Beshawi Automobile

Beshawi Automobile

Everything about "Automotive Engineering" .... design, troubleshooting, and maintenance in detail.

Photos from Beshawi Automobile's post 29/10/2022

❇️ Six - Stroke Engine (6 - Stroke Engine)

✴️ Introduction

🔹Engine work successfully only when it follows a cycle of operation in a sequential manner. In IC
engines, operating on different cycles have one common feature, combustion occurring in the
cylinder after each compression, resulting in gas expansion that acts directly on the piston (work)
and limited to 180 degrees of crankshaft angle.

🔹In four stroke engine, the cycle of operation take place in four stroke which is:-

🔸Suction or Intake Stroke
🔸Compression Stroke
🔸Expansion or Power Stroke
🔸Exhaust Stroke.

In starting the inlet valve opens and the charge consisting of fuel air mixture is drawn into the
cylinder and then piston moves from top dead Centre(TDC) to bottom dead Centre (BDC)Then the intake and exhaust valves closes instantaneously.

🔹During the compression stroke, the piston moves upward compressing the air-fuel mixture in the clearance volume. But before the piston reaches its highest position, the spark plug injected the air-fuel mixture and the mixture ignites, increasing
the pressure and temperature of the cylinder.

🔹The high-pressure gases which are emitted from previous cylinder force the piston down, which in turn forces the crankshaft to rotate, producing a
useful work output during the expansion or power stroke.

🔹At the end of this stroke which is Exhaust stroke, the piston is at bottom dead centre moves to top dead centre pushes the combustion product to top dead centre during this process the exhaust valve is open and inlet valve is closed. Thus, the piston completes four strokes which give two complete revolutions to the crankshaft.

✴️ What Is The Six (6) - Stroke Engine??

🔹The six-stroke engine is a advance version of internal combustion engine based on the four-stroke engine, but with an advance feature of more power generation and intended to make it more efficient and reduce emissions.

🔹This engine consists of similar components present in the four-stroke engine with addition of two more cylinders and have similar working concept to the actual internal reciprocating combustion engine as piston is in reciprocal movement which is converted into a rotating movement with the help of connecting
rod and crankshaft.

✴️ Working Principle Of Six(6) - Stroke Engine

🔹 In six stroke engines the exhausted gases are used which are left after combustion in next stroke for generating steam from water. Then water is injected in superheated cylinder.

🔹The hot gases which emit from fourth stroke is used to changes the phase of water to
steam as the temperature of the hot gases is high so this steam will work as working fluids which
will forces the piston down. This movement will give an additional two stroke for the same cycle.

🔹The pistons in a six stroke engine go up and down six times for each injection of fuel .The six stroke engine has 2 power strokes, one fuel, one steam or air.

🔹In four stroke coolant is required but in six stroke engines, there is no need of external cooling system because water which is used as working fluid will cools the system.

🔹In six stroke, fuel consumption is reduced and increases its power. It reduces the weight and complexity of the engines head by as much as 50%. Torque is increased by 35% and increases its efficiency.

🔹The six stroke engine can run on a variety of fuels, ranging from petrol and diesel to LPG.

🔹The first six stroke engines which is Bajulaz Six Stroke Engine was invented in 1989 by the Bajulaz S A company, based in Geneva, Switzerland.

✴️ Types of Six-Stroke Engine

🅰️ A Single Piston Design

In this design he uses single piston per cylinder, like a conventional two or four stroke engine. A secondary non-detonating fluid is injected into the chamber, and the leftover heat from combustion causes it to expand for a second power stroke followed by a second exhaust stroke.

🅰️-1⃣ Griffin six stroke engine :-

This type of engine is very much capable of burning heavier and cheaper grades of oil. The
engine works on the principle of a heated exhaust jacketed external v***rizer, inside which the
fuel is being sprayed. Sufficient temperature around 550 degree Fahrenheit is held for physically v***rizing the oil but not to breaking it down chemically. This type of fractional distillation
supports the use of heavy oil fuels, asphalts, unusable tars separating out in the v***rizer.

🅰️-2⃣ Bajulaz six-stroke engine :-

The Bajulaz six-stroke engine is similar to a
regular combustion engine in design. There are, however, modifications to the cylinder head, with two supplementary fixed capacity chambers: a combustion chamber and an air preheating chamber above each cylinder. The combustion
chamber receives a charge of heated air from the cylinder; the injection of fuel begins an isochoric (constant-volume) burn which increases the thermal efficiency compared to a burn in the cylinder.

🅰️-3⃣ Velozeta six-stroke engine :-

In a Velozeta engine, fresh air is injected into the
cylinder during the exhaust stroke, which expands by heat and therefore forces the piston down for an additional stroke. The valve overlaps have been removed and the two additional strokes using air injection provide for better gas scavenging.

🅰️-4⃣ Crower six-stroke engine :-

In a six-stroke engine prototyped in the United
States by Bruce Crower, water is injected into the cylinder after the exhaust stroke and is instantly turned to steam, which expands and forces the piston down for an additional power stroke. Thus, waste heat that requires an air or water cooling system to discharge in most engines is captured and put to use driving the piston.

🅱️ Opposed piston designs

In These designs, there are two pistons per cylinder operating at different rates, in which combustion occurs between the pistons. it is a reciprocating internal combustion engine.

🅱️-1⃣ Beare head :-

This design was invented by Malcolm beare of Australia. He creates a hybrid engine. In this
engine, he combines a four-stroke engine bottom end with an opposed piston design. So, by adding these four strokes plus opposed piston design he create a six-stroke engine.

🅱️-2⃣ M 4+2 :-

The M4+2 engine is performed by joining two opposed piston in the same cylinder .it is a
combination of two working modes of engine-Two Stroke and Four Stroke Engine .fuel is
injected and ignition take place by two spark plug .the power generated is transferred by two

🅱️-3⃣ Piston-charger engine :-

The Piston charger charges the main cylinder and simultaneously it regulates the inlet and outlet
aperture due to which there is no loss of air and fuel in the exhaust. The design is similar to the
Beare head but piston charger replaces the valve system. in the main cylinder combustion take
place in every turn as in two stroke engine and lubrication as in four stroke. Fuel injection takes
place in piston charger.

✴️ Advantages & Disadvantages of Six-Stroke Engine

▶️ Advantages of Six-Stroke Engine:-

🔸Reduction in fuel consumption by at least 40%
🔸Dramatic reduction in pollution (up to 65%)
🔸Maximum reduction of noise, chemical, and thermal pollution.
🔸There is a better combustion and expansion of gases that takes place over 540 degrees of
crankshaft rotation, in which 360 degree is in closed combustion chamber and 180 degree for
🔸Due to lightness of moving parts, it has less inertia.
🔸Better scavenging can be get in fifth stroke.
🔸Higher overall efficiency.

▶️ Disadvantages of Six - Stroke Engine :-

🔸Due to total change in Gear structure, high initial cost is needed.
🔸Manufacturing cost of Six Stroke Engine will be high.
🔸Increase in size of engine due to extra two Strokes (Fifth and sixth).
🔸There is a difference between first two consecutive strokes (360 degrees) and next four strokes (720 degrees), as first power stroke is strong and second power stroke is very weak which create imbalance power and vibrations in vehicle.
🔸Extra space will be required by the water tank in the vehicle.

✴️Applications of Six - Stroke Engine :-

🔹Motorboats might offer a big outlet for this type of engine. Their characteristics are perfectly suited to its use.
🔹Using non- fossil fuels of vegetable origin, natural gases and others.
🔹Motor-pumps, generators sets, stationary engines,...etc. Intended for agriculture and industry.
🔹Automobiles, heavy goods, construction - site, and farm vehicles.


#سيارة #محرك #صيانه #سيارات

Photos from Beshawi Automobile's post 09/10/2022

✳️ Four Stroke Engine (4-Stroke Engine)

✴️ Introduction

🔹Engines are most widely used all over the world for numerous applications. These are used in different vehicles such as buses, trucks, vans and motorcycles, etc. There are different types of engines, and a 4-stroke engine is one of them.

🔹According to the number of piston strokes, the engines have two major types that are :-
🅰️ 2-stroke engine
🅱️ 4-stroke engine

✴️ What is a 4-Stroke Engine?

🔹A 4-stroke engine is an internal combustion (IC) engine that uses four strokes (intake, compression, power, and exhaust) of the piston to complete a working cycle. It converts the thermal energy of the fuel into useful mechanical work due to the upward and downward movement of the piston. Therefore, it belongs to the category of the reciprocating engine.

🔹A four-stroke engine completes a power cycle after the completion of two revolutions of the crankshaft and 4 strokes of the piston. These engines are most widely used in different vehicles such as light trucks, buses, vans, cars, etc.

🔹In this reciprocating engine, the compression process occurs due to the up and down movement of the piston.

🔹A stroke is a distance a piston travels in the combustion cylinder as it moves from the top dead centre (TDC – the top most point of the working area of a piston) to the bottom dead centre (BDC – the bottom most point of the working area of a piston).

✴️ How does a 4-Stroke Engine work?

⏺️ A four-stroke engine works in the following steps :-
▫️Intake Process
▫️Compression Process
▫️Power Process
▫️Exhaust Process

🔹Intake stroke

▫️The intake stroke is when the air-fuel mixture is introduced to fill the combustion chamber. The intake stroke occurs when the piston moves from TDC to BDC and the intake valve is open.

▫️The movement of the piston toward BDC creates a low pressure in the cylinder. Ambient atmospheric pressure forces the air-fuel mixture through the open intake valve into the cylinder to fill the low pressure area created by the piston movement.

▫️The cylinder continues to fill slightly past BDC as the air-fuel mixture continues to flow by its own inertia while the piston begins to change direction.

▫️The intake valve remains open a few degrees of crankshaft rotation after BDC. Depending on engine design. The intake valve then closes and the air-fuel mixture is sealed inside the cylinder.

🔹Compression Stroke

▫️The compression stroke is when the trapped air-fuel mixture is compressed inside the cylinder. The combustion chamber is sealed to form the charge. The charge is the volume of compressed air-fuel mixture trapped inside the combustion chamber ready for ignition. Compressing the air-fuel mixture allows more energy to be released when the charge is ignited.

▫️Intake and exhaust valves must be closed to ensure that the cylinder is sealed to provide compression.

▫️Compression is the process of reducing or squeezing a charge from a large volume to a smaller volume in the combustion chamber.

▫️The flywheel helps to maintain the momentum necessary to compress the charge.

▫️When the piston of an engine compresses the charge, an increase in compressive force supplied by work being done by the piston causes heat to be generated.

▫️The compression and heating of the air-fuel v***r in the charge results in an increase in charge temperature and an increase in fuel v***rization. The increase in charge temperature occurs uniformly throughout the combustion chamber to produce faster combustion (fuel oxidation) after ignition.

▫️The increase in fuel v***rization occurs as small droplets of fuel become v***rized more completely from the heat generated.

▫️The increased droplet surface area exposed to the ignition flame allows more complete burning of the charge in the combustion chamber.

▫️Only gasoline v***r ignites. An increase in droplet surface area allows gasoline to release more v***r rather than remaining a liquid.

▫️The more the charge v***r molecules are compressed, the more energy obtained from the combustion process. The energy needed to compress the charge is substantially less than the gain in force produced during the combustion process. For example, in a typical small engine, energy required to compress the charge is only one-fourth the amount of energy produced during combustion.

▫️The compression ratio of an engine is a comparison of the volume of the combustion chamber with the piston at BDC to the volume of the combustion chamber with the piston at TDC.
This area, combined with the design and style of combustion chamber, determines the compression ratio.

▫️Gasoline engines commonly have a compression ratio ranging from 6 - 12. The higher the compression ratio, the more fuel-efficient the engine.

▫️A higher compression ratio normally provides a substantial gain in combustion pressure or force on the piston.

🔹 Power Stroke

▫️The power stroke is also known as a combustion stroke.

▫️When the compression stroke is nearly to be complete, a spark plug burns the compressed air-fuel mixture.

▫️As the air-fuel mixture gets ignited, the power is generated so that the piston moves from TDC to BDC by expanding the chemical reaction. Therefore, this stroke is called POWER STROKE.

▫️Due to this burning process, the temperature and pressure of the mixture become very high.

▫️During this process, both the inlet and exhaust valves are closed.

🔹 Exhaust stroke

▫️The exhaust stroke occurs whenspent gases are expelled from the combustion chamber and released to the atmosphere.

▫️The exhaust stroke is the final stroke and occurs when the exhaust valve is open and the intake valve is closed. Piston movement evacuates exhaust gases to the atmosphere.

▫️As the piston reaches BDC during the power stroke combustion is complete and the cylinder is filled with exhaust gases.

▫️The exhaust valve opens, and inertia of the flywheel and other moving parts push the piston back to TDC, forcing the exhaust gases out through the open exhaust valve.

▫️At the end of the exhaust stroke, the piston is at TDC and one operating cycle has been completed.

✴️ Engine Firing Order

➡️ What's The Firing Order ?

🔹️The firing order of an internal combustion engine is the sequence of ignition for the cylinders. In a spark-ignition (e.g. gasoline/petrol) engine, the firing order corresponds to the order in which the spark plugs are operated. Firing order affects the vibration, sound, and evenness of power output from the engine.

🔹️In engines, cylinders don’t fire in the sequence of 1-2-3-4-5-6 and so on as it could cause the crankshaft to deform or break. The order or sequence in which the engine cylinders fire or generate & deliver power is called the engine firing order.

🔹️The firing order heavily influences crankshaft design. In a Diesel engine, the firing order corresponds to the order in which fuel is injected into each cylinder.

🔹️Four-stroke engines must also time the valve openings relative to the firing order, as the valves do not open and close on every stroke.

🔹️Every engine cylinder must fire once in every cycle. This requires that for a four-stroke four cylinder engine the ignition system must fire for every 180 degrees of crank rotation. For a six cylinder engine the time available is only 120 degrees of crank rotation.

🔹️Firing order of various engine configurations:

▫️For 4-Cylinder engines, the possible firing orders are: 1-3-4-2 or 1-2-4-3

▫️For 3 Cylinder engines 1-3-2

▫️8 Cylinder in-line engine 1-6-2-5-8-3-7-4

▫️For a 6-Cylinder engine, firing orders can be: 1-5-3-6-2-4 or 1-5-4-6-2-3

✴️What are examples of a 4-stroke engine?

Four-stroke engines are most commonly used in heavy applications such as trucks, buses, dirt bikes, vans, tractors, and other heavy vehicles.

#سيارة #محرك #صيانه #سيارات

Photos from Beshawi Automobile's post 01/10/2022

✳️ Two Stroke Engine (2 - Stroke Engine)

✴️ Introduction

🔹The engine is the device that is used to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy. All the vehicles that are running on the roads are either has two stroke or four stroke engine.
🔹Engines are most widely used all over the world for numerous applications. These are used in different vehicles such as buses, trucks, vans and motorcycles etc. There are different types of engines, and a 2 - stroke engine is one of them.

✴️ What is a 2 - Stroke Engine?

🔹A two-stroke (or two-stroke cycle) engine is a type of internal combustion engine that completes a power cycle with two strokes (up and down movements) of the piston during one power cycle, this power cycle being completed in one revolution of the crankshaft.

🔹In a two-stroke engine, the end of the combustion stroke and the beginning of the compression stroke happen simultaneously, with the intake and exhaust (or scavenging) functions occurring at the same time.

🔹The intake and compression processes are completed in the first stroke of the piston.

🔹The power and exhaust processes are complete in the second stroke of the piston.

🔹The thermal efficiency of a two-stroke engine is dependent on the design and model of the vehicle.

🔹But generally, a 2-stroke petrol engine only converts 20% of the chemical (fuel) power into mechanical power. Only 15% of this energy is used to drive the vehicle wheels, while the remaining 5% energy loses to resist friction and others.

🔹Instead of suction and exhaust valves, a two-stroke engine uses back pressure ports.

🔹Two-stroke engines have low costs, are highly efficient, and low weight than four-stroke engines.

🔹This type of IC engine has more output power than a 4-stroke engine.

🔹2-stroke engines have a higher power-to-weight ratio compared to 4-stroke engines.

🔹Two-stroke engines have fewer moving parts than four-stroke engines.

🔹Fuels supplied to two-stroke engines are mixed with oil so that it can coat the cylinders and bearing surfaces along its path. The ratio of gasoline to oil ranges from 25:1 to 50:1 by volume.

🔹Oil remaining in the mixture is burnt with the fuel and results in a familiar blue smoke and odor.

🔹Large two-stroke engines, including diesels, normally use a sump lubrication system similar to four-stroke engines.

✴️ Two-Stroke Engine Working Principle

🔹A two-stroke engine completes a power cycle in just two strokes of the piston :-
🅰️ 1st stroke (the Suction and the Compression strokes).
🅱️ 2nd stroke (the Power and the Exhaust strokes).


🅰️ Suction and Compression Stroke

🔸In a 2-stroke engine, the suction and compression strokes take place simultaneously.

🔸During this stroke, the piston moves upward from the bottom dead center (BDC) to the top dead center (TDC).

🔸During this upward movement of the piston, a vacuum starts producing inside the compression cylinder (combustion chamber) of the engine. Due to the creation of this vacuum, the air-fuel mixture enters the cylinder via an inlet port.

🔸After the suction process, the piston continues its upward movement and compresses the air-fuel mixture.

🔸At the end of the compression stroke, the compressed mixture is ignited due to the spark provided by a spark plug. As the mixture ignites, the power stroke piston starts.


🅱️ Power and Exhaust Stroke

🔸Like suction and compression strokes, the power and exhaust strokes also take place at the same time.

🔸Due to the combustion process, the temperature, internal heat, and pressure of the air-fuel mixture become very high. The high-pressure gases produced during the combustion process exert a very high force on the piston due to that piston moves downward (from TDC to BCD).

🔸The downward motion of the piston rotates the crankshaft, which further rotates the flywheel of the vehicle.

🔸As the power is completed, the piston further moves downward and opens the exhaust valve.As the exhaust valve opens, the piston pushes the exhaust gases out of the combustion chamber.

🔸As the piston reaches at BDC, the piston completely expels the exhaust gases and fills the combustion chamber with the fresh air-fuel mixture, and the whole working cycle repeats. At BDC, one power cycle of the two-stroke engine is completed, and now the piston is ready for the next power cycle.

✴️ Parts of a 2-stroke petrol engine

▫️Fuel injector
▫️Engine block with cooling fins
▫️Cylinder head
▫️Spark plug
▫️Connecting rod
▫️Ports — inlet, transfer and exhaust
▫️Piston rings

✴️ Types Of Two-Stroke Engine

The mechanical detail of various two-stroke engine differs depending on the type.

◽The design types vary according to :-

🔹The method of introducing the charge to the cylinder.
🔹The method of scavenging the cylinder.
🔹The method of exhausting the cylinder.

▶️ Types Of Two-Stroke Engine :-

1⃣ Piston-Controlled Inlet Port :-
Simplest of all designs and most common.

2⃣ Reed Inlet Valve :-
The reed valve is a simple but highly effective form of check valve commonly fitted in the intake tract of the piston-controlled port. It allows the asymmetric intake of the fuel charge, improving power and economy while widening the power band.

3⃣Rotary Inlet Valve :-
Uses a rotating member to open and close the intake pathway.

4⃣Cross-Inlet Scavenging :-
The transfer and exhaust ports are on opposite sides of the cylinder and a deflector is used on top of the piston to direct the fresh intake charge into the upper part of the cylinder.

5⃣ Loop Scavenging :-
Uses carefully shaped and positioned transfer ports to direct the flow of fresh mixture toward the combustion chamber as it enters the cylinder.

6⃣Uni-flow Scavenging :-
In this model, the charge air enters at one end of the cylinder controlled by the piston, and the exhaust exits at the other end.

7⃣ Stepped Piston Engine :-
It is of top-hat shape, the upper sections forming the regular cylinder and the lower section performing a scavenging function.

✴️ Applications Of Two-Stroke Engine

▫️Two-stroke engines are preferred when mechanical simplicity, lightweight, and high power-to-weight ratio are design priorities.

▫️They are lubricated by the traditional method of mixing oil into the fuel, they can be worked within any orientation as they do not have a reservoir dependent on gravity. This makes them desirable for their use in handheld tools such as chainsaws.

▫️Two-stroke engines are found in small scales propulsion applications such as motorcycles, Mopeds, and dirt bikes.

✴️ Advantages and Disadvantages of 2-Stroke Engines

▶️ Advantages of 2-stroke Engine :-

▫️It has low cost than four-stroke engines.
▫️A two-stroke engine has high power as compared to a 4-stroke engine.
▫️Power developed by the two-stroke engine is twice that developed by the four-stroke engine for the same engine speed and volume.
▫️They are easy to maintain.
▫️A 2-stroke engine produces constant torque at the engine crankshaft.
▫️It has a simple design than a 4-stroke engine.
▫️These internal combustion engines are easy to start.
▫️There is no valve and valve mechanism in it. The ports can be easily designed and covered and uncovered by the movement of the piston itself.
▫️It has high mechanical efficiency.
▫️It requires fewer spare parts due to its simple design.
▫️For the same power, a two stroke engine is more compact, light and requires less space than a four stroke engine, therefore is used in motorcycles and scooters.

▶️ Disadvantages of 2-stroke Engine :-

▫️It has high fuel consumption.
▫️Thermal efficiency is less than four stroke engine.
▫️There is a greater wear and tear of moving parts.
▫️It produces greater noise.
▫️These engines have low volumetric efficiency.
▫️These engines produce more pollution than 4-stroke engines.
▫️It requires high cooling than a 4-stroke engine.
▫️It does more consumption of the lubricating oil.

#سيارة #محرك #صيانه #سيارات

Photos from Beshawi Automobile's post 24/09/2022

✳️ Engine Types

✴️ Introduction

🔹️The engine is a device that converts the heat energy of fuel into mechanical energy. The engines are mostly used in the automobile industry. Different kinds of engines are available based on our requirements.

🔹️The classification of the engines depends upon the types of fuel used, the cycle of operation, number of strokes, type of ignition, number of cylinders, arrangement of cylinders, valve arrangement, types of cooling, etc. these engines are used in different areas such as in automotive industries, aircraft industries, marine industries, etc. according to their suitability they are used in different areas.

✴️ Types of Engine:

🔹️We can broadly classify engines into two categories are Internal Combustion Engine and External Combustion Engine.

➡️ Internal Combustion Engines:
Fuel combustion takes place inside the engine system.

Examples: Motorcycle, Car, Bus (fuel burns inside the engine system).

➡️ External Combustion Engines:
Fuel combustion takes place outside the engine system.

Examples: Steam Engine, Power Plant (In Turbine blade rotating and with the help of induction motor produces electricity)

🟢 The engines have been classified into different categories:

🔸️In General:

▫️Internal Combustion Engine
▫️External Combustion Engine
▫️Hybrid Engine (Internal combustion engine + electric engine).
▫️Electric Engine

🔸️Based On Fuel Used:

▫️Petrol Engine (Gasoline Engine)
▫️Diesel Engine
▫️Gas Engine

🔸️Based On Cycle of operation:

▫️Otto Cycle Engine
▫️Diesel Cycle Engine
▫️The Dual Combustion Cycle Engine

🔸Based on ️Number of Strokes per Cycle:

▫️Four-Stroke Engine
▫️Two-Stroke Engine
▫️Six-Stroke Engine

🔸️Based On Type of Ignition:

▫️Spark Ignition (S.I.) Engine
▫️Compression Ignition (C.I.) Engine

🔸Based on ️Number of Cylinders:

▫️Single-Cylinder Engine
▫️Two-Cylinder Engine (Double Cylinder Engine)
▫️Three-Cylinder Engine
▫️Four-Cylinder Engine
▫️Six-Cylinder Engine
▫️Eight-Cylinder Engine
▫️Twelve-Cylinder Engine
▫️Sixteen Cylinder Engine

🔸️Based On Valve arrangement:

▫️L-Head Engine
▫️I-Head Engine
▫️F-Head Engine
▫️T-Head Engine

⚪️ L-Head Engine:
In these types of engine, the inlet and exhaust valves are arranged side by side and operated by a single camshaft. The cylinder and combustion chamber form an inverted L.

⚪️ I-head engine:
In I-head engines, the inlet and exhaust valves are located in the cylinder head. A single valve actuates all the valves. These types of engines are mostly used in automobiles.

⚪️ F-head engine:
It is a combination of I-head and F-head engines. In this, one valve usually inlet valve is in the head and the exhaust valve lies in the cylinder block. Both the sets of valve are operated by the single camshaft.

⚪️T-head engine:
In T-head engines, the inlet valve located at one side and the exhaust valve on other side of the cylinder. Here two camshafts are required to operate, one for the inlet valve and other one is for the exhaust valve.

🔸 Based on ️Cooling System:

▫️Air-Cooled Engine
▫️Water-Cooled Engine

🔸 Based on ️Arrangement of Cylinders:

▫️Inline Vertical Engine
▫️Horizontal Engine
▫️Radial Engine
▫️W-Type Engine
▫️Opposed Cylinder Engine

🔸️Based On Method of Fuel Injection

▫️Carburettor Engine
▫️Air Injection Engine
▫️Airless or Solid Injection Engine

✅️ Note 📝:
We will discuss each type of engine in detail, including the working principle, parts, troubleshooting, and maintenance..

#سيارة #محرك #صيانه #سيارات

Photos from Beshawi Automobile's post 08/09/2022

✳️ Engine Major Parts & Its Functions

▶️ Introduction

An internal combustion (IC) engine is the engine in which combustion (burning of fuel) takes place inside the cylinder of the engine. By burning the fuel high temperature and pressure force generates. This pressure force is used to move the vehicle or rotate wheels by use of some mechanism.

In an engine, many parts work together and achieve the goal of converting the chemical energy of fuel into mechanical energy. These parts are bolted together and the combination of all these parts is known as an engine.

✴️The engine has two types:

▫️The internal combustion(IC) engines are those heat engines that burn their fuel inside the engine cylinder.
▫️External combustion (EC) engines are those heat engine that burns their fuel outside the cylinder engine.

▶️ Parts Of internal combustion (IC) engine

✴️ Cylinder block (Engine Block):-

🔹Cylinder Block is the main part of the IC (Internal Combustion) engine. It is the part where all the functions of the engine take place inside it, such as intake, Suction, Compression, Combustion, Exhaust, etc. The function of the cylinder in IC engines is to hold the fuel and guide the piston.

🔹It should have high strength to withstand high pressure above 50 bar and temperature above
2000 °C.

🔹For cooling of the cylinder a water jacket (for liquid cooling used in most cars) or fin (for air cooling used in most of the bikes) is situated at the outer side of the cylinder.

🔹The ordinary engine is made of cast iron and heavy-duty engines are made of steel
alloys or aluminum alloys.

🔹Engine Block is come with different shapes ( Inline, V-shape, W-shape, etc...) and sizes depending on vehicle type.

✴️ Cylinder Head:-

🔹The cylinder head is the top cover of the engine block which covers the cylinder from the topside to seal the cylinder and does not give a permit to air and gas to enter and exit from the system.

🔹Cylinder head is usually made of cast iron or aluminum. It is made by the casting or forging process and usually in one piece.

🔹The cylinder head is attached to the cylinder block using studs fixed to the block gaskets are used to provide a tight, leak-proof joint between the head and block.

🔹Cylinder head contains a combustion chamber above each cylinder.

🔹It also contains valve guides, valve seats, ports, coolant jackets, and threaded holes for spark plugs. It incorporates passages for the flow of cooling water.

🔹Types of Cylinder Head
Depending upon the valve and port layout, the cylinder head may be classified into three types as follows:-
▫️Loop flow type:-
In the loop, flow types the inlet and the exhaust manifolds are on the same side, which facilitates preheating of the intake air.
▫️Offset cross-flow type:-
Offset cross flow types the inlet and the exhaust manifolds are placed on different sides of the cylinder head.
▫️In line cross-flow type:-
Inline cross-flow type, the valve is positioned transversely and usually inclined to each other, while the inlet and the exhaust manifolds are on different sides of the cylinder head. This arrangement gives better performance, but it is costlier.

✴️ Crankcase:-

🔹The oil pan and the lower part of the cylinder block together are called the crankcase. It is the bottom portion of the cylinder block, in which the crankshaft is fitted.

🔹This is a rigid construction made of grey cast iron or aluminum. Either it can be cast integrally with the block or can be cast separately and attached to the block with bolts.

🔹The crankcase is shaped simply like a box having no bottom. An oil pan or sump forms the bottom half of the crankcase.

🔹The function of the crankcase is to provide support for the main journals and bearing of the crankshaft, rigidly maintaining the alignment of their axes of rotation under various engine loads.

✴️Oil Pan:-

🔹The bottom half of the crankcase is called the oil pan or sump. It is attached to the crankcase through set screws and with a gasket to make the joint leakproof.

🔹To store the oil for the engine lubrication system.

🔹Oil pan used to collect the return oil draining,
To serve as a container for impurities or foreign matters, the Oil pan provides for cooling of the hot oil in the sump.

✴️ Cylinders:-

🔹The circular cylinders in the engine block in which the pistons reciprocate back and forth.

🔹The walls of the cylinder have highly polished hard surfaces.

🔹Cylinders may be machined directly in the engine block, or a hard metal (drawn steel) sleeve may be pressed into the softer metal block.

🔹Sleeves (liners) may be :-
🅰️ Dry sleeves
Which do not contact the liquid in the water jacket. 🅱️ Wet sleeves
Which form part of the water jacket.

🔹In a few engines, the cylinder walls are given a knurled surface to help hold a lubricant film on the walls. In some very rare cases, the cross-section of the cylinder is not round.

✴️ Piston:-

🔹A Piston slides inside the cylinder in reciprocating motion and transfers mechanical energy to the crankshaft with the help of connecting rod.

🔹The piston is designed in such a way that it is strong, light, and sufficient to handle the pressure and temperature which is generated after the combustion of fuel.

🔹The piston is made up of cast iron or sometimes made of aluminum alloy.

🔹The space between the cylinder and the cylinder wall is called the piston clearance.

🔹Generally, piston clearance is between.....
(0.025mm to 0.100mm).

🔹If the clearance is too small, there will be a loss of power from excessive friction, more wear, seizing of the piston in the cylinder.

🔹If the clearance is too much, the piston slap will result. Piston slap means sudden tilting of the cylinder as the piston moves down during the power stroke.

🔹The various types of pistons are classified depending on the shape, design, operation. The important types of the piston as follows:-

▫️Cast Iron Pistons
▫️Forged pistons
▫️Cast Steel Piston
▫️BI-metal piston
▫️Two-piece piston
▫️Oil-cooled pistons
▫️Anodized piston
▫️Tinned pistons

✴️ Piston Rings:-

🔹The piston rings are used to provide the sealing effect between the cylinder and the piston.

🔹It helps to do not leak the engine’s combustion gas and bypass the piston and also helps to overcome the friction around the piston.

🔹Piston rings are made up of cast iron and alloy cast iron.

🔹Piston Rings Have Two Types:-
🅰️ Compressor Ring (Pressure Ring)
🅱️ Oil Controller Ring

🔹Compressor Ring transfers heat from the piston to the cylinder liner and it is inserted into the top grooves of the piston.

🔹Compressor rings are also used to overcome the side thrust over the piston which causes fluctuations.

🔹The oil controller ring maintains the proper lubrication between the cylinder and the piston and is placed under the pressure ring. it also maintains access to lubrication.

🔹The number of piston rings used is about(2 to 4) compression rings and (1 to 2) oil control rings.

✴️ Piston Pin:-

🔹The piston pin is also called wrist pin or gudgeon pin.

🔹It is used for connecting the small end of the connecting rod and the piston.

🔹It is made hollow to reduce weight and it is made from cast hardened steel.

🔹Mainly there are three types of piston pins as follows :-

▫️Set screw types piston pin.
▫️Semi-floating piston pin
▫️Fully floating piston pin

✴️ Connecting Rod:-

🔹A connecting rod is used to connect the piston to the crankshaft with the help of a piston pin and crank pin.

🔹Connecting rod transmits the reciprocating motion of the piston to into rotary motion of the crankshaft so this is works as a lever arm that transfer the motion from one end to another end.

🔹Connecting rod made up of Low carbon steel, for the small engine, it is made up of cast aluminum alloy by the manufacturing process of Heat treatment and forging process.

✴️ Crankshaft:-

🔹In an engine, the crankshaft receives the power or efforts or thrust by the piston through the connecting rod and transmits this power of reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion of the crankshaft which is further connected to the flywheel and transmission shaft which used to move the vehicle.

🔹Crankshaft made by casting and forging process using the material of alloy steel or cast iron.

🔹A crankshaft consists of crankpins, weds, balancing weight and main journals and oil holes.


🔹Camshaft is used in IC engine to control the opening and closing of valves at proper timing.

🔹For proper engine output inlet valve should open at the end of exhaust stroke and closed at the end of intake stroke. So to regulate its timing, a cam is use which is oval in shape and it exerts a pressure on the valve to open and release to close.

🔹It is drive by the timing belt which drives by crankshaft.

🔹A camshaft has a number of cams along the length, two cams for each cylinder, one to operate the inlet valve and the other the exhaust valve.

🔹Camshaft made from forged alloy steel.

🔹Every two revolutions of the crankshaft produce one revolution on the camshaft and one opening and closing of each valve, in the four-cylinder engine.

🔹There are three types of camshaft drive mechanism as follows :-

▫️Gear Drive
If there exists a minor distance between the camshaft and the crankshaft, a gear drive is used to power the camshaft.

▫️Chain Drive
A chain drive mechanism is used when there exists a significant distance between the camshaft and the crankshaft.

▫️Belt Drive
A belt drive mechanism is generally preferred in the case of an overhead camshaft. To sustain the tension force in the belt, a belt tensioner is used.

✴️ Flywheel:-

🔹A flywheel is a special mechanical device design to efficiently store kinetic energy by the working stroke.

🔹The size of the flywheel is depended upon the number of cylinders and the construction of the engine.

🔹During the power stroke, the engine tends to speed up and during the other strokes, it tends to slow down.

🔹The inertia of the flywheel tends to keep the running of the crankshaft at a constant speed. Hence the engine speed is maintained constant.

🔹Following are the parts of a flywheel:

▫️Flywheel housing
▫️Planetary wheel
▫️Axial sliding bearing
▫️Radial sliding bearing
▫️Ring gear
▫️Locking pinhole
▫️Support disk
▫️Flywheel sliding shoe
▫️Flywheel cover

🔹Following are the types of flywheel used in vehicle :-
▫️Solid disc flywheel
▫️Rimmed flywheel
▫️High-velocity flywheel
▫️Low-velocity flywheel

✴️ Engine Valves:-

🔹Engine valves are essential to control the timing of air-fuel mixture entry into the cylinder and combustion products out of the cylinders.

🔹There are three types of engine valves as follows :-
▫️Poppet valve
▫️Sleeve valve
▫️Rotary valve

🔹The materials used for inlet and exhaust valve are generally different because of the different operating conditions to which valves are subjected.

🔹Silico-chrome steel is the material generally used for inlet valves.

🔹For exhaust valves molybdenum as added to the silico-chrome.

🔹The recent materials for exhaust valve are austenite steel and precipitation hardening steel is generally used.


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