Chloe Tryhane Fit

Chloe Tryhane Fit

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Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 04/07/2024

As some of you may or may not know, I’ve recently become a plant mom! Ever since I moved out of my mom’s and now take on basically every responsibility possible lol.. I enjoy taking care of my little indoor/outdoor flower babies. 🪴🌻 ☀️ NEVER did I think I’d be that person but hey, never say never y’all. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I can’t take any credit for the words posted in the second photo, I stole this from a devotional hehe. It really spoke to me. 🩷 God gives us the seed. Meaning, he gives us that relationship, that opportunity, that friendship, that job. But are you watering it? Are you taking the time to pick off the dead leaves and impurities to encourage it to grow in a healthy environment? Or do you just neglect it like how I did when my mom first bought me plants and I had NO CLUE how to take care of them (lol).

Are you a cultivator in your life or do you live in expectance that everything should just come to you? Relationships need water, your job needs someone like you to be the light in that work place, that one friendship in your life may need a little clean up because some dead leaves have began to rot.

The word cultivate means to help nurture and grow. 🌱 Not everything in life needs to be cultivated, some things need to be uprooted and discarded to allow something new to emerge. This is why it’s so important to ask God for discernment when it comes to certain areas of life. I’m sure we’ve all been in a situation where we were unsure if we should keep cultivating or abandon. God is the knower of all things! Ask Him and He will show you your answer. 🤍

As for me and my plants, I have been cultivating the HECK out of these little guys. Even when God be telling me to throw that thang out, I be calling on the spirit of divine resurrection for these guys. Where there’s a will there’s a way. 😂

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 30/06/2024

It kinda looks like I’m taking a dump in the second pic but oh 🐳

For the past month or so I haven’t been tracking my food or being super intense with my workouts/eating. I will say, it’s been really nice! At first it felt strange because I’m so used to dialing everything in and knowing exactly how much/little I’m eating everyday. I’m kinda weird and I like tracking my food because I like having targets. 🎯

As most of you know, I recently moved and have been going through a lot of changes in my life. I didn’t realize how much stress I was under emotionally and physically for the past few months. I was literally breaking out in hives for almost a year straight, I almost went for bloodwork because I was so frustrated with my skin looking like I was scratching myself all over my body. I would itch a part of my arm and they would turn into hives. This really did show me how much our emotions can affect our bodies. I didn’t realize how stressed I was, I was being consistent in the gym for the past year, eating “healthy”, doing all the things. But the emotional stress I was dealing with was the cause of my hives. Once I started spending more and more time in the Word, praying, meditating and studying scripture, the conscious/subconscious stress began to lift. My spiritual father (aka my pastor and mentor) prayed over me as well and has been teaching me a lot about how much our thoughts can create toxic/negative emotions. These toxic emotions can work just like how if we were to put something toxic in our body, it affects our mind, gut, organs, etc!

Our minds/emotions are so closely linked to all the functions in our body. One small thought can cause a flood of hormones to flow through your body and you begin to cry, laugh, worry, panic, or even puke!

Sometimes we think we’re “okay” but our subconscious mind never sleeps. We can be in a constant state of stress where we struggle to lose/gain weight, even though we’re doing all “the right things.” The fact that emotional stress caused my hives still blows my mind. 😂 They’ve gone away and have not been back, I thank the Lord for healing me. 🙌🏽 I literally tried EVERYTHING. No lie. God is so good. 🥹

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 25/06/2024

How many times have you tried to rush God? You act in your flesh to get that “thing” or rush into a relationship you knew wasn’t from God. Been there. Many times. 🙋🏼‍♀️

It has taken me 25 years (my whole life lol) to fully understand how important it truly is to wait on the Lord’s timing. If you are not willing to wait on His time, do you truly love Him and trust Him with your whole heart?

The amount of times I entertained relationships I knew were not good for me, pushed my way through to create opportunities that didn’t have Gods hand on, acted out in my flesh by speaking poorly because I was emotional. Don’t get me wrong, I am FAR from perfect! I still mess up and say/do things I definitely could’ve prayed on first.

If you are at a crossroad right now and feel as though you are battling between waiting on Gods timing or taking matters into your own hands. This is your reminder to pray. It’s one thing to say “I trust that God will work this out” and another to say it but not put any action behind it. Are you reallyyyy praying about it or just saying that to make yourself feel better when people ask? Love is an action, it’s not a feeling. It’s a choice you have to make every single day. So before you take any matters into your own hands, talk to your Creator.

The Lord can literally move a mountain in a matter of seconds. If He parted a sea, don’t you think He’ll show up for YOU when you need Him the most? Just because He doesn’t move on YOUR timing, does not mean He won’t move at all. Be patient. 🩷 Rest in Him and know that the more you push into him, the more He will move in your life. It may not be necessarily “quicker” but He WILL move! 🙏🏼 I say all of this because I’m speaking from my own personal experiences. 💕


💜 G I V E A W A Y 💜

Woah… another giveaway?! Oh yeah. 😎 This one is for the CARAMELS! I remember seeing that these were only available in the states for the longest time and it made me so sad because I LOVE anything caramel! So this is a Canadian dream come true for me, I hope it is for you too. 🫶🏼 These have been available in stores as of March 26th BUT I’m giving you a chance to win a whole box of ‘em!

Here are some yummy facts about these caramels:
✨ 90% less sugar per 45g versus traditional caramels (wow)
✨ 2 grams of sugar per 45g bag
✨ Plant-based & naturally flavoured
✨ Gluten Free!

💜 Like this post
🧡 Follow &
💜 Tag 3 friends and comment what your fave bag of Smart Sweets is!
🧡 Must be a US or CAD resident


🎉 WINNER will be picked on April 26th! 🎉

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 28/03/2024


✨ Here is your daily dose of “fitness influencer” reality ✨

The fitness ladies you see on here do not walk around 24/7 with 6 packs, boulder shoulders and a teeny tiny waist. If they do, they’re probably not real. 🫣

Stop comparing yourself. Stop envying that girl/guy. Stop putting yourself down. Stop allowing social media to steal your joy.

Start knowing who you are in Christ. Start speaking kindly to yourself. Start believing that you are perfectly unique in your own special way. Start trusting that people look up to you and wish they had your life.

Psalms 139:14
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

Life is way too short to waste time on the things we don’t have. Choose a grateful spirit and choose to walk in that daily. It’s a practice you can only benefit from, there are no drawbacks.

Luv ya 💋

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 26/03/2024


I always love collaborating with because they have the cutest packaging! I get so excited to open up their limited edition boxes! I’m so excited for one of you to win this one! 💛

Spring into sweetness with two new SmartSweets flavors! Berry Bunnies & Tropical Eggs have up to 92% less sugar per 50g versus traditional gummy candy. 

Berry Bunnies are packed with berry goodness in every bite, and are fully . Tropical Eggs take your tastebuds on a tangy adventure, with a hint of sour!


🩷 Like this post and follow &
🩵 Tag 3 friends and comment what your fave bag of Smart Sweets is!
💛 Must be a US or CAD resident to enter.

✨ WINNER will be picked on Friday, March 29th! ✨

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 19/03/2024

I was scrolling through IG looking at wedding dress inspo for my wedding this October. I noticed this girl that I know of but don’t know personally. I’ve always found myself comparing myself to her because of how beautiful she is and how perfectly symmetrical her face is (mine is so not 😆). She’s one of those people that I go to and binge her content/photos every once in a while but then feel so crappy afterwards. It’s that popular thing that we all know so well that we do called… ✨comparison.✨

I looked at the time and felt dumb because of how long I fell into the rabbit hole. I then glanced outside and realized it was time to take my doggo for a walk. As I was grabbing Daisy’s leash I asked God “Why do I do this? Like seriously what is wrong with me?” His gentle whisper spoke to my spirit and said “Chloe, you need to get good at being you.” I let this simple sentence marinate in my mind as I was throwing the ball for Daisy. I continued this conversation with God as I walked around my neighbourhood. God is so good ya’ll, let me tell you why:

There is always going to be someone doing better than you, there is always going to be someone who is prettier than you, more fit than you, more successful than you, more productive, more funny, more smart, more whatever you can imagine. But the number one thing they will never be more of, is you. Nobody can be you, nobody can be as unique as you, no one can have the same face as you (unless you have a twin lol), the same heart as you, the same joy as you, the same life story as you. We are all going through life but not one of us is going through it the same.

So where am I going with all of this? Well, the Lord really convicted me today in my envy and told me to get better at focusing on myself and Him. When we start allowing our minds to wander and believe that we are not enough, we hurt God in the process. We are made in HIS image which means that we ARE enough. He loves you the same as He did yesterday and the same amount that He will tomorrow. If you believe that He is enough then choose to believe that YOU are enough. Meditate on His Word daily. 🩷


All or nothing rarely works 🤷🏼‍♀️

Have you ever tried losing weight and instantly told yourself that in order to do it, you’ll have to cut out ALL of your fave foods? How did that work for you? Have you kept the weight off since then?

I bet that 90% of those who believe in the “all or nothing” mentality do not end successfully. We are human. We enjoy food. We NEED food. Everything in life basically revolves around food! If you don’t believe me, try doing a fast for a few days.. you’ll see what I mean. 😜

So why cut out all of the things you enjoy just to reach a number on the scale? Once you reach that number on the scale, what are you going to do then? Never eat your fave foods again? Hmm..

One of the number one things I try to encourage my clients to do is to add in areas that need some love. For example, if I notice their protein intake is low but their carbohydrates are high, I don’t instantly remove the carbs. Instead, I encourage the client to put some more protein on their plate and eat that first. I try to build a healthy habit first before taking anything away. It can be discouraging and disappointing when we do too many thing too quickly.
However, with all of this being said, everybody is SO different and unique. This idea might not work for some but for the majority, it has worked like a charm for those who love food and are trying to lose weight. Protein intake needs to be high, then we can work in the other areas to see where we can substitute! Having an understanding first of WHY we are doing this is also very key. 🔑

If you are someone who is currently trying to lose weight, I want to tell you that you CAN do it. It is not impossible to reach that goal you have in mind. Sometimes you may need some extra tips/advice to get you there, I’m happy to help! If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a DM or comment down below of a subject you’d like me to cover. I’m here to serve you and try to point you in the right direction. 😊🩷


Imma tell you 4 truths and 1 lie. You guess which one is the lie in the comments! 👇🏼

1️⃣ The bigger your muscles are, the stronger you are

2️⃣ Too much cardio can actually prevent weight loss

3️⃣ Half of new gym members quit in their first 6 months

4️⃣ Muscle mass declines by about 3–8% every decade after turning 30

5️⃣ Only about 20% of people who lose weight are able to keep it off long term

Which one out of these is a lie? 🤔 Comment below!


“Why does God allow so much pain and suffering in this world?” Let’s talk about it. 🗣️

My simple answer is that we would not understand His love for us if we DIDN’T go through pain and suffering. People also have to remember that it’s not God that brings pain and suffering into this world, this pain and suffering is due to the curse over humanity (Genesis 3:17). It’s not that God doesn’t care for certain people or leaves them behind. No. Absolutely not. (Romans 5:8) But He did give us free will, which means that we can freely do harm to others and many horrible things. These harmful decisions do come with severe consequences, whether that’s spiritually, emotionally and/or physically to ourselves or to others. But this is also why we see such darkness in this world, every single day. It’s humanity, not God doing these things. The Devil works THROUGH people, he cannot take full credit for these things. Humans are responsible too.

I’ve been angry with God countless times, blame Him for this and that. But if I hadn’t gone through the things I have, I would have never been able to experience His love, His grace, His protection, His healing and His deliverance. I would’ve never known how much I needed Him without experiencing pain. I believe that you do not know Jesus unless you have a relationship with Him and have had an encounter with Him in some way. It’s easy to say you’re a “Christian” because you go to church every Sunday or because you were raised in a religious household. But believe me, when you know Jesus, you will not shut up about Him! 😜

Jesus loves you more than anything in this world. Please believe me when I say this. He is not just some big guy up in the sky wanting you to burn in hell if you do something wrong. No. He wants nothing more than to protect you and bless you (Isaiah 41:10) (Matthew 6:33). 🩷

If you are curious about Christianity or learning more about the Bible, don’t be shy to leave a comment or send me a DM. There’s nothing more I love talking about than Jesus.. not even the gym! 😝

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 02/02/2024

DON’T BE FOOLED 🤡 IG vs reality

I see you scrolling through your feed, comparing yourself to other gym girlies. Maybe you’re just trying to keep up with everyone or you’re putting yourself through that dirty cycle of comparison. 😓 STAHP. 🚫✋🏼 Why do we do this to ourselves? One minute we want to delete IG once and for all and then the next we’re scrolling mindlessly for 2 hours. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I want you to know that even your fave fitness influencers walk around with cellulite, maybe a bloat, there could be a big ol’ pimple or 10 of em that’ve been flawlessly edited out of a pic, one b***y cheek that is bigger than the other… okay maybe not that one. 🤭 But maybe.. you never know guys. 👀 Some be capping out here. 🧢

My encouragement to you today is to let you know that there is someone out there who wishes they had your hair, your job, your relationship, your family, maybe even your skin colour. We bypass so many things in life because we get so caught up in ourselves.

Just because we don’t like something about our body doesn’t make us unworthy of anything. Sometimes our flaws are here to stay for a reason. The amount of times someone has started a conversation with me because I’m short. 😂 I used to HATE my height. I used to wish so much that I was taller so that people thought I was my age. But now I could not care less! It’s who I am and God made me EXACTLY how He planned. Yeah I can enhance certain features with the gym or with makeup but I can promise you that once you just rock what you got, you’ll find A LOT more peace in your life. 🕊️

If you’re brave enough, tell me something you love about yourself! 🩷 I’ll go first.. I love that I have a passion for fitness and to be able to help people in their health/fitness journey’s! 🫶🏼 I’d love to hear yours, whether it’s physical or not! 😊


To my girl trying to gain weight/muscle 🫶🏽👇🏼

Here are 5 tips that helped me gain over 20lbs of weight since starting in the gym:

🥩 Focus on calorie-dense foods: Include nuts, red meat, avocados, and healthy oils in your diet for concentrated calories.

🍽️ Consume 3-4 meals a day (less snacking): I found that eating less snacks and focusing on high caloric MEALS helped a TON! Some snack options tend to leave you feeling bloated and fatigued due to being heavily processed. Try and stick to eating high caloric meals (ex: choose a protein, a fat and a carb).

🍌 Opt for more whole food snacks: Snack on protein-rich options like Greek yogurt, cheese, dates and nuts to boost calorie and protein intake. Protein bars are helpful but the ingredients list is usually a mile long! Find snacks that cannot sit on a shelf for a year.

🏋🏼‍♀️ Strength training: Incorporate resistance training to build muscle mass, which contributes to healthy weight gain. This one was the key to my weight gain success! Building muscle will not only help you pack on some pounds but also build your confidence and benefit your health in every aspect!

💧 Stay hydrated: Drink fluids between meals to avoid feeling too full during meals and to support overall health.

🥤 Drink your calories: There are a million high calorie protein shake recipes online that could work perfectly for you. If eating feels like a chore and you’re running out of options, drink your calories!

Hope this was helpful! 🩷 Just a friendly reminder that my DM’s are always open if anyone has any questions relating to this topic, feel free to ask any questions below as well! ☺️

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 03/11/2023

~ 2,200 calories (C 153G / F 49G / P 139G)

This is an example of what I eat in a day when I’m in the gym! I calculate how many calories I will consume based off my activity level, so some days are more/less.

I do eat a pretty high fat diet, mainly because I personally feel the best when doing so. Everyone is going to be different! Do what works best for yourself.

I am trying my very best to prioritize my protein consumption because while eating in a surplus, you don’t want to just focus on calories. By focusing too much on calories, you can risk putting on too much body fat.

I personally have always had a hard time putting on muscle mass and maintaining a heavier weight. My metabolism is to blame but also my lifestyle! I fidget a lot, I have a hard time keeping still for too long. Therefore, I burn more calories naturally. Plus, I have a list of food sensitivities which makes eating difficult at times. But of course that’s not stopping me and that shouldn’t stop you!

Once again, this is a rough estimate of calories. I use avocado while cooking, so it can be difficult to get an EXACT amount when tracking. Just use caution when using oils. 👍🏻

I hope this was helpful! 🤍

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 29/10/2023

To the girl waiting for your special man:

God is preparing you right now and He knows your desires. He sees your heart and all it has to give. Just because you don’t have another human to give all your love to, it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. It doesn’t mean that God is punishing you and holding back an incredible man for you. Allow Him to prepare your heart for when that season is ready to bloom. It’s easy to focus on what you do not have in this season, it’s easy to focus on comparing yourself to those who have everything you want. But God is the author of your story and will bring you the person that He has equipped to love you. There is no such thing as God forgetting about you. There is no such thing as you missing out on the “love of your life.” Whether you are in your teens, twenties, thirties, fourties… He knows. He is the creator of all things, trust that He is doing a good work in you. Focus on His goodness. 🕊️

Reg and I didn’t have this incredible magical “love at first sight” story. At least, not for me. 🙈 I was so focused on a million other things that I didn’t even realize the gift that he was from God. I had my checklist of what I wanted in a man and how he would look and blah blah blah. Like who the heck did I think I am? 😂

When you give your life to Christ, this means you have to choose to die to yourself every single day. You surrender your dreams, goals, wants, needs, you name it.

We still believe that we know what’s best for ourselves, even though we have access to the one who created us!

My point is, maybe you haven’t surrendered your goal/dream to God? Maybe you blame God for a relationship that didn’t work out or hasn’t even come yet? When really, He’s trying to get you to put Him first before losing yourself in someone else. 🩷

If God showed me a year ago what my life was going to look like today, I would have laughed. I got to a point where I had to be okay with going another 2 years of being single. This doesn’t mean I was happy with the idea but if it was Gods will.. you better believe it’s worth every second.

Continue pressing into Jesus. Trust me. 🫶🏽


Just me and my main squeeeeze 🩷💜

A reminder that what is for you will always be there. Even if you feel you’re “late” or you missed your opportunity. Time ain’t no thang to God. ❤️

Sometimes I find myself feeling discouraged in areas of my life. I’ll be spending time in prayer asking God to give me a breakthrough or to just give me anything that will push me past where I’m currently at. One thing He revealed to me today was this:

Even in the midst of praying for a breakthrough, I have to remember that there is nothing I can do that will make You love me more. There is no business idea, content idea, no amount of healing or deliverance that I need that will make you love me more than you do right now. There is already an anointing on me, there may be no breakthrough needed at this time. Sometimes the breakthrough is knowing that there is no “perfect formula.” God, You do not work on perfect formulas, You work on faith. You are the answer to everything I need. You are the cure, you are the solution, the prescription, the medication, the crutch, the healer, the provider, the restorer the mender. You are all these things and more, wrapped into one. I trust You my God and I find rest in knowing that my story will look different than theirs. You have already gone before me and You will be going with me through this next season.

Amen. 💕

God loves you so so much. 🕊️

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 14/10/2023

Whether you’re on the mountain or in a valley, I want you to remember that there is a Heavenly Father who loves you so very much. 🤍

It’s so easy to forget about God when things are going great. You get the job you’ve dreamed of, you finally got into an exciting new relationship, you’re excelling in your sport, you’ve been killing it in your goals.

We serve a God who is the Creator of all beautiful things. Don’t ever think that when you are in your lowest point that He isn’t there. Don’t you ever fail to believe that the same God who put breath in your lungs, spoke the Earth into existence, knows every single strand of hair on your head, knows every thought before you even speak, knew you before you ever opened your eyes on this earth, does not love you and care for you.

You may be discouraged and beaten down by life, you may be wondering why you feel so alone and unseen but that will only last a little while. Keep your chin up, call on the Name of Jesus and walk by the faith you have inside of you. Even if it is as small as a mustard seed, that is enough for your Creator to move in your life. 🩷

I know that this post may not be for most of my following but I know it is for one of you.

One of my favourite songs by goes like this:

“On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the One who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there
When I'm standing on the mountain
I didn't get there on my own When I'm walking through the valley
I know I am not alone”

Go give it a listen if you’re feeling the heaviness of being in a valley. 🕊️

Keep on keeping on. 🙏🏼
1 Peter 5:10


Just popping in to remind you to DRINK YOUR WATER. 😘

If you struggle with random headaches throughout the day, fatigue or muscle cramps.. CHUG SOME WATER. Most of us are living off of coffee or other forms of caffeine, which actually causes us to p*e more and lose liquids! So keep a bottle of water close by at all times!

Don’t let not having a water bottle prevent you from staying hydrated, GO BUY ONE for goodness sake! 99 of your problems could be solved if you just kept a bottle close by. 🤔

Love ya 🩷


A few of my fitness related unpopular opinions: 👇🏼

1. Wearing your hair down while working out looks desperate

2. Scrunch bum leggings are quite uncomfortable and make you feel like you’re wearing underwear on top of underwear (if that makes sense? They literally go into your bum crack 👍🏻)

3. Dirty bulking is gross (you probably smell like sewage)

4. You don’t need to go balls to the wall in every workout, sometimes less is more (in certain cases)

5. It feels like girls nowadays in the gym are trying to compete with eachother on who’s hotter

6. The fittest people you see on social media are usually the most insecure and edit all their photos

7. It’s not impressive if you can’t squat with depth

8. There’s no such thing as not being able to gain weight or put on muscle, you simply need to just eat more

9. Vegetables aren’t as good for you as you think

10. Counting/tracking calories is one of the most important tools for weight loss or weight gain

By no means am I trying to offend anyone, these are just my opinions!

Which one do you agree or disagree with? 🤔

Photos from Chloe Tryhane Fit's post 12/08/2023

I don’t know about you but being in a season of waiting ain’t always a jolly joy ride 💁🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

It’s interesting how easy it is to forget difficult seasons once we’ve passed through them. Walking through a wintery season can feel so slow and painful but once summer comes along, all those problems seem to disappear. ☀️

Just like how we endure seasons/weather changes, it’s much like life. When in the midst of a seemingly dark and gloomy time, it’s easy to reach for what’s comfortable and familiar. However, not all things that bring comfort and familiarity are good for us.

Waiting for change can be exhausting, even discouraging. I’ve definitely faced many of these moments and it feels like you’re living each day, each minute at a time.

I know for myself, I have two decisions:
1. Finding comfort in things
2. Finding comfort in God

The world will always try to suck you into what feels good in the moment. But God will welcome you into His presence of everlasting love, peace and joy. He literally has water that will never leave you thirsting again (metaphorically speaking).

I know that I am currently in a season of waiting. Is it hard? YES. Is it painful at times? YES. Can it be discouraging? YES. Literally all of the above and more! But knowing that I am in a challenging season assures me that there is something incredible on the other side. The Lord wants to bless those who love Him. If you are on the edge of giving up on something, KEEP GOING. Know that there is a blessing for you for enduring this season. 🤍

The second pic is from a devotional I was reading, I took a screenshot! 😊

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