WrappedinlovebyEmily Videos

Videos by WrappedinlovebyEmily. This all began when my aunt taught me to crochet. I learned patience and fell in love with making people happy with my creations. I am always up for something new!

Who would you poison? #wrappedinlovebyemily #halloween #pickyourpoison #poisonedapple

Other WrappedinlovebyEmily videos

Who would you poison? #wrappedinlovebyemily #halloween #pickyourpoison #poisonedapple

Thank you Nurses! #wrappedinlovebyemily #crochet #crochetdolls #dolls #nurses #nursesrock #nurselife #thankyounurses

Axolotls $25 Pattern by @kaytedid86 #wrappedinlovebyemily #crochet #arigurumi #kaytedids #smallbusiness #axolotl