Getting started gluten free

Getting started gluten free

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Timeline photos 08/07/2020

Most of us know to wash our hands after using the restroom to prevent the spread of germs, but washing hands throughout the day is also necessary to stop the spread of germs and to clean away the transfer of germs from other people.

Regular hand washing helps prevent the spread of germs because:

-Germs can enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth, and touching these parts of the body with dirty hands can cause the spread of those germs.

-Germs can get into foods and drinks when someone with dirty hands prepares or consumes them.

-Germs can be transferred to other objects, like doorknobs, handrails, table tops, or toys, and then transferred to another person’s hands.

-Germs can cause digestive distress and respiratory infections.

To ensure that you are getting a properly clean each time you wash your hands is to wash with warm water, and to make sure you get a good lather with your soap.

Wash in between fingers, rinse, and don’t forget to dry hands with a CLEAN towel.

You can stop the transfer of germs to yourself and others by being conscious of how often you soap up!

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Timeline photos 07/07/2020

Depression is NOT a sign of personal weakness.

Depression is NOT a condition that can be willed or wished away.

Depression is NOT self-pity.

Depression is NOT sadness.

Depression is NOT a choice.

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Timeline photos 05/07/2020

We all know the importance of protecting our skin from sun damage and sunburns when spending time out in the sun but with so many options out there for protection these days, finding the one that is right for you can be a bit of a challenge.

Here are some of the options out there, including tips for how they best serve your protection needs:


Spray sunscreens are a great option for quick application because the spray covers skin more quickly. This is a go-to for parents trying to catch a kid for long enough to give them a good coating of sunscreen. But be sure to use a generous amount, and recoat often.


This is the most commonly applied product and should be applied evenly over the body, rubbed in well, and reapplied often.


Many sunscreens are built into daily-wear moisturizers, lipsticks, and other makeup products. These are good for light sun exposure, or for added daily protection.


These sunscreens are great for those with allergies or sensitive skin because they sit on top of the skin rather than absorbing into the skin.

Sweat/Water Resistant

These sunscreens are great for water sports or exercise in hot conditions, but remember to reapply after getting out of the water.


Stick sunscreens are great for spot treatments like to the ears or nose.

Be prepared for your next sun adventure with the right protection!

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Timeline photos 04/07/2020

Watching a loved one struggle can also be painful. Here are some ways you can help:

Just be there - a shoulder to cry on or hand to hold

Be patient

Avoid being judgmental or critical

Hold back from offering advice

Don’t make comparisons

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Timeline photos 02/07/2020

Knowing the difference between a serving size and portion size is important for the health conscious, but the reality is, most people don’t know the difference.

Do you?

The sad truth is that the majority of people in the US eat a considerable amount more than is necessary to get their daily nutrients and calories. One of the main culprits for overeating is portion size.

Serving size refers to the suggested serving on a food manufacturer’s label, and portion size, completely within our control, refers to the amount of food we choose to eat. Often we even forego the suggested serving size on a product and wind up eating double or triple based on our idea of what a portion is.

But to maintain optimal health, it is important to have better portion control, and one way to do that is to consider eating closer to what would be determined a serving size.

Here are some portion recommendations for a few common foods:

-1 slice of bread

-½ cup rice or pasta (cooked)

-1 small piece of fruit

-¾ cup fruit juice

-1 cup milk or yogurt

-2 oz. cheese

-2-3 oz. meat, poultry, or fish (this is about the size of a deck of cards)

Do you keep track of what you are eating?

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Timeline photos 01/07/2020

There is tons of evidence linking diet and mental health issues such as depression.

A number of studies found omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.

Incorporating fish in the diet several times a week may help. Examples of fish high in omega-3s include sardines, salmon, herring, trout, and canned white albacore tuna.

Supplements are a good substitute as well. Keep in mind not all supplements are created the same.

The omega-3s found in the fish we eat come in the form of free fatty acids, phospholipids, and triglycerides. When converted to a supplement omega-3 fatty acids are mostly present as triglycerides.

You can also find non-fish derived omega-3 supplements. Plant sources such as soy, walnuts, canola oil, and chia, flax, and h**p seeds and their oils contain omega-3s. Flax oil is often used for vegetarian supplements.

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Timeline photos 29/06/2020

Ever leave the office with tight shoulders, aching wrists, or tired eyes?

Of course, most of us have, and often we associate those pains and discomforts with the demand of the job or the stress in our lives, but what you are feeling could be related to how you sit or stand at your desk!

That’s right, your positioning has a lot to do with how you feel, and how well you perform.

Here is what you should feel and look like at your desk:

-The weight of your arms is supported so that you are not using your neck and shoulders to hold them in position to type.

-The weight of your head should be directly above the neck, not craned forward.

-Your chair is as close to your work as possible to avoid leaning and reaching.

-Your computer monitor is placed directly in front of you with the top no higher than eye level, and the keyboard is directly in front of the monitor.

-Your keyboard and mouse are close enough to prevent excessive reaching.

-Your monitor is at least an arm’s length away to avoid eye strain.

-Your feet are not dangling when you are seated.

Any changes you need to make?

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Timeline photos 28/06/2020

Depression comes in many forms, ranging from temporary or situational to a life-long battle. Symptoms can be mild to debilitating. Chances are you or someone you know has experienced some form of depression.

Over 15 million Americans struggle with depression annually.

Depression can be different for many, but typically involves repetitive negative rumination, bleak outlook, and lack of energy. Depressive disorders are complex involving many systems of the body, including the immune system.

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Timeline photos 26/06/2020

Did you know that over 60% of the human body is made up of water? That is a shocking percentage considering that water takes a backseat to sodas, and other sugar-laden drinks when it comes to what people are drinking.

To properly feed our bodies, and brains (the brain is over 70% water!), it is essential that we get adequate amounts of water into our systems daily.

Here are some tips for incorporating water for those who are more likely to turn to a carbonated drink over life-sustaining water:

Add Flavor

Adding lemon, lime, mint, fresh berries, or cucumber slices to water is a good way to switch it up so that you can be sure to get the ounces in!

Bathroom Break

Make a game of it, and have a glass of water whenever you take a bathroom break.

Drink Before You Eat

Having a glass of water between every meal helps with hydration, and can help to curb your appetite.

Use an App

Use a water tracking app to keep track of how many glasses your drink.

Eat Water-Rich Foods

Add water-packed foods to your diet, such as cucumber, celery, watermelon, and zucchini.

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Timeline photos 25/06/2020

A lot of people report to hiding behind the phrase “I’m fine.” Are you one of them?

Did you know mental health is just as important to overall health and wellness as physical health?

You don’t have to hide how you’re feeling, please share with everyone your current mental health state. Comment on a scale from 1-5:

1. Needing some love

2. I’ve had better days

3. Doing okay today

4. Feeling at peace

5. Totally high on life

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Timeline photos 25/06/2020

You heard that right. A hairbrush is a pretty common household item, but what about a body brush?

Well after you read this, you might go out and get one!

With the skin being the body’s largest organ, it’s no wonder it has a big job to do. Outside of protecting our internal organs, regulating our temperature, and sensing pain, the body also serves as a conduit for absorbing and releasing environmental nutrients and hazards. This is where body brushing can help. By dry brushing the body, you can help stimulate the lymphatic system to expedite the excretion of toxins that can otherwise build up in the body.

Pretty amazing, right?

To try this yourself, you’ll need a brush with natural bristles, and before you get into the bath or shower each morning, dry brush your entire body starting at your feet and brushing each area with 10 smooth strokes up toward the center of the body.

If the brushing hurts in any way, you are applying too much pressure. It should feel wonderful and leave your body soft and glowing.


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Timeline photos 24/06/2020

There is still a stigma when it comes to mental health issues. Sadly this stigma is making us sicker! People are often ashamed or afraid to talk about mental health concerns and this attitude is proving to be negative on health overall.

Mental health is something that impacts every single one of us, young and old, male and female. Let's help reduce the stigma by talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Stick with me as I share mental health facts, quotes, self-care ideas, and stress-relief tips.

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