Annalisa McCormack-Carrillo Health and Fitness

Annalisa McCormack-Carrillo Health and Fitness

This is a page is for to like minded people in search of a better way towards physical, mental and emotional health and wellness. My blood pressure was 180/110.

Journey towards health and wellness:

My name is Annalisa McCormack-Carrillo and I live in south Texas. I am a wife, mother of 4 and grandmother to 4 incredible grandchildren. I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life and have been on many, many, many different diets over the years -- often gaining what I had lost and then some. Before starting my health and wellness journey I weighed


Let's tackle today with grace and kindness!


I am not going to lie, 5 am workouts are hard but waiting to get it done after work is next to impossible give my schedule and the demands of my time.

Soooo, rather than do what been proven NOT to work I've had to switch things up -- suck it up -- and do what's necessary.

1. Get to bed at 9:30 - 10 pm each night
2. Get up each morning at 4:15
3. Feed my soul first with some God time
4. Feed my head and heart with some personnel development
5. Workout starts around 5 am

Is it easy? No. But surprisingly it was not as difficult as I thought it would be.

And some mornings I've got to fake it till I make it (check out my picture). The payoff once it's completed? I feel accomplished, proud, encouraged, strong -- ready to take on the day.

So, here I go...

I'm ready to take on another day!!

Let's do this!


I was so afraid. I almost didn't come. The physical setbacks has been at times overwhelming. I truly wanted to hide and lick my wounds.

Who would know if I just didn't attend? I would and that just didn't set right with my soul. What message would that send to others who also struggle with their health -- when things get tough you get to quit. Absolutely not.

You do not get to quit!! I do not get to quit!!

My passion -- My heart -- is to share with others what is possible when you take that first step. Decide that your important enough to take the time to put you first. Your health matters!

When I embarked on this journey I knew it would not be easy. I've made great progress but I've also had setbacks too. Today is a day to celebrated.

I have alot of work yet to do but I am a warrior! And anything is possible when you set your mind to it!!


ANTICIPATION: I am SUMMIT bound. Waiting to board my plane for the first leg of my trip --> San Antonio to Houston. Then Houston to Indianapolis. Stay tuned!!


I'm sunk if I don't food prep on Sunday. I would not survive the week nor would my family. Here's a behind the scene look at a completed food prep BUFFET style..
Do you prep for the week too? How do you get it done?

Photos from Annalisa McCormack-Carrillo Health and Fitness's post 25/03/2019

Self-care: I work about 50 hours a week at my day job and I have a husband, children, grandchildren and elderly mother who need me. Without a quiet moment here and there I simply could not survive the rigors of my day. .
It doesn't have to be much. Today we are delaying church service to 1 o'clock so that I could take a few minutes to decompress from the week. .
This morning I jumped out of bed, picked up groceries, cleaned out and restocked the fridge and pantry and washed the Tupperware containers to prepare for food prepping later today..
Busy day and its just 11:30. But it's the pockets of time I need to rejuvenate myself. Even if it's to have coffee and breakfast with my husband and then to enjoy an eyemask before we race out the door for service..
Self-care is necessary for this woman. Remember to take time for you -- you cannot pour from an empty cup..


Boy she is making him pay...stay tuned.


TRUTH: You sell yourself too short and it’s preventing you from living your best life.

I want you to know you are fully capable of doing anything you set your mind to. I want you to know I believe in you. I want you to know you inspire others each and every day. I want you to know you are the only one getting in your way. Why? What’s holding you back?

It is time to let go of the negative thoughts that rifle through your mind. It is time you deal with painful past experiences head on -- it is time to do the work! It is time you quit playing those old “negative” tapes in your head – they are not your truth!! They’ve been written by someone who had their own agenda.

You are worthy.
You are smart.
You are capable.
You are creative.
You are loving.
You are kind.
You are compassionate.
You are ______________. [fill in the blank]

Abundance in life.
Abundance in love.
Abundance in finances.
Abundance in peace.

It's time to make positive changes towards living your best life for we are never assured a tomorrow. So, what are you waiting for --- get to it!

“You should not be carried away by the dictation of the mind, but the mind should be carried by our dictation.”
--A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Peace be with you.

Photos from Annalisa McCormack-Carrillo Health and Fitness's post 08/03/2019

I HAVE 2 JOBS: One I work between 45 - 55 hours a week generally between 7 and 7 each day as a litigation paralegal. Then I leave the office and head home to my family. I love this job and I love the people I work for -- they are good people.

I am truly PASSIONATE about my second job. I'm a health and wellness coach. I'm in the fight of my life to help those who are struggling with obesity.

There have been people who have said I don't look like a health and wellness coach -- I'm not skinny enough. Heck, truth be told I've said that to myself a few times too. The reality is NO I've not hit my "goal weight" but just because I'm not there yet doesn't mean I've not realized the benefits of what 100+ pound weight loss can do for me.

- no more blood pressure medication
- fewer aches and pains
- better sleep
- less digestive issues
- no longer pre diabetic

and this is just the beginning.

BTW, what is a "goal weight" anyways. I embarked on a life long change NOT A TEMPORARY FIX.

If you are looking for REAL change you've got to reach out to me. I've got the tools, heart, and compassion to help you reclaim your health. I won't quit on you but you've got to do your part too!!

Are you ready? Then reach out to me! If your not ready, I still want you to reach out to me -- let's chat. I need to remind you people are counting on you and your life matters!!





A look at my groceries for the family for the week.


When I look at this picture my heart stops a bit – my brain and my heart do not match. Inside I feel like them but I don’t look like them. I’m struggling. I feel totally out of sorts. .
On the surface:
I’m older.
I’m heaver.
I’m in a different stage of life..
But truth --- it’s all in my head. I’ve set up these barriers. These woman, opened their arms and welcomed me. They have never for one moment made me feel less than. In fact, they have supported and encouraged and recognized my gifts and talents before I was even able to accept them as my own..
I’ve learned through the time spent with these women is that I may look different but I AM ONE OF THEM..
I have found my purpose and it’s time to fly. I am looking for more women to join me..
“Come with me and fly!”


What a BLESSING!! My boss’s wife shared this with me today. Her father recently passed away at the age of 84 and while sorting through paperwork on his desk she found a note he had written:.
“Every morning when I wake up I say
I’ll never be as young as I am today.
Today is the youngest day of the rest of my life.
Get up and do something fun!!!
I listen, I love and I live.
Your body knows what to do!
Your mind gets in the way!” .
WOW! Although he wrote this note to himself as a reminder of how to approach each day he couldn’t have known the impact it would have on others too.
Thank you Mr. Schicker!! .
I will hold your words near and dear to my heart –
a reminder on how to fully live life. .


I ran across some notes I took at church the other day and it's been sitting on my heart:

God created us for a purpose and you will never be happy until you start to live it out.

My passion - my purpose: Give hope to others their health can be restored. Help them to know they are not alone and that anything is possible when they set their mind to it.

I know their pain. I'm a work in progress. I know what it's like to be med dependent on blood pressure medication and pre-diabetic.

I have a fulltime job as a litigation paralegal. The picture below of those busy fingers are a
way to remind me continue to work my business in pockets of time. 10 minutes here - 20 minutes there - and so on.

There a so many people struggling with debilitating health issues as a result of obesity -- there is still so much more work to be done.

This is my passion. My purpose. Will you join me?


I'm going to take advantage of some much needed self-care...sleep well.


TRUTH, the scale has not been my friend lately. I run from it. Stomach tied in knots. Sweating. I place myself on the scale “liiiiiiiiightly” one foot at a time -- holding onto the side of the counter top and releeeeeeeeeeasing ever so geeeeeently. Then I hear myself say, “Oh man!! Again!?! UGH!!” Then thinking, “maybe if I p**p the scale would drop.” REALLY Lisa? Are you really going to go there? Feeling defeated / deflated / disappointed I step off the scale and step on again “liiiiiiiiightly” one foot at a time -- holding onto the side of the counter top and releeeeeeasing ever so geeeeeeeently. And, no change.

Have you lived this? Please tell me I am not alone in this scenario.

It is crazy to think about all the stress I put on myself through hoping to see changes on the scale – I’m nauseous just thinking about it. What I’ve found helps me with these uneasy feelings is to shift my focus off the number on the scale to other areas of progress I have made progress thus far like:

1. I notice I am stronger and less winded when working out -- I have increased stamina.
2. My cloths fit differently – looser and more comfortable.
3. I see more muscle definition. Muscles are starting to peek through in my arms, legs and back – totally makes me giggle.
4. People are noticing changes in me!! Wooo hooo -- happy dance!
5. I feel better about myself – more confident!

This journey is not for the meek of heart. It is hard work. It is worthy work. It is necessary work.

I am a work in progress and I am ok with that. If you find yourself in a similar situation --- reach out to me. Join me on this journey.


It's what's between the ears that prevents us from realizing what is possible if we just work through it...


Yes they could have been delivered to my home BUT I love to drive in my car with the windows down -- music playing -- wind in my hair and sun in my face. These quiet moments just mine. Peaceful. Joyful. Introspective.


I ran across this diagram today and it got me to think about why I decided to become and health and wellness coach. Working through all the areas of this diagram helped me to realize I’m in the “sweet spot”!

THAT WHICH YOU LOVE: I love that this company has developed weight-loss and nutrition supplements designed to give the best nutrients available to nourish and support our body. I love that this company has designed workout videos that appeal to people on all levels of health – no one has been excluded. I love that this company recognizes nutrition is a key component towards better health and wellness and have developed nutrition plans that support healthy weight-loss. I love the support and education this company provides to its coaches so that we can do what we love --- support and encourage our customers towards better health and wellness. I love the community built without our tribe – it is invaluable! We are here to support and encourage one another and we speak harsh truths when needed. We celebrate each other and we do life together.

THAT WHICH YOU ARE GOOD AT: I know what it means to be at the end of my rope. I weighed well over 325 pounds before I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was a heart attack waiting to happen -- it was time for change. So, I reached out and asked for help. No truer words spoken, “It’s not the weight that’s the problem – it’s what’s between yours ears that is.” I’ve lost 127 pounds. I’ve gained some back. I know how to get you to where you want to be and I am ready to help you. You know why? Because I’ve been there and because you matter to me.

THAT WHICH YOU CAN BE PAID FOR: Sure, I earn a small commission. Nobody really wants to work for free. I have dreams for myself and my family. I look forward to one day being able to work from home – spend more time being a wife, mom, grandmother, doing some gardening, maybe even taking a vacation. More importantly, I am looking forward to the day I can give to those in need. Yes, we tithe but I want to do more. You know how else I get paid? By sharing in the joy and excitement when I hear about health and wellness goals that have been met. Weight-loss. Getting off prescription medication. Wearing that great dress / bathing suit. Having confidence to look in the mirror. Feeling sexy. All these things make my heart smile!!

THAT WHICH THE WORLD NEEDS: There are more than 1.9 billion adults aged 18 years or older who are overweight. Of these, over 640 million adults are obese. And, the worldwide prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled between 1975 and 2016 – tripled!! How does this affect our health? People who struggle with obesity are at risk for many serious health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer. These are scary statistics!!

I am a health and wellness coach – I love what I do – it is fulfilling and life alternating. I had no idea I would be led on this path. I was just looking to finally lose some weight. What I gained in return is invaluable – I have my life back. And my purpose is to help others to restore their health to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

I invite you to join me. Either as a customer or a coach – your life will never ever be the same.



I love this picture. So tender -- so sweet -- so poignant. Reflecting on the past year this message speaks volumes to me -- having courage to try again is where I am now..
What about you? Is there something you need to "try again?.
I'll be here cheering you on!.


Best laid plans. No time to food prep today as I spent 6 hours ridding (I hope. I hope. I hope.) of WEEVILS (not weebles).

In the event you ever find yourself in a similar situation this is how you get rid of them:

1. Find the source
2. Discard food
3.vacuum and wash pantry
4. Wipe pantry selves with white vinegar or eucalyptus oil
5. Place all foods in airtight hard containers.



Tomorrow is Sunday and its my PREP DAY so I will be in the kitchen. Stay tuned for a few tips and tricks I use to help me set me up for a GREAT week. I'm looking forward to sharing a new recipe or two -- see you soon!!


DID YOU KNOW my husband, Michael, and I met on an on-line dating site? In today’s world of social media I guess that doesn’t seem so strange but in 2005 on-line dating was relatively new. The road to US was truly a bumpy one – we have both said we wish we’d met each other much sooner but God was still working in our lives and we were not ready yet. e-Harmony was the vessel through which we met but God was always the master crafter. .
I decided when I joined e-Harmony that I would not be tempted by “eye candy.” My focus would be on something much greater --- I was looking for a beautiful heart – a beautiful soul – one that would stand the test of time. So, I purposely did not post my photo and told my “suitors” I would not be looking at their picture either as I did not care what they looked like. It was their HEART I was interested in. I did, however, promise I didn’t have 3 eyes or horns or bad teeth – lucky them. And so, my search began.
e-Harmony is not the wham-bam-thank-you-mam of dating and anyone who knows me I am not wham-bam-thank-you-mam kind of girl. It takes time to answer their 5,000 questions. And then to progress through each step to the next level of communication can also be time consuming. Thankfully, we stuck it out because, well -- there’s us.
Michael and I were matched on July 11, 2005. We communicated within e-Harmony and stayed there longer than most I expect. Then we hopped out of that venue and began e-Mailing each other back and forth -- then came that “first” phone call. And so, our romance began. .
The day had come when we were to meet when I received an e-Mail whose subject line read: ANTICIPATION. I still see those letters in my head A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N. We would cook dinner together and spend the evening at my apartment (I can hear you say, “are you crazy? It’s not safe!! And you are right. All true. But I did it anyway.) Finalizing our plans, it dawned on me Michael had not yet seen what I look like. I panicked!! I’ve got to send him a picture. But what if he didn’t like what he saw? Oh no!! Now I’m invested -- he’s invested and he’s not seen me. Scared to death I sent him a picture and told him I would understand if he chose not to meet. Michael being Michael was a total gentleman and said I was beautiful. I questioned whether he was really being truthful – so I set out to prove, if nothing else, I was at least attractive. .
I raced home from work and picked up a few things at the grocery store and then stopped at Wal-Mart. Ugh, he would be at my place in 45-minutes. I don’t have time to do a total overhaul --- so I just do the essentials. UGH, I forgot lemons. We need it for the fish. Race back to the grocery store and get hit with a downpour. I am soaked to the bone – hair and makeup destroyed – clothes soaking wet. Nothing was going right and Michael is 10-minutes away. Clearly God’s hand was all over this scenario --- I just didn’t know it yet. .
Let me back track a bit here to 9-months prior to meeting Michael. I went to my pastor one day with a heavy heart and he counseled me about a relationship I was in and advised it was time I change. If I truly desired God’s plan for my life, I should pray that “if it be His will that God send the one He intends me to spend the rest of my life with and NOT the desires of my heart.” .
NOW WAIT A MINUTE, I’m thinking, “Don’t I get a say in this!?!” .
I’ve got to be honest, I was scared to death. Ever hear the saying, “be careful what you pray for – you might just get it?” Doing what my pastor asked me to would require me to let God determine what was best in my life. My life circumstances have taught me the only way to survive was to be in control – I didn’t know if I could do it. So, each day I would “say” that prayer --- “God, send me the one you intend me to spend the rest of my life with and NOT the desires of my heart.” Then one day I began to “pray” that prayer. And then finally, I felt a shift in me. I knew I could accept God’s plan in my life -- whatever the outcome. .
Fast forward 9-months: The very first time I met Michael I knew he was the “one.” How did I know this? I just knew. I prayed for him for 9-months and I felt it within my very soul. So, here we are 14-years later. I am thankful for this man. I’m thankful my pastor tasked me with changing my prayer. I’m thankful for Dr. Neil Clark Warren and e-Harmony. And, I am most thankful that God heard the cries of my heart and answered my prayer that He send the one He intended me to spend the rest of my life with. .
My prayer for you is that you are fulfilled in your relationship and are living God’s plan for your life. What I’ve learned though this whole process is that God’s plan is infinitely better than my own. .
Happy Valentine’s Day!!


Day 2 and my skin is crawling. My body is spent – tired – recuperating – and all I can think about is: deadlines at the office; the boss is out and this is prime time to catch up; the fireplace mantle needs to be decorated (it’s still naked from taking down Christmas decorations); my closet needs serious attention; clothes need to folded; deck needs to be swept; vegetable garden needs to be cleared and soil turned; etc., etc., etc. You get it right – I’m certain you feel much the same way as I do. Me, I PUSH TO THE BITTER END.

I had a girlfriend ask me if I ever just “sat down and just -- relax?” My answer is no, I’ve got to keep pushing forward – there is so much to be done. Who else is going to do it if I don’t? My husband often tells me I’m like a candle burning at both ends and in the middle (which is when I say mentally, “then help me” but I don’t – I just slam cabinet doors – more about that in another post). My son tells me, “mom, you know why you’re sick?” No son, why? “It’s because you are always working – you need to slow down.”

The people in my life are telling me to do the very thing I tell others – slow down, take care of yourself, go to bed earlier, drink more water, go for a walk to de-stress instead of eat to which I am not taking heed myself. Which is why my body is now saying “WOMAN DOWN!” Yup, that is me. I am “WOMAN DOWN.”

So today, like it or not I am taking it easy. Drinking water. Taking a nap. Reading a book. Reaching out to a few friends. I am not going to lie -- sitting with myself in this way is UNCOMFORTABLE but I’ve got to sit in this uncomfortableness.

For those of you who may struggle with not taking care of yourself – careful your “WOMAN or MAN DOWN” moment is waiting for you just around the corner. It’s best to be preemptive and TAKE MUCH BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF – take it from someone who cares, me.

I pray for your better health
and blessings upon you,


Here's a quick overview of some of the food prep I did this past weekend. I hope you find it helpful.

Reach out to me If you need some recipe ideas.


Oh my goodness, I forgot about this video. This is a really great recipe -- in this cold weather add some extra red pepper flakes. Enjoy.


Quick and easy Lunch option


It's been a looking day.


No slacking. Day 5 going down now!!

Videos (show all)

I was so afraid.  I almost didn't come.  The physical setbacks has been at times overwhelming.  I truly wanted to hide a...
ANTICIPATION:  I am SUMMIT bound.  Waiting to board my plane for the first leg of my trip --> San Antonio to Houston.   ...
I'm sunk if I don't food prep on Sunday. I would not survive the week nor would my family.  Here's a behind the scene lo...
Boy she is making him pay...stay tuned.
A look at my groceries for the family for the week.
I ran across some notes I took at church the other day and it's been sitting on my heart:  God created us for a purpose ...
It's what's between the ears that prevents us from realizing what is possible if we just work through it...
Best laid plans.  No time to food prep today as I spent 6 hours ridding (I hope. I hope. I hope.) of WEEVILS (not weeble...
Here's a quick overview of some of the food prep I did this past weekend.  I hope you find it helpful.Reach out to me If...
Quick and easy Lunch option
It's been a looking day.
No slacking.  Day 5 going down now!!
