Veround The World - Mentoring & Motivation

Veround The World - Mentoring & Motivation

I’m a normal girl living an extraordinary life. Putting my business in my pocket and travelling the globe.

Dreamer, achiever, my goal is to help people create the life of their dreams, wherever you are in the world and even starting from scratch.


I'm flying back to Playa del Carmen already.🤫 Before my trip to Japan. What is this life?! 😍


I knew in my gut there were HUGE ways to make money online. I just didn't realize it was a hack in the matrix.🔮


Mind power is one of the strongest and most useful forces you possess. 💫

This power, combined with your imagination, can create success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, opportunities or obstacles. 🌟

The difference all depends on your mindset. 🧠

Successful people create their own reality wisely using the power of the brain to create the outcomes they want in life. They truly believe they can achieve anything they set their mind to. 🚀

YOU create your own reality. What will you create today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life? 🌈

Remember, if you believe it, you can achieve it. 💫

🌴 Follow for more mindset and expat life. 🌺


The mind thinks of everything you can lose. The heart thinks of everything you can give, and the soul thinks of everything you are. I will leave it up to you to decide which of those three is the most important… 💙





Acceptance is a "magic" word that can transform a life. A magic key for your heart!

ACCEPT what is for what is, even if you don't have the keys to understand it in your mind.

ACCEPT the difference of others, you are not "perfect", so accept other people's imperfections.

ACCEPT that if some events don't go the way you want, there's a reason you can't understand at the moment, but that later with time and backwards, you will have the understanding and meaning, so let go instead of torturing yourself unnecessary.

ACCEPT that the world is as it is, that you can't "save it", but that by your own person, by whom you are, from your own source you have all the power to bring change around you. (Be the change you want to see in this world, Gandhi).

ACCEPT that you can't save others, that you can alone save yourself You, and that the best way to help a person is to offer them all your compassion and accept that others are not willing to change or evolve, without judgement and without wanting to "control them". It's not up to you to know or think for them and in their place!

Being responsible means not taking responsibility that doesn't belong to you, otherwise how will these people learn to grow and empower themselves if you do it for them!

ACCEPT separation, love is not a duty or an obligation, you have the right not to love one person, just like the other to that same mutual right to no longer have love feelings about you. Love is not one of, a duty, an obligation or a lifetime contract.

ACCEPT "mourning Accept that this is the course of life and that the people who are most precious to us in our hearts can one day go on the other side of the veil, and give yourself the necessary time of healing and healing.

ACCEPT suffering, do not run away or reject it. In this state of acceptance and non-resistance, what hurts will be able to heal and heal itself much faster.

ACCEPT happiness, because you have the right to it. Because you are actually on earth to be happy. So accept happiness when it comes to you, without being afraid to see it fly away.

ACCEPT your faults, imperfections, weaknesses, faults, wounds, fears, accept yourself in the whole of who you are and not half, by wanting to show that part of yourself and by lying to you - even reject you and run away!

Alone in this welcome and acceptance of yourself, of who you really are, and not of a false or wrong image you want to show to others, you will be able to love and truly respect yourself.

Loving and respecting each other requires full acceptance of one's being.... To be and not seem!

ACCEPT your beauty, your qualities, your talents, your skills, your strong points, your light... No, it is not ego to recognize and accept your beauty, to take your right place, to accept yourself in the love and light of who you are. It's simply acknowledging and loving you, not reject you or not giving you the right to be beautiful and wonderful... This also results in self-esteem and self-confidence!

ACCEPT that others don't like you. You also don't like everyone, so accept that you can't please everyone.

ACCEPT to give without expecting anything in return. Giving to give... If you give in waiting for a return, it's not called giving but negotiable! (I'll give you if you give me).

ACCEPT to receive, because in truth you need it and you deserve it. Accept without feeling indebted, because you love yourself enough to be able to simply receive.

ACCEPT to see stronger and brighter than you and learn without feeling jealousy or envy, and thank you for being able to learn stronger than you.

ACCEPT to see weaker than you and instead of judge, criticize or condemn him, help him.

ACCEPT your success.

ACCEPT your failure.




Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
That's your thinking that makes it so.


Everything is happening in the moment. So as you are offering a vibration in your now, you are receiving the result of that vibration. When you make your transition into the Non-physical, you re-emerge into Pure Positive Energy, and you leave all resistance behind. Everyone who makes their transition reaps the glory of Pure Positive Energy. That is really upsetting to those who want the bad ones to be punished. But it does not happen. Punishment is a concoction of man’s disconnected mind.


Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be...






Always look for the beauty in life. Stop thinking that life is hard and not worthy, Just look around for some inspiration, look for happy faces, for the gorgeous colors of nature, look inside your Heart, everyheartbeat is so powerful that it mantains you Alive. You are Alive because you were born to discover how to Love Yourself, everything you do and every person you meet. LOVE is what makes your world go round, isn´t it? Fill yourself with sparkling Love and let yourself shine in this Life. Be LOVe, share Love, Be HAPpY ☆.¸¸.•´¯`♥ ((( Happy Vibes )))


Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. ~ Dalai Lama


Trusting the unknown IS the knowing.


Not only do you create the way you look at things; you create the things you look at.


Gratitude is the wine for the soul.
Go on. Get drunk.


Make today count. Do something that makes you feel GREAT!



Happy Monday and Happy March! 🥰




“Erase the false impressions from your mind by constantly saying to yourself, I have it in my soul to keep out any evil, desire or any kind of disturbance—instead, seeing the true nature of things, I will give them only their due. Always remember this power that nature gave you.” —MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 8.29
Anyone who has taken a yoga class or been exposed to Hindu or Buddhist “thought has probably heard of the concept of a mantra. In Sanskrit, it means “sacred utterance”—essentially a word, a phrase, a thought, even a sound—intended to provide clarity or spiritual guidance. A mantra can be especially helpful in the meditative process because it allows us to block out everything else while we focus.
It’s fitting, then, that Marcus Aurelius would suggest this Stoic mantra—a reminder or watch phrase to use when we feel false impressions, distractions, or the crush of everyday life upon us. It says, essentially, “I have the power within me to keep that out. I can see the truth.”
Change the wording as you like. That part is up to you. But have a mantra and use it to find the clarity you crave.


A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles 💫


Don’t be afraid to try something NEW! 💛💚


Be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.


Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.
That's your thinking that makes it so.


Step outside of the ordinary ✌🏻🌴💕


There will be bumps in the road through your journey but keep going...
Your Greater is coming 💪💖


Happy Monday everyone 🌟
You Can Do It!


Don’t work with lemonade attitudes if you have a champagne vision 😳


Make more decisions in every day.
Because a decision is a summoning of life. That’s why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don’t make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn’t quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.” And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you’ll never get it done. So don’t approach this from, “I gotta get on this” because you’re not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong.
So, make a decision.
Let it flow. ✨
