Lasse Sandø

Lasse Sandø

Welcome to Lasse S.H., composer of ambient soundscapes and amateur film/shortfilm/documentary scores.

If you're looking for a composer for a project, then you're more than welcome to contact me either here, Messenger or via mail.

For Evigt Og Altid / Forever And Ever 26/02/2024

Bedre sent end aldrig, men nu kan I høre soundtracket til kortfilmen "For Evigt Og Altid", som jeg var tonemester/komponist på tilbage i sommeren 2021, på SoundCloud og Bandcamp! Filmen er umiddelbart ikke offentlig tilgængelig desværre, men det er musikken heldigvis! Giv det et lyt og et like hvis I synes om det I hører, evt. også en deling hvor end I nu føler for, hvis I kan lide mit første projekt som komponist.

Følg min komponist side "Lasse Sandø", både her på Facebook, SoundCloud og Bandcamp (senere Spotify og andre musikplatforme) og hvis nogen nu kender nogen, som kunne bruge en komponist på et projekt engang, hvad end om det er en film, kortfilm, serie, dokumentar eller et spil, så send dem endelig min vej!

Tak til alle jer der følger med i min komponist rejse 🫶 Der er adskillige projekter i støbeskeen og der kommer mere omkring det i løbet af året!


Better late than never, but you can now listen to the soundtrack for the short film "Forever And Ever", which I worked on as sound-mixer and composer back in the summer of 2021, on SoundCloud and Bandcamp! The movie is unfortunately not yet public, but the score luckily is!

Give it a listen, maybe also a like and share it if you like my first project as a composer, follow my composer page "Lasse Sandø" at Facebook, SoundCloud and Bandcamp (later Spotify also, among other music platforms) and if anybody knows anyone who need a composer for a project, whether it be a film, short film, series, documentary or a game, then send them my way!

Thanks to all of you, who are following me and my musical journey 🫶 There are several projects in the oven and more about them will be coming out as the year goes on!

Check out Lasse Sandø on

For Evigt Og Altid / Forever And Ever A score for a romcom short film I helped make back in the summer of 2021. Inspired by classic/traditional spanish music, with some classic filmscoring in the mix. We shot the whole thing in one day,

Lasse S. H. 24/02/2023

Welcome to my page!
My name is Lasse and I'm an amateur composer of musical scores, whose goal is to make a broad arrangement of music in all manner of musical genres, mainly with the intention to create music scores for movies, short-movies, games and documentaries.
These different genres range from classical and traditional movie music to ambient landscapes with inspiration from artist such as Vangelis, Hans Zimmer, Jóhann Jóhannson and Ludwig Göransson.
Experimentation and impulsiveness is what drives me to strive for making independent and original sounding music and soundscapes.
On my SoundCloud and Bandcamp page you´ll find a handful of original songs with more to come, so if you want to do any business or collaboration with me, you can find some examples there!

Lasse S. H. I'm an amateur composer of musical scores, whose goal is to make a broad arrangement of music in all manner of musical genres, mainly with the intention to create music scores for movies, short-movies