Weaber Valley Raleroad Compeny

Weaber Valley Raleroad Compeny

We created this page to get that dam gauge Martinez off are property!!1!1


Greetings yall Jimmy lee hear sorry for not being active in a while was fighting a bad case of tha gout and couldn't get it up. But were back naw and pending a helth inspection from Weaber Valley Health Department we'll bae back to de-livering your packages and livestock on a untimely and eggstremely complicated skedjewel


Now if yall eber need some tire and autow repairs on your driber give our frinds at Weaber Valley Tire and Auto a holler and tell em Jimmy lee cent ya!


Note from Jimmy lee,Lee, condicktor-

Please do not park your sacker van on the train trick anymore folks, most of are staff are blind and can't see them lil christler. This the 5eth time this week and our insurance getting expansive


Now highring!:

*Possum extarminaotr(may or may not hab experience)

*railway train switch operates (don't matter if you blind or deff we don't discriminate)


*cook(previous cuck got too big off da Monday meat special and is bed bond now)

Pay not biased on expirence but how much we lick you.

-Jimmy Lee, head condickter of weabr valid railhard


Attention yall if you see dis here lady she wad out at Weaber Valley Speedway swallowun the 50% off old hut d**g and stole that shart she wearing even though it kid size. She was our now former front dick recipient. Any information shuld be restarted to weaber Valet spitway promotor Jeb Yoder or amy of weber staff
Jimmy Lee-Blind deff condickter width voice tecks


Sorey folks the rode to Weaber Valley Speedway is curantlee bloked as our newest condickter Jimmy Lee blue past a rail block aid and oberturn. The locel fire deposit is curantlee assassing the damage n will hopfully habe it kleened up in tim for rhe heater rabies later this week
Apolojeez, Tyrone-Railyard mekanik


Give us.a good rating we need to get to them rat basterds out at the soeedway


We’ve been round for long time but we made this so we post that we need that damn kid Gauge Martinez Racing off are property!!! And also jerry petty to quit baitin and f**ken on our land two it makes are tracks harder to maintane
