Martin Gebert Music

Martin Gebert Music

Music Producer from Czech Republic.


Thank you so much 🔥

Martin Gebert Music always surprises me with his complex yet well organised orchestral compositions. Loved mastering this little masterpiece called "Valediction". It's out now on Spotify and more. Enjoy. 🔥

"Nikki" Official Trailer - 48HFP Prague 2020 30/10/2020

O víkendu jsme společně s Dora Bondy vytvořili soundtrack ke krátkometrážnímu filmu Nikki do projektu 48hfp. Na vytvoření hudby k 7 minutovému filmu nám zbylo pouhých 12hod, takže jsem skoro nevěřil, že to stihneme, ale povedlo se 🙂
Takže na trailer se můžete podívat dole a celý film bude zveřejněn 13.11. Díky 🙂

"Nikki" Official Trailer - 48HFP Prague 2020 Trailer na film "Nikki" od týmu Forest. Premiéra filmu v pátek 13. listopadu 2020 na: Více na:


New Single is coming!

11.11.2020 at 11:00!

Photo - Petr Dolejš 📷👌🏻


Thank you guys for adding my music to your playlist!
Best Playlists Ever


1000 streams in 4days! Thank you ALL!!! You can Listen on Spotify :)

Denouement by Martin Gebert 02/07/2020

Do you Love Cinematic music? You can join me on my journey, starting soon ♫

Denouement by Martin Gebert Stream and Pre-save Denouement - Distributed by DistroKid


I am 31 years old music producer from Czech Republic. I take this year as a fresh start. I had 30 years of a "trial" and now I have started to LIVE fully and completely.

This is YEAR 1 for me! :)

I used to play drums and a little bit piano. In 2017 I had my first real tour as a drummer. I toured through baltic lands with Milan Samko & Band. 6 days in the van/7 concerts. In 2019 I performed on the biggest music festivals in the Czech republic like Rock for people, Colours of Ostrava and Sázava fest. I realized this is what makes me really happy, but I enjoy making music even more.

So in age 30 I decided to start up a Drum and Bass project with Dora Bondy called Sub Poetry, but I realized I wasn't fulfilled completely and I needed "more". I have alway been into Cinematic music. Inspired by my friend Luboš Limberg I produced a released my debut single called Denouement on 5.7.2020 as a gift to my Soul I wasn't listening to, until NOW! It is a very personal Cinematic score telling the story about my Life-Journey. "From humanity to Divinity." To be continued..