

Provides CDA Training, Pre-School Classroom Observation for Headstart Programs, Early Childhood Cons



I am me.


From Scars, Dark Circles to Arthritis, Juice Those Potatoes! 24/03/2023

From Scars, Dark Circles to Arthritis, Juice Those Potatoes! There are massive health benefits of consuming raw potato juice. While it doesn't sound tasty, it is great for blood pressure, blood sugar, arthritis, inflam...


Stopped watching news and all the negative stuff with politics etc !
It feels great ! ❤️♥️❤️


When something exciting happens in our lives , we love to share with family and friends , but forget to thank God first .😂


That’s me !


How are you feeling today? I always like to ask this question in a classroom when I am with young children . When we discussed about feelings in a first grade class ,it became a very productive opportunity to express their pent up emotions . It led to productivity , growth and trust . Adressed feelings are vital for emotional development . It is the base for physical as well as intellectusl development . ❤️🙏❤️

Poonam paintal


Blessed are those who transform their homes into loving nurturing environments where children learn to live with love . . Parents are children’s first teachers . Children learn what they live with. If we can teach our children to be loving , we can transform our world . ♥️🙏♥️


~Let's Bring Thousands Together For Peace.

In the 1980s, during the peak of the Lebanon War, an incredible study was conducted.

It was hypothesised, based on many previous smaller experiments, that if enough people were connected in meditation, stimulating a "powerful field of peace" within - that there would be a radiated influence of peace *without*, ie. one that affected the behaviour of people in the outer world. Directed toward an area of conflict, in the words of John Hagelin, people would wake up and think "Hey, I'm not going to kill anyone today."

About a thousand people came together for this experiment in Jerusalem; meditating together with an aim of peace in neighbouring Lebanon. Scientists charted, at the same time, "progress towards peace". This translated to reduced war deaths, reduced injuries and numbers of bombs dropped, in the location where the meditation focused.

The data from this experiment was astounding. The correlation of "progress toward peace" was near lock step in alignment with the periods of meditation. Radiating this influence of inner peace, into outer peace in a conflict zone nearby.

When put through mathematical analysis, the likelihood that theses results were due to some fluke or chance were less than *one part in ten thousand*. To be able to assert something like this with such certainty, that group meditation prevented war, was an incredible finding.

When the results of this study were published in the Yale University Journal of Conflict Resolution, it ignited a firestorm in the scientific community. First of all, it took two years to publish the paper; the editors reviewed it and reviewed it, over and over, unable to believe the accuracy of these findings. Finally however, they came to the conclusion that the paper was "unassailable". The study was performed at a standard of scientific rigour far beyond that required for publication, in any journal. But, when they did publish it, they did so with a letter - the letter saying the results of this experiment were so unexpected, ie. that a thousand people could influence the behaviour of *a million*, that they urged other scientists to go out and repeat the study.

And that is exactly what happened. Over the next two and a quarter years, seven other scientific collaborations went out and repeated the study, training and assembling groups of meditators, to see its effect on war. And in every one of these experiments during this two and a quarter year period, there was a marked reduction in war and violence. ie. An *eighty percent* drop in war deaths and war related injuries in comparison to all the other days during this period where there were no mediating groups. In *every single experiment* there was a highly statistical significance toward "progress toward peace" connected to focused intent toward it.

When put together, the results were amazing. The likelihood that this result of reduction of war was simply due to chance, was less than one part in ten million, million, million (ie. 0.0000001). There was far more evidence that group meditation can turn off war like a light-switch, than there was that aspirin reduces headache pain. It is a scientific fact.

-- summarised from the words of Dr John Hagelin. (Original talk in comments)

art | Daniel B. Holeman

From Sunday March 5th to Sunday March 12th there will be a united meditation/prayer for peace and a great awakening of our planet, at 8pm for 8 minutes, everyday for 8 days, in each of our local time-zones. We can take time to meditate and set deep, clear and powerful intention into the collective for the highest manifestation of our world. I encourage you to share far and wide, to get as many souls focused on this powerful work of uplifting, awakening and healing for our planet together. No matter what our religion, outlook or spiritual belief, we all love and want healing for this world. This is a crucial time in history, and our hearts and souls can unite together toward something better.

Let's do it!


Just sharing !


Always! ❤


When we talk about cognitive development of children ,it is very important to assess their emotional health . Once we have a formed a strong base for children and given them the proper love and nurturing . Every thing else such as cognitive, confidence , intellect will emerge from that .
Lots of children are starved for love and respect from parents and society . Yet it is not hard to create a loving nurturing environment at home and at school . It just requires awareness .
The base of the pyramid is love ❤️ for our children .
We have to give time!

Timeline photos 13/12/2022

Kindness counts! 🧡

Photos from Luke Coutinho's post 13/12/2022

Just wish that one could see people’s souls instead of just their bodies.

Just wish there was no competition or politics , but only a beautiful world where people connected , inspite of their differences or social status .
Just wish that life was all about love and connection .

Just wish it was a world where children were safe .

Just wish that friends were real.

Just wish that there was a world where there was peace .

Just wish we all can live in harmony !

Hope one day a beautiful caring world will radiate !


Everyone has a story to tell!
We enjoy stories !
We call our friends. We talk about events .
How about children ?
Take time to listen to their stories!
Take time to connect .
Ask questions !

Tell them that you love them more every single day .
Read a story .
Ask open ended questions .
Make nap times special .

Have You Tried This 3-Finger Gratitude Exercise? 25/11/2022

Have You Tried This 3-Finger Gratitude Exercise? Transform your life, relationships, and health.


Don't lose what you have for want of more.


Once a while it is important to look back and reflect!
Reflect the time that you were arrogant and you could change the situation and do a better job next time .

Reflect the time that you were angry because things did not go your way . Was it worth the anger? Ask yourself .

Reflect on those moments that you may have hurt someone just for nothing . It may be a parent , friend or someone very close to you .

Ask for forgiveness from God and the universe .

It may change karma . There is always room to become better . Every minute we grow . The soul is on a journey towards infinite light .

If we are stagnant it depletes energy and creates blockages . Is it worth it ?

Everything is energy !


Just wanted to share this poem that parents of preschool children can sing to their children .

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate ,
The first one said “ I am getting late”
The second one said , “ There are witches in the air.
The third one said “ I don’t care”
The fourth one said “let’s run let’s run “
The fifth one said “ I’m ready for some fun .
“ Whoosh went the wind , and out blew the lights .”
The five little pumpkins rolled out of sight .

This poem can be sung using finger props , using facial expressions and letting the pumpkins disappear one by one .



Human body has so many limitations . The soul body has none .It has freedom to explore and manifest . Soul listening could be the key to true happiness . .


True Friends are priceless
Though very few ,
They don’t want anything from you !
Just your best wishes,
Your well being ,
Not any silver gold ,diamonds or precious things ,

Or any selfish reasons to be with you ,
Yet how do you know a friend is true?

It is because they are always happy for you!
Their soul shines through their eyes with love,
You can see them around when your times are tight and tough ,not only when the sun shines bright beside you .

Yet so difficult to find are those real gems !
Yet people seek friendship which is not true ,
Stick to false friends like crazy glue !
It is ok to let friends go ,
Look out for those who are really true !

So if you have a friend or family who is true ,
Hold on to them ,like crazy glue !


Feeling overwhelmed ? Sometimes we all do .! The best thing is to cut off from social media . At least for some time .There is no harm in doing so . It just means you want your own peace and inner well being . Some posts are not your ideas . Why deal with them ? Politics is crazy everywhere in the world . I cannot do anything about it ! Believe me I cannot change Trump , the British prime minister or policies of Mr Modi . It is hard to change people’s characters and belief systems .
Just be a good citizen ! It is contagious!

So tell yourself that you need a better life than the social media .

Dear me ,
So I don’t want to deal with politics , racist posts through social media ! It bothers me ! It destroys my peace !🙏😓🙏

So and so .❤️
sign your name .😅😇😅😓

Facebook is another pain . They want you to like their posts and articles . Posting is ok but not all people have time to read . Sometimes people don’t like or share your posts . That is o.k ! Grow up for goodness sake . 😓

There is much to learn and grow within . Meditate ! Love yourselves ! Stop jealousy ! Enjoy the world . Create a happy space . Work on yourself . Live each day to the fullest . Live with gratitude . Be in love with yourself . Radiate light from your heart . Be useful. Give a helping hand to someone who is having a bad day . Be happy for other’s successes ! Do something which you never did before . Improve someone else’s life . Read a book . Do yoga . Teach children to do the same . Visit a close friend . Drive with music and windows down . So much to do ! Do not just wait for a freaking like . Just like yourself . It is not selfish !😀

Do not create an internet pandemic for future generation . ❤️


Power is everything about inner beauty ,
It is about inner strength .
It is about warriorship


Self realization is when we have been consciously connected with the source energy .
It is a beautiful state of mind where self becomes powerful and confident .
It is not alone .


At times when you can’t sleep ,
Put your hand on the heart and ask yourself “ Dear one what is bothering you”
Then just breathe deep and release the feeling”
Ask the guides to help and don’t forget to pray .


The love we share with others blossoms ,and finds its way back to where it began .
So giving is also receiving.
Yet the focus should be giving .
Leave the rest to the universe !


Let humility be thy garb, yet courage be thy weapon Let hope be thy light ,but let thy heart lead the way to the fathomless seas of adventure !


Worry is such a strange feeling !So,when worries come take long deep breaths , and surrender !
Just say to yourself this too shall pass away !
Tell dear heart ❤️ to have faith .
And let spirit guide you .


They thought the wings are clipped
And now she will be unable to fly .
They hated her family ,her guts
They told her she was ugly and no good .

She went into her own cocoon and stayed there for an eternity
She believed all the things that she was not ! Yet she was told she was ! Yet in that space,
It was time to hibernate!
It was time to think !,
It was the time for growth ,

Cocoon sometimes is the best place to be !
Cocoon helped her to dive deep into herself ,
Her own self ,
to her own truth,
To her own growth ,
Different from the world !
Awe inspiring and full of wonder ,
Full of things to do .

Though the path she chose was rough ,
That was where she was meant to be !
It was lonely yet she was not alone ,
She had herself and she felt grounded.
She fell in love with trees,
For trees stood tall and strong besides,
That is all she needed !

Some things are false show and glitter ,
That is not what made her happy .

Still there is so much to explore !
The wings are much needed!
There is so much to do !
So many people need her
That is what they told her .

If you stand for them like a rock ,
Your life’s purpose is completed !


When we accept our own life as it is ,
We accept the will of infinite.
We learn to grow,
We don’t complain ,
We compromise ,
We look for the magic in ourselves ,
we look at our own blessings ,
we don’t compare our lives with friends or family and envy them ,
We are just happy for them and are proud of their growth
We look at our challenges as lessons for our growth .
We do the best we can ,
With all that we have .
But we never give up !
Yes we never give up ! We never give up on others ,
We learn to take care of ourselves ,
We try to create environments that make us happy ,We try our best to create a happy place in our surroundings and our homes .
That brings happiness.
That brings joy .
That brings love!
Everything is love !
Without love the world loses its meaning .
