Ceylon Tea Story

Ceylon Tea Story

Ceylon's Finest Story Ever Told...


Isn’t intuition at times a beautiful thing? The believers say “listen to your heart” & those that are tired of faith say “listen to your brain”. Amongst this battle between the heart and the mind, there’s a rather convincing phenomenon called “Intuition”. It is that gut feeling, that never ending sense of urgency, the gear which shifts to butterflies, and the key to unlocking incredible discoveries. Believe but not blindly, and doubt but not freely. Find the balance and call it a day. Life takes you where you’re meant to go.



It’s unsure if anybody ever truly discovers the key to resilience. Who’s to say that one should toughen up? Who’s to say that one should stop being sensitive? Who’s to say that you shouldn’t “overthink” or “worry too much”?. You cannot always steer the ship the right way because not all storms come with warnings. It’s okay to feel and to hurt. You’re okay and you’re going to be okay. Take a sip & lay back. Let the winds put you at peace.



Some hearts are fragile like glass, and some as tough as steel. There is at times a very thin line between the two. Our experiences and happenstances in life could shatter hearts of glass or turn us into cold hard steel, and the other circumstances could soften a tough heart. There is no perfect way to describe how certain events shape us as humans, but one thing is for sure; every step you take forward or back is a lesson in disguise. It may not make sense right now, but someday it will.



How often do you look back and wish you did things differently? It’s engraved in our human nature to regret or grieve over missed opportunities. While there is a sentiment of how absolutely you could amend those decisions in the future, for now let’s move past them. Almost everything in life happens for a reason. The stars align to seal some sort of universal fate and life starts to make sense when you least expect it to. Believe. Move on. Better things are always ahead.



There is no perfect time to drink a delicious cup of tea. The perfect time is whenever YOU want it to be. Just like in life, we tend to miss out on a lot of opportunities because of the idea of a “perfect time”. There is no hard & fast rule as to when you want to live life the way you want to live it, it’s all just society’s way of saying “Hey, that’s not how it’s done, this is how it’s done”. Go out there, put a face to that dream you’ve been holding onto for so long.



Are we all just merely a simulation? Or are we out here on earth for specific reasons? What’s above and what’s below? What’s old and what is to come? While you go about your busy day, making that cup of tea, writing that email, dining at your favourite restaurant, take a moment to breathe and think of what life means to you. Is this all one big movie? Are we all just characters written out of someone’s imagination?



The vast knowledge of the universe comes from within. The innovations that shaped human evolution, the mastery that creates structures, the medicine that heals, the books that modify basic human behaviour. Like folklore, pass on the knowledge you have to those that need it. Share the stories and watch as humankind evolutionize in front of your eyes.



Life is meant to be taken seriously, but maybe not too seriously? We hold onto the hurt of the past in anger, we submerge in jealousy and create divisions to feel better or smarter. Why live like an island on an island? Hold hands, tell each other stories and calm your sorrows. Live every passing day as if it were your last.



Serenade in the peace and quiet amongst the chaos and conundrums. A life chosen to live in misery, is misery chosen to put life through . A life chosen to be grateful for, is gratitude towards those that are taken for granted. Thank the Sun, the stars & the moon. Smile at the trees waving at you in the breeze. Feed the birds that sing for you. Hug those that make room for you.



There is always beauty in the unthinkable and the unseen. A spark of joy in what we find brand new lights up our little hearts, in hope of discovering something worthwhile. Sometimes, and maybe sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of faith and genuine contributions. Go explore the world, you never know what you may find.



The sky is studded with a million stars and somehow, every single one of them shines on their own. This is a reminder for when you feel like you aren’t enough, you are always ‘much’.



In cozy & busy little towns, the hustle and bustle of the daily tantrums take priority. Every now and then, deviate your journey towards the lesser known, filled with nature and you will see the unspoken hard work of those with big hearts and big smiles. They have the most gut wrenching stories to tell.



Deep within the woods, we hear & welcome the sounds of life. We believe & fear the creatures that scream & accept the darkness as we go further. Why can’t we acknowledge the screams and the darkness within us? We’re a part of this fantasy. The monsters were just trees all this time.



Energy is infectious and we crave human interaction on a spectrum. Decide the kind of aura that you wanna be in the presence of and take part in living life. It’s great to just talk to someone but it takes a lifetime of memory to know someone.


Somewhere deep within all of us, lies a manifestation of curiosity. This curiosity leads to exploration. Exploration drives us into discoveries. Nature is a basket of curiosity that is waiting to be discovered.



We dream about scenic views and smiley faces. We search for happiness in places that aren’t always meant for us. What if that was right around us all this time? You, yes, you.



A journey is a journey whether imaginary or not. Give yourself permission to wander into the deepest ends of your daydreams. Sometimes, it is the best escape.



You’ll find that in moments of darkness and confusion, it is often quite difficult to navigate the treacherous roads and rough climbs. Be the brightest light that you can be and you will find specks of light shining on the right path.



Breathe a breath of fresh air and bend your journey towards the direction of the wind. Nature accommodates those that are one with it.


The grace of nature can have a profound effect upon our senses, those portals of love and healing from the outer world to the inner, ultimately results in new hope of existence.


The road of life begins with you. Discover yourself and what you love through the highlands and the valleys of being human.


Ceylon has been rich with stories ever since. This would be the finest among all.

Ceylon Tea Story.


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