Online Islamic Home School

Online Islamic Home School

We offer online lessons for academic and Islamic subjects.


*Nifaq can be translated as hypocrisy*, that is, the disparity which exists between the appearance and the reality of a person or a people.

The hypocrite (munafiq) pretends to be the reverse of what he actually is.

In the combat of belief and disbelief, good and evil, and truth and falsehood there are always people who choose to sit on the fence and keep on changing their stances according to the fluctuating fortunes of the combatants.

Essentially such people belong neither 'here' nor 'there'.
*Their loyalty is solely directed towards their self-interest*

May Allah save us from nifaq. Ameen


Praying 5 times a day is obligatory and all good things in life come with prayer.

If you want to be successful, pray. If you want your dreams to come true, pray. And whatever befalls you in life, pray because what Allah is giving you is the best for you. Hardships are unavoidable but the prayer will help you to go through it easier.

Prayer will help us understand why we are going through certain stages in our lives.

And remember, we should never miss a prayer. Regardless of time, place and situation. Prayer always comes first.

In this modern world, Luqman's timeless advice is as appropriate as it was thousands of years ago.

May Allah bless our families and be pleased with us. Ameen



A commonly used latin phrase to motivate people, "Carpe Diem" or "Seize the Day" encourages people to face everyday challenges. Muslims can be equally motivated. But we have to consider the impact of what we do to our souls.

May Allah guide us.


Hell (Arabic: جهنم‎, jahannam) is an afterlife place of punishment for evildoers. The punishments are carried out in accordance with the degree of evil one has done during his life.

In the Quran, Jahannam is also referred as "the fire" (النار‎, al-nar), "blazing fire" (جحيم‎, jaheem), "that which breaks to pieces" (حطمة‎ hutamah), "the abyss" (هاوية‎, haawiyah), "the blaze" (سعير‎, sa’eer), Saqar سقر‎, also the names of different gates to hell.

Suffering in hell is both physical and spiritual, and varies according to the sins of the condemned. As described in the Quran, Hell has many levels (each one more severe than the one above it), each for a specific group of sinners: a blazing fire, boiling water, and the Tree of Zaqqum.



Assalaamu alaykum

Arabic grammar simplified.

Whether you're a beginner or a more advanced student of the Arabic language, whatever your age, our team of experienced teachers will help you achieve your goals insha Allah.

Find out more at

Or email us at [email protected]


Learn Arabic, anywhere.

Find out more about our live Arabic online classes at


Learn Arabic, anywhere.

Whatever your age, our team of qualified and experienced Arabic teachers will make you see the beauty of the Arabic language and love the language Allah has sent His final book in, insha Allah.

Our online classes are live and highly interactive.
Find out more at

Or email us at [email protected]


Check out our Arabic language modules at

From as little as $10 a lesson.

Real teachers, real time from the comfort of your home.


Is Islam too outdated to provide guidance for all things internet???
Today the internet is our source of pleasure, and pain.
A huge test for us to learn to manage.

The Qur'an was send down as a guidance while the teachings of
Muhammad (peace be upon him) as an example for mankind.
By the grace of Allah (may He be praised and exalted) the teaching of Islam is meant to last to the end of time.
Technology changes, the guidance from Islam remains.
This is indeed the mercy of Allah the Mighty and Majestic.

And indeed the best of speech is the book of Allah (may He be praised and exalted) and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (peace be upon him).


Learning Arabic is difficult?
Anything we do with a purpose makes it a lot easier.
Learning Arabic will let us understand the Qur'an , enjoy the sweetness of our salah and make our doa more meaningful, inshaAllah. Understanding Arabic is one that will fall under acquiring beneficial knowledge, especially for Muslims.

It was narrated from Jabir that :
The Messenger of Allah said: "Ask Allah for beneficial knowledge and seek refuge with Allah from knowledge that is of no benefit."
Sunan Ibn Majah | Volume 5, Book 34, Hadith 3843

Here are some English words that have Arabic roots.
Shah mat- checkmate ;Amir Al Bahr - Admiral ; Qatan - cotton ; Sakar - sugar ; Musim - monsoon

You already know Arabic. What other words can you think of?
Do share in the comments below.

Photos from Online Islamic Home School's post 15/11/2020

Imagine your children being able to understand the language of the Quran.

Imagine being able to understand the salah.

Imagine being able to use Arabic to communicate with fellow Muslims of other nationalities.

How powerful is that?

Arabic classes for ALL ages. Sisters only class available too.
From as little as $10 a lesson.

Go to

Fun, functional and highly-interactive.

Find out more about Ustadh Adam and Ustadha Zainab here.


Join us as we discuss with our instructor Adam why we should learn Arabic.


How many words in your local language share the same root words in Arabic?

Share them in the comments below.


- The modern problem?

Not exactly. One of the 4 great Imams, Imam Shafi'i (Rahimahullah) recognised these behaviour types during his time and had these words to say as attached. The beauty of Islam is, its correct teaching transcends time, to last to the end of times also known as akhiratul zaman. We just need to dig out these teachings from our classical scholars and they will be there inshaAllah.

The weather changes, technology changes, climate changes but the world and its people pretty much had stayed the same since the beginning of time. There is guidance in the , and teachings of our classical scholars.


Love requires obedience. If you truly love someone, you will do what they ask. Similarly, we need to obey the instructions of the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).


or ?????

In a hadeeth Rasullullah (Peace Be Upon Him) perceived a man's action urinating in a mosque as an act of ignorance. A related hadeeth talks about how the man later seek forgiveness from Allah (swt) only for himself and Muhammad (pbuh), because of the kindness he received from Rasullullah (pbuh)
Sometimes what we perceive as provocation are more acts of ignorance. We cannot kick a student out of the class out of anger and expect him to learn. This is where , and comes in play inshaAllah, biithnillah.


Join us and our guests as we talk about how we can instil the love of the Prophet peace be upon him in our children.


Join us as we talk about how we can teach our children to love the Final Prophet and Messenger of GOD (peace be upon him).

Join us on Facebook LIVE@onlineislamichomeschool

09:15 GMT/UTC
12:15 hrs Makkah
17:15 hrs Kuala Lumpur
20:15 hrs AEDT



Madrasah@OnlineIslamicHomeSchool is designed to run over 10 weeks like a traditional madrasah but is done entirely online. This means 1 hour of Islamic Studies and 1 hour of Quran studies per week. That is, 2 hours per week over 10 weeks.

Alternatively, student or parent can select the module that is of need or that they find interesting. Each module runs for 1 hour per week over 5 weeks. Complete one module then enrol the next one that interests you.

The lessons are designed to be interactive. During the weekly interactions, students have access to the instructors for questions and answers, on top of the contents that they will be provided.

Madrasah@OnlineIslamicHomeSchool is developed for time poor students who are busy with school activities and homework ; and time poor parents who find it difficullt to take their children to the madrasah and back. Every hour saved from travelling is an hour gained for family time, ibadah and seeking knowledge, inshaAllah

Visit our website for an array of module offerings for now which we plan to expand over time, biithnillah.

JazakAllah Khair


Let's Speak Arabic 1

Learn Arabic the fun way!

In this highly interactive module, you will be able to:

- speak Arabic from the very first lesson!

- hold simple everyday conversations with Arabic speakers everywhere

- use Arabic to speak with other Muslims of different nationalities the next time you make umrah or haj.

Let’s Speak Arabic 1 is a great module to start your Arabic language learning journey.

Each class is kept small (5-10 students) to maximise participation insha Allah. Students will be grouped according to their ages.

This is a 10-hour module and is spread across 5 weeks.

Register at

If you don't see a class available, it may be that our classes full.
Alternatively, you may wish to form a class with your family and friends.
​Contact us to request a new class.

@1200 - 1300 GMT /UTC
@1500 - 1600 MAKKAH
@2000 - 2100 SINGAPORE
Class starts MONDAY 23 November 2020

@0800 - 1000 GMT /UTC
@1100 - 1300 MAKKAH
@1600 - 1800 SINGAPORE
@1900 - 2100 AEDT
Class starts SATURDAY 28 November 2020

@0700 - 0900 EST
@1200 - 1400 GMT /UTC
@1500 - 1700 MAKKAH
@2000 - 2200 SINGAPORE
Class starts SATURDAY 28 November 2020

@0800 - 1000 GMT /UTC
@1100 - 1300 MAKKAH
@1600 - 1800 SINGAPORE
@1900 - 2100 AEDT
Class starts SUNDAY 29 November 2020

UST ADAM GROUP 3: EVERY SUNDAY (2 hrs/session)
@0700 - 0900 EST
@1200 - 1400 GMT /UTC
@1500 - 1700 MAKKAH
@2000 - 2200 SINGAPORE
Class starts SUNDAY 29 November 2020

Register at


With every challenge there is opportunity. The Qur'an was sent as a revelation to mankind. The issue with secularism had existed since the time of Nabi Shu'ayb AS. As some parents struggle to explain this to their children, we take this God given opportunity to bring them closer to the book of Allah swt. Love Allah swt. Love our Prophet saw. Love the Qur'an.


Observe what is happening around us.
Many events are pushing us to believe that Islam and the world cannot exist hand in hand. This is the problem with secularism, an issue that had existed since the time of our prophet Shuy'aib A.S. The problem will not go away. We can choose to be a part of the problem, or raise our children to to do well in this world for the hereafter and be a part of the solution.
Do not shy away from the mercy of Allah.


Join Qur'an teachers and students from around the world as we discuss
- who the Companions of the Qura'an are
- how Allah honours them
- how parents can help their children with their Qur'an Journey.


Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise."
Sahih Bukhari | Hadith 2736

One way we teach our children about Allah swt is through His names. Sometimes through stories, through descriptions, through concepts. There are signs of Allah swt all around us if we let our hearts open to it; even in something as mundane as our accounting balance sheet. Apologies to all accountants, we love you for the sake of Allah.😊


Last weekend we covered the topic "Effort Vs Predestination" in our module "The Muslim Youth & the Modern World". Some interesting exchange of thoughts which included , "If I have a choice between chocolate and strawberry milk at the supermarket, is Allah swt testing me?"

What do you think ?



For kids, teens and the young at heart. Chat with us or visit

Online Islamic Home School 18/10/2020

If your kids can't read, they can still memorise the Qur'an.
Chat with us for more details.

Online Islamic Home School We offer online lessons for academic and Islamic subjects.


Love Allah, Love our parents. And to Him we will return with our loved ones.


Do your children's schools promote the LGBT agenda?


Mammals produce their milk according to the needs of their species

The following picture shows the milk of 3 different species

• Yellow represents fat.
• Blue represents protein.
• Pink represents sugar.
• White is the water content.

The bottle on the left contains milk from a wolf. 🐺
The middle bottle is whale milk. 🐋
And the bottle on the right contains human milk 👶

We can now clearly see the difference in the composition of each one, which perfectly adapts to the specific needs of each species.
(Source: Alba Padró Arocas IBCLC)

Subhan Allah the creator of everything


Join us as we discuss the questions that philosophers and great minds have asked throughout ALL of history.


Join us as we discuss important existential questions that great minds have asked throughout all history.

Following the example of the Prophet alayhissalaam, The Roots of Aqeeda 1 explains it all simply.

Suitable for young Muslims and inquisitive minds of all ages.


Avoid .
Have faith in the greatness, fairness, plans of Allah swt.

Videos (show all)

Let's Speak Arabic 1
Roots of Aqeeda
Our Modular Online Madrassa started last weekend. Late enrolments are welcome. Enquire at http://www.onlineislamichomesc...
Observing the US presidential debate, this poster was begging to be released.#hydroxychloroquine  #learnanywhere #online...