Protect and Restore Stamford's East Meadows

Protect and Restore Stamford's East Meadows

Campaign to have Stamford's east meadows protected, restored, and turned into a public amenity.


Frozen pond on the East Meadows this morning

East Meadows Retrospective 2022 01/01/2023

A look back at 2022 on the East Meadows...

East Meadows Retrospective 2022 A look back at the East Meadows in 2022.


Frozen pond on the East Meadows today.


The confluence of the Gwash and the Welland in the winter afternoon sunshine 


Good afternoon from the East Meadows.


The ponds which have been completely dry all summer are now full of water, and the ducks are loving it!


Good morning from Hudd’s Mill.


Good morning.


Good morning, Stamford.


Good evening from the north bank of the Welland

Photos from Protect and Restore Stamford's East Meadows's post 14/09/2022

The East Meadows look beautiful in the morning sunshine today.


Good morning from the East Meadows


Anglian Water has a lot of work to do!


Stamford contrasts…
Beauty and the Beasts!


This is one of the most beautiful spots on anywhere on the river Welland - and it is on the East Meadows.


thank you for clearing the public footpath of nettles


A lone duck feeds at Hudd’s Mill


The clear waters of the Gwash meet the muddy waters of the Welland!


Let's support the Protect Quarry Farm Campaign on Sunday 27th February.


Good morning from Stamford’s East Meadows


Thanks for bearing with us Stamford! Work on the Gwash Welland Confluence Project has been completed and the site is now fully reopened to the public 😄

Read more about what we've done and why on our website and check out some amazing before and after photos:

A big grateful shout out goes to our funders at Environment Agency, The Wild Trout Trust and South Kesteven District Council and the landowners at Burghley House and Uffington Park Farm.

Fantastic work carried out by Five Rivers Environmental Contracting Ltd with eye in the sky provided by Nathan Campion 📸


A big thank you to Heidi Haxeltine, Maggie Magennis, & Kay Taylor who this morning helped clear the vegetation away from a section from the riverbank to make the water's edge accessible and to improve the view of the river from the footpath. Thanks also to the landowner and the Welland Rivers Trust for giving us permission.


This September, WRT is welcoming Susan Perry as our new Community Engagement Officer 🥳

Susan will be taking over the River Wardens project and other public facing elements of the Trust's work around the catchment.

Please give her a warm welcome - she looks forward to meeting as many of you as possible in the future! 🙋


Many thanks to whoever took the trouble to mow the permissive footpath along the south bank of the Welland between Stamford & Uffington.


Just now.
Just upstream of Hudd’s Mill.
Just a pair of swans & a few ducks.
Just the sound of the water over the weir.
Nobody else round.
Peace on a Saturday evening.
One of Stamford’s best open spaces.


White flowers are growing on top of the weeds in the river just downstream of the weir by Hudd’s Mill Welland Rivers Trust


Good evening from Stamford’s east meadows

Community Engagement Officer 16/07/2021

Community Engagement Officer Do you want to connect people with their local river and wildlife as part of an exciting engagement project? Do you see the opportunities for connection with nature to improve people’s health and ...

Rejected housing scheme is taken to appeal 02/07/2021

Now reported in the Rutland & Stamford Mercury

Rejected housing scheme is taken to appeal Developers are pursing their goal to bring affordable housing to a site in Stamford.

South Kesteven District Council 29/06/2021

We're very disappointed to learn that Longhurst Group is appealing against South Kesteven District Council's refusal to grant them planning permission to build 31 homes on green land behind Cherryholt Road #/application/s19%2F1475/documents

South Kesteven District Council South Kesteven District Council


The landowner is now grazing cattle on the East Meadows


Has anyone spotted a turtle in Stamford?

Teenage Mutant Welland Turtle...?! 🐢

OK, so it's not a mutant, is probably much older than a teenager and is a terrapin, not a turtle, but it's still a surprising discovery this Monday morning from WRT Trustee, James near Harringworth.

Terrapins have been known to live in UK waterways since the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle craze in the 1980s led to large numbers being bought as pets, only for the owners to release them after they grew too big for fish tanks...

Native to the southern USA and Mexico, they are voracious predators of our fish, invertebrates, amphibians and even ducklings, but require sustained high temperatures of 27°C+ to breed successfully. With climate change warming our rivers, we may start to see a new generation emerge, which would be bad news for our already beleaguered freshwater environment.

Let us know if you spot anything unusual in our rivers, we love to hear your stories and see your photos!


Work appears finally to have begun on creating a replacement permissive footpath between the Priory and the river. This will still leave the fields fenced off and inaccessible, however.

Photos from Welland Rivers Trust's post 11/05/2021

Not all heroes wear capes... Some of them float down the Welland scooping up litter and helping to keep our river clean and safe for wildlife 🦸

A big thank you to Annabelle, Hilary, Kate, Lori and George for their fantastic efforts, including the retrieval of nine traffic cones and multiple builders' sacks of general litter 🥳

This stuff does not belong in the river - let's make sure that rubbish goes in the bin and cones stay in the road! 🚯

Videos (show all)

Frozen pond on the East Meadows today.
The confluence of the Gwash and the Welland in the winter afternoon sunshine 
Good morning from Hudd’s Mill.
Good morning.
Good morning, Stamford.
Good evening from the north bank of the Welland
Good morning from the East Meadows
Stamford contrasts…Beauty and the Beasts!
This is one of the most beautiful spots on anywhere on the river Welland - and it is on the East Meadows.
thank you @burghleyhouse for clearing the public footpath of nettles
A lone duck feeds at Hudd’s Mill
The East Meadows just now. Beautiful.