Wanda Vitale - The Soul Synched Entrepreneur

Wanda Vitale - The Soul Synched Entrepreneur

Tools to create practical magic for entrepreneurs so you can change your life and the world.


Most people are going to see the meme and keep scrolling, because this how they operate in life. Hoping and wishing. And so many don’t even do that.

Most people believe some things just aren't possible, or not probable. Or that it would take a lot of work.

Like having $20K show up out of the blue.

Or vibrant health after years of pain or a diagnosis.

Or meeting someone with whom to have a lasting, deeply satisfying relationship.

So they don't even bother. They write things off as 'not going to happen.' Or they hope and wish. Or they think it's going to be a lot of work after figuring out how to make it happen. (That's where most people live.)

What most people don't understand is that when we desire anything, it's mostly already done and just hasn't shown up yet in physical form.

That space between the unseen and seen is where we partner with the Infinite. We let the Infinite do all the orchestration, because that's exactly what happens. All the people, places and situations necessary to turn your desires into reality are orchestrated. Rigged! All we have to do is follow the trail.

I had a few hundred thousand show up 'out of the blue'. I experience vibrant health after a 'diagnosis'. And I called in my husband 5 years ago—a perfect match for me. I know that everything is just waiting for my heart to claim any desire.

Wishing and hoping don't work. There's an Easy Button.

There's nothing within you that can't be transformed. The Infinite always finds ways. My life is constantly proof of the magic and infinite possibilities that abound.

I'm hosting a free Masterclass at the end of next week. You'll learn how to quantum leap your life and quantum leap your abundance by working with invisible laws. You can learn to create for others. It's not another Law of Attraction thing! There are other universal laws at play.

I want you to be free. Ultimately it’s the way we create a different world.

If you want the details, respond in the comments.

Life doesn't hold back from us at all. Our ideas do.

Wanda Vitale
Certified DreamBuilder Coach


The belief that there is divine timing and your timing only means you’ve moved away from your true identity as one with the creator.

Nothing is more powerful than realizing you are the operant power, your I Am-ness.


There are no rules. We only experience our assumptions. The world of form is malleable and can change on a dime.


Walkin’ in the ‘hood this evening to ground in this energy. How do you stay grounded as the energy of the lightbody continues to merge?


There’s no need to settle! Learn to materialize a heart-centric life. The path is already inside you.


How is your relationship with money? Is it always there? Is there always plenty? Or are you playing hide and seek?

When I became an entrepreneur, all my old money beliefs came up! I undercharged for my services. I gave and gave but had time receiving. I didn’t value the power of my offerings, so how could anyone else.

I’m offering a 3 day free challenge that begins on July 14th. You won’t get more useless affirmations or journaling prompts. We’re going to go to the root of your money blocks and resolve them.

Learn more here: For the details: https://pages.theempoweredempaths.com/healyourmoneychallenge


Fear is such a liar, albeit a convincing one.


If you don’t know exactly what you want, you know how you want to feel. It’s 3 years from now and your life is amazing. How does it feel?

The details will flow in. Let yourself dream. There are no limits. And let yourself receive your new, amazing life.

Dream big!




There is a vision for your life encoded in your DNA. Surrender to it.


How big can you dream and receive?



How long will it take to create my dreams? How long before my business is growing and I'm creating impact and abundance?
It's not what you think, and it's certainly not more effort.



As conscious creators we say we're choosing and creating an abundant life, but are we really? Or are there conditions or distorted beliefs in the way? More money does not mean more time. More abundance is not something to apologize for. Happiness is an overlooked form of abundance, and it allows the money to flow. Peace is priceless.

If you're not experiencing the quality of life you want, check your underlying beliefs and your focus.


Today I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my new eBook, "Unleash Your Soul's Purpose - A Guide to Igniting Your Inner Flame and Making a Lasting Impact." If you're seeking to align your work with your spiritual beliefs and create a profound impact in the lives of others, this is for you. Stay tuned for more details.



Nothing grows in comfort zones.

My clients tend to be those who are aligning their lives with their greater purpose ... a purpose that feels aligned with their soul. Just like you might be now, they're looking at their lives and questioning if the different pieces align with the vision they have in their hearts.

They're making quantum leaps one thought, one decision, at a time.

The practice is to operate from our vision rather than conditions. They're doing it, and the results can seem miraculous, especially when you're up to your ears in alligators:

"I'm in the trenches of my life now, and that's just how it is, and then I use these tools. It's already happened. I'm already there. And it is so powerful! Situations and people show up without effort!"

It's going to become pretty intense between now and January 2024 with so much emphasis on trusting your Knowing. Isn't it time to become unflappable? Every choice matters now as the divide continues to widen between those who are here to create a better world, and those who continue to choose separation and fear.

Life doesn't have to be a constant loop of 'what if?', and 'how do (fill in the blank)?

I know because I've reinvented myself from the ground up, based on what my soul is here to express through me. And I've developed a structure for empaths and energy-sensitive people to become unflappable.

If you're wondering how your life experience translates to your new future as an evolutionary, I can only say with certainty: it does!

I have a limited number of complementary clarity sessions available. If you could use some help with your blind spots, or could use clarity around taking your life to an entirely different level, let's connect. There's no catch.

You can schedule your free session here:

Questions? Send an email to: [email protected]


Feeling uneasy? Stressed? Or know that change is on the way?

As we merge with the light body, its vision for our lives is in control.

Our minds have long believed that they are the ones making the decisions, deciding what's next, and most of all,
...our minds believed they were in control.

If your can - your life - is being kicked on down the road you have company now.

The only answer is alignment. The only process is Presence, being with any fear or doubt until it subsides in the body. The only next step is surrendering to this greater power that has a big plan for your life.

Move in the direction of your dreams.

This merge with the light body will bring in the next ideas, the next part of the vision for your grand life, as it brings up the places where you forget you are so powerful. It also brings up the places where you forget you ARE your light body, where you ARE the power that can create worlds.

In the next few years we'll see two camps: those who are dwelling in fear. And those who are dwelling in possibility.

Don't forget who are really are ... the power that creates new worlds, abundant health and income, new systems, new everything.

You are that vast!

Wanda Vitale

(Photo credit to J. Fritz Rumpt ... a gorgeous view of the Grand Canyon with snow)


How does the Infinite communicate that it's time to create something better, or something else? Your longing and discontent.


One of the most important keys to manifesting is to learn how to manage your mind, especially during the inbetween time before our desires show up. One thing that can help you stay on track is to tell yourself that you are working with a law that must do what you ask and it always works.

Universal timing might not be the same as yours, but it will show up at a time that is absolutely perfect for you.

Wanda Vitale, www.theempoweredempaths.com


🌟 Unleash Your Brilliance! Schedule a FREE Coaching Session and Ignite Your Purposeful Journey! 🚀

✨ Are you ready to amplify your impact? It's time to unlock your full potential and create a life of meaningful fulfillment. 💫

🔥 Imagine the confidence and clarity you'll gain with personalized guidance from a seasoned coach who understands your unique journey. 🌟

🌱 Discover the untapped possibilities within you.
🔑 Overcome limiting beliefs and fears that hold you back.
💪 Ignite your confidence and create lasting change.
🌟 Align your actions with your deepest aspirations.

Whether you're seeking clarity in your life purpose, looking to make a meaningful impact, or wanting to navigate a new chapter with confidence, I'm here to support you every step of the way.
In this FREE coaching session, you'll:

🔍 Gain valuable insights into your unique strengths and passions.
🎯 Set powerful goals that align with your vision for a fulfilling life.
📈 Receive personalized strategies and tools to overcome obstacles.
🌟 Experience the transformative impact of expert guidance.

Don't let self-doubt or uncertainty hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a brighter future by scheduling your FREE coaching session today. Limited spots available.
Click the link below to secure your spot and unlock your full potential! 👇


Tag a friend who is ready to step into their greatness and share the gift of transformation. Together, let's create a world where everyone embraces their full potential and lives their most extraordinary lives! ✨💖

Wanda Vitale


Dreaming and imagining without action is just philosophy.


It's said that success is 95% mindset. Though most of us respond with 'Yeah right. I know that. I have a good mindset; I'm good.'

Then we think about problems to solve. We think about what strategies to deploy in our businesses. We think about that thing that someone said to us that was so wrong. We respond with anxiety when we have to do something we don't want to do. We tell ourselves we need more information, believe that we're not enough. Or focus on what's not going well with our health. We really want to travel and beat ourselves up because we either don't have the time or the money.

I teach this stuff, and being completely honest, I still can go down the rabbit hole of focusing on my to-do list with my business and life - which feels vibrationally like being in a dungeon.

98% of the world lives in a 'how' mindset: How am I going to create more of what I really want in my life? How am I going to create more money? What strategy should I use? Will this work for me? I'm so tired so how can I ever really create what I'm longing for? What am I doing wrong? Why is this so hard? Am I doing the right thing?

98% of the population has it all wrong. Living here doesn't work.
I'm for quantum leaps. No more inching my way through life with s-l-o-w incremental progress.

When life as I knew it dissolved beneath my feet in 2009, I didn't have the luxury of waiting ... waiting for outside financial support, waiting for life to get better, waiting for someone to help me navigate a really tricky time in my life. After an accident in 2013 and a diagnosis that I might never walk again, I didn't have the luxury of waiting for some treatment that would heal me.

The answer to everything is what goes on in our mind. The answer to everything depends on the frequency of the questions we ask.

What are you focusing on each day? Be honest.

Quantum leaps are my speciality. If you're ready for one, let's connect.

Wanda Vitale


Nervous about being really 'seen'? Worry about others' opinions of you? Wonder if they'll judge you?

Many of us learned to be rule followers: the good little girl or boy. It ensured we got attention or perhaps it saved us from angry parents.

If that's you, chances are it's impacting your life in a big way.

When your longing and feelings of discontent get loud, you might just settle. "That's just the way life is."

It's not.

If you feel frustrated and restless because you could be living such a bigger life, join in my next free virtual Vision Workshop on May 17th.

Details here: https://bit.ly/43OPktm


If you have doubts about whether you’re good enough, pretty enough, rich enough, capable enough, or worthy enough,
.. then it's time to start telling a new story.

Someone is exactly where you dream of being because they got over the same insecurities you’re using as an excuse now.
Change your internal dialog, and you’ll begin to change your life.

The Soul Aligned Leader: Season II 03/05/2023

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 - 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝!

Life is asking each of us to G-R-O-W, to step into more of who we came here to be. Our souls are saying:

It's time. No more excuses. No more holding yourself back. No more believing you're not clear enough, not (fill in the blank) enough.

The world needs you exactly as you are.

The Soul Aligned Leader is more than just a Masterclass.

It is an epic, quantum portal of potent Soul Embodiment.
How do I know this?

Because each of the 33 Speakers, is Soul embodied,
Aligned to Soul Purpose,

And highly successful in Soul!

I know this portal is a bridge to your next level of Soul embodiment.

It is an 11 day journey,

With 33 Soul-Led Leaders and Masters.

Each one a Healer or Coach and New Earth Leader,

All standing deeply in their soul-aligned mission.

And the series is here to help you:

*𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 - and get super clear on what you are here to do

*𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 - so you can use them to serve others with more impact and clarity

*𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 - by aligning you to New Paradigm business - led by your unique Soul Frequency!

Here's to next level quantum collaboration, and aligning you to your Soul Mission to 9D and beyond!

I'm one of the lineup of incredible speakers for this event, and can't wait to meet you on the inside!

You can register here:

The Soul Aligned Leader: Season II

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There is always Light.