ROOT Cellular Defense

ROOT Cellular Defense

Welcome! ROOT Cellular Defense is dedicated to the amazing abilities of the unlocked cellular silica


✨One epically valuable lesson I've picked up: healing others can heal yourself too! 💡 From touching lives with natural wellness, I've discovered this health journey is a two-way street.

🔄How has your work spun your world around? Share your stories! 👇


Blankets that block viruses, fungus, mold, heavy metals, 5g, parasites. Only 60 available!


WORD OF THE DAY! 📢 Today's term is 'Epigenetics'—the stuff that shows I'm a geek! How your environment and lifestyle can trigger or stop your genes. YOUR TURN!! 🧬


Just FYI, detoxing does NOT clean the body out.


This happened again! Within a few hours of round 2!

Never before have I seen this!!!

Let's see what round 3 does 🤣


Happy 4th Birthday to us!

Those who know, know ❤️
Clayton Thomas Dr. Christina Rahm


Are you, a friend or loved one faced with the challenges of
𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕠 𝕀𝕞𝕞𝕦𝕟𝕖 diseases?

Have you ever wondered about the root causes, prevention strategies, and wellness solutions?

The Detox Girls are hosting a FREE evening event delving into autoimmune wellness and we welcome you to join us!


Date: 📅
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Time: 7 PM MST, 9 PM EST.

If you would like the zoom link, please comment zoom!


Is the formulator of your products a Ph.D., EdD, PsyD, Bioscience Engineer, Nanotechnologist, Quantum Physics and Biochemist trained with post-doctoral Nutrition AND just got her M.D because people were upset, she wasn't a "real doctor"? While opening hospitals in Africa and changing the current medical system? Mine is 🥰Congratulations my sweet friend Dr. Christina Rahm ❤

10% off her flag-ship formulation called The Trinity designed to support the body in eradicating toxins (beyond detoxing), create blockades around healthy cells, correct hormone imbalance, and support perfect regeneration!


Nano-Micro Emulsion. A trade secret that only certain people know how! This makes a product more bioavailable than supplementation.

Looking for a natural immune booster that is created with this patented emulsion process making vitamin C, Vitamin D, or Zinc efficacious together and super powerful? Ask for a code below and get 15% off TODAY ONLY!


The 3 pack of baby blankets/lap blanket/scarf embedded with the only formulation created to block 5g, fungus, viruses, heavy metals, and radiation are on sale for the last time! -Plus designer clothing.

20% off today only! Ask for the code below!


👉Wanna replace that drawer of vitamins, prebiotic, probiotics, postbiotic, fiber, amino acids, collagen that is filled with fillers that cause cellular degradation and increase aging (yes, all collagens on the market have this), and add pure colostrum for viral protection and microbiome completion?

This simple 2 pack does all that and saves you a lot of $$$$!

👉These are two of my personal favorites for my reversal of age. I take them everyday, sometimes twice a day.

These are my meal replacements when we go hiking and off-roading! I have lived off of these for 13 days taking them 4 times a day in water.

Make sure to use referral: rootlevel to be a part of our community!


Need a solution to you health?

Dr. Christina Rahm, PhD, PsyD, EdD has formulated the solution. 👇
referral code needed: rootlevel


Synergistic Effect of Heavy Metals

Several doctors spoke of a synergistic interplay between metals and microbes which creates the biofilm that gives Lyme its unique ability to hide from the immune system:
“Resistant strains of bacteria and yeast produce a polysaccharide matrix - biofilm - to protect them from the surrounding environment,” said Amy Derksen, ND. “It is essentially a layer containing several heavy metals that encompasses the organisms we are trying to treat, making it very difficult to treat without needing doses so high that they would harm our children. The biofilm also prevents normal flora like acidophilus from thriving.”

Dr. Gordon said that is why detox is an absolute must:
“We must lower our total body burden of pathogens to help lower our chronic inflammation, which is holding heavy metals in tissues in spite of using the best chelators.”
“Many of these kids are born with defects of their glutathione and methylation pathways.”

According to author and herbalist Stephen Buhner, Lyme bacteria consume tissues, so the infection first goes to joints and then to the brain where the body has big stores of collagen. That is why research is showing that 20-30% of children diagnosed with autism, are in fact, positive for Lyme disease. This would mean that 150,000 – 200,000 autistic children are undiagnosed and untreated for this disease, hindering the improvement of their autistic symptoms.

The Link Between and - (

ROOT Trinity was created by Dr. Christina Rahm, PhD, PsyD, EdD, herself a and survivor. The Trinity is designed with the intent to rip apart the viral load and bacterial infections along with the heavy metals that carry Lyme, create a barrier of protection to the cells, boost the body's natural immunity and fighting capability. YOU are the cure!

To find The Trinity:

Photos from ROOT Cellular Defense's post 26/11/2021

Black Friday SALE on detox and regeneration!!!

ROOT Wellness LLC – ROOT Wellness LLC 27/07/2021

A Different Look at Insulin Resistance and Potentiation: Unblock the Receptor Sites.

The body has a unique ability to regenerate, heal and adapt to its environment. That is until the environment becomes too burdensome for the body to adapt. Let us take a quick look at an issue that affects tens of millions of Americans and millions more beyond our borders: Diabetes. Be sure that you keep in mind that these thoughts and ideas are in no way designed to talk about treating or curing diabetes. In fact, once one is diagnosed with diabetes they will always be “diabetic” but there is always the opportunity to become subclinical. Whether a diagnosed diabetic can regulate their blood sugar via diet, exercise and lifestyle they are still diabetic.

As a population we have focused on the diet, exercise and lifestyle to combat the symptoms of diabetes for decades. Now we can talk about an additional approach to possibly look at one of the main causes of insulin resistance. Your cells have insulin binding sites just as they have binding sites for other hormones like testosterone and estrogen or nutrients like protein, fats and carbohydrates. It is well proven that heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead amongst a long list of other environmental chemicals and toxins block different receptor sites of cells, and some of these toxins also block insulin receptor sites.

ROOT Wellness LLC – ROOT Wellness LLC Clean Slate cleans your cells by removing toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungus and heavy metals. The detoxification process reduces inflammation and improves the absorption of nutrients.


The most advanced cellular detox to date! ROOT remineralizes the body from within the cell. Regular zeolite sprays and powders can not do what ROOT accomplishes in the body ❤


You come from the womb of your mother; the beginning of where you were created that laid the foundation for your life. We think of the womb as being this amazing place of purity where a baby develops. Unfortunately, that is not the actual case anymore. Centuries ago before our world became so polluted babies were created in an environment conducive to creating an amazing life. The last 100 years, not so much. We know our world is polluted. We have become more aware of the global aspects of pollution as we have become more connected and as technology has been able to provide us images of what our skies, oceans and continents look like and how they have changed over decades. Many social movements have been made to clean up “the environment” yet they all continue to come up short.

This leads to the most important question: Which environment is most important to you?

Continue reading below...


If you have the MTHFR gene:

👉Limit your exposure to chlorine, bromine (bromide), and fluoride. Drink filtered water, use non-fluoride toothpaste and avoid sodas and other products that contain brominated vegetable oil.

👉Limit your exposure to heavy metals. This is good advice for anyone, especially anyone with a thyroid condition, but it’s doubly important if you also have an MTHFR mutation.

👉Support your body’s detox pathways. You can do this with therapeutic massage, dry saunas, dry brushing, epsom salts baths, and zeolite.

👉Avoid gluten completely. Gluten can have a very negative effect not just on your thyroid but on your body’s inflammation as well, which is harder to combat and heal if you have an MTHFR polymorphism.

50% of the population have at least one mutation of the MTHFR gene and 10% of the population has two mutations and 98% of children with Autism have at least one polymorphism of the MTHFR gene which is a much higher ratio than in the general population.

When scientists use this information about MTHFR genes and then look at the prevalence of disorders such as Autism, the evidence is even more alarming. Since methylation pathways are involved in the removal of toxins and the growth and development of the brain and nervous system, genes such as MTHFR have a big effect on Autism.

Glutathione is the body’s main antioxidant and it is necessary to protect the body from internal and external toxins that may damage cells and slow development. It is known that autistic children have less glutathione in their cells than healthy children their same age. Lower glutathione levels would hurt the autistic children because they would be less able to detoxify and high inflammation would interfere with the development of their brain, their personality and ultimately their social interactions.


Polytetrafluoroethylene PFAS or teflon is being used in making (a lot of) blue Covid-19 masks.

Polytetrafluoroethylene is basically carbon and fluorine. Fluorine in its gaseous form is incredibly dangerous. Even small amounts of fluorine gas can case eye and nose irritation while larger amounts are deadly. Not only did the N@zis use fluorine gas to murder masses of people but they also put fluoride in drinking water to "pacify" (drug) those pesky insurgents during World War 2.

Can chemical solids like polytetrafluoroethylene leach off-gas? Can you inhale fluorine while wearing a mask? Can polytetrafluoroethylene rub off on your face and skin?

How many of the recent released C_C numbers of cv+ weree mask wearers? 70%? It would also be interesting to know how many have been wearing the blue masks. 🤷‍♀️

IF you are wearing a mask and I hope you are not, is it polytetrafluoroethylene-free! Or is it tested to stop the cv? Just a question to ask...

Hear is the kicker!

👉 The most common symptoms with every day Polytetrafluoroethylene contact and use is...FEVER, COLD and FLU symptoms/polymer fume fever! Of course these symptoms are rarely connected to Polytetrafluoroethylene or teflon toxicity by doctors. 🤷‍♀️

Google it for yourself!


"By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured". Hippocrates (460-377 BC), 'Father of Medicine'.
Homeopathy is being shown by science to be what thousands of years have proven; now being shown based in experimental research and data proof. Homeopathy is passing the Gold Standard.


MORGELLONS... ever heard of it⁉️

It’s also known as chemtrail disease.

It’s been dismissed my many in the medical field and touted as a mental disorder by some stating it’s paranoia and all in people’s head.

Some people have these tiny fibers excreting from their skin causing irritation and itching. Once removed you’ll see the fibers moving.

This is one of the reasons I stay detoxing. I eat clean... organic... avoid synthetics... drink pure water.... but I’m still subject to chemtrails and environmental pollutants. We all are!!!

With all of the concerns about 5G it’s important to remove the heavy metal in our body that acts as conductors.

💧I use a product that removes micro toxins (such as those found in chemtrails), micro plastics, heavy metals, herbicides/pesticides, BPA/BPS, arsenic, radiation and more. It’s remineralizing and antiviral. We all should be using it! If you want more info... drop me an emoji and I’ll send you a link.


Welcome to ROOT Cellular Defense. ROOT Cellular Defense is dedicated to the amazing abilities of Natural Zeolite Clinoptilolite and it's safe and proven ability to detox the body of toxicity, heavy metals, chemicals, viral infections, mycotoxins, and organic matter; and nutrigenomics, the use of nutrition to unlock and activate our genes.