

Highly motivated and proficient yoga teacher with expert techniques to achieve all types of Advanced Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation.


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"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”

~ Karl Lagerfeld

Photos from SujayHassan's post 01/03/2023

How to Preparation for exam with the help of Yoga awerness program

at Kasturibha women and children welfare center - Bangalore


ಶ್ರುತಿವಿಪ್ರತಿಪನ್ನಾ ತೇ ಯದಾ ಸ್ಥಾಸ್ಯತಿ ನಿಶ್ಚಲಾ .

ಸಮಾಧಾವಚಲಾ ಬುದ್ಧಿಸ್ತದಾ ಯೋಗಮವಾಪ್ಸ್ಯಸಿ (ಶ್ರೀಮದ್ಭಗವದ್ಗೀತಾ 2 -53)

श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला |

समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि || (भगवद्गीता 2-53)

Shrutivipratipanna te yada sthaasyati nishchalaa |

Samaadhaavachalaa buddhistadaa yoagamavaapsyasi || (Gita – 2-53)

~ When your mind will remain stable even after hearing confusing and conflicting statements, then you will attain the state of Yoga- samadhi.

Yoga is a state of great steadiness at emotional level, balance of concentration and detachment at mental level and homeostasis at body level.

Photos from SujayHassan's post 03/01/2023

Yoga is not about making the body flexible! It's also for making our minds and thoughts flexible to any situation.


What is yoga mudara and how it work?

The Sanskrit word mudra is translated as a gesture. A mudra may involve the whole body or could be a simple hand position. Mudras used in combination with pranayamas enliven the flow of prana in the body, thereby energizing different parts of the body.
According to Ayurveda, diseases are caused due to an imbalance in the body, which in turn is caused by lack or excess of any of the five elements.

Our fingers have the characteristics of these elements, and each of these five elements serves a specific and important function within the body. The fingers are essentially electrical circuits. The use of mudras adjusts the flow of energy – affecting the balance of air, fire, water, earth, ether – and facilitate healing.
Hand Mudras create a subtle connection with the instinctual patterns in the brain and influence the unconscious reflexes in these areas. The internal energy is, in turn, balanced and redirected, affecting change in the sensory organs, glands, veins, and tendons.


Vatayanasana (flying horse pose)

The word vatayanasana comes from the Sanskrit words ‘vatayana’ which means horse and ‘asana’ which means ‘pose’. Vatayanasana is also known as the flying horse pose or the horse face pose.

This is a complex asana which helps in increasing the flexibility of the legs and the strength of the lower half of the body. This asana also helps in instiling a sense of balance and stability in the body. 

Benefits of vatayanasana

1. It helps in strengthening the leg muscles and knee joints. 

2. It helps in reducing the stiffness and pain related to arthritis.

3. It promotes proper circulation of blood in the hip area.

4. It reduces the cramping in the thigh region.

5. It relieves the stiffness around the sacroiliac joint (joint between the sacrum and iliac bone of the hip).

6.This asana claims to have the ability to correct minor asymmetry in the hips and the legs.


Yoga on the bank of Ganga in rishikesh


Yoga Nidrasana

The word Yoganidrasana is derived from the Sanskrit word yoga, meaning unite, Nidra meaning sleep, and asana meaning pose.

This pose is done in a reclining posture and works wonders on the back muscles. It is also helpful on the pelvis, inner thighs, chest, hips, calves and hamstring .

The Yoga Nidra pose works on several body parts. It is also called Yoga Nidra, the Yoga sleep pose of the Leg behind the head pose.


Dhyana is a Sanskrit word meaning "meditation." It is derived from the root words, dhi, meaning “receptacle” or “the mind”; and yana, meaning “moving” or “going.” An alternate root word, dhyai, means "to think of."




Beatles Ashram (बीटल्स आश्रम) or Chaurasi Kutia (चौरासी कुटिया)




yoga on the bank of ganga in rishikesh


7 year's back😊😊


The stimulation and relaxation of mind.

लये संबोधयेत् चित्तं विक्षिप्तं शमयेत् पुनः।

सकशायं विजानीयात् समप्राप्तं न चालयेत् ॥

 माण्डुक्य-उपनिषद् ॥३.४४॥

laye saṃbodhayet cittaṃ vikṣiptaṃ śamayet punaḥ।

sakaśāyaṃ vijānīyāt samaprāptaṃ na cālayet॥

Mandukya Upanishad 3.44

When the mind is in a state of dullness, stimulate and awaken it. When the awakened mind thus becomes turbulent, calm it down. In the process, recognize the dirt that surfaced. When the mind reaches a state of equanimity, do not disturb it further.


Shirshasana - ಶೀರ್ಷಾಸನ - शीर्षासन (Headstand Pose)

Shirshasana comes from the Sanskrit word “Shirsha” which means ‘Head’, and ‘asana‘ means ‘pose'- headstand pose

Headstand is also known as the 'king of asanas' because this yoga pose is considered to be a master in curing many diseases. Headstand is one of the most effective asanas for body and mind. Mastering Shirshasana requires a bit of strength, but it is mainly a matter of concentration and awareness.

Benefits of Shirshasana

1. Stimulating the functioning of the pineal, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands. This helps in better functioning and co-ordination of all the endocrine glands.

2. Improving the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis by stimulation of the nervous system

3. Providing conditioning to the brain, eyes, and ears due to safely increased blood pressure

4. Improving memory and concentration

5. Helping to manage mental fatigue, depression, and anxiety

6. Improving the functioning of the central nervous system

7. Improving the body’s capability to regulate blood pressure by stimulation of the so-called baroreceptors

8. Giving rest to the heart by reversing blood pressure temporarily

9. Improving body posture by activating the core

10. Strengthening of muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms

11. Improving blood and lymph circulation throughout the entire body

12. Improving digestion and elimination functions.


Surya Arghya

Surya Arghya is to be performed early in the morning during sunrise.
stand on the balls of your feet and slowly let down a constant trickle of water, while looking at the sun through the water flow, for 3-5 minutes. The stream of water is not supposed to broken during the offering. While looking at the sun you are to recite the Surya mantra. It is believed that this will bring peace and energy to your body in the early morning.

Science behind offering water to sun

Looking at the sun through the stream of water protects our eyes from the harmful sun rays and lets the beneficial rays reach our eyes (rods and cones) that improve our eyesight. These rays also prevent cataract formation. That is why it is recommended that you look at the sun through the water for 3 to 5 minutes.


ಯೋಗೇನ ಚಿತ್ತಸ್ಯ ಪದೇನ ವಾಚಾ ||
ಮಲಂ ಶರೀರಸ್ಯಂಚ ವ್ಯೆದ್ಯಕೇನ||
ಯೋಪಾಕರೋತ್ತಂ ಪ್ರವರಂ ಮುನೀನಾಂ||
ಪತಂಜಲಿ ಪ್ರಾಂಜಲಿರಾನತೋಸ್ಮಿ||

योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचां ।
मलं शरीरस्य च वैद्यकेन ॥
योऽपाकरोत्तमं प्रवरं मुनीनां ।
पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोऽस्मि ॥

yogena cittasya padena vācāṁ ।
malaṁ śarīrasya ca vaidyakena ॥
yo’pākarottamaṁ pravaraṁ munīnāṁ ।
patañjaliṁ prāñjalirānato’smi ॥

Let us bow before the noblest of sages Patanjali, who gave yoga for serenity and sanctity of mind, grammar for clarity and purity of speech and medicine for perfection of health.Let us prostrate before sage Patanjali.


Halasana (ಹಲಾಸನ, हलासन )

In Sanskrit “Hala” means plough, so this Halasana is called as plough pose due to its resemblance to the shape of plough. This yoga posture stretches the spine and shoulders while rejuvenating the nervous system. Because the pose calms and relaxes the nerves, brain, and heart, it is traditionally practiced near the end of a yoga session.

Benefits of Halasana (Plough Pose)

1. It improves digestion and appetite.

2. It helps to make spinal cord strong and flexible.

3. Cures the symptoms of menopause.

4. Halasana also makes facial skin healthy by improving blood flow the nerves present underneath you face.

5. It helps to reduce stress.
6. It normalizes blood-glucose level and stimulates the internal organs.

7. It stimulates the reproductive organs.

8. Effective in Weight Loss.

9. Strengthens the abdominal muscles.

10. Beneficial for diabetic people. Those people should do this regularly.


What does the Bhagavad Gita say about Anger?

ಧ್ಯಾಯತೋ ವಿಷಯಾನ್ಪುಂಸಃ ಸಂಗಸ್ತೇಷೂಪಜಾಯತೇ .
ಸಂಗಾತ್ಸಂಜಾಯತೇ ಕಾಮಃ ಕಾಮಾತ್ಕ್ರೋಧೋಽಭಿಜಾಯತೇ .. || 2.62||

ಕ್ರೋಧಾದ್ಭವತಿ ಸಮ್ಮೋಹಃ ಸಮ್ಮೋಹಾತ್ಸ್ಮೃತಿವಿಭ್ರಮಃ .
ಸ್ಮೃತಿಭ್ರಂಶಾದ್ ಬುದ್ಧಿನಾಶೋ ಬುದ್ಧಿನಾಶಾತ್ಪ್ರಣಶ್ಯತಿ .. || 2.63||

ध्यायतो विषयान्पुंस: सङ्गस्तेषूपजायते |
सङ्गात्सञ्जायते काम: कामात्क्रोधोऽभिजायते || 2.62||

क्रोधाद्भवति सम्मोह: सम्मोहात्स्मृतिविभ्रम: |
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति || 63||

dhyāyato viṣhayān puṁsaḥ saṅgas teṣhūpajāyate
saṅgāt sañjāyate kāmaḥ kāmāt krodho ’bhijāyate || 2.62||

krodhād bhavati sammohaḥ sammohāt smṛiti-vibhramaḥ
smṛiti-bhranśhād buddhi-nāśho buddhi-nāśhāt praṇaśhyati || 2.63||

While contemplating on the objects of the senses, one develops attachment to them. Attachment leads to desire, and from desire arises anger, Anger leads to clouding of judgment, which results in bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, the intellect gets destroyed; and when the intellect is destroyed, one is ruined.


Yoga is the science of right living and, as such, is intended to be incorporated in daily life. It works on all aspects of the person: the physical, vital, mental, emotional, psychic and


The name ‘Tolasana’ is derived from Sanskrit, where, ‘tola‘ refers to ‘scale/balance’ and ‘asana‘ means ‘pose.’

Tolasana Benefits:

1. Improves the strength of the arms and the shoulders.

2. Improves the digestive system as the core and the abdominal muscles are used to the maximum.

3. Improves awareness and balance.

4. Various muscles like the biceps, triceps and the brachioradialis of the arms are exercised.

5. Practicing this pose with the two Bandhas (mula bandha and uddiyana bandha), helps to build confidence and determination.

6. Gaining confidence helps to sit for long hours in meditation and hence this pose is used by Rishis.

7. Activates the muladhara, swadhisthana, manipura chakra, while bringing them in balance to keep the body clear of toxins.

8. Along with confidence this pose brings a sense of stability and groundedness along with deep practice.

9. A great pose to reduce anxiety and stress, while calming the body and the mind.


Sarvangasana (ಸರ್ವಾಂಗಾಸನ, सर्वाङ्गासन ); Shoulder Stand Pose. The word ‘sarvanga’ means entire body. From the final position of asana, it can be deduced that it has a favourable effect on entire body.

The benefits of Sarvangasana

1. The Jalandhar Bandha improves the function of the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands due to the increase oxygen and blood. All of the other endocrine glands are regulated by the pituitary gland and so the overall function of the endocrine system is improved. This results in the improved functioning of all other systems of the body and the reduction of emotional and mental stress .

2. Stagnant blood from the lower regions of the body, i.e. legs and abdomen is drained to the heart thereby improving the supply of fresh blood to these parts and the whole circulatory system. Blood supply to the head area i.e. brain, eyes, ears, nose and throat is improved thereby improving their functioning. Therefore all of the pelvic and abdominal area circulation, ear, throat and nose ailments are improved.

3. The lung capacity is increased as the diaphragm, which is the muscle of respiration, has to work against gravity in this posture, this helps in the abdominal respiration and is therefore helpful in the treatment of asthma. Toxins in the respiratory system are drained thereby improving the respiratory system.

4. Prevents and cures varicose veins.

5. Detoxification of the body due to improved efficiency of the organs of the body which leads to youthfulness and anti-ageing effects

6. Normalizes body weight due to its effect on the thyroid.

7. Due to the effect this asana has on the hormonal system, particularly the thyroid, it balances the circulatory, digestive, reproductive and nervous system.

8. Due to the increased blood flow to the head the mind is tranquilized, stress and psychological disturbances are removed.

9. The increased blood flow can be beneficial for those who suffer from headaches, though it should not be practiced at the time of headache.

10. The thymus gland is stimulated which boosts the immune system.

Photos from SujayHassan's post 21/06/2022

International yoga day celebration with our vilage school kids


Utkatasana, ಉತ್ಕಟಾಸನ, उत्कटासन.

Utkatasana Benefits
1. Lifting your torso and arms builds strength in arms, shoulders, and back.
2. Strengthens the lower body while stretching the upper back.
3. Strengthens biceps and triceps.
4. Helps open and create strength and stability in the shoulder joints.
5. Tones abdomen and outer hips (gluteus medius and minimus).


Mulabandhasana is a Sanskrit term where 'Mula' means root or the lowest chakra and 'Bandha' means bo***ge or energy lock. Hence, Mulabandhasana is considered as the pose where the body of the practitioner tends to be contradicted from a**s to the navel and raised up towards the spine. It is considered as the principal Bandha of the yogic practice.Mula bandha is common among all the grounded workings of body mind disciplines.

Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose)

1. The pose tends to elongate the hips, groins, knees as well as ankles

2. It strengthens the pelvis, spine as well as abdomen

3. It is effectual in bringing peace to the mind as well as body

4. This pose can assist a person with hemorrhoids by stimulating the muscles and reinstating their normal functionality

5. This pose tends to be quite effective if practiced on a regular basis prior to conceiving the child as it is quite advantageous for fertility

6. It relieves from depression and frustration related issues to a great extent


Prana is inherent to a being.
We are born with a certain
quantum of prana, and we maintain it, increase or decrease
it through the air we breathe, the food we eat, the thoughts
we think, the actions we perform and the kind of life we lead.
When we die, the accumulated prana leaves the body.



Benefits of Padahastasana:

1. Massages the digestive organs.
2. Alleviates flatulence, constipation, and indigestion.
3. Spinal nerves are stimulated and toned.
4. Increases vitality.
5. Improves the metabolism.
6. Improves concentration.
7. Helps with nasal and throat diseases


Homam, a traditional Hindu ritual is also followed by Buddhists and Jains as a votive ritual. However, there are many types of homams performed based on the religious scriptures and each homam ritual holds a great significance.

The Benefits of Doing Homam :–
1. According to science, doing a homan kills all the germs and harmful bacteria in your surroundings.
2. It also helps in creating a pure, natural atmosphere.
3. Kills mosquitoes and flies.
4. It leaves a pleasant, earthy fragrance.
5. it helps to connect universal consciousness
6. Homams have the power of healing, and therefore, if there is an injured or sick person in your home, then they are said to heal faster.


Gorakhnath asana


Birth Home of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa - Kamarpukur


Sunset in Dakshineswar Kali temple


Going to kolkata


“Every sunrise is a new page of the book of your life, don’t let it stay blank.”

Beautiful Sunrise in Kunjapuri Temple.


Photos from SujayHassan's post 14/04/2022

ಗಂಗೆಯ ಮಡಿಲಲ್ಲಿ

In the lap of Ganga.


Sunset in Mama Ganga.


In the footsteps of Swami Vivekananda

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00