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A band is your greatest ally in terms of increasing difficulty if you have lower back problems and are trying to devise a leg/glute workout that actually tests you.

Place the glute band above your knee and focus on sitting back with your ass when you lower your body. Your arms may grace the band and that is okay - what you should feel is a burn in the glute and outer sweep of the quad.

If you are more trained and this isn’t doing it for you, try not completing the entire concentric movement and stopping right as you feel the tension leave your glutes.
Exercises are only as good as how good you feel them.


Strength Training = Long Term Fat Loss


There are 4 main types of movement you should be including in your lower body workouts if you want to develop all of your gluteal muscles.

• Thrust • Squat • Hinge • Abduction •

If you have the time for single leg work, weighted split squats are a difficult and effective option.

These would fall under the “squat” movement variation.

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