Metabolic Balance with Zhanna Benedyuk

Metabolic Balance with Zhanna Benedyuk

Personalized nutrition meal plan. Balance your metabolism. Healthy weight loss. Gut health. Coaching


In the United States, many parts of the food industry have been designed to entice consumers to buy heavily processed foods packed full of sugar and trans fat. Once stuck in a cycle of sugary foods it can be hard to get out of it and change your habits. With a meal plan such as that of Metabolic Balance, each phase is designed to help give you the structure and support you need to eat healthy and balanced meals tailored specifically for your body's metabolism. Rather than eating processed foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, along with healthy fats and proteins will help bring your body back into balance.

To learn more about the Metabolic Balance program visit our website:


"One size DOES NOT fit all" when it comes to nutrition and your body.

What to Eat??

Sometimes the world of health and nutrition can feel like an information overload. It can be hard to figure out what you should be eating and what person or program you should trust your health with. For many people it feels like a hopeless search especially when they are trying to lose weight, improve their health, or relieve symptoms from chronic conditions.

At Metabolic Balance we are here to help ease that overwhelming feeling! We know that each person has a unique body and understand that "one size DOES NOT fit all". The personalized nutrition program and one-on-one coaching from our program will teach you to eat the foods optimal for your body and metabolism. Our program will erase those question marks and give you the tools you need to better your health!

For more information check out or send us a message on Facebook!

Photo Credit: Metabolic Balance Australia and New Zealand



Eating the Rainbow

Food just like life is vibrant and colorful! From fresh bright green peas to earthy jicama, foods comes in all colors. For a healthy diet it is important to try to eat a variety of foods and challenging yourself to eat fruits, vegetables, and ingredients of different colors can do just that! This automatically ensures that you eat a valuable mix of fruits, vegetables, proteins and fats. Also try experimenting with new spices which can help round off a "healthy diet". This way you supply our body with all the important vitamins, secondary plant substances, mineral nutrients, micro- and macronutrients it needs to thrive.

If you are looking to incorporate new foods check out this helpful guide from the American Heart Association:


Welcome to Metabolic Balance with Zhanna Benedyuk.