Snowball FIP Warrior

Snowball FIP Warrior

My 1 yr old kitty snowball just tested positive for FIP. I made this page so we can post all updates on his treatments to see his progress.


Snowball nursing

Photos from Snowball FIP Warrior's post 16/05/2020

Last night we gave snowballs first treatment.
5/16/20 Today snowball likes this food. I bought a wide selection of different kinds to see which one he likes. He is a very picky. Opened all four kinds and this is the one he likes. Ate one whole bag its not that big only 30 calories but it is something. He even lapping it up himself. Still hand watering and to get more calories we are feeding a/d can food.
Potty is small p**p is about as longs as a my pinky but hard and p*e is maybe a tablespoon or bigger sometimes.
He walks around the house fine and still jumps on bed and to the counter where food is placed. However, he climes do2n slowing from bed and counter. We placed a chair by the counter so he can get down easier. Climes in and out the bathtub to go potty.
Today his eyes are more open when sitting. Less naps and hiding away other then his favorite places like the dinning room table. Still lounges around looking into the distances. No playing with toys or Tigs (other cat we have).

Photos from Snowball FIP Warrior's post 15/05/2020

Before treatment 5/15/20. Heading out to go shopping to pick up his over the counter items. Tonight hoping around 7pm we will start the 84 day treatment. 💕


Before treatment 5/15/20.


My 1 yr old cat snowball just tested positive for FIP.

They tested some fluid that was in his abdomen (yellowish fluid) So I believe this is the wet form.

I was told there is no treatment by my vet, and that I have little to no options going forward, I had mentioned the possible cures that were on the print out they had given me. GS 441524 in particular, he knew nothing of it, and sounded like he just wanted to get off the phone and help someone else.

I will definitely be reaching out to other vets today! I have been doing tons of research, I know I need to start a 12 wk treatment program with daily shots and coinciding bloodwork.


Hello everyone!
I made this page for my one year kitty snowball. He has not been feeling well so we made a doctor appointment. His test results came back with positive FIP. This is a very bad disease that in some cases is not curable. We are going to try some treatments and go from there. We werent on a group page for other kitties like snowball and they said to make a documentary of his 84 day trial. So here we are his first update. Spent all day calling places and gathering all his over the counter items. 💕

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Snowball nursing
