Comprehensible Input Content
The Comprehensible Input Content You Crave
When learning a new language there are a thousand ways to go about it and hundreds of different methodologies.
But, if you want to learn a language as close as possible to the way you learned your first; there's only one way.
You need to first learn through life experience, where EXPERIENCE and HAPPENINGS come first and the language is "just there in the background".
You need to work on UNDERSTANDING for a long time (not long when compared to your first language though).
THEN you can start speaking.
THEN you can start reading.
THEN you can start writing.
If you didn't know. It's NOT a direct correlation 😉
Me be inquisitive
There's nothing left to be "said" 😉
Why you fighting tho?
I hear they're also happier too...
Spend more time on listening if you want to be good. Spend ALL your time on listening if you want to be great (at least for the first 1500 hours)
The natural order is Listening----------------------------------->Speaking----------->Reading-------->Writing
You'll notice Listening takes the most time...Because it does...And you'll also notice Listening and Speaking aren't happening at the same time in the beginning.
Why tho...
Once again for the people in the back!
From left -> right:
Dr. J Marvin Brown
Dr. Stephen Krashen
Greg Thomson
Dr. James J Asher
If you or anyone you know wants to start earning $13/Hour making videos in Chinese for language learners, DM me!
If you don't understand the input you're receiving (Reading/Listening) then you're never gonna "pick up" the language.
And guess what? You can understand the language you're learning WITHOUT translation or grammar 😎
Creating and Delivering the Comprehensible Input Content You Crave!
Currently Available:
-Intermediate Chinese