

BECOME DIGITAL MARKETING GURU. Learn best digital marketing skills with actionable tips and leading industry trends to excel in your freelancing career.

Timeline photos 14/11/2019

Argh, it’s Monday morning. Your alarm has already gone off twice and you know you have to drag yourself out of bed otherwise you’re going to be late to work.

Then you remember that you’re getting up extra early because you’ve gotta hustle. Today is the first day you’re working in your side hustle!

You leap out of bed, have a quick shower and throw some coffee down your throat as you open your laptop…

You’re now the new CEO of your own business and it’s time to show up and act like one.

Need more support and accountability? Check out our FREE workshop series "The Side-Hustle Roadmap"


Discover your inner side hustler + get a free profile with specific tips tailored just for you. 👉🏻Comment 𝗬𝗘𝗦 to start the quiz👈🏻

👉🏻Don't try to start a side business without knowing this first

👉🏻Take the quiz to learn which type of business is the best match for your personality


Being a freelancer allows you to travel and work anywhere around the world.
Here are the 3 best places to work and live, according to the Nomadlist site.
1. Budapest, Hungary.
Budapest has the highest scores for reliable internet, great climate, co-working environment, and walkability.
2. Canggu, Bali.
Fresh ocean air, good internet, low expenses and friendly locals make Canggu one of the best places in the world to work remotely.
3. Seoul, South Korea.
Freelancers have noted that Seoul has one of the most comfortable climates ever. Plus, free city wi-fi, high safety, lot of places to work and a colorful nightlife.
What city would you choose? Do you know any other great places to work remotely? Let us know in the comments below!


When you are afraid of something, you can’t think or act rationally. Fear of starting remote work is normal and completely understandable, so here are some tips that will help you face the fear:
1) Identify the real reasons for starting your freelance journey.
Take a sheet of paper and divide it into four parts. Write down all the pros and cons of working in the office, then do the same with freelance work. Be honest with yourself and write down everything – no matter how big or small you think it is.
2) Visualize.
Let’s try a type of mini dream board. Take a paper and some old magazines. Cut out all the pictures and photos that remind you of freelancing and make you feel good about it. Arrange the images as a collage and stick them on the paper. It’s that simple!
3) Carry out a personal financial audit.
Analyze your expenses and compare them with your desires and needs. Select and download a budget planning application onto your phone to help you track your main expenses and determine the required amount of monthly earnings.
4) Make a plan.
Use mind maps for this to help you figure out all the steps that you should make to start your freelancing journey.
5) Finally, do a little research on industry statistics.
Explore Payoneer reports or other reliable statistics to feel more confident and see your prospects.


Working from home has many advantages, but it could be hard for newcomers to stay focused.
These 4 tips will help you to manage your time while freelancing.
1) Be clear about your working hours – set a schedule and follow it. Some apps that will help you include Todoist, TickTick, Trello, and WeDo.
2) Pretend you are not at home. Don’t chat with friends or answer phone calls that aren’t related with work. Better yet, make sure you work in an area of your home that doesn’t feel like home.
3) Take frequent breaks; take 15-minute breaks every two hours and just leave the laptop. Walk, jump, eat – anything to help restart your energy.
4) Block sites that will disturb you from the work process, and use Selfcontrol, RescueTime, or Productivity Owl to help you.


Freelancing doesn’t have to be hard❤️
Stop thinking about starting to freelance and get started in just 5 days! 👉
Our live 5-day Freelancing Challenge will hold your hand through all the hard parts, including defining your freelancing offer, crafting your bio and portfolio, getting testimonials and landing your first client.


When working as a freelancer, you’re bound to encounter the occasional pitfall. That’s why we’re here – to help you avoid them. Here is a list of 8 common mistakes that hopefully, you’ll learn to avoid:
1. Starting off without a financial buffer.
2. Overbooking yourself.
3. Booking clients randomly and accepting every project.
4. Settling for low pay.
5. Getting angry with a client.
6. Working without a contract.
7. Viewing other freelancers as your competitors.
8. Going beyond the initial scope for free.
Take note of these tips, and be aware you don’t catch yourself doing them!


Are you thinking about becoming a freelancer but still having second thoughts? Do you have a lot of questions and a fear of failing? Don't worry - we're here for you!
Over the course of five days, we'll help you discover what it means to work remotely, face your fears, and find your niche in the freelance market!
You will learn more about:
🔹the different kinds of freelance work and opportunities you didn't even know existed;
🔹a straightforward and steady approach to help you gain confidence;
🔹finding the niche that matches perfectly with your skills;
🔹how to search for the best clients and nurture strong professional relationships;
🔹how to build an impressive, eye-catching CV and portfolio, and;
🔹best practices for time management when working remotely.
In the end, you'll be able to focus on what you want to do instead of what you need to do.
Join us now and start to see results in just 5 days!


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