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Cheer for yourself...
You're waking up and putting one foot in front of the other...
Never lose hope and faith that your life is a miracle.

Good riddance to decisions that don't support self-care, self-value and self-worth.
- Oprah


"I felt supported and learned firsthand through the experiences of others who had the same type of cancer as me with a similar treatment course." -Akira Lin

The goal of is to do just that... Allowing people to individually connect based on the details of their cancer diagnosis.
We hope to make each individual cancer journey feel more positive through this connection.

Photos from Sailthec's post 16/08/2023

Research is preliminary but cold mittens and socks can protect the nails and prevent chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy involving the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy can be very painful with a sense of "pins and needles" or burning. It can also present as numbness or weakness resulting in the inadvertent dropping of objects, tripping or falling.
Preliminary research suggests that cold therapy (ice applied to the hands and feet via mitts and socks) can decrease the likelihood of developing this potentially permanent side effect.
Studies recommend that the cold mittens and socks be worn starting 15 minutes prior to treatment, throughout the infusion nad for 15 minutes following the infusion.


Ginger and turmeric are 2 of the most extensively studied ingredients in herbal medicine. They are both flowering plants.
Both can be consumed fresh, dried or ground added to a variety of cuisines.
However, they are now also available in supplement form.
Chronic inflammation plays a central role in the development of many conditions such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Studies show that both ginger and turmeric have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, decreasing pain and protecting against disease (or worsening and potentially improving an underlying disease process).
They both can also support immune function in the setting of immunosuppressive treatment such as chemotherapy to protect against viruses.
Finally, ginger has been used to control nausea associated with chemotherapy.


August is Appendiceal Cancer Awareness month.
Appendiceal cancer is often diagnosed in the setting of appendicitis but often people don't have symptoms until the cancer is advanced.
The cause is truly unknown.
Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, bloating, sense of fullness, loss of appetite, abdominal or pelvic pain.
Options for treatment include surgery and chemotherapy and individualized to the patient as far as stage and extent of disease.
Unfortunately, this disease is very rare affecting fewer than 1,000 people in the US per year.


Repeat it daily...
Repeat it multiple times a day...
The words you tell yourself routinely carry a super power energy...
Believe in yourself...
Your journey is your OWN and you have the power to navigate it in any direction you wish...


Biomarker testing has revolutionized cancer treatment. Biomarkers are DNA mutations or proteins that can be identified by testing a person's cancer tissue or their blood. People with the same type of cancer may have different biomarkers. Testing for biomarkers provides important information about the unique characteristics of a particular tumor including how quickly its cells will grow, replicate and spread. This information translates into options for targeted therapy vs using traditional chemotherapy to treat cancer. Traditional chemotherapy works by killing existing cancer cells but also kills healthy cells in the process, which is the cause of any increased side effects. Targeted therapy is use of drugs that block the tumor's mutation (specific biomarker) and stops it from growing and spreading. These treatments will not work if a patient's tumor does not have the specific biomarker. There is potential for these treatments to have less side effects and be tolerated and taken for an extended period of time. Your health care providers will certainly discuss this option of management for you if applicable to your cancer.


Scientific research confirms and strongly supports exercise along the cancer journey. Exercise decreases anxiety, depression and cancer related fatigue.
Exercise improves the quality of live and improved overall physical functionality.
Exercise oncology research has validated that exercise serves as a preventative measure for 7 different cancers (bladder, breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, stomach and kidney) and reduces risk of mortality for breast, colon and prostate cancer.

It is very important for patients to evaluate their baseline functionality before moving forward with their exercise goals.
Find a trainer or work with an on oncology rehabilitation program.
Ask your oncologist for resources and start moving...


Each individual will certainly have a slightly different cancer journey despite a very similar diagnosis. Of course establishing an accurate diagnosis is the first step along with moving forward with the standard of care treatment.
Clinical trials are an extremely important part of cancer care and should be considered along the course of the entirety of a patient's cancer journey, including the beginning.
There are many myths surrounding clinical trials that truly prevent participation.

1- Placebos > Cancer patients may avoid clinical trials because they feel they may not receive actual treatment. However, if a placebo is ever used in an oncology clinical trial, it's used in ADDITION to the standard of care, NOT in the PLACE of standard of care. The purpose of a clinical trial is to compare the safety and efficacy of new therapy vs the standard of care.

2- Guinea Pigs > No one wants to be a guinea pig. You are NOT a guinea pig. Patients enrolling in a clinical trial receive exceptional treatment and attention. New treatments only make it to a clinical trial phase because preliminary research indicates potential to deliver better outcomes - longer survival and fewer side effects.

3- Clinical Trials should only be considered when other treatments have failed > There is ZERO truth to this statement. Clinical trials are open to ALL cancer patients at all stages of their diagnosis and should be part of the discussion from the time of the initial diagnosis.

4- Clinical trials are too expensive > This is FALSE. Health insurance is required by law to cover all routine costs of a clinical trial. This is all care that is normally done as a part of standard of care. The clinical trial sponsor covers the cost of all trial related visits, the study drug, additional blood work or scans related to the clinical trial itself.

Do not forget to inquire about this option as you sail on your individual cancer journey.


A tornado of emotions as you recognize the ramifications of being given a cancer diagnosis...anger, sadness, fear, guilt, frustration, isolation, resentment...and the list goes on... Remember, there are others very similar to yourself going through exactly what you might be going through...They can lend you the helping hand that you so desperately need to navigate many aspects of your cancer journey...
Others with the same cancer diagnosis, going through similar treatments, similar age and background...they might even be in your backyard!
Find your community...empower yourself...YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Make your way to
Register with your cancer profile and find the potential connections out there.


Kindness is giving hope to those who feel alone in this world.
A website designed to do just that. Providing connection, strength, knowledge and power to navigate the cancer journey.


July is Sarcoma Awareness Month...
Taking a moment to acknowledge the warriors sailing on this ship steering their own way....remember YOU ARE NEVER ALONE...
Have faith in the ongoing research and clinical trials...
There may just be a biological key to unlock the driving mechanism for your/or your loved one's disease process...
Find others sailing on THIS SAME SARCOMA SHIP as you...


Honoring all of the cancer survivors who took all of the brave steps navigating their personal cancer journey to reach this very moment today…


To all of the super-dads out there… navigating your health or helping support a loved one’s health, life and bringing joy, sunshine and brightness to all of those around you against all odds…


Wearing boxing gloves and moving forward one step at a time.
You manifest the image you create of yourself in your mind.
Remember and truly believe in your soul, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND STRONG.


CT scans, MRIs and PET scans play an essential role in the planning and delivery of radiation therapy. Recent advances in imaging have led to the development of advanced radiation therapy techniques—including image-guided radiation therapy, intensity-modulated radiation therapy, stereotactic body radiotherapy and proton beam therapy. The optimal use of imaging can enable higher doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor, while sparing normal surrounding tissues. These advances have the potential to improve clinical outcomes and reduce radiation-related long-term toxicities. We are making progress daily, monthly, annually....
Keep putting 1 step in front of the other and you never know the outcome, even if the mountain looks too steep or too high.


Simple note to self...BELIEVE in what's possible on the other side of everything that feels like a mountain to climb.
Garner strength with a community of others navigating the same exact challenges as yourself.
If you or your loved one has cancer, create a profile with your cancer type on
You will be provided with other potential connection with others going through exactly what you might be navigating yourself.


It is that simple.
Faith, love, connection and knowledge.
Find it on
With others working through the same challenges as yourself or a loved one.


If you know anyone on this cancer journey…
Share this resource…
They can be linked to others traveling the same journey as themselves.


Skin cancer is often caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds. Other risk factors include having fair skin, a history of sunburns, a weakened immune system, and a family history of skin cancer.

Early detection and treatment are important for successful outcomes in skin cancer. Treatment may involve surgery to remove the cancerous cells, radiation therapy, or topical medications. Prevention is also important, and measures such as wearing protective clothing, using sunscreen, avoiding tanning beds, and staying in the shade during peak sun hours can help reduce the risk of developing skin cancer.


Implementing routine and little steps daily can lead to tremendous progress.


There are others out there on the same journey as you. Find them using Sail the C.
Register, create a profile on You will be given potential connections with others with the same type and stage of cancer as you…translating into the same potential questions and challenges…illuminate your path with others who have shared similar experiences before you or are traveling alongside you.
Find your community. As a survivor or if you’re on active treatment. Use this resource to share your story, find inspiration, garner strength to move forward.
Knowledge is Power and Connection is Strength.



April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. Listen to your body. Recognize the signs early. Don’t ignore the signs a loved one may be experiencing. Seek medical attention. If detected early, healthcare providers may be able to extend life expectancy, with surgery and other treatments. The goal for any oncology provider is to provide quality of life with the greatest life expectancy understanding the diagnosis and extent of disease.
If you are diagnosed with esophageal cancer, find your community on
By creating your esophageal cancer profile, you will be given potential connections within the database of others with the same disease process translating into similar treatment options.



April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. Testicular cancer is the #1 cancer among adolescent and young males.
The best thing you can do for your nuts is to give them a feel every month or so – get to know what’s normal for you. That way, if anything changes you can act on it.


Warm and soothing for many…Ginger tea also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. In addition, it can help alleviate nausea and vomiting associated with cancer treatments while preventing dehydration.
Give it a try…with or without honey!


Ci******es cause cancer is no secret. In addition to about 85% of lung cancers, cigarette smoking is responsible for a large fraction of bladder, head and neck, and esophageal cancers.Our bodies are designed to deal with a bit of damage, but they often can’t cope with the amount of harmful chemicals in to***co smoke.

Both the amount you smoke, and the length of time you’ve been smoking affects your cancer risk. The more ci******es you smoke a day, the higher your risk of cancer, so quitting smoking IS THE FIRST STEP.

Remember, the sooner you stop, the lower your risk of cancer. Everyone who smokes can benefit from stopping, and it’s never too late to stop- even if you’ve smoked for years.



Chemotherapy can be a lonely experience, especially if you are unable to work, participate in your usual activities or spend time with friends. Family members can provide companionship and social support, helping to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Finding a community of people who are going through similar experiences can be a valuable source of support and information for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Register with your cancer profile on Find your community of individuals traveling on the same cancer journey as yourself. Knowledge is Power and Connection is Strength.


As many people already know, chemotherapy is a common treatment for cancer that involves using drugs to kill cancer cells. Unfortunately, chemotherapy can also cause a range of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, hair loss, mouth sores, low blood cell count and changes in appetite.

Everyone's experience with chemotherapy is different, and it's important to listen to your body and do what feels best for you.

Remember that coping with chemotherapy can be challenging, but YOU'RE NOT ALONE. Find your community of others traveling on the same cancer journey as you translating into similar treatments and associated potential side effects and challenges. Register your cancer profile on You will be connected to others with the same type and stage of cancer as you, and hence potentially similar treatments, questions and challenges.


You only get one body in this lifetime, so treat it with love. Without your health, you have nothing. Treat your body and mind with kindness and respect. Drink lots of water. Eat the colors of the rainbow. Get fresh air. Exercise for at least 20 minutes. Detox from technology.
Schedule time each day to relax and refresh yourself in nature, whether that's hiking through the woods or taking a swim at the beach.

Find your community that understands and supports you —


Manage that fear with a sense of community. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Find your community in the people walking in your same exact shoes who understand.
A social media website designed just for cancer
Create a cancer profile with the information you know about your type of cancer and you will be given potential connections within the database of others with the same disease process translating into similar treatment options and potential challenges, struggles, questions and fears.


A sense of community and knowing there are people recognizing your struggles can provide an immense degree of strength and healing along the cancer journey.
1 in 2 people will be affected by this “C” word in their lifetime; whether it is yourself, a close or distant family member, a friend, a neighbor, a colleague or co-worker.
If you have been touched in some way by any one of these horrific disease processes that can threaten an individual life, consider becoming a pillar of strength in some way. is a social media website designed for patients with a diagnosis of cancer on active treatment, or survivors or caregivers.
This resource provides an avenue for people to share their experiences providing strength in the form of creating a community and an avenue to share relevant knowledge to help people to continue to move forward in their cancer journey.
It will streamline people to connect based on the same type of cancer, stage of cancer and any behavioral characteristics of the cancer.


EARLY DETECTION SAVES LIVES. Early detection is often key to successful management of cancer and significantly improves survival rates.
Yet ~50% of cancers are still only detected in the advanced stages. Stay up to date with mammograms, pap smears, pelvic exams, colonoscopies and prostate exams.


Cancer is JUST A WORD. Being diagnosed with cancer doesn’t define you.
Is it a challenge? YES! But like any other challenge that has preceded this one, you can push through it. Find peace in traveling along this cancer journey with a community. Do you often wish to connect, share and vent with someone who is walkling in your shoes?
Find that community on by creating your cancer profile and discovering potential connections to others sharing your same disease process.


10 preventative foods: 1- Spinach, 2- Carrots 3- Beans 4- Grapefruit 5- Kale 6- Tomatoes 7- Watermelon 8- Oranges 9- Peppers 10- Cruciferous Vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage and Brussel Sprouts).



Discover support in others going through exactly what you or your family member might be going through. You are not alone.
A social media website designed just for people diagnosed with cancer, for survivors to give back and share their experiences with others traveling on this journey behind them and for caregivers to also obtain insight from other patients or other caregivers to support their loved ones.
Create a profile with the type of cancer profile you or your loved one has been diagnosed with. Based on the information entered including the stage of cancer and any additional behavioral characteristics, you will be provided with connections from the database of others sailing in the same waters as you (essentially others with the same diagnosis allowing you to share relevant experiences and information).


Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be. The universe has a beautiful way of answering your question, if only you know how to listen. With a strong belief that everything is truly possible, we are here to empower you to take on the world TOGETHER!
You can do this!
Find your community on



Lymphoma is a cancer that involves the lymphatic system, which is part of the body's germ-fighting network. The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes (lymph glands), spleen, thymus gland and bone marrow. Lymphoma can affect all those areas as well as other organs throughout the body. Treatments vary depending on the stage, type of lymphoma and aggressiveness of the disease process. This can often be a lifetime disease process. Do not feel alone in this journey. Find your community on to find comfort, inspiration, solace with others sharing the same journey as yourself. The rough waters could feel calmer if you are holding someone’s hand on the same ship as you, rather than directing you from the shoreline.


We all need a break sometimes. Find peace in sharing your cancer journey with others who can directly understand your fear, anxiety, struggles and challenges. Find a community to share a safe zone with others who are also living with your same exact diagnosis. You are BRAVE. You are MADE OF STEEL. It’s still OK to take a break from it all.
Cry, Vent, Scream with others who deeply feel what you do.

The power of human connection can help individuals go through any rough path. Find this human connection that would be personal to you. Join Create a profile and you will be connected to others sharing the same cancer journey as you based on your cancer profile.


Today is Valentine’s Day! Give yourself the priceless gift of self care. Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in the United States. Early detection is important to save lives.
Get your routine screening mammogram at least annually.
Regular self-breast exams are an important way for you to know what changes are normal for your breasts. Seek out medical attention when you feel there is a change warranting additional attention and imaging.
As a woman, one of the most important things you can do to protect your health is to learn the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.


Eat more avocados! They are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, reducing the risk of cancer, maintaining your cardiovascular fitness, and providing healthy fat calories to maintain weight. Add it to your smoothies. Cook with avocado oil! With no smell or flavor, this is an optimal alternative for sensitivity for smells and flavors if you or your loved one is on active treatment with chemotherapy.
They are also beneficial in preventing cancer. In fact, some researchers have shown that the phytochemicals in avocados may selectively inhibit cancer cells and pre-cancerous cell growth, and induce apoptosis in cancer cells by encouraging lymphocyte proliferation to help kill tumor cells.
