The Female Healer - Dawn Walker

The Female Healer - Dawn Walker

Intuitive Readings & Energy Healing Services.

Finding Peace When A Loved One Ascends - The Female Healer 28/02/2024

Finding Peace When A Loved One Ascends - The Female Healer Peace arrives when we offer ourselves patience throughout the allowance of our unique grieving process surrounding the ascension of your loved one.

Blog | Quantum Energetics and Spirituality | Conscious Expansion 17/01/2024

Creating a Presence in the Realm of Love and Joy

Everything in the empirical world has a unique energetic signature of vibratory wave patterns of unseen essence, but expressing itself electro-magnetically. On a subconscious level we can feel them and know what they are. We can bring this awareness into our conscious minds by opening to it and inviting it into our expanding awareness. This awareness does not come through the rational mind, and if there is fear present, awareness contracts, along with all other aspects of life.

For eons we have lived in a reality of varying balances between positivity and negativity. Generally, our consciousness has evolved in a mathematically expanding arc of Fibonacci sequences. The balance between the polarities has been tilted toward the negative until recently. Now we are headed into a higher positive balance. Humans generally are feeling more and more aware of the incredible gift that we are to ourselves. Once we become aware of the essence of our Being, we become transformed in every way in support and enhancement of all life.

Sometimes we face crisis situations due to the presence of anti-matter energetics. We feel threatened, sometimes fearing termination of consciousness. This is all in the realm of predominantly negative energy. To experience it, we must align with its vibrations by calling up fear of some kind, and ultimately of death. It is a world of entropy, eventually destroying itself and taking the positive world with it. Except that the positive world exists in a different polarity, and the two do not interact. Their energies repel each other.

Because our nature allows for free will, we are free to interact with both positive and negative energy, and because negative energy is not natural, it depends upon positive energy for its existence. Without the experience in fear, we would not recognize unconditional love and joy for what they are. It is the contrast of energies that enables our awareness of them, and we have the absolute choice of which ones we want to pay attention to. This is the determining power of our experiences.

Our attention is a focus of awareness within our larger consciousness. It is our attention that is our most powerful creative ability. We live in our imagination. Together, we imagine the entire empirical world. That’s why quantum physicists have shown that it exists physically only in our attention and recognition. It is all patterns of energy that we are aware of subconsciously and interpret as the material world for our conscious awareness. Because it stimulates our senses, we believe it is real. It is all a game in consciousness that we are playing with one another, and we control the qualities and forms of our experiences.

As we grow in the desire for peace and fulfillment and an understanding of the nature of life and consciousness, we can become aware of an inner knowing beyond questions and limiting beliefs and into the infinite. In our essence, we have no limits. We arise within the infinite consciousness of the Creator of all, possessing all the attributes of the Creator. We can learn to realize them within ourselves, transforming our lives into experiences of deepest gratitude, love and joy.

Source: Kenneth Schmitt.

Blog | Quantum Energetics and Spirituality | Conscious Expansion Ken Schmitt presents insights into understanding life situations and transforming them into wonderful experiences. We can all enjoy greater freedom, love and abundance by understanding the source and nature of our existence and hidden abilities. Within our own consciousness, we have the ability to c...


Possibly the Most important thing you'll read this Year...

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.

You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just ponder on them. Just read it straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.

These are no second-rate achievers.

They are the best in their fields.

But the applause dies.

Awards tarnish ...

Achievements are forgotten.

Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson:

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money ... or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.

Photos from The Female Healer - Dawn Walker's post 15/11/2023

Growing thru our childhood traumas.

Here is a simple clearing and healing meditation you can use each time you get triggered into abusive past experiences that you keep re-experiencing:

Close your eyes.

Acknowledge and feel the emotions and the visualization of the memory imprint.

Hug yourself in that past moment. Take your self now and move into that memory and hug yourself with so much unconditional love until you start to move your emotions. Allow your emotions to flow thru you. Allow your tears to flow.

Now echo out to all in that past experience, I forgive you because we are now free of you. Grab your past self by the hand and walk into the present, fully released.

Sending you pure healing 🤍Dawn

Measuring the frequency of emotions—validation of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) in Germany 04/11/2023

Measuring the frequency of emotions—validation of the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) in Germany The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) measures the frequency of positive and negative affect. It consists of two subscales, one for positive and one for negative affect with six adjectives each and assesses a broad range of emotions. In this study, the psychometric properties of the....


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Blog 13/06/2023

Becoming Aware of Our True Essence

Many meditators speak of going into the void. Some say it’s the zero point of perfect awareness, without thought or emotion, just presence of awareness. There is nothing, and there is everything. It cannot be explained within ego-consciousness. It is awareness of infinite consciousness. We can know and feel our essence as an eternal presence of awareness with unlimited creative power.

By the way we treat ourselves and believe that we are, we create the qualities of our lives. The energies that we choose to pay attention to and resonate with, are the energies that are in play within our creative essence. When we know this, we can take control of our vibratory presence by intentionally being in a positive, high-vibratory state of being, regardless of our imagined external conditions. There is no external. Instead of reacting out of what the ego considers necessity, due to some level of fear, we can use our imagination creatively in alignment with the vibrations of our heart-consciousness.

Because of our unwillingness to open our awareness to infinite consciousness, intuitive sensitivity has been difficult for many of us. To change this would require us to transcend our limiting beliefs, which enable us to live in a realm of duality. We are collecting experiences of negative, life-diminishing energies. When we have had enough of this, we can change our perspective and intentionally open our awareness to our creative essence. We have believed that we are enslaved to degradation and mortality, but we have created these beliefs and can resolve and transcend them by following the inner guidance that we can intentionally pay attention to.

We as a species are going through a transition to a more expanded conscious awareness. If we want to make this transition, we need to leave our limiting beliefs behind. The longer we leave them unresolved, the more uncomfortable we will be, because the transition brings the depths of negativity into the light of realization. By focusing on these energies, we cannot find our intuitive knowing.

This is where entering the void or zero point can be helpful. Achieving this state of being requires strong intention and practice, but due to the wide-spread transition from duality to awareness of our true essence, spiritual practices are providing mastery much easier that they have in the past. Much can be gained just by intentional intuitive awareness as we go about our daily lives, always being grateful and kind.

Source: Kenneth Schmitt.

Blog Ken Schmitt presents insights into understanding current affairs and transforming them into wonderful experiences.

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