Inner Health Outer Glow

Inner Health Outer Glow

Your inner health leads to your outer glow. Ketogenic lifestyle tips and tricks, ketone supplements,


C H O O S E • H A P P Y

My Aunt Kat, told me years ago, happiness is a choice, you have to wake up EVERY day and DECIDE to be happy.

Somedays, making that choice seems unthinkable, unattainable, impossible, & others I wake up like a ray of SUNSHINE.

No matter what side of the bed I wake up on, I still realize, throughout the day... I have to continue to choose happiness. Smile, breathe, enjoy the little things, realize “this too shall pass”. Nothing is permanent, but it’s your choice to make the most of this very short life we have.

I try every day to be a more positive & happy person, some days it’s easy, others, it’s not. Somedays I feel like the walls are caving in and I’m gasping for air, my anxiety and depression try to get the best of me. And I’ve realized that’s ok, as long as my end goal is over all improvement, to learn through the hard times & breathe through the easier times. I need to remember the ball is in my court, and it’s up to me to choose happy.

What makes you happy?


Grill & Chill
Grilling is probably my favorite way to cook meet and veggies (air frying my 2nd fav).
Some of my fav grill seasonings are by I add these to some oil and coat the meat and veggies. Can you say YUM!?!
What’s your favorite way to cook?


Grilled chicken & Air-Fried Asparagus
This is my favorite & easiest keto meal on out menu. The flavor is KILLER & this takes probably 30 minutes total for prep & cooking. makes amazing seasoning packet - Chipotle Pepper- add that to raw chicken with some oil & grill till done.
Whats your fav easy go to meal?


You know, I never bought a size 18, but this honey did NOT fit into a 16. I was so embarrassed to even say my size in this post, but let’s face it, it’s reality. Half of my clothes didn’t fit & I just wore leggings, I REFUSED to go up a size. I don’t have a lot to wear, but I squeezed my body into tight clothes & felt so “squished”, because I WAS!
I was happy in the picture on the left but I know, deep inside, I’m so much happier on the right. I feel lighter. I feel more me than I’ve ver felt before. Of course, I could weigh 44lbs more one day, and that’s ok. But the work I have done on myself, over the past year and half, has really shone through.
Same outfit. New me. (And it not just the weight loss) it the consistency, the commitment to myself, the love I’ve shown myself, the care for my physical & mental health, it’s the growth I’m so proud of, every single day.
Every day, I have to choose. And I choose to feel better inside and it shows outside. I love the journey I’ve been on & the long journey to come, I know I’m the only one who can change my life, so here I am, changing my life & changing my world (cliche I know... but it’s true)
No secrets here. I’m an open book😍


| M O V E M E N T |
Crazy story about how I got here. “Here” meaning being consistent & successful with both my diet & exercise.
Flash back to November of 2019. I had been successful with keto on and off throughout 2019. Hit quite a few bumps & was just “over” dieting, even though I was feeling the best I had in a long time. I decided to “give up” my healthy eating habits & “just” work out. I found an amazing heath & fitness coach. We both remember me saying... “I can ONLY exercise OR eat healthy... I can NOT do BOTH!”

I remember feeling this, to my core. Believed it with all of my being that I COULD NOT do it. I believed it so much, that there was no convincing me otherwise. I realized my mind took control & this mindset became my reality.
Over the course of the next few moths, I continued working out 1-2 times per week, no more... that’s for sure... but my eating habits were completely AWFUL.
And do you know how I felt? AWFUL! (Inside not about myself)
About January, I realized, I had control over this. I felt better on the keto diet, I felt better fueling my body with what worked, I felt better with structure & goals, I felt better being in control of my life.
So, I restarted keto, WHILE WORKING OUT. I was feeling better but wanted more, so I started supplementing with ketones & never looked back.
So, here I am. Killing the healthy lifestyle & reaping ALL of the benefits. There are 5 things I do daily that contribute to my success.
1• High fat, Low carb, Moderate protein
2• Gallon of water a day
3• Drink ketones 1-2 times daily
4• Weight training/exercise 2-3 times per week (adding cardio soon since I got a Peloton)
5• Promote growth & positivity in my life (ie: sharing my success with EVERYONE, conversations with my mentors/friends/family, digesting new info from books & podcasts)
Trust me, this wasn’t easy, some days it’s still hard, but it has been 100% worth it. I’m so thankful I realized I was more powerful than my thoughts, I could change my life, & I was the only one that could. I proved myself wrong.


This is truly so impactful & can fall into so many different facets of life. It’s ok if things get too hard and you need to take a breather! Just don’t give up completely, take a “rest”, & just jump right back into it.
Health transformations aren’t easy, but they’re SO WORTH IT!


MARCH 2020 vs APRIL 2020
This past month, I haven’t seen a ton of movement on the scale. My health & wellness coach reminded me that I need to keep measurements, which I do I need to do too. But, this conversation we had sparked me to look at photos 1 month apart, side by side. And O M G, I may have only lost a few pounds but you and SEE a big difference!
This journey has been more fun & challenging than I ever thought, but it has been 1000% worth it.
If you need help figuring out your health goals, I’m here for you! (Here for you for other things too) Keto or not, so many great benefits from simple changes to your diet & daily routine!


✨D R E A M I N G✨
Still kickin’ on my 60 hour assisted fast. Can’t get these yummy things out of my head! Torchy’s has awesome keto options and great keto additions you can make to any taco. I have a beef fajita and a brisket taco here both with added egg.
Over half way done, and I’m already feeling the positive affects of fasting. Rebooting my system on a monthly basis is one of my personal tickets for success. What’s also, awesome is you can break the fast into 2 30 hours if you feel like 60hrs is too much OR do a 3 day OMAD (one meal a day) and still experience some great results.
What would you be craving if you were fasting?


| D A L G O N A | C O F F E E | x 2

I’ve been wanting to try this coffee craze for a week or so, and finally took the plunge & made 2 different low carb versions.

On the left, I did a take on ‘s recipe. I used 2 Tbs of Instant Coffee, 5.5 Tbs of sugar free confectioners sugar, & 2 Tbs of hot water.

On the right, I was inspired by & did the 1:1:1 ratio for ingredients & tried it with sugar free granular sugar. I did a 2:2:2 ratio on the instant coffee, granular sugar, & hot water.

I chose granular sugar replacement, because I personally prefer the flavor in baked dishes I’ve made in the past. So, I thought, maybe it’ll be different.

I used macadamia nut milk as my base and loaded it with ice before topping it with the whipped coffee.

The end result = I preferred the taste of the granular. It was less sweet, but it didn’t look as “fancy”.


It’s ok to not be ok, sometimes.

Just remember to love yourself through the hard times, and learn while you’re in the trenches. Mindset is everything. You owe it to yourself to grow a little bit more everyday into a better person.

Be your biggest fan, and don’t give up on YOU!


KETO Red Lobster FAV!

While Red Lobster is relatively easy to eat on a keto diet, this Cajun Chicken Alfredo was a great surprise for me & really hits it out of the park.

I love Cajun flavors and this patsa dish is SO GOOD. I ask for the sauce on the side, Sam eats it with the pasta and I just quickly air-fried some fresh broccoli as my “pasta”. The only thing that was a bummer, was that Red Lobster only had starches as a side. They only offered mashed potatoes or rice. I knew I had some broccoli @ home so I didn’t worry about it.

Most Italian places have veggies and easily make this type of dish for me, in the restaurant. Quick and easy tweak for an AMAZING keto meal!

Would you sub your pasta for broccoli?
Drop a 🥦 in the comments if you would!



Sam has been working nights (new for him) over the past few weeks, so we haven’t been able to have dinner together since then. While, we’re both SO THANKFUL he is still able to work, we were missing our evenings together.

Sam & I, both, love a GOOD steak. So, we went to one of our favorite places, LongHorn Steakhouse. We enjoyed our meal together, and ate some AMAZING steak. This “break” from our new strange reality was nice.

Also, shout out to LongHorn for this amazing set up, totally easy to eat out of & easy to clean up.
Pictured is the bone-in ribeye (med-rare) with a side of steamed broccoli. THE BOMB.

What’s your favorite meal to order for pick-up or delivery during this, crazy time?!


Today for lunch I tried the roasted tomato & mozzarella stuffed chicken. Side of pan fried asparagus with some minced garlic, EVOO, salt, pepper, & a sprinkle to parm. & sautéed mushrooms.

I air-fried the stuffed chicken for about 27minutes. This was a super easy lunch to put together & also REALLY yummy!

What did you have for lunch today?


What’s your MOTIVATION?!?

This is what 40 lbs looks like.

This photo really puts into perspective how much I’ve lost. I never really liked transformation pictures before, but now I understand their purpose & seeing the visual difference really keeps me going!

Not only has my body transformed, but so has my mind. My anxiety & depression are much improved, my mood is better, I’m happier & I’m just overall healthier.

This hasn’t been the easiest road, but I realized that sometimes you need a few set backs in order to really see your results.

I’m so happy I found keto & ketones, they changed my life, for the better, in so many ways. I can see that my inner health is showing an outer glow.

Remember, nothing is perfect, sometimes you “fail” but it’s never late to get back on track. You can do anything you set your mind to, I believe in you.

What keeps you motivated?! Let me know in the comments!


🥓 + 🧅 = 😍

These were extremely easy, and SO YUMMY!

Wrap bacon around ≈ 3/4 inch sliced onion. Use tooth picks to hold the bacon in place.
Pop them in the air fryer for ≈ 10 mins flipping 1/2 way through.

On the side is a sriracha ranch I whipped up... just add some sriracha to some ranch & mix it up!!!

This is an easy snack, or addition to a meal, not a lot of prep work or cook time required!

Drop a 🥓 if you’d eat these!

Photos from Inner Health Outer Glow's post 01/04/2020

Tonight’s dinner was A M A Z I N G
Keto Beef & Broccoli
Recipe from
Cauliflower fried rice
I added things as I went, fav rice cauliflower from
Sautéed shiitake mushrooms with garlic and ginger
Not pictured on top of the beef with broccoli but is pictured in a selfie with me... Is the BEST spicy sauce... Sambal Oelek from
The beef and broccoli was a quick slow cooker meal, I would double the sauce recipe next time because, we LOVE SAUCE. The Cauli fried rice was amazing for me, Sam was eh. But he finished his plate... so I’ll let that speak for itself!
What did you have for dinner, tonight?!?


I made a Mississippi Roast (tons of recipes if you google) super easy! (Ranch packet, au jus gravy packet, 4tbsp butter, peperoncinis, splash of beef stock crock pot for 8hours l)
Homemade cauliflower mash ( added butter, heavy cream, salt, pepper, garlic powder) all to taste.
Asparagus with EVOO drizzle, garlic salt & pepper (quick broil)
Sautéed mushrooms with minced garlic
I used a carb balance tortilla & my not keto boyfriend had a Hawaiian roll:)


Welcome to my new business/blog page!
Here, I will share personal stories about my health & wellness transformation, ketogenic lifestyle tips & tricks, & makeup/beauty/lifestyle ideas! I want this page to be a positive place for you to come and find new & exciting information, about all kind of things health/beauty/lifestyle related. I know this may be a lot of content in on page, but I have a lot I am excited to share about! Enjoy!