Bridget Lightdancer's Page

Bridget Lightdancer's Page

THE PATH OF BEAUTY. A Divine soul journey of self discovery through self acceptance. In Service to t


Broulee Lookout. Australian Banksia.


Rocked up into Wollongong a few mornings ago off the M3 sleeping in my tent in a rest stop on the highland to wake up early, drive in the morning dark to reach this surprise in the morning! My soul had a surprise for me they didn't want me to miss out on!! This was it!! Epic! And epically trusting the situation and intuitive guidance.


Ulladulla is awesome!! Road Trip south. Loving the south coast of NSW Australia.


Ulladulla road trip stop. Stunning. Loving the South Coast of NSW Australia.


Solstice Feather found on this beach this morning. Happy Solstice dear hearts everywhere! 💕
Equal Day and Night! True beginning of the years cycles regarding the sun and moon and stars.


Radiant Creations Shop coming very soon.

Art drawn one shade and line at a time.
To beautify spaces and hearts.
My art opens up a portal to the Divine.
Created through Soul for the soul.
Transformational Art.

I'm really excited for my art to be available in prints, canvases, boots and more.

I've drawn art over decades of my life and it was never to sell, but just for me. And now I've had so much intuitive confirmation to create a website for these art collections.


Changes on the Wind -


New Growth -
My new newsletter. Click the link to read and sign up to continue the journey together.



Cassowary Codes! Vibrant Reveal vibrational medicine!
I offer 1:1 sessions. Message me to learn more.


It's not about what happens ~ but how we feel about it that matters!!

Everyone has different perspectives, wounding that is triggered to every single event that occurs either that be in person or in the world told through reporting or even through word of mouth about ourself, others, groups, factions, countries, cultures. Whatever response and reaction we have, it is for us to dig deep inside of ourselves to acknowledge this facet and purify it. This is our contribution to Transform within us until neutral ground is collected, and then heart pure Infinite space can come in and wrap it all up in Divinity and claim it as it's own. Loved. Pure Love of the Oneness. Soul of All existence can wrap it up and swallow it into the nothingness of the unmanifest transformed breathing as one with the Cosmic Source Energy of Life.

This is how our contribution to wars, famine, and the like, is healed, changed, transformed through our collective response. Unclean and clean. It is all up to us until gratitude seeps in and explodes our hearts open into the new day!

Photo taken by me on my phone 2 days ago Dec 29th.


The re-wilding of the Creative's is the innate connection with Life itself that runs through our veins. The original thought supersedes all fear codes of separation and us adorned with Majesty moving through time and space and is of no time.

The connection with 'youth' our eternal flame of Divinity is expressed through Free Play! Nothing to do nor Be. Just Play for plays sake in the Sacred Garden.

It is without pressure, urgency or panic. No goal. The goal being the purpose. The purpose being the way. The way being the experience. The experience resting in the palm of the cosmos. All of Existence playing together. No wounding, just pure innocence of the dance!

Bridget Lightdancer

# life


Moon Clouds Mountain. Crickets.


POP UP Solstice GUIDED Meditation group tonight online via conference call!! Love to have you join us! VIA Donation!!

❤️6 - 7 pm AEST Brisbane time! TONIGHT DEC 20TH.

❤️Vibrant Reveal is the latest vibrational essence medicine co-created at the end of October in Far North Queensland!!

❤️As we journey through this rebirthing time, we squeeze our Selves our Cells, renewed through this eye of the needle pinhole, squished and squeezing out all that isn't aligned anymore! We are powerful but gentle!! We are Protectors and we are profound beyond measure as empaths and resolute in our ownership of our own Self and Soul! We are not giving ourselves up anymore, but whole aligning with whom and what we are!!

❤️Join me in sacred container for what will be revealed through an alchemical shamanically divine journey for support at this time!! With whatever will reveal itself through the emanation of my hearts Soul for US!!

❤️Please come early to set up your physical space for a receiving! And set yourself up on Squadcast with your sound settings and be ready to begin by 6pm Brisbane time!!


✨Click into my BIO LINK here:

✨Click the Donate for the Solstice tab before or after our event to enter your own amount from your Heart! Meaning: Obligation Free!

✨Click the white tab at the top in my BIO LINK (image given below) at least 15 mins EARLY to Join us!
You will go straight into the GREEN ROOM of Squadcast. YAY!

✨Please enter in your name to identify yourself to everyone and I guess in our chat group!

Go down the list of settings.
✨Turn on Echo Cancellation if not wearing headphones.
✨Default: click the arrow down to choose your setting. If using headphones choice Headset earpiece. Default if not I reckon.
✨Camera: Leave on what it is if it looks right in the above video image. Leave at 720p.



Love Bridget


When we say a resolute No from clarity. There is a deep Yes that is flowing in the undercurrent.

Cassowary Codes 'Way of Being' Divine qualities are powerful indeed! For the timeline of Now for our human soul evolution.
Self Defence. Fiercely protective. Boundaries. Pride to Proud. Protective of creations, creativity, Creation. Assimilates new information installations of understanding and knowing in the NOW to be our Wisdom. Leading with Wisdom and so much more. Revealing our Self more potently to ourself. To be free from projections, projecting, subjugation, false pride, revealing our true constellation among the stars.

Co-created Oct 26th, 2023 in the Australian rainforest.

7 Days of Transformation 22/11/2023

How amazing is this!! I've had interest in an event I hosted in-person in Jan 2022 and to repeat this!

7 Days of Transformation! Byfield!

Love to hear your interest!! Keep reading!! Yay!

Plus to those who expressed they were keen for Munay-Ki Rites around Feb/March next year. This is for you!!

I tuned in and have some dates around March 6th, 2024. 7 Days.

Plus we can gather in Byfield again! At another space I have my feelers out for and feel to also offer all 7 Days or in 2 parts.

First Session/Part ~

2.5-3 days Butterfly essence (administering under your tongue) Cycle of Transformation and this really is the Way of Being of rebirthing our Soul and Body!! Metamorphosis. And my gift of alchemy is through CHANGE!! Connection to all of our nature nurture elements.

(More relaxed, inner child journey, connect one by one to the elements in nature, community food, movement in nature and activities. Includes celebratory dinner out together at the end to complete and have fun!).

Second Session/Part ~

3.5 - 4 days Munay-Ki Rites Teacher Trainings.
Receive and Learn all 9 Rites of Awakening plus The Rite of the Womb!

Rite of the Womb can be attended also as its own Ceremony only without attending the rest!!

(Intensive trainings, includes ceremony, cacao ceremony, manual, learnings, nature, elements, movement, connection, fun activities and celebratory dinner out together at the end to complete and have fun).

Part of the offering of accommodation can be in a bed or camping in your own van or tent or sleeping at home! With a base exchange! Feeling to offer those first in best dressed for in-house accommodation perhaps at the same base exchange as everyone else to have some amazing community energy in the house space. (That I've seen and planning to look into)

Here is the landing page.. (that I actually thought I deleted) to check out this offering with the energy, but the space, location will be different and will include another awesome space yet to investigate costings. The offering doesn't include lead yoga classes, but movement / dance.

Always fire ceremony too of course! Water activities and beautiful rainforest surrounds!

For all adults and teenagers of course!

Click the link to discover what the offering was for 2022 and let me know if there is any interest!

The exchange will be a little higher for the full 7 days with options!! But not much more. Obviously as expressed above.

Session 1. Butterfly rebirthings with vibrational medicine
Session 2. Munay Ki Teachers Trainings
Can be experienced separately. Both or one or the other. But Session 1 and 2 has to be committed to for those days completed in full attendance. (For full transformation and teachings).

I have the idea for a full house of people for the 7 days in beds and others can pop in and stay at home and/or camp or find accommodation closer!

I've run the butterfly essence workshop in person twice and Munay Ki Teachers so so so many times in person. In Agnes Water and Yeppoon and Byfield. And even given the Rite of the Womb through cacao dance and by the Ganga in Rishikesh in India and to clients also. So amazing!!

Take a look and I'd love to hear from you if there is any interest in hosting this again in the near future!

I have no idea what next year after March will bring me location wise change, so I'm really happy to be of service and offer my Mastery to the Community here at the Capricorn Coast and surrounds and also invite anyone from anywhere to attend with all accommodation type styles available!

Have a great day everyone!! Happy Reading.

Check the BIO LINK to go to my website posted in a comment below!!

If I'm going to run this I'd love community support and interest to help power it ahead! I'd love to be sure people wanted this and wanna back it up and know that what I have to offer wants to be received!! And with solid committed bookings. Thanks so much everyone!!

7 Days of Transformation We connect to our creation centre through ceremony and ceremonial grade cacao from Peru. We connect to the running waters in Byfield for purification and cleansing. 

The Deepening 19/10/2023

The Deepening, Restoration through Galactic (Solar Eclipse) Gateways of Truth -

The Deepening Deep now within change, we flow into new ways born through Choice. We speak our light in multi-dimensional facets. To nourish our path we glide into new understandings. Through the Pure of Heart we glide into new babes born of this Light of Authencity. Never to be the same again.


Our next Radiant Heart Connection Gathering.
Love to have you join us!!

✨When: Thursday 12th October 7 - 8 pm Brisbane AEST. Please note that the clocks have changed for some locations and we are remaining with Brisbane time. Your zoom link should show your local time.

✨Hosted by and sacred container held by Bridget Lightdancer and Watson.

✨Come, have fun and join our special guest, Amanda Howes Connecting the Divide as we remember of true flame and walk with our primal archetypes to feel into our true nature on this earth walk. A connection to our higher being to clear away disturbances in our higher mind and heart. Allowing ourselves to be true to who we are in this soul's walk in this reincarnation.

✨This online gathering is a sharing supportive space for the energies of now. A beauty filled and expansive community for anyone feeling the call during these amazing and ever changing frequencies, a connection with others to share, witness and raising our vibration together.

✨Register to grab your zoom link here:
Instagram BIO LINK
✨Register for our replays here if you cannot make it:

Love to have you join us🥰


❤️ Radiant Heart Connection Gathering❤️


✨When: Thursday 28th September Thursday 7 - 8 pm Brisbane AEST. (In a couple of days).

✨Hosted by and sacred container held by Bridget Lightdancer and Raven Watson.

✨Our special guest is Samridhi Purohit! She will bring her joy through connecting with sacred songlines and storylines across the cosmos, as she guides us through a captivating journey by accessing the Galactic Akashic records.✨

✨Register to grab your zoom link here:
Instagram BIO LINK

❤️❤️We are excited for Samridhi to take everyone on a marvellous soul journey ✨️❤️❤️She is amazing!! Hope you join us!


Bare feed with the earth.


Nature is Creation, pure Creativity and we are this too!

There is such amazing opportunities to breathe into our centre and create more from what we are. To Be the change Mayer's, The Creators of our own destiny.
The way forth is clear.
The way forth aligned.
Within our own Heart Lights of Design

We birth ourselves over and over again into the Mystery
Where the Wilderness of Love's power allows us to SPEAK.

We have thus amazing aptitude to speak clearly our desires
Through our own Heart Lights Bespoke Circultry

For we breathe through the Oneness of our unique design
To Be-come more of what WE are
Through our own perfection of Mastery of Design



This time last year. Love my adventures with spirit. Xo

The Breath of Life and the Waters of Change, April 3rd, 2020.

Channelled today.

I fly by the oceans
Watching her power
A land of Magnificence
Awaits me

Hang on, isn't it already here? I say
Oh no, I hear a whisper reply
Just a taste of heaven
It is for 'ALL' of 'Your Hearts' Magnificence to be felt
(every single beings)
To be pondered
And felt again

A grand desire
A meeting with Magnificence
Is at hand
And your longing dear one's as a collective
Has tipped the scales in this grand adventure of Oneness

You are never alone

And such is your heart
A Magnificent Grandeur of Love's Promises
All encompassing
Fit for Kings and Queens
Upon your Thrones of Majesty

Never deny your power
For it lies in the Heart of One

And as such your Grand adventures
Are awakening to the Presence of a higher order in Love's Realms
To never feel forsaken again

A new dawn breaks open
And all that has been so meticulously formed in the spirit realms of Love
Will come to fruition
No mistaking this
No mistakes
Just new loving ways
Poured through latent cries for wholeness
For Peace
For wholistic adventures abound

And Nature has your back
Nature in the realms of Love is powerful and supportive
Beyond measure
She has 'you' and you 'have' her (back)

Together you ride through the destiny waters as one
One Cherishment
One Loved after war
One Calmed by the sweet Breath of Life herself

You have no way but up and out
Refreshed into the exuberance of Love's shelter
Love's Home
Is but a facet of Love's Power
Sourced through the only bridge that exists
~ YOU ~

Pull up your pants (trousers)
Dust off your shoes
And walk into the desert of Loves abundant reign


A blank canvas is set to give your Home a new way
And such is the Mystery's of Love's Dance
And fantastic parade for your wholesome BIRTH

Into the only realm that exists
~ LOVE ~

Love's Power is upon you
Through You
As you
You are it and it powers you

Go with it
Cherish it
Love and her Power to give New Life
Bless this adventure
Held sacred and precious in your heart and soul

Your divine connection to Oneness to Divine Creator/ God Source, Mother of Creation
Is but a penetrating force that will not and cannot be triffled with

Your shackles are down
Your hearts are open and bare
Your feet souly on the ground (a pun yes)
Your waters flow
Like the waterfalls

Feel loves Presence
As you wander the streets on your walks
As you meet others eyes
As you gaze into the nothingness of natures portal
As you pat your dogs, cats, horses, mice, guinea pigs
As you put out your bins for rubbish pick up
As you rummage through your clothes
As you sit eating dinner

As you smile
Your heart smiles
As your heart smiles
It opens fully into Presence of Existence

Smile = heart smile = open heart
= receiving and giving in flow
Reciprication with breath of new life

This is the time to breathe
Feel the peace
Feel the harmony
Feel the Love
Feel the joy
Through all your cells.

Blessed Be on your journeys deepening into the powerful realms of Love Cavern.

Aho. Blessed Be and so it is. xoxo
Love to everyone.

Bridget Kirwan
RadiEssence Foundation since 2010.

In Service to the Radiant Heart and
The Birth of the New Earth
Loving the Mother
Embracing Purity

We are in Love's cavern.. In the womb Chrysalis.. In our butterfly cycle of transformation.. We are in the metamorphosis soup of reforming ourselves into our butterfly.. Illumination. Now is the time for healing.. Compassion understanding letting go forgiveness Purification.
