Intuitive Grace with S.D.

Intuitive Grace with S.D.

Welcome to Intuitive Grace with S.D.!

The Intuitive Grace Co. 15/07/2022

Stop holding your breath.

Do you know how much power is in your breath?

There is life in the way we inhale and exhale, there is healing in our breathwork. As you sit today, remember that your body is a vessel of pure energy. It must be allowed to remain fluid.

Even when circumstances make you feel as though you were in a vice.

Even when emotion chokes you up.

Even when you feel as though you cannot get out a whisper to redeem yourself from the silence of your hidden fears...


Let the flow of your prana move around inside you, unlocking doors and releasing the blockages we allow to inhibit our natural rhythm.

Breathe and receive.
Breathe and release.

Be free.

The Intuitive Grace Co. Self love…Self Accountability… Self Mastery. The Mind Body Connection trusting your intuition. honoring your journey. Read More Magic. Mentalism. Alchemy.You deserve the best kind of support during your pursuit of self mastery. that’s why we’re honored to offer you tools that you’ll love t...


"Your healing is in service to your creation."

The sacred teaching here is a masterpiece.🦋

Timeline photos 12/07/2022

So busy looking for a sign.

The misalignment was the sign. That was universal energy putting you on notice that this --> (insert thing here)


You've been saying "NO".

Because the fear of what YES will bring into your life..
What YES might open doors to...
What your YES might align you with...

brings panic and anxiety instead of curiosity and adventure.

But... These are just two sides of the same coin. The duality of your NO meant that you said YES to something else.

The denial you thought you agreed to was misrepresented to you.

Your no wasn't a roadblock-- It was just a re-design of alignment.

So while you put your hands up, and you turned your face away, no matter what the reason was. You made a choice.

Red pill. Blue pill.

You gave the word, and the timer has now begun on this new decision, you cannot blame your NO for the way it plays out.

You cannot wistfully mourn the YES you wish you gave to another time and another journey.

You chose.

And just like that juncture of choice you recently visited brought you options, there will be more coming your way.

Make sure your intentions are clearly presented. And understood.
Because, whether YES or NO, a choice will be made.

Make it one you really desire to bring forth.


Stay centered. Stay focused.✨🧘🏽‍♀️🌬️🧿


Some people fall away as you grow because only the broken version of you resonates with them. 🌬️🤍✨


Don't be cheap with yourself.🙅🏾‍♀️

If you are sovereign in spirit, sovereign in mind... 🌻🌬️

Then your thoughts and intimations come first. They are extensions of you.👥

👑You are a leader.
👑You are the highest vibrational version of self.
👑You are limitless.
👑You are creator and creation, boundless energy, brightest star.
👑You are the frequency of love.
👑Expansion sits at your shoulder waiting for your command.

To be sovereign is not to escape the human circumstance...🏃🏽‍♀️

🧘🏽‍♀️ It is to experience it and design your response to that circumstance in the most magical of ways.

🤍Build and destroy.
🤍Shift the perspective.
🤍Change the narrative.

Don't sell yourself short because you haven't gotten the result you wanted just yet. All things align in their time. Trust in your power.

Trust in yourself.❣️


Everyone is not deserving of your softness.✨


You know how it feels to walk in the room and pause to check the vibration--

Stop that. 🙅🏾‍♀️🧏🏾‍♀️

👣 Move in the confidence that wherever you go, YOU influence the atmosphere and you decide what the vibe will be. 🌬️

Too often we are hesitant, waiting to be affected by what's going on around us. We forget that the greatest influence is within us and that is the focal point of power.

Stay centered in your strengths and honor your power. 💪🏾✨

🌬️ You are all you've ever needed to shift the energy.

🤩 You are all that's required to transmute, transcend or turn up!

Enjoy that flow.


The same way that difficult things, painful things, traumatic things changed you forever...

🤩Beautiful things.
🤩Adventurous things.
🤩Healing things.
🤩Lovely things.
🤩Gentle things.
🤩Amazing things.

Will change you too.

Let the good things flow in your life.
Release your fear. And try again. ‍🧚‍♀️💗

Timeline photos 04/07/2022

July is here!

Summer always brings memories of my childhood.

Being at the beach, collecting shells, eating ice cream, riding carousels...

It makes me think about carnivals and fireworks and short-shorts at the skating rink.

This used to be a time that I got to celebrate myself and be indulgent. And as I got older, that changed.

Every year, I'd meet summer with the same anticipation and excitement that had grown to be a part of my summer self. But, over time, I became so wrapped up in adulting that the celebratory part somehow got away from me.

This summer, I challenge myself (AND YOU!) to finding more joy, more laughter, more lifted and carefree energy!

We forget that a part of us still needs the freedom to be expressive, and creative.

We need to explore and love on our inner child to let them have fun and be unconfined.

What will you do today to liberate your inner self?


Embrace your power. ✨🌬️


Be empowered.✨🎉

Good morning ♥️


Healing ain't what it looks like. It's what it IS.

The aesthetic won't save you. It's not my oils, it's not the intention candles, it's not the affirmations either...

I do the work.

And that looks like tears sometimes because I've challenged myself to work outside of what I've grown comfortable with. It means asking questions and having the strength to rock out with the answers, even when it hurts.

Especially when it hurts.

It means honoring the blood of pain and the blood of growth. It means honoring where I come from while understanding that it is a place I can no longer stay.

Because healing transforms.

Healing makes us bigger than the places we used to inhabit because we are getting prepped for new ground, and new assignments.

It looks like showing up in warrior garb when you wanted to sashay in silks and float through this next leveling up.

It might not look like what we wanted, but it's created to be what we need to align with our highest, most joyful, whole, healed selves.

You were made for this. And so was I.

So let's do this thing.

Timeline photos 22/06/2022

Being heart centered means taking a look at ourselves from a raw, open place and making decisions that honor who we are as well as who we desire to be.

There have been so many times that I made decisions based on what others needed.

Even when making those choices left me in a deficit.

Choices that no one asked me to make.

Choices that no one demanded of me but myself.

And, the more I operated from that place of self appointed savior, the more resentful I became of the sacrifices required to stay in that role.

Learning how to be heart centered in my thought process helped me to honor myself by shifting my belief in my own worthiness.

I learned how to give to others without the requirement of my ego being satisfied by the savior mentality.

I desired to freely add value to the lives of those I care for, and I could do this because I had already well established my own value and poured into myself the same way I gave to others.


I am worthy of honoring my own desires, beliefs, ideas and emotions.

My value is not tied to what I can offer others.

I accept that I am worthy of being poured into.

I receive with peace and with ease.

I am aligned with the energetic frequency of provision and continuity in my life.

I am at peace with the choices I make for my own well being and I continue to honor my own needs.


"The shift begins in me."

Read more in my latest blog post over on The IGC website!

Link below! 🌬✨


Last chance! Ends at midnight EST tonight! 🥰🥳


Rediscover self.

Sometimes it's not about needing the new, it's about relearning what's already present. ❤️‍🔥

Timeline photos 21/06/2022





There's something extremely freeing about the moment after the tower moment.

Because until the thing happens, we can be so wrapped up in the fear response to the impending situation that we overlook the realities of the situation.

Sometimes, it just takes the band-aid getting ripped off for us to take a deep breath and actually SEE what's happening in front of us. It takes the shifting of events out of our control for us to demand that our perception shifts as well and allows us the sight and focus necessary to bring some constancy to a wildly fluctuating experience.

And, that is why I love the moment AFTER the tower moment. Because all the variables are in play and everything is possible.

This is the part I want you to remember.

Everything is possible.

All is mind.

Be free.

Sovereignty is as a crown of pearls.

When we think of the word sovereign, we often consider first a sense of authority and power. What I want you to know about the idea of a Sovereign mind or state of being, is that it begins with you. The way you perceive yourself, the alignments that you focus upon, and most importantly... the acknowledgement of power in your own right, all create an understanding and expectation of sovereignty that permeates your existence.

Pearls represent wisdom, intuition and beauty. They are literally fashioned in the depths of waters inside of living creatures who birth these beautiful gems out of a particle of irritation within themselves. Much like pearls, we birth our own sovereignty through our experiences of working through life’s annoyances and difficulties. When we arrive at our destination of self truths, we are remarkable and extraordinary, having learned so much. We wear our crown of pearls, the wisdom of our journey, as we ascend and align with our own source of power, and become our Sovereign Selves.

I invite you to sojourn with me as we discover the power within us. May you find your true face.

- S.D.

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