Mambwe media
To spread out the word of GOD to people. To hear the voice of our lord Jesus Christ
MY dear sisters and brothers in Christ good morning
We should pray our fellow Christian.
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Dear brothers and sisters, i just want to emphasize you that this group, it's not a wrong group. As long as you join this group everything it will be fine in your life. Feel free participate
What is the working of Jesus Christ into our life?sorry let's discuss as family in Jesus name.
You crying a lot but today God hear your prayer,receive the Blessings in Jesus name, remember that Elijah he prayed and God answer his prayers what about you,your also Elijah. This is a miracle prayer am waiting the testimone
When you wake up early in the morning, say Lord make me to move in your shadow.Read psalms 31:1-------·please
Whatever corona virus can be, let's continue praying to God.
Read Isaiah 43:1-6.God is with us fear not. Dear brothers and sisters believe in God.
No matter situation your passing through, one day God will make a way to lift you up just believe