

Helping families make the transition to a healthier, chemical free, low tox home and lifestyle to be


Hi All, just confirming that I am no longer a Young Living brand partner. I’m still using & loving the low tox products and oils every day (because they’re the BEST & I adore them), but I don’t have capacity for the business side amongst my other life & work commitments. If you’re after products or info please still reach out as I can point you in the right direction and will of course help where I can.

For now this page will sit here as it is (until I’m ready to close it… it feels hard to do ❤️), but I will be more active on my other page .mindbodysoul.withleah .

As one door closes another one opens - hence this pic (plus I love the mysterious feels that comes with this door! ☺️) xx


This month’s low tox haul 😍Why??? ⬇️

Liquid Foundation: toxin free, cruelty free, and because most “normal” makeups contain hormone disrupting ingredients. My hormones are hard to please at the best of times so anything I can switch to support them is a good move!

Lip balm - soooo beautiful. Comes in 3 flavours and keeps my lips moisturised all day! 👄

Cedarwood & Lavendar oils - for sleep support (see my most recent reel)

Purification oil - eliminates odours naturally, no ‘Fragrance’ (and all its nasty toxic ingredients!) here. I add this to my laundry liquid and also use it in a DIY air freshener, smells amazing & works a treat!

RC (respiratory care)oil - you’ve heard me rant about this one. For symptoms caused by colds, coughs, allergies - it’s your new best friend!

Idaho Blue Spruce - this is a super high frequency oil so I am excited to use this during my upcoming women’s circles. The more I learn about these things the more I lean into it 💫.


My Jan order! 😍 (in a nut shell!)

Orange Blossom facial wash - removes makeup beautifully, smells divine! No nasty chemicals inside this pump bottle, only natural ingredients. One bottle lasts me about 5-6 months 🙌🏻.

Natural Laundry Liquid - sooo great for sensitive skin and irritable skin (perfect for Shae who suffers from eczema). It’s so highly concentrated that 1 bottle can be split into 2 or even 3 to get even more bang for your buck 🤑.

Bath & shower gel - I prefer NOT to wash my body with hormone disrupting chemicals. This smells fab and leaves me feeling fresh!

Loyalty Essential Oil - a free gift from Young Living because I’m on their essential rewards program, ordering my low tox goods monthly 💜.

Did you make any healthy switches in your home in Jan?


🎈37🎈 Yesterday I turned 37. It’s funny to think that 10 years ago I hoped for the life I have now. To have gotten married, and have a family of my own ❤️. It’s a hell of a lot harder & busier than I ever imagined it to be, but so worth it & I am so very grateful for the joy these 3 bring to my life.
We finished my bday with a Chinese dinner at one of our faves 🥢.


9 years married 🥂

Happy Anniversary ❤️


Nothing beats growing our own produce!
We had such a happy arvo planting in the sun. Hopefully we’ll be enjoying our home grown goods within the next few months 🙏🏻.

Photos from Our_Natural_Nest's post 03/09/2022

This is me holding myself accountable. Once I’ve shared I have to commit & prioritise, for me.

See slide 2 for my September goals. The hardest ones will be cutting out sugar & processed foods, especially in the first 2 weeks. I know this because I’ve done it before. I also know that making these changes to my diet & lifestyle make me feel SO good. Last time it lead to more energy, better sleep, and feeling happier in my everyday life. Bring on some more of that! 🙌🏻

Wish me luck!

Photos from Our_Natural_Nest's post 02/09/2022

Spring has sprung! 🌸
Oh I LOVE this time of year, knowing we’re saying goodbye to the winter woollies and getting ready for some sunshine ☀️.

To celebrate this ever so welcome new season Young Living have an incredible sale including some heavily discounted LOW TOX MAKEUP !!!!!

(Supplements & personal care too! All natural 🙌🏻)

Flick through these slides for sale items! Whether you’re already a member, or you’re keen to start low tox shopping today I’m here to help if you need a hand 💛 xx


Work, kids activities, cleaning, washing, cooking, school/ kinder drop offs & pick ups, birthday presents & parties. Family life is full on whether you work part time, full time or not at all. Throwing my natural living business into the mix amongst the madness had me wondering how on earth I was going to do it all. BUT it has been so doable, and such a MASSIVE positive in my life.

The beauty of this biz is that you put in as much as you can. Like with anything in life you get out what you put in. For me, sharing my own low tox journey & chatting to awesome new friends on socials has brought me to where I am now - to no longer paying for my own low tox products! And this is just the beginning! ✨

The extra bloody big bonus that I never ever knew I needed but got from this job - I’ve become part of such an incredibly beautiful & supportive group of women within Young Living, and I’m forever grateful for the friendships I never would’ve otherwise made ❤️.

This could all be part of your life too! Just say yes to having a go! If you want to know more about the business side of Young Living visit my page & have a browse. Happy to chat! Xx


❣️Note to self - stop finding excuses NOT to do it, and prioritise myself by MAKING the time to do it 🙌🏻.

These 3 reasons ⬆️ are only the beginning! I’m about to do myself a favour & go for a walk during my lunch break, because even 10 minutes out in the fresh air is better than none! 🌳

Anyone else struggle to make time for the things that make them feel good?


When 1 becomes 3 🙌🏻. ALL of our natural hand washes can be split into 3 so you get more bang for your buck!

Kill the germs and leave your hands feeling nourished at the same time - win win!! 💃🏻


This brings me so much joy. ALL of it - creating a customised gift to help my new customers get started with their low tox items, AND knowing I’ve helped someone make an easy, positive change that will benefit their health & the health of their family.

Putting this beautiful gift together reminded me of why I love doing what I do. It was the highlight of my day💛.

What’s been the positive in your day today? Xx

Learn more about going low tox without the overwhelm & without breaking the bank, on my Instagram page .

Photos from Our_Natural_Nest's post 26/07/2022

Eeeek new products out TODAY!
Swipe to see them all ➡️

I can’t wait to try the Thieves cleaning scrub, and how cute is Shelly the turtle? 🐢

Happy shopping!!!


Because it’s been far too long since this man held a square on my feed.

Marriage sure is a ride, and this year we’ve had to work harder than ever on us. I’m grateful that after all these years we still choose each other ❤️❤️ .

Photos from Our_Natural_Nest's post 07/07/2022

$20. That’s all it’ll cost you to get these natural winter essentials into your home & available for your family to try (and LOVE!).

I have 2 packs left that contain all you need to make this simple & healthy chest rub & wellness roller.

Swipe for more info ➡️. Read & watch more, for free, about how you can support your health naturally in our online classroom page

Reach out if you’re in Australia & want this posted out to you next week, to support your body this winter ❄️.



Aside from the fact that with the right oils it can kill airborne germs, and/ or make the house smell amazing 😍 Here’s some more info on diffusing for you…

Diffusers ionize and create ultrasonic particles that our cells love. They create a higher negative ion ratio that allows us to relax. When you are around computers and machinery, you are in a higher ratio of positive ions. When you live and work in an area surrounded by technology, it is very important to have a cold-water diffuser going. When you sleep in a room with a TV, lamps, electric blanket, cell phone, alarm clock, and any other electronic device it is even more important to have a cold-water diffuser. The diffuser will help to placate the positive ions to balance or place the room in a more negative ion ratio.

Photos from Our_Natural_Nest's post 29/06/2022

Watch for FREE or pay $20 to also receive a box of goodies to try at home!

Join us as we share how we are supporting our health naturally throughout these chilly months. This info will be shared in our Instagram classroom so you can watch it back in your own time.

I have 3 boxes available, so if you’d like one please reach out & I’ll pop one aside for you to post/ deliver.

Keep warm all! Xx


Yesterday was pure magic ✨.

Women & mothers connecting, sharing, laughing and supporting each other. We had a blast together! What a crew!

This was our first Melbourne catch up… many more to come 💃🏻. Thank you to Jenna .natural.journey for making this happen.

There’s room for you too! This community is incredible.
I’m so grateful & my cup is so full 💛.


My winter order 📦 Come see what I got to help us get through the next few months!

Excuse the sniffling & snuffling in the background. That’s my bulldog! 🐶

More info on the products & how I use them to come in the days & weeks ahead

Is there something you’re keen to try? Xx


I’d never thought about the fact that every time we sprayed that synthetic rubbish from the supermarket we were all breathing in the chemicals that created it’s so-called “beautiful” scent 😳!

I researched the ingredients in my store-bought spray and trust me, once you know, you know, and there’s NO going back after that! 🤯

2 common ingredients were…
BENZENE: A known carcinogen and developmental & reproductive toxin.

PHTHALATES: associated with effects from endocrine disruption, including hormone imbalance, damage to the female reproductive system, birth defects, and lower s***m counts.

This is SUCH an easy & important swap which is why it was one of my first low tox swaps in our home.


Even my 30+ year old bathroom cleans up beautifully chemical-free✨👏🏻.

Thieves Household Cleaner is the answer! I used it to make a 💯 natural multipurpose spray, mirror/ window cleaner, clean the toilet and even clean the floors. I mixed it with bicarb & vinegar in the toilet, and I mixed it with bicarb & Young Living’s lemon essential oil to make my soft scrub (Gumption). It literally took me about 3 minutes to make both the spray & the gumption (if it’s not quick & easy I’m not interested! 😝).

My laundry powder is completely low tox (more on that to come another day!) and I added YL Purification essential oil to the load to eliminate odours (& because it smells soooo divine!).


Taking 10 minutes to just breathe today. To be still, to calm my mind & reset.

Frankincense was my oil of choice today for its ability to reduce stress & promote overall balance and relaxation.


Did you know this? The perfume industry are not required to list ingredients on their labels because their scent is considered to be a trade secret. So, they don’t want anyone else to be able to create their scent… and because of that they’re allowed to include up to 3000 chemical ingredients in their product masked under the term “Fragrance”, and we have no idea whether the ingredients we’re spraying and inhaling everyday are safe or not.

Some words from Young Living themselves.. “Many popular perfumes contain various synthetic chemicals, some of which have the potential to act as hormone-disruptors. Hidden behind these scents are substances that are not listed on the label and have not been assessed for safety. Essential oils provide a natural solution to enjoy beautiful aromas.”

Natural essential oil perfumes smell beautiful, but can also SUPPORT your emotions and your hormones, instead of disrupt them 🙌🏻.

Photos from Our_Natural_Nest's post 08/06/2022

Want to start using natural products but don’t know where to start?

Start here, with these 3 swaps in your home! Switching these 3 to low tox will immediately reduce your household’s daily exposure to toxins 🙌🏻.

What are you waiting for?


Thankful for this old girl’s company while I’m unwell. Nap time for both of us! 💤


If doing nothing is something you need to schedule in, then schedule it in. Your mind, body and soul will thank you for it 💛. Hubby and I just got back from a child free weekend away where we had massages, bush walked, and laid in bed watching TV before sleeping for over 10 hours… TEN hours! That’s gotta be a sign of how tired we were, and a sign that we need more down time in our lives.


If only this was true. Unfortunately manufacturers don’t have to disclose which ingredients they’ve used in their products, even if they’re harmful to our health.

This is across the board too, from hair care products, to cleaning products, makeup, and even baby products. I literally can’t believe that in this day and age companies get away with adding ingredients that are proven to cause short term and long term health problems, into skin care and baby products, that are used every day. Often it’s the build up in our systems from repeated, daily exposure that becomes a problem. Add in the nasties from our cleaning products that we’re breathing in and touching everyday, and you can see how easily all those little daily exposures to toxic ingredients can add up.


Did you know that IVF nurses aren’t allowed to wear perfume into the labs because of the harm it can cause to the embryos? 🤯 Yet, somehow we think it’s ok to apply it to our body and breathe it in daily?!

Poor health doesn’t only come from a lack of nutritious food & exercise! Everyone’s so aware of which foods & drinks they consume & how often they move their body, as they should be, BUT not many have put thought into what they’re putting ON their body or breathing in every day, and the possible side effects.

Which product would you switch out first? Moisturiser, hand soap, Laundry liquid, makeup, shampoo?


Mmm if dozing on a recliner, by the beach, on a warm summer holiday had a smell - this would be it 😇.

Videos (show all)

Back to school = tired but wired! 🥴Heading back at school had some our kiddies feeling tired but wired at bed time. Our ...
You bought the healthy food (tick!), but did you wash the stuff off it before eating it? 😳 Or before serving it up to th...
Think basins, baths, showers & cook top… AND for all the parents out there - texta marks off tables and scuff marks off ...
Shae has battled with eczema on & off for years and when I briefly switched back to a store bought Laundry powder a few ...
Aaah yes adulthood… motherhood.. what a ride! 🎢 BUT it’s delivery day AGAIN today as my top up order just arrived 💃🏻. I’...
I have no need to rely on tablets anymore woohoo! Loving enjoying this spring weather without it being overshadowed by m...
Fatigue, allergies, skin irritations, respiratory issues, head aches, brain fog… any of these sound like part of your “n...
This is the oil for comfort, courage, self-esteem no matter how old or young you are. Valor was the first oil I fell in ...
The highlight of July - exploring with my girls & my man. This weekend was magical ✨… a little windy, but magical! The g...
❣️Note to self - stop finding excuses NOT to do it, and prioritise myself by MAKING the time to do it 🙌🏻. These 3 reason...
Flash back to these stories 😍. Finding a natural makeup range that I LOVE was such a win! AND an oil I can apply straigh...
When 1 becomes 3 🙌🏻. ALL of our natural hand washes can be split into 3 so you get more bang for your buck! Kill the ger...
