concept, there can't be a shift in your circumstances.
Joseph, although still in prison began to see himself differently: he saw himself as someone who had business to take care of for Pharaoh.
He didn't wait for his circumstances to change before he changed his self-concept; he changed his self-concept first.
Leave your circumstances attention to your self-image.
So, this year was the year you spoke so much about last year.
With so much passion and enthusiasm, you outlined your goals and your strategy towards achieving it. What have you been doing so far?
Whatever you do...make sure you don't end this year...just the same way you ended last year.
Improve on your results...improve on your self.
If you want to have to be hungry for it. If you desire new levels, new territories, you have to be hungry.
God has no business responding to a prayer that is not born out of a genuine desire.
If you truly want will show in your approach.
That goal that appears to be difficult is simply waiting for a new level of hunger from you.
Nothing great happens by accident; "Being lucky" has no bearing when it comes to the future you desire.
It is down to two things...Your Decision and Your Commitment.
You know...
Where you are today in life is a function of what you did with your time yesterday; and if you want to change the quality of your future, you need to start paying attention to what you are doing with your time today.
Spiritual investment in your life will only produce spiritual gains; your physical investment will not produce spiritual gains either.
If you don't balance your investment, no one is to blame.
One of the most empowering questions I ask myself very frequently is "What do I specifically want from..."?
The answer to the above will fix your Finances, your Weight, your Career, your Business, your relationships, etc.
But I must also will never get what you want giving it Half-Hearted Commitment.
The truth is, until fear stopped were actually unstoppable.
If it appears scary, there is a crown at the end of the process for you...Go get what rightfully belongs to you NOW.
True success is a function of consistent growth; but growth in itself has to be intentional.
If you are not intentional you will be stopped not by external enemies but by internal enemies.
You see our major enemy is "laziness" and we wake up to fighting this enemy everyday of our lives.
One step at a time, one punch at a time, one swing at a time and slowly but consistently by all means necessary, make sure you are making progress EVERYDAY.
If you don't consciously work on your routine to align with your supposed future, you might end up at a future you supposedly don't anticipate with the routines you are keeping up with today.
What's it going to be?
Will you consciously create that future or unconsciously arrive at a future you don't desire but deserve?
What will your life look like in the next 6 months if you wake up just an hour earlier, workout 30 minutes a day, finish a book every week or deprive yourself of some treats so as to build up your savings?
Those who are always ahead set themselves up to be uncomfortable while the rest subscribe to pleasure converting valuable productive time to leisure.
What are you losing for the convenience of avoiding pain?
Please stop making a liability out of those you call friends, loved ones and family: teach them there is DIGNITY in labour.
If you teach them...your own money will last you longer, if you don't...they will constitute a hole in your "pocket" and this hole is usually a big one.
The best birthday gift to give an unemployed person is a JOB not an iPhone/pad.
Success and everything that comes with it begins from a definitive self concept.
Success does not begin with doing, it begins with the definition of who you think you are...and it is that definition that inspires your action.
What you can or can't do has nothing to do with the circumstance but everything to do with whom you "believe" you are.
When you settle for less, you impact those around you: when you settle for average, you corrupt their concept of what true greatness is all about.
Jesus said..."You are the light of the world" (Matt. 5:14).
Shine Your Light today!
"Start winning your battle over "late attendance to meetings"
The same discipline required to do the small things CONSISTENTLY is the same discipline required to do what it takes repeatedly to achieve your Big goals.
When we win consistently in the little things...then winning in the big things is definitely in view.
Today marks the beginning of the rest of your life:
You have a choice to take all things in your life to another level and commit to taking massive action moving forward beginning from today...or...Keep living below your potential, telling yourself lies that has kept you bound for years but justifying your lack of discipline, lack of personal initiative and lack of dedication to yourself.
Life is a gift...maximise your living.