The diamonds of our hearts

The diamonds of our hearts

lessons in love, people who are around you their real reason a blogger real life


some family will make you or brack you which one do you have


each day my heartbreaks I did not know what my first child was a girl or boy but today I have a beautiful daughter with no regrets in my heart how much I love her after her I can no longer have kids it pains me but no one knew how much it a pain for in their eyes I had a child already it was not about having a child but having the experience with some you love o how I long for the feeling to know what it would have been like each day I live life as nothing like it did not matter but it did I ask god why then I stay you know best people have no idea what you go through because why you stay quit live, love laugh that is it


You know you have something wonderful when everyone around you is trying to destroy it because they can't have it themselves


"I am a true laborer: I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness, glad of other's good"


As 2020 is coming to a close we have been through a lot in the world and there is still a lot more to come it is not getting any better as we can see we have lost so many loved one's families friends and a lot of others around the world it is so much to bear how are we to deal with what is taking place in this world right now can you see what is going on what is it telling you right now I am one who never in a hurry to welcome the new year why because I do not know what it holds but I do know what this year gives us already in this world today life is a gift to each and every second you are up you can talk walk and think don't waste it tell god how you love him to ask him for forgiveness to walk with you till the end because you do not know the end but he does pray for your family to get to know god pray for the world we all need it the stories you hear about all your life is about to come to life belive or not nothing nhis is going to get better


blessing to all who read this I tell it as it is so here we go, people, look at you and they envy you all the time they look at how you dress how you talk and walk what you eat and how you live and if you are living a good life well that is a problem for them the talk will be like look at them they feel them is it and that is all they can find to do with their money mind you only you are the one working for your own money you are the one that lives like s**t for years to save to buy yourself and your family a nice home now you getting older you want to enjoy what god bless you with right now family and friends even stranger you don't even know to vex with you for your blessing that they had no part in helping you get at all they never have they were always insulting you because you were not like them they were living it up how things change what was once a happy home where all your siblings will come together and have fun with each other our mother love nothing but that now everyone feel they better than everyone when a mother knows what was best for her kids now the kids what tell tell her what is best for her her right has mother is taken away from her well she knows that I look at her I see her happiness going away each and everyday she has to pretend around the one who think they knows best for her


one can only look at this world and see how heartless it has become the people are not moved by god's love anymore everyone is against each other yet they can't see it they know something is off no love in family friends brothers and sisters it's all gone this is the fight of your life to die alone or to die with god in you to surrender all of you to the one and only the only one that can give you back life forever what would it be the choice is your to mark Am I doom or save which is it


in this life, it will never be fair to people with good hearts they suffer the most because others always want them to do this do that for them but year come and year go you get nothing from them and they see nothing wrong with that and yet they come back to you and ask you for this and that how does one put a stop to this without them getting vex with you your own family do it all the time why are humans are like that animals give more to you than humans this year will be a different story for all of them time to take care of you what is best for you no one matter more to you then your self the day you died, everyone will move on so fast is as if you was not here


there will always have people who love to take advantage of your weakness your love the things you will go out of your way to do for them anything they ask once you have you will give it and give with a good heart if they know you have money every time to see them they have a problem they always want you can sit and just talk now you have to be hiding all the time from them is like if you do something wrong


easy said than down


In life, you expect so many things from others you grow up thinking nothing but the best will happen to you and that is only good people are around you well that turn out to be a lie there is more sakes live in your house than friends and family sakes attack you because they think they are going to attack but friends and family attack you anyway, anytime with no reason all because of hate dislike for you all because you are happy you have a blessed life they come after you what makes this even worse if you have money they smell the money they do not care about you it is all about them is what they can get from you now there is a list that goes with it in my blogs I will show people has become in this world today the list nest time see you be bless
