Usonga choir
Usonga Church Choir
Usonga Choir invites everyone to the mega Music Sabbath/ Volume 4 Dedication/ DVD Shooting on 6th March 2021 at the Church Compound.
Invited Choirs:
Hairs of Zion- Kisumu
Wangarot Choir- Bondo
Dominion Voices- Kisumu
Erolders Ministers- Kisumu
Rasugu Trumpets- Siaya
Port Victoria- Port
Shallom Gospel Ministers- Ajigo
Naya- Lwanda Kotieno
Guest Speaker: Pastor William Ngudi
M. C : Charles Apuda mwenyewe
Kosa uchekwe
Recording manenos
Friends let's pray for Usonga Church Choir as they plan to do their Forth album.
I tell you this is the sweetest album
Pianist DANCO.
In the beginning there was word.....
Hello friends. Will we have camp meetings this year?