Blume Whole Health

Blume Whole Health

Rebecca Blume | PA-C, Certified Health Coach
Founder Blume Whole Health. It is for educational purposes only.

The information provided by or in conjunction with Blume Whole Health LLC, including physical activity and dietary recommendations and supplement advice is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by a physician, therapist, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. It is your

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 03/03/2024

I believe this is why many women feel they are doing "all the things right", but still not finding success with weight loss or body composition change - stress is keeping them stuck.

For women especially, unhealthy stress levels lead to improper utilization and storage of glucose. Why? The most likely reason goes back to our good friends estrogen, progesterone, and the neuroendocrine system (our brain's connection to our thyroid and ovaries). This hormonal/stress connection can be a beautiful dance when working as intended, but can quickly sabotage our best health intentions when unbalanced.

Chronic stress can lead us down the path of insulin resistance and eventually to diabetes. A chronically stressed mind and body creates an environment primed for over nourishment, inflammation, poor sleep, elevated blood sugar, and eventual prediabetes or diabetes.

*Begin a mindful (awareness) practice to who, what, & how stress is showing up in your life

*If using a CGM or glucometer, can you correlate episodes of acute or chronic stress to blood sugar variations

* Work with a knowledgeable healthcare provider who will partner with you to address blood sugar & metabolic health changes sooner rather than later.

Sharma K, Akre S, Chakole S, Wanjari MB. Stress-Induced Diabetes: A Review. Cureus. 2022 Sep 13;14(9):e29142. doi: 10.7759/cureus.29142. PMID: 36258973; PMCID: PMC9561544.


Blood sugar control involves more than just the foods you eat... especially as we age.

Exercise, lean muscle mass, great sleep, and when you eat can all be useful tools in your toolbox of blood sugar management.

In my next newsletter, I'm discussing lifestyle tactics and other tools ( supplements & meds) for managing and improving blood sugar levels in women at mid-life.

Midlife is a critical time for maintaining healthy metabolic health (think blood sugar, cholesterol levels, weight, & hormone function) because it's an IMPORTANT KEY to aging well and thriving into the second half of life.

Sign up for my FREE newsletter at the link in my bio or head to


What do you think of this statement?

It really resonates with me when it comes to aging and how I desire to experience the years I hope to be blessed with this side of heaven.

I don't believe I'm destined to become a weak, fragile, ill, unaware, lonely, used up, depressed, and resigned woman.

I believe I was made for more.

So you better believe I'm practicing for my current and future role EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

What are you practicing to become?

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 18/02/2024

What works for you? Comment below or drop a 👍 if you're going to try one of these suggestions.

This is a challenge I notice for myself on and off, but is definitely a common problem my clients are looking to solve.

I think solution #1 and #5 offer the best long term success, but honestly I also stay relying on my herbal tea 😊

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 14/02/2024

There's never a perfect week, month, or season for prioritizing your health.

If you wait for perfection, you'll be waiting forever.

And in the meantime, years or decades passed you by.

The best time to start prioritizing your health is NOW.

Daily, consistent steps in the five foundations of health will set you on the path to whole health & aging well

*Stress management

📣 Head to the link in my bio for a few FREE resources to get you started.


This is a snippet from part one of a two-part email series on cholesterol.

If you haven't joined my email list, head to the link in my bio or to and join today.

One of my main missions as a health coach is to educate and empower you to advocate for your own health....either with your chosen healthcare provider or through direct to consumer testing.

The standard lipid panel is a commonly ordered test in your traditional health care setting.

I'm sure you've had one done

There's more to the cholesterol panel than "good" and "bad" cholesterol. These are outdated terms.

For women, cholesterol levels are often a lab marker that can dramatically shift during the perimenopause and menopause years.

Don't immediately accept a cholesterol lowering medication at this time of life.

Hormonal changes, as well as lifestyle behaviors should be addressed.

Understand the basics about cholesterol and be ready to advocate for yourself at your healthcare visit.

Link in bio to join my newsletter family


It's always a good idea to check with your insurance company, but health coaching services provided by a certified health coach are likely an approved expense within an HSA/FSA account.

A letter of medical necessity from your healthcare provider would also be another way to ensure coverage.

If you have a current condition that is known to improve through lifestyle change (prediabetes, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity), health coaching is a proven service for improving and preventing disease.

Put those set-aside dollars to great use!

Message me with questions or consider scheduling a
FREE discovery call and we can chat about your needs.

Link in bio or at to schedule


Next newsletter goes out this Thursday, and I would love for you to be a part of my community!

I'm diving into the topic of cholesterol this week and you don't want to miss this info.

The cholesterol panel is one of the most common lab tests ordered in the traditional medical setting.

I'm sure you've had it checked at least once if you are over 30. I look at these numbers in patients as young as three!

But there's more to this panel than the "good" and "bad" cholesterol.

There's one number I believe tells much more about our current health and future risk factors.

Plus, for women in mid-life, there can often be some abrupt changes in our cholesterol numbers. Why & what do you need to do?

I'm covering all of this and more in this week's newsletter.
Don't miss it!

Join at the link in my bio or


What would you add?

Most importantly, what are your REAL health goals?

POV: At midlife, I'm thinking & living in ways that support much bigger goals than weight, pants size, or an upcoming high school reunion.

Build habits that support where you want to be and how you want to feel in your future decades.

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 24/01/2024

Read the complete newsletter, "Bowling & Goals🎳" at the link in my bio or head to

You can check out other past newsletter at the above link as well.

I educate, share tips & strategies, as well as stories from my own personal journey to whole health with my email family a few times a month.

I would love for you to join ❤️


Movement is one of the five pillars of whole health.

There's just no getting around it. We were made to move.

Even though our modern world easily allows us to live opposite of that truth, the truth still remains.

Those who remain active live healthier lives and age better.

For most of us, this means we have to be intentional with movement.

We have to plan it, prioritize it, and make it a part of who we are.

Some days you'll be motivated & some days you won't. That's normal.

I heard say something like this, train and move not to get better at exercise, but to get better at life. Exactly. 💪


Why do so many women fail to reach health goals?

Two reasons:
1) We are attached to the goals of our youth
2) We set goals we feel pressured to set.

Both are a surefire way to fail because we don't actually want to do the work or aren't willing to do the work to hit the goal because....

We think we care or are suppose to care about getting back into our skinny jeans or hit our pre-pregnancy weight. The number on the scale used to be lower so that must mean my goal should be to get back to that number, right? Wrong. Your younger self may have believed that's all there was to life and health, but by midlife we have to realize health means so much more.

Pause & consider this: At 35+, what is it that actually matters to you when it comes to your health? Is it a flat stomach, a smaller pant size, a number on the scale, or cellulite on your thighs?

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that those really don't do it for you anymore. Likely what really motivates you is how you want to feel and how you are able to live in your 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Choosing to eat healthier foods, exercise, prioritize sleep, improve your mental health, monitor lab values, and nurture friendships is important because you want to have the energy and health to be able to do what you want to do when you finally have the ability to do it! What you don't want is diabetes, multiple daily meds, memory issues, or crushing fatigue.

Make the goals & take the actions that support what really matters to your current and future self. Not your past self.

Those goals have meaning, which means you are more likely to succeed.

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 10/01/2024

There's more to health than weight.

For women 35+, adopting a mindset & goals that focus on areas other than a number on the scale can be more meaningful.

And meaning matters when it comes to our goals.

I don't REALLY care about a flat stomach, cellulite, or fitting into jeans I wore in my 20s.

Which means, I'm not willing to do the work, make the sacrifices, or change my lifestyle to reach those goals.

What do I REALLY care about? What am I willing to work for?

Aging well. Not developing Alzheimer's.
Thriving at 60, 70, & 80.

That's what matters to me.
That's why I'm focusing on areas other than my weight.

What REALLY matters to you?
Define that and the work to reach those goals becomes more enjoyable.

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 27/12/2023

✨12 Days of Health Series is live!!

And if you're not on my email list you are missing out.

Don't make the mistake of calling it quits on your health this week only to plan unrealistic and unsustainable resolutions next week.

Instead, expose yourself to a short, daily health bite that will help you start considering, planning, and executing real change in 2024.

Join my email family at the link in my bio or head to

10 more days to come.
Don't miss it! Invite your family & friends to join, too!


✨Simple, daily steps that will help you gain momentum into the New Year.

That's the goal.

Think of this as a short, daily devotional for your health. This email series will jump start your intention, energy, and health goals for 2024.

➡️ Head to the link in my bio to join my email family. Then sit back and get ready to receive this motivational series starting December 26th.


Looking ahead to 2024. Reflecting back on 2023.

My coach suggested the practice of choosing a word of the year.

A word, a verb to be precise, that could serve as a magnet for the year.

A word that could serve as a guide or lead when it comes to choices.

A word that describes how I want this next season to feel.

"Evolve" is my choice. It's what I'm craving. Personally & professionally.

More intention, more purpose, more impact.

Have you done this before? Do you choose a word for the year ahead? Share below 👇


Grateful for all of you & thankful to share what I know as well as to learn from all of you!

What a time to be alive!

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 17/11/2023

A little PSA today


👉 Join us live for this important conversation

November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month, and in case you weren't aware, aging free of this disease is possible.

If you've experienced Alzheimer's through caring for someone with the disease, Olivia and I understand.

For me, watching this disease steal my mother was terrifying and heartbreaking.

I'm on a mission to not develop Alzheimer's, to maintain the health of my brain throughout my entire life, and to help others do the same.

I want the history of Alzheimer's Disease in my family to end with my Mom.

Come to learn about actions and lifestyle choices you can start today to protect your current and future brain health.

Drop your questions below and plan to join us live for answers this Thursday, November 9th at 3pm ET here on IG.

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 02/11/2023

This is a big regret for me. My grandmothers are gone, and I lost my Mom to Alzheimer's earlier this year.

Thankfully, I have Aunts who have been able to share their experience.

Knowing this part of your family history is essential. I believe it is becoming clearer that the perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopausal years for women are crucial when it comes to our brain health and Alzheimer's prevention.

I'm excited to see this area of women's health become increasingly discussed, researched, and prioritized.

We will spend at least a third of our life in this season! You better believe it relates to all areas of our health.

It may seem like an awkward question to bring up, but just do it. Women often follow the patterns of the women they are biologically related to when it comes to menstrual history. Ask about their symptoms (hot flashes, weight gain, brain fog, sleep changes, mood changes), age of true menopause (1 year without cycles), and use of hormone replacement therapy.

If you don't follow , check out her resources.
Swipe to see my current reading.


📣 Alzheimer's has been described as Type 3 Diabetes. Science is continuing to show connections between our body's use of insulin, blood sugar, & ketones and Alzheimer's. This article on the Alzheimer's Association's website is a brief summary.

Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes are preventable and even reversible through lifestyle. Meaning, this is an area of health we have control over. Medications or supplements can play a role, too.

But 👏the 👏bottom line👏 is that diabetes increases your risk for cognitive decline. By avoiding or improving diabetes, you can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease.

However, you can't fix what you don't recognize as a problem. You may not know your HgbA1c is elevated, a morning blood sugar is high, or your insulin level is rising.

📣What do you see? Increasing weight, irregular menstrual cycles, changes in energy levels, larger waist circumference, feeling significant cravings/hangry, skin changes, or brain fog.

➡️ First steps:
Know Your Numbers: Fasting glucose, insulin, HgbA1c
Consider Regular Monitoring: CGM or an at home glucometer (I've used both, currently using the Keto Mojo) if labs reveal prediabetes or insulin resistance
Gather more data like history, vitals, and other lifestyle factors to be proactive & empowered at your next visit with your provider.

🚨Download my FREE CHECKLIST, which contains these recommended biomarkers and more, so you can talk with your practitioner about diabetes and how to protect your brain health.

Find the checklist at the link in my bio or

Hand up if you have more questions about how to improve or avoid diabetes ✋

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 20/10/2023

Do you struggle to know where to start when planning or talking with your healthcare provider?

Scroll through ➡️ for 5 steps to take prior to your next visit so you can walk away feeling satisfied and successful.

My FREE download will provide a guide of items to check off before and during your visit.

Be proactive, not reactive. Take control because you are your best advocate.

Get your checklist NOW at the link in bio or go to


🙌 This is good news! You have a choice and power in decreasing your risk for Alzheimer's Disease.

Food, exercise, sleep, perceived stress, spirituality, and social connections are all part of the choices that matter.

I can teach you how to decrease your risks NOW & we'll do it together.

I'm right here with you living out my own advice for my own prevention.

Info at link in my bio or at


The tough part about brain health is that we can't easily see the brain nor can we simply measure values that directly correlate to its function.

Liver problems? Sure, order a fairly inexpensive, noninvasive ultrasound plus a liver function panel and boom. You have great data on the health of your liver. Similar story for many other organs.

The brain, though, not as simple.

This is why we must recognize other clues to our brain health, such as the 9 signs listed above.

Markers of metabolic health are easy to obtain (think weight, waist/hip measurements, blood sugar, insulin, and cholesterol panels) and science continues to show significant connection between poor metabolic health and poor brain health.

Bringing awareness to areas of sleep and mental health (mood, focus, motivation) are two other ways to take stock of what's happening inside your skull.

Don't accept that brain health is only addressed in the neurologist's office, with CT or MRI imaging, or worse yet, is not possible to assess at all.

Look at these other signs to start addressing your brain health, sooner rather than later.



Whether Alzheimer's prevention is at the top of your list or you just desire to age well with your memory, reasoning, independence, and functional movement intact, this checklist is relevant.

Many of you have asked me about labs I recommend, numbers you should know when it comes to metabolic health, and how family history may play a role in your own health.

I put this resource together to answer those exact questions.

I truly believe most people are smart enough to be the captain of their health ship. You should feel confident to ask questions, make suggestions, and truly partner with your provider when it comes to YOUR health.

Be proactive, not reactive. Take control because you are your best advocate.

➡️ Get your checklist NOW so you can go prepared to your next visit. Head to the link in my bio or


Who's with me? That's what it's about for me.

Aging well. 📌

Aging with my cognition intact, mostly independent, not a burden to my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and the rest of my body following pretty close. 😁

I've got my plan. I'll adjust and change as needed.

I can help you create your plan, too.

*Inspired by Dr. Sean Pastuch

Photos from Blume Whole Health's post 11/10/2023

📣Prevention is possible. I'll keep shouting this message as long as it takes for everyone to know that we do not have to accept dementia as a normal part of aging.

BUT, we must be proactive. Especially in our 30s, 40s, and 50s when it comes to our brain health.

I'm right there... almost 45 and living NOW so I can live free of Alzheimer's later.


Do you believe you can age with your brain (memories, personality, decision making, learning, independence) functioning properly?

What if you have a family history of Alzheimer's Disease? What if you are currently caring for someone with Alz?

I say yes! And Olivia says yes, too.

Join us on November 9th, 3pm ET live on IG for an empowering and hopeful conversation all about creating a brain health plan NOW that will help you age free of Alzheimer's Disease.


Yes, health insurance is a necessity for most of us, and it is especially useful in the event of unexpected, very large medical expenses (ask me how I know!).

But imagine if you could invest one year's worth of insurance premiums in your health via another the suggestions above.

Is it possible the return on that investment might prove to be more beneficial over time? Especially if you were able to do that year after year. Perhaps the need for coverage for repeat office visits, medications, testing, and procedures would go down, which means your insurance premiums might be able to go down, too.

Don't go dropping your insurance just yet, but are there some dollars you could direct towards health promoting activities?

I would love to hear where you invest your 💲💰💲 when it comes to your health?

A few of mine are/have been:

✔️ Therapy
✔️ Home gym equipment
✔️ Whole foods, grass fed, organic when possible
✔️ Functional med practitioner (out of pocket $$)
✔️ Supplements
✔️ Lab testing

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