

Making 2d art after a long hiatus!


Corydoras Sterbai!
My happy place is just sitting drawing animals allll the time. Especially fish.


I'm exploring the idea of making a coloring book for both digital download and through Amazon KDP for hard copies. Starting out with a bird mandala selection and seeing how it does. Even if nothing comes of this, I am really enjoying just drawing for the fun of it!


This isn't a favourite image I have done, but I can't help but laugh at the silkie chicken's awesome hairdo!


More bird mandalas, just because. I like this one! I should call it "woodpecker on an internal journey of thoughts and regrets".


Making more bird-based mandala type art which is very relaxing! Playing with more unusual bird species and this is one of my favourites - the Shoebill!


Discovered a mandala designing app on the Ipad and now I am obsessed with making animal based mandala. I am in the middle of a fish one too! Going to make them colorable!


Cory Adolphi! Possibly the cutest of the Cories?


Happy Monday! Have a chicken. An Orpington chicken.


Keeping busy, keeping out of trouble (as far as I am able) and spending far too much time doodling away on the Ipad. It's so much fun and so much faster compared to either the colored pencil work (which also takes a lot of mental effort as well, as I learn the skill) or 3d modelling. It's cathartic and I get to draw fish.
This dude is a hybrid called a Flowerhorn - weird looking beasties for sure and although I will never keep one myself, they seem to get even more tame and endearing than goldfish!
That bump on his head is called a Kok. Sometimes it's too easy....


Hello world! I wanted a place to put my 2d artwork and thus, a page under my moniker is created.
This is the first piece I did on the Ipad Pro Sketchbook - a clown loach! As a major lover of fish, there are going to be quite a few drawings of various species here. I started with a clown loach as I utterly adore them, but do not have the tank space to keep them happy. Maybe one day.
